Convolutional Neural Network Face Recognition for Lecturer
Muhammad Rafi Muttaqin
, Anshorulloh Nur Aziz
, Dede Irmayanti
and Sumanto
Informatics Engineering Study Program, Wastukancana College of Technology, Purwakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Jakarta, Indonesia
Face Recognition, MobileNet V2, Attendance.
Face recognition is a field of research that is widely used to solve various problems, but to apply face recogni-
tion requires high accuracy so that there are no errors in the system that applies face recognition. The purpose
of this research is how to use one of the architectures of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), namely
MobileNet v2 to perform the task of face recognition of STT Wastukancana lecturers. The data used is taken
from the social media of each lecturer, data sharing is done with the K-Fold Cross Validation method. Mo-
bileNet v2 architecture will perform classification tasks using different hyperparameter values to find the best
performance. From various patterns, the best accuracy is 85dropout of 0.3 to reduce overfitting. Data sharing
using K-Fold Cross Validation provides results that improve accuracy. The addition of a dropout layer reduces
overfitting of the model.
A face is one way to recognize a person’s identity.
Humans can recognize someone’s name from look-
ing at their face, if they have known that person be-
fore. Many computer applications or systems that are
made require a person’s identity, and there are also
many ways to recognize that identity. Attendance sys-
tem is one of the examples. There are various ways
used in an attendance system, one of the simplest is
by signing on paper which is now used in the atten-
dance system for lecturers at STT Wastukancana. To
facilitate the attendance system, face recognition can
be applied to replace the manual signature process on
paper. Basically, face recognition is an image classi-
fication that is specialized for face classification only.
Convolutional neural network (CNN) is the most suit-
able model used for image classification, because it
has been specialized to separate and detect patterns in
input images, thus making this approach useful in the
field of face recognition(Farayola and Dureja, 2020).
There are various CNN architectures such as AlexNet,
GoogleNet, LeNet 5, or MobileNet. In this journal,
the author will use the MobileNet v2 architecture, be-
cause this model was developed for efficiency and
without sacrificing many resources (S. K. A. B. Singh,
2019). MobileNet is built using a deeply decoupled
convolutional architecture for the development of a
lightweight model(Howard, 2017). There was two
versions of MobileNet, MobileNet v1 and MobileNet
v2. The updates in MobileNet v2 are the addition
of bottleneck layers and shortcut connections(Sandler
et al., 8 12). Convolutional neural networks have been
used in previous research for face recognition clas-
sification. Thirty-nine (39) classes were included in
the dataset. Fully Connected Layer, pooling layer,
and Convolutional layer without additional architec-
ture were used for training and the accuracy obtained
was 86.71 (Abhirawan et al., 2017).
Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Min-
ing or CRISP-DM is one of the datamining process
models (datamining framework) which was originally
(1996) built by 5 companies namely Integral Solu-
tions Ltd (ISL), Teradata, Daimler AG, NCR Cor-
poration and OHRA (Mauritsius and Binsar, 2020).
CRISP-DM has the advantage over other models of a
clear definition of the Business Understanding phase.
This phase is not at all considered in detail in other
Data Mining models(Chapman, 2020). Deep learn-
ing has been used in various areas such as computer
vision, natural language processing, audio recogni-
tion, including face recognition. Deep learning is a
multilayer algorithm for extracting characteristics
and identifying edges such as letters, numbers, faces,
etc. (Farayola and Dureja, 2020).
Convolutional is a subset of deep neural networks
Muttaqin, M., Aziz, A., Irmayanti, D. and Sumanto, .
Convolutional Neural Network Face Recognition for Lecturer Attendance.
DOI: 10.5220/0012447800003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 255-261
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
that have been introduced to evaluate visual images.
Convolutional neural networks have been specialized
to isolate and recognize patterns in visual inputs, thus
applying this method to the field of face recognition
(Farayola and Dureja, 2020). The problem that exists
in the face recognition process is that there are differ-
ences in light intensity and also differences in poses
in existing data (Zhao et al., 2003). In general, frame-
works that process input face images through a fea-
ture extraction method and then the feature extraction
is recognized by a classifier method for identification
(Abhirawan et al., 2017).
Author at (Peryanto et al., 0 05) using K-Fold
Cross Validation looking at data division can improve
the accuracy of the model. KFold Cross Validation is
a given data set divided into a number of K parts/folds
where each fold is used as a test set at some point.
Figure 1: Fold Cross Validation (Krishni, 2018).
