Manifestation of Emotional States in Pedagogical Activity:
Characteristics and Implications
Uktam Shamsiev
and Sаidа Bаbаdjаnоvа
Nаtiоnаl Univеrsity оf Uzbеkistаn, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
uktamshams75@mа, sаishkа77@mа
Keywords: Tеаchеr, Prоfеssiоn, Prоfеssiоnаl Rеputаtiоn, Tеаchеr's Lаbоr, Еmоtiоnаl Distrеss, Prоfеssiоnаl Duty,
Dеcisiоn-Mаking, Irritаbility, Dеspаir, Cаlm, Psychоlоgicаl Аnd Physicаl Hеаlth, Cоnflict
Abstract: In the conditions of the changes that are taking place, more and more high demands are placed not only on
the professional knowledge, skills, and qualifications of the teacher, but also on the level of his personal self-
development, psychological state. Complex socio-psychological problems associated with economic issues,
including low wages, inadequate technical equipment in schools, as well as a decrease in the prestige of the
teaching profession make teacher labor particularly emotionally difficult. Professional duty forces teachers to
make informed decisions, to be nervous, to overcome disappointment, and to restrain negative emotions.
However, the external restriction of emotions does not cause calmness and does not contribute to
psychological-physical health. It is known that negative emotional states of teachers lead to a decrease in the
effectiveness of education, increase the likelihood of conflict situations in teachers, lead to the emergence and
strengthening of negative features in the structure of character and professional qualities, undermine health,
and lead to the general dissatisfaction of the teacher with his profession. The article talks about these issues.
Among the many features and challenges of
pedagogical work, its high emotional intensity is
often distinguished. At the same time, the ability to
get along and groom oneself is recognized as a
professional essential quality of the teacher.
However, the practical role of emotions in
professional pedagogical activity is not sufficiently
accurately assessed; it is multifaceted and sometimes
contradictory. In any case, it does not prepare
teachers and future teachers for possible emotional
stresses, and it does not deliberately formulate
appropriate knowledge, abilities, and personal
It is known that achieving high efficiency of
educational and pedagogical activity is largely due to
the ability to use adequate methods and techniques of
regulating the emotional state in the educational
process. It is not enough to be a master of one's work,
to know one's subject, the methodology of teaching it,
perfectly. Skillfully mastering the inner state of mind
as the energy of life and creation, a favorable
Corresponding author
emotional state, one must find its own norms that lead
to the state of creativity.
Intellect, the formation of social initiative, and the
development of the cognitive interests of students are
ensured primarily through the emotional competency
structure, self-regulation, and motivation to achieve
success in activities, which is responsible for the
awareness and adequate expression of emotional
states in interaction with other people.
The inner life of a person is, first of all, an
emotional life. Emotional reactions and states of a
person are the main forms of perception of their
individuality. Therefore, the modern school should
pay more attention to emotional literacy the
purposeful development of abilities that determine
emotional competence. And this, as is known, is
directly related to the level of the teacher's own
emotional competence. The analysis of literature
showed that, despite the increasing theoretical and
practical importance in modern socio-economic
conditions, the issues of regulation and self-
management of the emotional state have hardly been
Shamsiev, U. and Babadjanova, S.
Manifestation of Emotional States in Pedagogical Activity: Characteristics and Implications.
DOI: 10.5220/0012476800003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 44-49
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
studied by the teachers. In this regard, the problem of
studying the emotional sphere of teachers,
determining the characteristics of their manifestation,
the conditions for the emergence and regulation of
emotional states characteristic of pedagogical
activity, remains especially relevant.
Theoretical analysis of general psychological, socio-
psychological, pedagogical, and philosophical
literature on research problem; observation from
experimental and empirical research techniques,
questionnaire and interview, sorting, self-assessment,
self-analysis, questionnaire. [Babadzhanova S.A.
Being emotional by nature, teaching work makes
serious demands on the emotional sphere of the
teacher's personality. In pedagogical communication,
the role of emotions in the skillful harmony of the
educational unit with other forms of pedagogical
influence is high. Due to their ability and
"communicability" feature, the teacher’s emotions
affect the emotionality of the students and the
psychological climate in the team.
