Adjustment of Computer Games in Teenagers
Indira Rakhimova
, Umida Sayitova
, Tokhir Mamatmusaev
and Diyora Khadjakulova
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulughbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords Game, Computer Game, Addiction, Addiction to Computer Games, Adolescence.
Abstract This article investigates the dimensions of addiction to computer games across various age groups, examining
the dynamics of dependency, success motivation, and family relationship characteristics. While previous
studies have focused on age groups as distinct units in gaming addiction, this research delves deeper into the
interplay between these elements, unexplored in prior work. Drawing from comprehensive personality
research, comparative analyses, and psychodiagnostic methods, the study employs various tests and
methodologies to scrutinize adolescents' attitudes and addiction levels. Findings reveal significant differences
in addiction patterns and family dynamics between adolescent boys and girls. The analysis underscores the
pivotal role of environmental factors in shaping gaming habits. Additionally, it investigates the motivational
landscape among adolescents, highlighting various motivational constructs prevalent in gaming-dependent
individuals. This comprehensive exploration sheds light on the nuanced aspects of gaming addiction and its
multifaceted influences on adolescent behavior and family relationships.
Worldwide research has done much work in studying
the psychological characteristics of addiction to
computer games. Each age group has been studied as
a distinct entity, particularly in the context of
dependence on computer games. However, their
dynamics, motivation for success, and characteristics
of family relationships (positive environment,
anxiety, conflict, lack, hostility) have not been fully
explored. Hence, our study finds its relevance in the
exploration of the dynamics of addiction to computer
games, motivation to succeed, and characteristics of
family relationships amongst subjects of different
ages (Rakhimova and Sayitova, 2020);(Rakhimova,
Firstly, it's worth noting that the issue of "human-
machine" relations is, in the words of N. Winner, "one
of the most significant problems" (Pushkin and Ursul,
1989);(Mukhamedova and Rakhimova, 2020).
Researchers have long been captivated by the advent
of modern computers. In particular, the well-known
Russian philosopher N.A. Berdyaev published a
major article in 1933 in his journal "Put", entitled
Corresponding author:
"Man and Machine (Sociology and Metaphysics of
Technology)" (Berdyaev, 1989); (Igorevna, 2016).
Experts note that this article holds special value
within the works of N.A. Berdyaev, which have been
reprinted six times in collections and translated into
foreign languages (Bodaleva et al. 2003);
(Rakhimova and Mukhamedova, 2020).
The research utilises a comprehensive approach to
personality research, comparative analysis,
discussions concerning students' attitudes towards
computer games, and psychodiagnostic methods. We
have employed AV Grishina's "Questionnaire to
Determine the Level of Interest of Young Teenagers
in Computer Games"; the "Motivation to Strive for
Success" test and the "Constructive Motivation"
methodology (R. Burns); the "Socio-psychological
Adaptation" method (adapted version by TV
Snegireva) and mathematical-statistical methods in
processing empirical results (Student's t-test, K.
Pearson's method for calculating the correlation
Rakhimova, I., Sayitova, U., Mamatmusaev, T. and Khadjakulova, D.
Adjustment of Computer Games in Teenagers.
DOI: 10.5220/0012478800003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 137-141
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
A correlation analysis of the empirical data obtained
from the Computer Game Addiction Survey was
conducted, following the interviews with this
category of adolescents. This analysis focused on the
performance of adolescents (boys and girls) who
exhibited a high addiction to computer games
(Rakhimova and Mukhamedova, 2020).
The analysis of correlation indicators revealed a
significant difference in the characteristics of
adolescent boys' addiction to computer games in
comparison to younger school students. As per their
survey results, two significant correlations were
noted. Both relationships primarily concerned their
association with gaming. Firstly, adolescents were
evaluated on their determination to play computer
games regularly, their aspiration to achieve high
results, and their immersion in the games to an extent
that it blurred the passing of time (r = 0.371 and p
Adolescents' preference to interact with characters in
computer games correlated with an increase in
parental restrictions on playing computer games (r =
0.378 and p <0.05). It appears that the surrounding
environment can play a significant role in a teenager's
addiction to computer games (Table 1).
In the table below, the results for adolescent girls
differ markedly from those of the boys. Some of their
characteristics are similar to those of younger school
children addicted to computer games. The rise in
emotional attitudes towards computer games in
adolescent girls resulted in a lack of self-control (r =
0.378 and p <0.05).
