Socio-Psychological Characteristics of the Improvement of Students’
Talents in Technical Fields
Indira Rakhimova
, Gulnora Kuvandikova
and Dilnavoz Khamrakulova
National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Talent, Technical Talent, Creative Thinking, Motive, Values, Creative Imagination.
Abstract: The article provides information on the characteristics of talent, which is based on the corresponding type of
student activity (technical direction), mainly involving creativity, wit, productivity, technical and intellectual
abilities, the need to learn and derive satisfaction from new things, curiosity, developed imagination, creative
thinking, vision, and scientific exploration. Furthermore, this article reveals the psychological features of the
development of the ability to balance, creative thinking, creativity, and perception, as well as emotional
sensitivity in subjective actions, holistic and systematic problem-solving, and social interaction.
The analysis of the scientific literature review shows
that there is a shortage of generalizing concepts in
both theoretical and applied studies devoted to or
affecting the problem of talent, which would
unambiguously interpret the nature of the
phenomenon under study. These circumstances create
many obstacles in the way of organizing and
conducting a socio-psychological study of talent. In
this regard, the urgent need for a thorough
consideration of the available modern approaches in
order to generalize their results and highlight, on this
basis, the main positions of scientists for further study
of the phenomenon under study is very actualized.
Therefore, in her study of the problem of talent, A.O.
Luchinina focused on solving applied problems of
developing appropriate training programs. Under the
studied phenomenon, the author explains a higher
susceptibility to learning and more pronounced
creative manifestations than peers. Also, the author
interprets talent as the optimal level of formed unique
mental experience that provides the possibility of
creative and intellectual activity (I.I. Rakhimova.).
With the so-called mental equivalent of talent, the
researcher singles out intellectual maturity, which
forms a system of individual intellectual resources
Corresponding author
that affect the features of the cognitive attitude of the
subject to the world and the nature of the reproduction
of reality in individual consciousness.
B.A. Vyatkin considers talent as the highest degree of
development of abilities, a kind of system of values,
self-awareness, and intellectual maturity. The
system-forming factors in the development of such a
personality are the levels of:
spiritual development, i.e. the system of
values and meanings;
personal development, i.e. the sphere of self-
intellectual maturity;
comprehension of reality.
U.D. Karpov, having analyzed various concepts,
came to the conclusion that talent is a systemic quality
of the psyche, the core of which consists of two main
The first component (instrumental) covers
intellectual and creative qualities. They are clearly
differentiated as complementary to each other. The
second component (motivational) consists of the
following components:
sensitivity to a certain subject material;
Rakhimova, I., Kuvandikova, G. and Khamrakulova, D.
Socio-Psychological Characteristics of the Improvement of Students’ Talents in Technical Fields.
DOI: 10.5220/0012476700003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 39-43
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
increased cognitive need;
willingness to work with paradoxical,
contradictory, and uncertain information;
high self-criticism;
striving for excellence (Kuvandikova G.G.
According to A.I. Savenkov, in most of the empirical
concepts, talent is considered as a static phenomenon,
without taking into account the dynamics, sources,
and directions of development of those elements that
are included in its structure. To a certain extent, this
also explains the fact that there are no special
psychogenetic studies of personality characteristics
of talent at the empirical stage. If we proceed from the
fact that a person is born already with a certain set of
qualities that can contribute to (or hinder) the
development of talent, then it does not matter when,
in fact, these qualities are studied because the main
task of working with gifted individuals is limited to
simply fixing the presence or absence of these
qualities (.Savenkov A.I. (2001)).
A.A. Grigoriev argues that the basis of talent is the
ability to adapt to new tasks and living conditions in
various fields. The researcher suggests evaluating the
level of talent based on the ratio of intellectual
development and chronological development,
concluding that there are two forms of intellectual
the first - as a property of age development;
the second is determined by the degree of
mental development regardless of age (Grigoriev
A.A. (2011).).
T.N. Ponamarev points out that the phenomenon of
talent is quite multifaceted and is currently not clearly
defined. In this regard, in the course of scientific
research, it is necessary to apply those achievements
that indicate the connection of certain mental
phenomena with the object of study. Based on the
above analysis, the author adheres to the position
reflecting the predetermining relationship of talent
certain intellectual formations;
complex of abilities;
certain characteristics of temperament,
reflecting and transforming social influences and
determining the individual style of life.
