Graph Convolutional Networks with Knowledge Graph for Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator
Heru Mardiansyah, Saib Suwilo, Erna Budhiarti Nababan and Syahril Efendi
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Knowledge Graph, Graph Convolutional Networks, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
The order of vertices in a graph is very important because the graph is oriented. Or the vertices are not im-
portant because they are not oriented. The graph of data is a heterogeneous polydigraph, called a directed
vertex set, with many edges between any two vertices. Information is created by establishing real-world rela-
tionships between graphics and objects. This study was conducted to improve machine learning performance
by proposing a theoretical model for the data used and creating a graph convolutional network (GCN) model
for training the data. Data are created from a low-dimensional (latent) space, but can only be observed in
a high-dimensional (observation) space. The results of these studies may not always yield the same results
because they were not measured on the same person, were unreliable, or the results obtained did not provide
consistent results. MBTI tests may change at any time. It is obtained according to the result of a person’s
mood. This MBTI method is often considered weak and unscientific, so it must be tested with 200 iterations
on the GCN. The resulting GCN scores are 89.8% accuracy and 2.78 Test Loss.
MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) gives a simple
description in a manner psychometric about type per-
sonality. Although characterization is short This is
Possibly useful in some context apply (in predicting
style behavior characteristics individual, intellectual,
and interpersonal), exists limitations to the psycho-
metric clear instrument (Albrecht et al., ). The MBTI
is a system-type personality that divides people into
16 types of different personalities of 4 parts: Introver-
sion (I) - Extroversion (E), Intuition (N) - Feeling (S),
Thinking (T) - Feeling (F), Judging (J) - Perceiving
(P), (You can read more carry on about What mean-
ing here).
For example, someone with more introversion, in-
tuition, thinking, and perception is called an INTP
inside the MBTI system, and there are Lots of
component-based modeling personality or describe
preference or the person’s behavior based on appoint-
ment (Altuner and Kilimci, ).
This is one tests the most popular personality in
the world. This is used For business, online, fun, re-
search, and more. A simple Google search will dis-
close all method different that has been used to test
from time to time. Can be said that testing This Still
very up to date its use worldwide. From the corner
view scientific or psychological based on Carl Jung’s
work on function cognitive, that is Jungian typology.
This is a model of eight functions, thought processes,
or methods to think differently that has been sug-
gested for is inside the mind. Work This has changed
become some system with different personalities for
facilitating it, the most popular Of course just is the
MBTI (Hogan et al., ). recently, its usage/validity
questioned because, among other things, it doesn’t
can dependable in experiments around. However, it
has still become a very tool useful in many fields, and
the goals of this data set are to determine if there is a
possible pattern recognized in type and style writing
certain and, more general, for test validity test mo-
ment analysis, predict, or classify behavior
The vertices in a graph is very important so that the
graph is directed, or the vertices of the graph are not
important, so they are not directed. The knowledge
graph is a heterogeneous multidigraph which is called
a sequence of directed vertices and has many edges
between the two nodes. A knowledge is created by
making a real relationship between graphics and ob-
jects. The knowledge graph (KG), also known as
Mardiansyah, H., Suwilo, S., Nababan, E. and Efendi, S.
Graph Convolutional Networks with Knowledge Graph for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
DOI: 10.5220/0012448500003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 285-288
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
a database,representation structured from describing
facts and gathering description entity related, related,
and description semantics entity. Difference between
a database and a Knowledge graph with a scheme
other defined as structured, homogeneous, and stable,
making data graph can be scaled. KG’s advantage is a
more good representation of the heterogeneous object
using room integrated to connect it (Liemena et al., ).
At the actual data graph moment, this tends not to
be a complete and necessary inference engine in pre-
dicting the links between entities available in KG and
the complete missing facts. Classification connection
or inference from available KG data called Link Div-
ination. An example of what it looks like is shown in
Figure 1 (Rajabi and Etminani, ).
Figure 1: Sample KG Two Nodes.