At the same time, practice shows that teachers
often believe in the positive consequences of their
behavior. L.A. Povarnisin noted that the teacher’s
imagination about himself is erroneous. In the mind
of the teacher, the characteristics of the pupil, his
behavior, and personality occupy a much larger place
than the teacher himself. The teacher often talks not
about his own difficulties but about the behavior of
the partner, his shortcomings, unfavorable conditions
of activity. The main thing for him is to change the
behavior of his partner (student, parent). For the
teacher, the assessment of the pupil is the most
important professional task. There is no need for self-
The activities of the teacher are strictly defined by
the Ministry of education, the department, the school
administration, the public, and often "establish" anti-
dependence requirements (norms, drawing up plans,
limited time for various types of activities,
implementation, control of the program). This limits
the initiative of the teacher, deprives him of creative
activity, complicates thinking and imagination,
rigidifies them. In this case, the subject does not cope
with the task, when he has a high responsibility, he
does not begin to make the right decision at the
required pace. If the assessment by the
administration, parents, schoolchildren is not
suitable, the teacher can go "in self-defense," to
emotive actions; in many teachers, especially older
teachers, the usual frustrational conflicts arise, which
lead to signs of a neurological condition.
R.A. Makarevich, who studied the effect and
occurrence of psychological stress in teacher
activities, notes that a large part of the working day
(66.2%) occurs in a harsh environment, and the
situations of communication between teachers and
students are tense: prolongation of classes,
organization of extracurricular educational activities,
conduct, etc. Most of the respondents (especially 20-
30-year-olds) in these cases with involuntary
movements find it difficult to suppress excitement,
irritability, confusion, feeling bad (dry mouth, heart
palpitations, etc.; 50% of respondents indicate a
deterioration in the results of activity; 35% - a
deterioration in the ability to work; 20% - the
appearance of inconspicuous errors. In some teachers,
significant changes in their mimicry are observed
(frequent piercing of the eyes, raising eyebrows, lab
movements, etc.), body condition, face tone (blush,
whiteness), changes in the speech of most teachers
(60%). There is also a decrease in the indicators of
mental processes: memory, attention, thinking. After
being in tense communication situations, a large part
of the respondents (45%) feels themselves snoring,
depression, rest, sleepiness.
Behaviour: this can be manifested in the form of
a sharp transition from a high self-assessment to a low
one and vice versa (a fall in self-assessment), which
is observed when the teacher perceives others
negatively. Emotional behavior can bring out the
emotional shock.
The teacher "scatters" his anger, grief, anger at the
children, thereby artificially provoking the response
reaction of the students. Contact in this case is not
possible. This leads to the emergence of negative
motivation among students, the disruption of their
educational and cognitive activities.
G.F. Zaremba emphasizes the psychological
frustrations cases that affect the professional
activities of the teacher, mainly those that have a
destructive and non-constructive character. The
Manifestation of Emotional States in Pedagogical Activity: Characteristics and Implications
professional communication of the teacher; the
frequency of occurrence of various frustrations
reactions depends on the professional relationship
and the nature of the frustrations and has the most
emotionality. The frequency of occurrence of
frustrations in the activities of the teacher, its
emotional endurance will depend on the specific
socio-psychological conditions of pedagogical labor.
The author imagines the phenomenon of frustration
as a complex, whole structure, which includes
interrelated components: the situation of frustration;
a short-term intangible state (emotional shock); the
emotional state of a particular modality that occurs as
an obligatory reaction to the current state; behavioral
reactions that manifest against the background of the
modal-private state of an individual. The following
situations are defined as the most frustrations of
communication: "teacher-pupil", "teacher-class",
"teacher-administration", "parents of teachers-
pupils". Thus, negative changes in the emotional
circle of the teacher are associated with the influence
on the pedagogical personality; inhibition on the
goals of professional activity; prohibition of the
positive opinion of the teacher about the chosen
profession, class, school, about himself as a specialist.