Data augmentation is a process in image data pro-
cessing, augmentation is the process of changing or
modifying images in such a way that the computer
will detect that the changed image is a different im-
age, but humans can still know that the changed im-
age is the same image (Mahmud et al., 2019).
MobileNet is an efficient deep learning model that
may be deployed on embedded devices or mobile de-
vices such as smartphones without sacrificing a lot
of resources(S. K. A. B. Singh, 2019). MobileNet
is built using a depthseparable convolutional archi-
tecture to create lightweight models (Howard, 2017).
There was two versions of MobileNet, MobileNet v1
and MobileNet v2. The updates in MobileNet v2 are
the addition of bottleneck layers and shortcut connec-
tions (Sandler et al., 8 12).
Figure 2: MobileNet v2 Architecture for object detection
and classification (Wibowo et al., 0 07).
ReLU is the default activation in MobileNet v2’s
activation layer. ReLU is an activation function that
was first introduced by H Sebastian Seung in 2000.
The activation function serves to activate and deacti-
vate neurons (Agarap, 2018). Specifically, ReLU6 is
used in every layer except the last convolution layer.
The equation for the ReLU6 activation function is
shown in equation 1.
f (x) = min(max(0, x)6) (1)
where f (x) is the result of ReLU6 activation, and
x is the value applied to be changed in the range (0,6).
(Wibowo et al., 0 07).
1.1 Convolutional Layer
Convolution is considered to be a situation where a
filter is applied to the input data (image) and gives the
activation result. Also, it can be said to be a linear
operation that involves multiplication performed be-
tween the set of weights and the input. These are the
layers required for feature extraction from an input
image (Farayola and Dureja, 2020).
Figure 3: Visualization of convolution layer (Biswas and
Islam, 2021).
1.2 Pooling Layer
This layer is usually and regularly used in CNNs to
reduce the size of the input data to increase the com-
putational speed of the network. It functions in each
feature map independently. Hence, whenever a situ-
ation of excessive image input arises, the pool layer
part will reduce the number of parameters. Also,
pooling can be of different types. There are several
types namely sum pooling, average pooling, and max
pooling. Usually, the most commonly used is max
pooling. Max pooling is a procces known as sample-
based discretization.. It down-samples the input data,
minimizing the dimensionality of the input and cre-
ating space for assumptions to be made regarding the
sub-regions in which the features are located (Faray-
ola and Dureja, 2020).
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
Figure 4: Visualization of max-pooling layer (Biswas and
Islam, 2021).
1.3 Global Average Pooling
Global average pooling is to generate one feature map
for each corresponding category of the classification
task in the last convolution layer. Instead of adding
fully connected layers on top of the feature maps, it
then takes the average of each feature map, and the re-
sulting vectors are fed directly into the softmax layer.
One advantage of pooling global averages over fully
connected layers is that it is more native to the convo-
lution structure by enforcing the correspondence be-
tween feature maps and categories (Lin et al., 2014).
Another advantage is that there are no parameters
to optimize in global average pooling so overfitting
is avoided at this layer. In addition, global average
pooling summarizes spatial information, so it is more
robust to spatial translation of inputs(Lin et al., 2014).
1.4 Dropout
ropout is a process that prevents overfitting and also
speeds up the learning process. Dropout refers to re-
moving neurons that are either hidden or visible lay-
ers in the network. The neurons to be dropped will be
chosen randomly (Abhirawan et al., 2017).
The proposed architecture for performing face clas-
sification uses MobileNet v2. This section describes
the data and architecture in more detail.
2.1 Business Understanding
The purpose of this research is to create a system that
can recognize the face of a lecturer using a camera
that can be used for a lecturer attendance system. The
system will use artificial neural network, using convo-
lutional neural network method for face recognition.
The system will receive input in the form of a face
image and will be processed on an artificial neural
network, then will produce an output of the lecturer’s
name from the input face image.
2.2 Convolutional Layer
The data to be used is in the form of facial images of
STT Wastukancana lecturers. The raw data needed is
a photo of a lecturer with RGB colors that are visi-
ble on his face. The size of the required photo must
be more than 224x224 pixels. The face part must be
clearly visible, because the face part will be used.
Figure 5: Raw Data Example.
2.3 Convolutional Layer
For this face recognition research, photos of each STT
Wastukancana lecturer will be taken from each social
media that will be used. Where there are 10 labels
which are the names of lecturers from each lecturer
which can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1: Total Datasets.