The experience of previous researchers shows that the
originality of manifestations, a special combination of
structural components of talent determines the
specifics of the manifestation of the phenomenon
under study, one of which is related to the technical-
transformative, technical direction of activity, i.e.
technical aptitude.
Under this phenomenon, it is considered appropriate
to understand a qualitatively peculiar combination of
a complex of individual personality traits that provide
a high level of the result of the activity of a technical
direction, in particular, a technically transformative
nature, which is expressed, as a rule, in the creation
of new types of equipment and technologies, original
ways of solving scientific and technical problems, etc.
According to its content, technical talent covers
mainly the predisposition, the student's orientation to
the relevant field of activity (technical field), his
orientation towards creativity, knowledge,
productivity, features of technical and intellectual
abilities, the need to learn new things and derive
satisfaction from this, activity, curiosity, developed
imagination, the ability to think creatively, see and
perceive scientific and technical problems
holistically, systematically, plasticity in objective
activity in social interaction, as well as emotional
To achieve the goal and implement the formulated
tasks, both theoretical and empirical research
methods were used:
• Theoretical analysis of scientific literature;
• Document analysis;
• Survey;
Mathematical and statistical methods of data
processing, etc.
During the empirical study, the following
psychodiagnostic complex was used:
• Survey of value orientations by M. Rokeach;
Questionnaire for determining the general emotional
orientation of the personality by B.I. Dodonov;
Questionnaire for assessing professional interests
and abilities by I.L. Solomin;
• Test for mechanical intelligence by J.K. Bennett;
• Questionnaire for the study of the creative potential
of the individual by E.E. Tunik;
• Test of progressive matrices by J.Raven;
• Prepared questionnaire for expert assessment of the
structural components of technical talent of students
of higher educational institutions;
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Prepared expert questionnaire for assessing the
development of technical talent of students of higher
educational institutions.
Based on the aim and objectives of this study, an
expert assessment was organized and carried out to
clarify the current structure of the technical talent of
modern students of higher educational institutions.
All structural components were evaluated on a
specially prepared ten-point scale, where:
- A low level of compliance is estimated from 1 to 2
- Below-average level of compliance is estimated
from 3 to 4 points.
- The average level of compliance is estimated from
5 to 6 points.
- Above-average level of compliance is estimated
from 7 to 8 points.
- A high level of compliance is estimated from 9 to 10
In addition, the prepared questionnaire also allows the
expert to independently supplement structural
components and evaluate them, which, in their
opinion, can characterize the technical talent of
students of higher educational institutions.
The experts identified the following as relevant
structural components of high significance:
- Student’s developed technical abilities - 10 points.
- Student’s intellectual abilities - 9.9 points.
- The student's need for learning new things and
getting satisfaction from this - 9.9 points.
- Student's orientation to learning new things - 9.8
- Student's ability to think creatively - 9.8 points.
- Student’s developed imagination - 9.8 points.
- The student's focus on the activities of the technical
direction - 9.8 points.
- Student’s activeness - 9.5 points.
Experts attributed the following to the actual
structural components above the average level of
- Student’s curiosity - 9.4 points.
- Student's orientation to creativity - 8.5 points.
- Student's orientation towards productivity in their
activities - 8.2 points.
To facilitate the perception of the actual structure
identified based on the results of an expert assessment
and to aid in selecting appropriate tools for organizing
the psychodiagnostics of technical talent in general,
the above components were grouped into the
corresponding categories (Figure 1)..
Figure 1: Structural components of technical talent of students in higher educational institutions
In accordance with the aim and objectives of this
dissertation work, an empirical study was organized
and conducted to study the current state of the
development of technical talent. The entire sample of
the empirical study (n=286) was examined using the
previously identified psychodiagnostic complex,
which includes the following tools:
- Survey of value orientations by M. Rokeach.
- Questionnaire for determining the general emotional
orientation of the personality by B.I. Dodonov.