The degree of merit in the process of pedagogical
activity can also serve as a criterion for assessing a
favorable and unfavorable situation. Workability is
the potential capacity of a person who has a high level
of efficiency for a certain period of time, performing
purposeful activities at a certain pace. As criteria for
assessing a favorable or unfavorable condition in the
process of activity, as we have already noted above,
indicators of the maximum, optimal, attenuation that
can serve are distinguished. The change in the
functional state is better viewed when it occurs at the
following stages of pedagogical activity: lesson, work
week, quarter, half-year, school year, in the first
working year, after five, ten, fifteen, twenty-five,
thirty-year work. Each of these completed stages is
subject to certain regular changes in the performance
level. The functional state is determined by the degree
of activity or change of performance indicators at
each stage of activity, the stage of the initial state, the
stage of preparation, the stage of operational rest, the
stage of compensation, the stage of the final impulse,
the stage of further activity. The concept of functional
comfort by L.D. Chaynova is defined as the optimal
working condition in which compliance with the
means and working conditions is achieved. He noted
that favorable conditions are characterized by a
positive state of mobilization of nervous and
psychological functions, which does not harm health,
long-term high efficiency in working capacity. A
favorable emotional state in the field of pedagogical
activity can be viewed in the way that the teacher
successfully performs pedagogical tasks in the
educational process, in which the intensity and
workability of the teacher are in an acceptable state.
The teacher skillfully uses the accumulated
knowledge and daily experience to manage his
emotional state and carries out the elimination of
tension, difficulties in pedagogical communication.
This can also be attributed to operational tension
as a mode of work because it provides confidence,
internal calm, and positive emotions, as well as
effective tension, which, for a long time, provides the
body with high activity. Therefore, effective and
optimal strain can be used as criteria for assessing a
favourable condition. That way, an unfavourable state
is the essence of the complex units, which are
unstable and often changing in time, strengthened by
a deterioration in the functional state, as a result of
which fatigue in a healthy person increases. An
unfavourable state is not limited to the concepts of a
bad mood, anxiety, fear, fatigue. It affects the entire
activity and can occur by the following factors:
Factors directly related to the teacher himself:
errors in giving information, inadmissible rudeness,
incomprehensible speech, errors in giving
information in the lesson, inadmissible rudeness,
confusion, lack of self-confidence, inadequate and
emotional responsiveness, negative physical and
emotional state, general somatic weakness,
headaches, fear, depression, increased fatigue,
fatigue, low level of self-status in the micro and
macro environment;
- External environmental factors: unusual
building of the school, poor quality repair, old
equipment, non-compliance with hygiene
requirements, semi-broken school after the
earthquake, etc.;
- Factors of unsatisfactory interaction in the
macroeconomic environment: poor relationship with
parents, constant distrust by the school
administration, artificial relations between members
of the teachers’ team, conflict with parents, failures in
work, non-objective requirements;
- Factors that depend on the individual-
typological characteristics of the teacher's
personality: negative aspects of behavior, slowness of
perception and processing of information,
sluggishness of thinking, weakness of will, etc.;
- Factors that lead to excessively unfavourable
conditions lead a person almost out of the process of
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
activity: palpitations, drowsiness, excessive fatigue,
dizziness, hypertonic crisis, myocardial infarction,
cerebral stroke, arrhythmia, stress, seizures, strong
irritability, shyness, multiple sclerosis and confusion,
memory impairment and decline, depression and loss
of speech, etc.
The psychological state often changes under the
influence of circumstances, and therefore an
additional criterion for assessing a favourable or
unfavourable state can serve as an emotional state.
Emotional state is a barometer that responds to
changes in the situation during the lesson, to various
phenomena of reality. Understanding one's own
experiences, deeper knowledge of the typical features
of behaviour will allow us to reveal the possibilities
and advantages of this criterion.
