Backpropagation Neural Network Levenberg-Marquardt Method in
Predicting Lung Cancer in Smokers
Muhammad Iqbal
, Muhammad Rafai
and Solikhun
Faculty of Science and Technology, University Pembangunan Panca Budi, Medan, Indonesia
Engineering Study Program, STIKOM Tunas Bangsa, Pemtangsiantar, Indonesia
Backpropagation Neural Network, Levenberg-Marquardt Method, Predicting Lung Cancer.
Levenberg Marquardt is a method of the Backpropagation artificial neural network algorithm. Today, many
people are infected with lung cancer. Lung cancer is one of the biggest contributors to cancer in the world.
With the development of increasingly advanced and rapid technology, people with cancer can be analyzed,
which will then be stored as data about the characteristics of people with cancer. In this study, researchers
optimized the Backpropagation artificial neural network using the Levenberg Marquardt method to predict
lung cancer in smokers. Input data used in this study are 15 variables from x1 to x15. This lung disease data
is taken from Kaggle, which consists of 309 records. The result of this study is backpropagation optimization
using the Levenberg Marquardt method to predict lung cancer in smokers with training MSE = 0.000133 and
best test = 0.00001974 with 15-6-1 architecture.
Lung cancer is an abnormal condition found in the
lungs characterized by abnormal cell growth or what
is known as a dangerous tumor. Abnormal cell growth
conditions can originate from cells present in the
lungs. However, this abnormal cell growth can origi-
nate from cancer cells in other body parts that spread
to the ungs(Alsharairi, 2019). Lung cancer can occur
in both men and women(Smolle and Pichler, 2019).
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term that implies
using computers to model intelligent behavior with
minimal human intervention (Solikhun et al., 2020).
There are many methods in AI, one of which is Ar-
tificial Neural Network Backpropagation (Sewunetie
and Kov
acs, 2022). Backpropagation is one of the al-
gorithms in artificial neural networks that are formed
with several layers to change the weights. Changing
the weight is done with a training algorithm to get the
optimal weight (Wright, 2022). The weakness of the
Backpropagation algorithm is the poor convergence
speed and unstable learning, so it is often stuck at a
local minimum. So we need an algorithm to speed
up Backpropagation training (Manik et al., 2019; Li
et al., 2019).
The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is a develop-
ment of the standard backpropagation algorithm[8].
The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is performed
because of its convergence speed (Mikhaylov and
Tarakanov, 2020; Tan and Lim, 2019; Gavin, 2023;
Moayedi et al., 2020). Of course, by using several ar-
chitectural patterns and seeing how far the accuracy,
epoch, and times of the two algorithms are (Wisesty
et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021) . The data used to test the
optimization of the Lavenberg-Marquardt algorithm
is Lung Cancer (Does Smoking cause Lung Cancer)
data. Data source from Today,
many people get cancer, especially lung cancer, many
of which are infected by smoking. But not a few also
contracted lung cancer due to other factors (Andayani
et al., 2019).
So the authors conducted a lung cancer predic-
tion study using the Levenberg Marquardt Backprop-
agation artificial neural network method because it
can provide accurate results. Researchers predict the
recognition of lung cancer using 15 input variables,
namely Gender, Age, Smoke, Yellow Finger, Anxi-
ety, Peer Pressure, Chronic Disease, Fatigue, Allergy,
Wheezing, Alcohol Consuming, Coughing, Shortness
of breath, Swallowing Difficulty, Chest Pain. To
introduce lung cancer prediction, researchers used
100 training data and 40 test data with the Leven-
berg Marquardt method. This study tested seven net-
work architecture models, and the best architecture
was obtained. Namely, 15-6-1 with training MSE =
0.000133 and best testing MSE = 0.00001974.Artifi-
Iqbal, M., Rafai, M. and Solikhun, .
Backpropagation Neural Network Levenberg-Marquardt Method in Predicting Lung Cancer in Smokers.
DOI: 10.5220/0012448200003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 281-284
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cial Intelligence (AI) is a term that implies using com-
puters to model intelligent behavior with minimal hu-
man intervention. There are many methods in AI, one
of which is Artificial Neural Network Backpropaga-
tion (Choi et al., 2020).
2.1 Methods of Data Collection
The method of data collection carried out by the au-
thor is a literature study (the sources used in the re-
search are collected from scientific journals, as well
as sources from the internet which are used for vari-
ous purposes in education).
2.2 Data Source
The data used in this study were taken from the data
website, in the form of lung cancer
medical records consisting of 309 data. The data used
for training were 100 records, and the data used for
testing were 40. The following are 309 attributes in
the form of data that influence the occurrence of lung
cancer in smokers.
Table 1: Medical Record Data of Lung Cancer in Smokers.