Study This is done to help increase Machine
Learning performance with propose a theoretical
model for the data used and building a Graph Con-
volutional Network (GCN) model for train data. Data
is created from room dimension low (latent) but only
can observe in dimensional (observational) space high
(Ramezani et al., ). This means that data is real de-
pending on many small factors, however, stretched in
a manner artificial to appear to depend on a lot of fac-
tors. GCN only see room data observation and cre-
ate prediction more accurately based on the data used.
Data used though simple will but no trivial matter (El-
hammadi and B, ). The GCN model in research This
is as follows:
This research requires experimental data to be tested
on the GCN method regarding the MBTI so that later
it can be implemented in the MBTI. This is an experi-
mental method using data obtained from Kaggle. The
data has been analyzed so that it has column types to
identify. Analyzed data in which the final column is
Figure 2: GCN Models.
considered the target, and the other columns are the
attributes. The shared datasets become training sets,
validation sets, and test sets.
3.1 Testing
Data has been analyzed to have a type column for
identification. Moment analyzes data, column final
is treated as target and column other will be enforced
as input field. Shared dataset into training data, vali-
dation sets, and testing data (Wang et al., ). The fol-
lowing is the data table used.
The dataset used in the work consists of tagged
tweets. One of 16 MBTI types. These tags are a com-
bination of four letters. Each character matches. The
first or second character of four MBTI class character-
istics. The dataset consists of 8660 rows. Distribution
of MBTIs. The characteristics of each class (8600
lines) are as follows.
a. Introversion (I ): 6664
b. Extroversion (E): 1996
c. Recognition:7466
d. Intuition (N): 1194
e. Think (T): 4685
f. Feeling (F) : 3975
g. Judging (J): 5231
h. Perceiving (F): 3429.
GCN has data representation of chart usually use
adjacency matrix and use the feature as input. Fea-
ture This is used as a property of the nodes on the
graph and presented become numbers. Feature This
made example of many groups that have social net-
works that become rejected measuring patience from
some people. Matrix feature This is a 2-dimensional
shape. On-line matrix feature i.e. a vector of similar
features with knot graph, from facet size on each knot.
On the column, the matrix will be the same with fea-
tures certain can understand nodes and their graphs.
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
For example, in research this does testing against the
Myers-Briggs Indicator personality namely:
a. Extraversion vs. Introversion
b. Feel vs. Intuition
c. Thinking vs. Feel
d. Assess vs. Perceive
3.2 Test Results
This research requires experimental data to be tested
on the GCN regarding the Myers-Briggs Type Indi-
cator so that later it can be implemented in users of
social networks. This is an experimental method us-
ing data obtained from Kaggle (Yani and Krisnadhi,
). So that it can be simulated to see the achievement
of searching for the highest accuracy and can be used
in a psychological test that is designed to measure a
person’s purely psychological basic preferences. The
resulting achievement was successful in obtaining the
highest value from the epoch experiment carried out
in the analysis process. The table below will be shown
the results of data analysis from epochs 1 to 200.
Comparison of results Among target networks (0 and
1). More clear information could be seen in the table
under this:
Figure 3: GCN Process.
Figure 4: Epoch Test.
This research was conducted to design a person-
ality test myers-briggs type indicator (mbti) using the
knowledge graph method and predict personality.
In the results study, This No can produce always re-
sults same, because No measure from One the same
Figure 5: KG of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
individual, and no have reliability or the resulting re-
sults No get consistent results. The MBTI test is also
available depending on the results atmosphere heart
someone who can capricious any time. the MBTI is a
frequent method considered weak and not scientific,
then need exists testing to use GCN with iterations as
many as 200. Results obtained with the GCN evalu-
ation are 89% accuracy produced and the test loss is
2.78. Result of knowledge graph in p reference third
focus in study How method in making the decision.
Someone decides in a manner objective or based on a
hunch, a (T) if decide in a manner objective, and an
(F) if weigh everything with consider circumstances
personal. Because someone’s objective and biased
preferences logic (T) is not mean they have no feel-
ings. only Because somebody’s own preference this
(F) feeling No means they No think about something.
The last preference is determination style alive, this
will evaluate according to the information data filled
out, for the group becomes someone who plans or is
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ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development