No Lecturer Name Label Total Data
1 Agus Sunandar Agus 10
2 Syariful Alam Nature 63
3 Chandra Dewi Lestari Chandra 99
4 Dede Irmayanti Dede 18
5 Irsan Jaelani Irsan 20
6 Meriska Defriani Meriska 109
7 Mochzen G. Resmi Mochzen 55
8 M. Rafi Muttaqin Raf 16
9 Rani Sri Wahyuni Rani 166
10 Yusuf Muhyidin Yusuf 335
Total Data 891
Table 1 shows the names of the lecturers to be
used, the labels to be used for each lecturer, the num-
ber of photos of each lecturer, and the total amount of
data. The data obtained will be cropped, which is to
Convolutional Neural Network Face Recognition for Lecturer Attendance
cut part of the digital image so that only the necessary
parts of the face are visible. Then the resize process
is carried out, which changes pixels in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Example of Dataset photo after Cropping Process.
After the cropping process, the dataset photos that
are too large are resized. An example of a resized
photo can be seen in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Example of Dataset photo after Resize Process.
Then a dataframe will be created with 2 columns,
namely filename and label (Table 2). The filename
column will be filled with the file name of all images
and the label column will be filled with the label of
each image according to the image in the same row.
2.4 Modeling
The model built will use the MobileNet v2 architec-
ture using the tensorflow framework. With several
Table 2: Example of Dataframe in Use.
No File Name Label
1 Agus001.jpg Agus
2 Agus002.jpg Agus
3 Agus003.jpg Agus
4 Agus004.jpg Agus
5 Agus005.jpg Agus
... ... ...
887 Yusuf332.jpg Yusuf
888 Yusuf333.jpg Yusuf
889 Yusuf334.jpg Yusuf
890 Yusuf335.jpg Yusuf
additional layers before MobileNet v2 including in-
put layer, data augmentation, and preprocessing to
scale image data between 0-255 to -1-1. Some ad-
ditional layers after MobileNet v2 include Global Av-
erage Pooling and output layer.
Figure 8: Design Model.
Python 3.7.9 with Tensorflow 2.3.1 framework was
used in this study, which was conducted on NVIDIA
GeForce GTX 1050 3GB GPU and AMD Ryzen 5
3550H laptop processor. The proposed architecture
has been run on tensorflow with several different
parameters. Once the architecture has been imple-
mented, training on the model is done. In the training
process, the dataset is divided into 2 parts, training
data and validation data using k-fold cross validation
with k = 5 to find the best data division. If overfitting
occurs, dropout will be added to the model to reduce
overfitting. Then to improve accuracy, training ex-
periments will be conducted with a larger number of
epochs. The training process will use Adam as model
optimization, calculate loss with Crossentropy Loss,
and calculate how often the prediction is correct by
calculating the accuracy. Comparison of the results
of the training process will be done by comparing pa-
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
rameter values. The parameters compared are the k-
fold value, dropout, and number of epochs. Compar-
ison of parameter values is done based on research
from (Rokhana, 9 03)
3.1 Effect of K-Fold Value
The effect of sharing data with k-fold with the number
of k=5 with the number of epochs of 50, resulting in
5 models that have different accuracies. The effect of
k-fold value on model accuracy can be seen in Table
Table 3: Effect of K-Fold Value on Accuracy Value and
Loss Model.
K-Fold Accuracy Loss Accuracy Loss
(Training) (Training) (Validation) (Validation)
1 0,94 0,24 0,85 0,4
2 0,94 0,24 0,76 0,80
3 0,94 0,23 0,77 0,74
4 0,93 0,25 0,80 0,58
5 0,96 0,19 0,83 0,70
Based on Table 3, it can be seen that in the training
data, the best accuracy is in the fifth fold of 0.96, and
in the validation data is in the first fold of 0.85. If the
first fold and the fifth fold are compared in the amount
of overfitting, the first fold is better against overfitting
than the fifth fold, with a distance of 0.09 in the first
fold and 0.13 in the fifth fold. And when viewed at
the loss value, the first fold has a smaller loss value in
the validation data of 0.47 while the fifth fold is 0.70.
Therefore, from the results of data division using k-
fold cross validation, the first fold is considered the
3.2 Effect of Dropout Rate
Based on the results of the effect of data division us-
ing k-fold cross validation, the first fold is the best.
However, there is a little overfitting in the model. To
reduce overfitting in the model, we will retrain the
first fold by adding dropouts to the model which can
be seen in Figure 9.