The emotional state plays an important role in the
pedagogical process. Emotional expressive speech is
one of the most important criteria for assessing a
favourable psychological state. Emotional colouring
of the teacher’s speech also serves as one of the
criteria for assessing the functional state. The speed
of speech and the strength of sound are usually
associated with the strength of the excitement
physiological state. Rhythm, especially in accordance
with the requirements of the situation in the class, its
change can only indicate a favourable or
unfavourable state of the teacher Q for a certain
period of time. The teacher shows his attitude to the
surrounding world through his speech. He rejoices or
is offended and, through his emotional state, can
cause satisfaction or anger, joy or frustration, hatred
in the students; the rudeness of the teacher provokes
fear or anxiety, coldness, that is, in human emotions,
as a reaction to his feelings and speech, manifests
himself and his attitude towards him.
Thus, the favourable functional state in the lesson
is associated with the teacher’s skill level, optimal
and productive stress on the effective solution of
educational and pedagogical tasks, the basis of
It should not be forgotten that in the transition
from comfortable to uncomfortable, on the contrary,
mood, activity, the desire to work further, satisfaction
from the lesson passed also changes, and all this
affects the functional state of the teacher. In this case,
the emotional state can serve as a criterion for
assessing the functional state at that time. In order to
ensure a comfortable position, first of all, the optimal
conditions of the environment (the teacher's readiness
for the lesson, clean, lighting room, high technical
supply, etc.) and effective tension, as well as the
maximum level of workability, in order to affect the
efficiency of the teacher-pupil activity, the optimum
voltage of the internal state, which depends on the
personal qualities.
In each case, sanitary and hygienic rules, optimal
psychophysiological loads, aesthetic and moral
norms, socio-psychological relations, good
microclimate in the team, etc., can serve as a source
of favourable conditions. However, our life is rich in
various non-standard deviations.
Teachers suffer from rapid fatigue, excessive
tension at the end of each quarter, the level of anxiety
increases. Therefore, undoubtedly, psychological
service in school should work. The psychologist
manages the scientific Counselling Centre, which
allows eliminating negative, unfavourable factors in
this school, organises formal games with elements of
psychotherapy, a cabin that reduces the load on the
car, psychotherapy and psychophysiological. That is,
the teacher learns to self-regulate the psyche, manage
his mood, find ways to get out of the emotional-
psychological stressful situation.
For the growth of creative abilities, a favourable
situation is not enough - it is also necessary to have a
psychological fullness of the individual, constant self-
education, self-knowledge. The teacher should
achieve all this through increasing the overall level of
development, acquiring new psychological
knowledge, improving institutions. Thus, a long-term
favourable situation is created by interrelated
characteristics between the external environment, the
psychological state, the personal qualities of the
teacher, the level of pedagogical skills, the level of
psycho-energetic expenditure and the development of
the general culture of the individual. All this makes it
possible to conclude that in the composition of the
main cases, a favourable emotional state determines
high readiness for activity, conscious regulation of
behaviour, well-being, activity, mood, the desire to
work in the future. An unfavourable state leads to
excessive excitement, high anxiety, anxiety,
confusion. The state of uniformity causes apathy,
depression, lethargy, a decrease in activity, a lack of
desire to work, an increase in the level of anxiety. The
study of the relationship between psychic states and
psychophysiological properties as well as
temperament shows that psychophysiological
properties and temperament are associated with the
strength of the nervous system, as well as with the
Manifestation of Emotional States in Pedagogical Activity: Characteristics and Implications
indicators of emotional reactivity. Most often,
positive-willed states, cases of communication are
associated with psychophysiological features. The
composition of the psychophysiological structure and
temperament characteristics have a predictive value
of the indicators of the strength and reactivity of the
nervous system - this makes it possible to determine
what situations the teacher encounters most in his
pedagogical activity. There are natural links between
the professional qualities of the teacher’s personality
and the circumstances that arise in pedagogical
activity. It is from them that professional and
pedagogical qualities are highly developed, negative
colouring reduces the intensity of psychological
states, while high development of personal qualities
leads to the actualization of positive psychological
states in pedagogical activity.