Technical talent of students
Component of Value
Component of
Emotional Orientation
Component of Activity
Component of
Component of
Technical Abilities
Socio-Psychological Characteristics of the Improvement of Students’ Talents in Technical Fields
- Questionnaire for assessing professional interests
and abilities by I.L. Solomin.
- Test for mechanical intelligence by J.K. Bennett.
- Questionnaire for the study of the creative potential
of the individual by E.E. Tunik.
- Test of progressive matrices by J.Raven.
Most of these tools are based on self-assessment,
which is essential for understanding the level of
development of technical talent and its changes. Since
a student's technical talent is characterized by the
highest level of performance in the relevant activity,
it is important to assess its development from the
subject's perspective. Additionally, self-esteem
serves as an objective measure of the manifestation of
personal qualities in older adolescence.
To strengthen the psychodiagnostic procedure, an
expert assessment of the technical talent of students
was also applied using a pre-prepared questionnaire.
Expert teachers (42 people) directly involved in
teaching students participated in this assessment.
The results of the expert survey showed a similar
distribution of the levels of development of the trait
under study. The majority of surveyed students
(84.6%, 242 people) were rated with an average level
of development of technical talent. A high and above-
average level of technical talent was noted in 10.6%
(30%) and 3.8% (11 people) of students, respectively.
Only 1% (3 people) of students were classified at a
lower average level of development.
The identity of the results from the comprehensive
psychodiagnostic examination and the expert
assessment of the technical talent of students in
higher educational institutions was also confirmed
statistically using the non-parametric Spearman
criterion (Appendix 15). A significant positive
correlation (r = 0.77 at p<0.050) was found between
the indicators of the level of development of technical
talent obtained from both the comprehensive
psychodiagnostic examination and the expert
Based on the expert assessment (n=179) and a pre-
prepared questionnaire, eleven relevant structural
components of students’ technical talent were
identified with high and above-average levels of
compliance. These components were further grouped
into five interdependent structural components,
reflecting the technical talent of students:
- Value component (student’s orientation to learning
new things) - 9.8 points.
- Student’s orientation to creativity - 8.5 points.
- Student’s orientation towards productivity in their
activities - 8.2 points.
- Emotional orientation component (the student’s
need for learning new things and getting satisfaction
from this - 9.9 points; curiosity of the student - 9.4
points; student activeness - 9.5 points).
- Activity component (student’s focus on the activity
of the technical direction) - 9.8 points.
- Technical abilities component (developed technical
abilities of the student) - 10 points.
- Developed imagination of the student - 9.8 points.
- Creative abilities component (developed intellectual
abilities of the student) - 9.9 points.
- Student’s ability to think creatively - 9.8 points.
The selected component structure of technical talent,
the psychodiagnostic tools used, and the expert
questionnaire allowed for a thorough investigation of
the current state of development of the phenomenon
under study. The results of the comprehensive
psychodiagnostic examination (n=288) revealed that
despite the relatively high level of development of
individual relevant structural components, the
majority of surveyed students (84.6%, 242 people)
have an overall level of technical talent at an average
level of development. A small number of students
(0.3%, 1 person) were identified at a lower average
level, while no respondents were identified at the low
level. Furthermore, 10.8% (31 people) and 4.3% (12
people) of the surveyed students were found to have
high and above-average levels of development of
technical talent, respectively.
The expert assessment (n=42) of technical talent,
conducted using a pre-prepared questionnaire,
showed an identical distribution of the levels of
development of the trait under study among the
surveyed students of higher educational institutions.
Additionally, the correlation analysis of the results
from the comprehensive psychodiagnostic
examination and the expert assessment, using the
Spearman nonparametric criterion, revealed a
positive and statistically significant relationship
(r=0.77 at p<0.050). This finding confirms the
relevance of the selected component structure of the
phenomenon under study, the chosen
psychodiagnostic tools, and the gradation of levels of
development of technical talent.
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
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Savenkov A.I. (2001) Modern concepts of talent. // Issues
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Grigoriev A.A. (2011).Talent and intelligence // Journal of
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I.I. Rakhimova. Peculiarities of socially active
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Socio-Psychological Characteristics of the Improvement of Students’ Talents in Technical Fields