No X1 X2 X3 .. X15 T
1 M 69 0 .. 1 Yes
2 M 74 1 .. 1 Yes
3 F 59 0 .. 1 Yes
4 M 63 1 .. 1 No
5 F 63 0 .. 0 No
6 F 75 0 .. 0 Yes
7 M 52 1 .. 1 Yes
8 F 50 1 .. 0 Yes
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
309 M 62 0 .. 0 Yes
Input Description:
X1 = Gender
X2 = Age
X3 = Smoking
X4 = Yellow Finger
X5 = Anxiety
X6 = Social Pressure
X7 = Chronic Diseases
X8 = Fatigue
X9 = Allergies
X10 = Wheezing
X11 = Consumption of alcohol
X12 = Cough
X13 = Shortness of Breath
X14 = Hard to Swallow
X15 = Chest Pain
T = Lung Cancer
Lung cancer medical record data is converted with the
following rules:
1. Gender:
If M(Male) then 1;
If F(Female) then 0.
2. Age:
Toddler Age: 0-5 years = 0.1;
Childhood: 5-10 years = 0.2;
Early Adolescence: 11 – 26 years = 0.3;
Late Adolescence: 27 – 35 years = 0.4;
Early Adulthood: 26 – 35 years = 0.5;
Late adulthood: 36 – 45 years = 0.6;
Early Old Age: 46 – 55 years = 0.7;
Late Old Age: 56 – 65 years = 0.8;
Old age: ¿ 65 years = 0.9;
3. Smoking:
If smoking then 1;
If don’t smoke then 0.
4. Yellow Finger::
IIf have jaundice then 1;
If don’t have jaundice then 0.
5. SAnxiety:
If have anxiety disease then 1;
If don’t have Anxiety disease then 0.
6. Peer Pressure:
If have Peer Pressure then 1;
If don’t have Peer Pressure then 0.
7. Chronic Disease:
If have Chronic Disease then 1;
If don’t have Chronic Disease then 0.
8. Fatigue:
If have Fatigue then 1;
If don’t have Fatigue then 0
9. Allergies:
If have an allergic disease then 1;
If don’t have an allergic disease then 0.
10. Wheezing:
If have Wheezing disease then 1;
If do not have Wheezing disease then 0.
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
11. Consumption of alcohol:
If consuming alcohol then 1;
If don’t consume alcohol then 0.
12. Cough:
If have cough disease then 1;
If don’t have cough disease then 0.
13. Shortness of Breath:
If have shortness of breath then 1;
If don’t have shortness of breath then 0
14. Hard to Swallow:
If have difficulty swallowing then 1;
If do not have Difficult Swallowing then 0
15. Chest Pain:
If have chest pain then 1;
If don’t have chest pain then 0.
16. Lung Cancer:
If YES then 1;
If NO then 0.
Lung cancer prediction target is Lung Cancer.
That is, if infected, the value is 1; if not then the value
is 0. The results of the transformation of lung cancer
medical record data can be seen in table 2.
Table 2: Medical Conversion Data of Lung Cancer in
No X1 X2 X3 .. X15 T
1 1 0,9 0 .. 1 1
2 1 0,9 1 .. 1 1
3 0 0,8 0 .. 1 0
4 1 0,8 1 .. 1 0
5 0 0,8 0 .. 0 0
6 0 0,9 0 .. 0 1
7 1 0,7 1 .. 1 1
8 0 0,7 1 .. 0 1
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
309 1 0,8 0 .. 0 1
2.2.1 Research Framework
In completing this research, the authors compiled the
research framework as follows
2.2.2 Architectural Design
The author’s architecture in this study consists of 1
input layer block, one hidden layer block, and one
output layer block. Here is an example of the 15-3-
1 architecture in use.
Figure 1: Research framework.
Figure 2: Architectural Design.
3.1 Best Training and Testing Results
Train data and lung cancer prediction testing using the
Matlab application version R2011a with the Leven-
berg Marquardt backpropagation algorithm. The best
training and testing results are 15-6-1 with training
MSE = 0.000133 and testing MSE = 0.00001974.
3.2 Comparison of Training Results and
Testing of the Levenberg
Marquardt Method
After testing the Levenberg Marquardt method back-
propagation algorithm with architectures 15-2-1, 15-
3-1, 15-4-1, 15-5-1, 15-6-1, 15-7-1 and 15-8 -1 using
the MatLab R2011a application, the following com-
parisons can be made in table 3.
Backpropagation Neural Network Levenberg-Marquardt Method in Predicting Lung Cancer in Smokers
Table 3: Training and Testing.
No Architectural Epoch Performance Performance
(iterations) Testing Training
1 15-2-1 24 0.137000 0.25340000
2 15-3-1 19 0.130000 0.27500000
3 15-4-1 8 0.000597 0.00026630
4 15-5-1 8 0.000322 0.00075920
5 15-6-1 9 0.000133 0.00001974
6 15-7-1 4 0.000578 0.00036030
7 15-8-1 12 0.000302 0.00043620
Based on the results and discussion described above,
it can be concluded that the Levenberg Marquart
backpropagation method can predict potential mor-
tality in heart failure with MSE training and testing =
0.0150 with 11-7-1 architecture. Determination of the
method in backpropagation training is so influential
on the results, and it’s just that the determination of
the method and pattern must be adjusted to the needs.
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ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development