When it comes to socio-pedagogical qualities,
these legalities are basically the same, usually
manifested in the simplest cases of the teacher, they
are associated with situations based on positive
activity and attitude to the surrounding world. The
high level of professional development of the general
law is associated with the manifestation of positive
colouring situations and a decrease in the expression
of negative cases. Among the professional qualities,
empathy and communicativeness are considered the
first level. They have a great influence on the
actualization of the psychological states of the
teacher. The development of purposefulness and
willpower qualities occupies lower places.
Professional qualities are actualized not in one type
of situation groups, but in several. This indicates that
the formation and development of professional
qualities is not a group of cases, but several groups,
that is, a system of psychological states is involved.
According to observations and research, emotional
states influence the teacher's behaviour and, to a
greater extent, the behaviour in the process of
activity. The behaviour of the teacher in the process
of professional activity is characterised by greater
manageability, confidence, and thorough thinking. In
their actions, self-regulation and situational
behaviour prevail. There are certain interrelated
characteristics of the circumstances in which the
teacher is associated with behaviour and movement.
Thus, the circumstances that ensure the teacher's
activity are different from those that control
behaviour. Actions that are more closely related to
circumstances are considered to be negative,
pragmatic, creative, positively painted, and self-
directed actions. These are more affected by the
psychological state of the educator during the period
of pedagogical activity. These actions are
characterised by a characteristic feature of the
relationship with the psychic states. Among the
psychological states, a positive attitude to reality,
negative activity, negative psychophysical, and
emotional states have the most influence on the
teacher. The decline of negative colouring situations
in the teacher is usually due to the positive actions of
the teacher.
In the lesson, the study of the psychological state
of the students and teachers shows that these
situations are interrelated and mutually interrelated:
the circumstances of the teacher affect the state of the
students, respectively, the circumstances of the
students affect the state of the teachers. In general,
during the lessons, positive colouring cases are more
pronounced than negative colouring cases; in
teachers, these cases are more intensive. Significant
correlations were found between psychological states
of schoolchildren and teachers. For example,
"positive activity cases" of schoolchildren are
associated with the actualisation of positive
intellectual cases of the teacher.
The structural organisation of students'
psychological states in the lesson has a more complex
structure than the structural organisation of teacher
states. In the group of positive colouring cases of
schoolchildren, positive emotional states occupy a
central place, while in the group of negative colouring
cases negative activity. Teachers occupy central
positions in the case of positive and negative
The placement of blocks, which is a predominant
expression of positive or negative colouring
situations, is carried out by the actualisation of
situations that are associated with relationships and
emotional states to others. This curriculum is typical
for both teachers and students. The starting point of
updating the blocks of cases is the variety of features
of educational activity. Placement of psychological
states in groups of schoolchildren and teacher's
mechanism and sequence were determined. In the
organisation of an integral composition of the
psychological state of the teacher and students, the
psychological state of the teachers occupies a central
place, the main link in them are positive activity
situations and positive communication situations. The
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
block of positive colouring situations of students is
associated and conditioned by the positive individual-
psychological characteristics of students and their
psychological state in any communication through
positive emotional states.
This is possible if the teacher and students have
special skills in managing their own emotions and
behaviour, including the origin, removal, and
prevention of emotional behaviour.
Another important problem of teacher
psychology is the process of its formation as an
individual and as a profession is the level of real
management and correction of its emotional state as a
dynamic function in the process of activity and
communication of the individual. The problem of
regulating the emotional state during pedagogical
activity, and especially self-management during the
lesson, always being in an acceptable psychological
state, is confirmed by the theory and, as practice
shows, is very relevant in educational work. The
productivity of the activity, professional career, and
the health of the teacher depend on the solution of this
In the activities of the teacher, not only personal
qualities, professional orientation (sociability,
activity, self-confidence) but also the main cases play
a decisive role. To relieve tension during the working
day, it is necessary to introduce auto- and
psychotrainees. The team creates a microenvironment
that leads to a functional (comfortable or
uncomfortable) position. Optimisation of the
environment is the most important parameter not only
to prevent undesirable emotional state but also to
increase professionalism in the composition of
pedagogical activity.
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Manifestation of Emotional States in Pedagogical Activity: Characteristics and Implications