The number of dropouts is set from the small-
est value between 0 to 1 to reduce overfitting. The
dropout value starts from 0.1. If the overfitting value
is still large, the dropout value will be added little by
little by 0.1, until the training results on the model
have no overfitting or have the smallest possible over-
fitting value. Training results on accuracy and loss
can be seen in Table 4.
3.3 Effect of Number of Epochs
With the aim of increasing the amount of accuracy
in the model, retraining is carried out with a larger
Figure 9: Model Design with Dropout Added.
Table 4: Accuracy and Loss Value With the Addition of
Dropout Accuracy Loss Accuracy Loss
(Training) (Training) (Validation) (Validation)
1 0,94 0,24 0,85 0,47
0,1 0,92 0,26 0,87 0,48
0,2 0,91 0,34 0,84 0,52
0,3 0,85 0,42 0,85 0,55
number of epochs, namely 100 epochs. The results of
training on accuracy and loss can be seen in Table 5.
Table 5: Comparison of Accuracy and Loss Model Values
With 50 and 100 Epochs.
Epoch Accuracy Loss Accuracy Loss
(Training) (Training) (Validation) (Validation)
50 0,85 0,42 0,85 0,55
100 0,92 0,27 0,85 0,52
In Table 5, it can be seen that there is no improve-
ment in the accuracy of the validation data. In the
training data, there is an increase of 0.07. However,
the increase in training data causes overfitting in the
model. Therefore, adding epochs to 100 does not im-
prove the accuracy of the model. The graph of the
results of training models with 50 epochs can be seen
in Figure 10 and for training models with 100 epochs
can be seen in Figure 10 and 11.
An example of face recognition using the created
model can be seen in Fig. 12. In Fig. 12, the red
square line shows the face area that will be used for
classification. The photo used is a photo of one of
the lecturers labeled Yusuf. The classification results
using the model that has been trained show the out-
put is Yusuf, with a confidence value of 99.82%. So
that the classification results are declared correct. The
results of the model have been trained showing the
highest accuracy value of 85 valitation data. The best
model configuration uses input layer, data augmenta-
tion layer, image preprocessing to scale image data
between 0-255 to -1-1, MobileNet v2, Global Aver-
age Pooling layer for output layer ten-class classifi-
cation. The initial dataset is resized to 224x224 pix-
els. The division between training data and validation
Convolutional Neural Network Face Recognition for Lecturer Attendance
Figure 10: Graph of model training results with 50 epochs.
Figure 11: Graph of model training results with 100 epochs.
data uses K-Fold Cross Validation with the number k
= 5, the final result shows the first fold is the division
that gives the highest accuracy value. The process of
training the model starts the image will be entered in
the input layer with a size of 224x224x3. After going
through the input layer, data augmentation will be car-
ried out to train the model to recognize images from
various points of view. Then the image data will be
converted into a scale of -1 to 1 to match MobileNet
v2. Next, the data will
go through the MobileNet v2 architecture for the
training process, and will go through the global aver-
age pooling layer with a layer dropout of 0.3, the re-
sults of which will be classified into 10 classes. This
model was trained and validated using 891 lecturer
photo data. The accuracy obtained is 8550 epochs.
The addition of a dropout layer of 0.3 in the global
average layer is enough to reduce the overfitting of the
Figure 12: Example of Face Recognition Using a Model
That Has Been Created.
training results to make the accuracy of the training
data and validation data the same at 85the number of
epochs was not effective enough because the accuracy
on the validation data did not change but only on the
training data. However, it should be noted that the
data used in this study only used 10 lecturers, not all
lecturers. For application to the lecturer attendance
system, it is necessary to use data from all lecturers.
The main topic of this research is to create a deep
learning model that can recognize lecturers’ faces to
be applied to the lecturer attendance system at STT
Wastukancana. This research uses photos of 10 lec-
turers taken from social media with a total amount of
891 data. The architecture model used is MobileNet
v2 with the best parameter configuration resulting in
an accuracy of 85In this model, the MobileNet v2 ar-
chitecture is the main layer that carries out the train-
ing process, and classification is carried out through
the global average pooling layer. The best results use
data sharing with k-fold cross validation in the first
fold with k = 5. The dropout layer added to the global
average pooling layer of 0.3 is enough to reduce over-
fitting on training results so that the accuracy value
of training and validation data becomes the same at
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Convolutional Neural Network Face Recognition for Lecturer Attendance