Table 1: Characteristics of adolescent boys with a high level of dependence on computer games (n = 95).
towards CG
monitoring in
the CG
in CG
towards child’s
Preference to
communicate with
CG heroes rather
than real
Emotional attitude
towards CG
1 -0,117 -0,062 0,062 0,201
Self-control in the
1 -0,078 -0,143 0,181
Target orientation
in CG
1 0,371* -0,204
The parent’s
attitude towards
the child’s CG
1 0,378*
Prefer to
communicate with
CG heroes rather
than real
* р<0,05
In turn, the escalation of emotional relationships with
computer games in adolescent girls appears to also
influence changes in their parents' attitudes towards
these games. Adolescent girls also tend to hide their
enthusiasm for computer games from their parents (r
= -0.683 and p <0.05).
When girls develop self-control skills, they exhibit a
willingness to set limitations for themselves with
regards to playing computer games (r = -0.606 and p
<0.05), and are more open with their parents about the
impact of these games (r = 0.730 and p <0.05) (Table
If adolescent girls' inclination to play computer
games is curtailed by their parents, they consequently
prefer real-world communication over interaction
with characters in computer games (r = -0.759 and p
According to most test participants, certain aspects of
human life and activities are simulated during the
gameplay. Through the game, they learn clearly
established rules and norms, and have the opportunity
to comprehend and navigate social reality. Computer
games portray repeating moving relationships.
Communication patterns within the games allow
participants to grasp some aspects of communication.
Using a computer game, they independently
determine the type of interaction with their chosen
character. Mastering norms and habits of social
relationships helps them begin to communicate with
their peers.
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
According to the subjects, gaming enhances cognitive
activity, attention, memory, and the development of
thinking. However, it doesn't have a beneficial effect
on emotional intelligence. Success in the game
accelerates the development of motivational skills.
Loss, on the other hand, engenders feelings of
resentment and negative attitudes, not only towards
oneself but also towards one's peers.
Table 2: Characteristics of adolescents with a high level of dependence on computer games (girls) (n = 63).
attitude to
CG (5)
monitoring in
the CG
in CG
The parent’s
towards the
child’s CG
Prefer to
communicate with
CG heroes rather
than real
Emotional attitude
towards CG
1 -0,712* 0,001 -0,683* 0,518
Self-control in the
1 -0,606* 0,730* -0,448
Target orientation
in CG
1 -0,224 -0,096
The parent’s
attitude towards
the child’s CG
1 -0,759*
Prefer to
communicate with
CG heroes rather
than real
* р<0,05
Given that human behaviour is rooted in motivational
factors, it is fitting to also analyse the characteristics
of the motivational field in adolescents who are
addicted to computer games here.
The motivational field of the adolescent subjects was
determined by studying the motivational
constructivity of the adolescents as well, and
preliminary conclusions about the primary type of
motivation were drawn.
Procedure: The experiment was attended by boys and
girls aged 11-12 years. In group A, there were
subjects with a pronounced dependence on computer
games (26 individuals), and in group B, there were
participants with average and less pronounced
involvement in computer games (32 individuals),
totalling 58 teenagers.
A quantitative analysis was performed based on the
calculation of scores. The processing of the results is
provided in the appendix. A qualitative analysis to
determine the constructiveness of motivation in a
group of 26 subjects is presented in Table 3.
Table 3: Qualitative analysis to determine the constructiveness of motivation.
CG dependency level
Constructive and behavioral approach to motivation
Constructive unity
Destructive unit
Reconstruction unit
Instructional unit
High rates of
addiction to computer
42% 26% 20% 12%
Adjustment of Computer Games in Teenagers
The table shows that the constructive unit of
motivation is specific to 42% of the subjects, in which
the motivation for success and attitude predominates.
The balance of internal and external interactions
underpins the balance of goals and relationships in
both the internal and external plans of the adolescent
who is addicted to computer games. Ideally, they
strive for collaborative creativity in all significant
activities and in resolving disagreements based on
internationalism and extroversion. The adolescent's
passion (eagerness for the goal and readiness to
sacrifice and forfeit themselves to achieve that goal)
has significant public relevance. However, when they
don't pay enough attention to themselves and are not
demanded by the public, they become a dispassionate
good-natured individual, dreamy, a fan of public
events, a constant activist of communities. Although
the extreme tension of spiritual and physical forces is
displayed in the choleric temperament on the
parameter of personal sensitivity, it appears as a
typical personal state on the constructiveness
parameter in terms of its activity - sanguine.
The destructive unit of motivation belongs to 26% of
subjects. The primary way and motive to enter into a
relationship is "no - no". That is, the mutual denial of
internal and external is a negative motive for
rejection, determining the stability of the adolescent,
the rhythm of slow development. In general, this
destructive relationship is the unity of motivation and
motivation for success in reality, expressed in two
different forms of complementary "adaptation"
(Igorevna, 2016).
The first is the inner world, i.e., the teenager who is
addicted to computer games, to oppress others, to
dominate others and himself based on the mutual
rejection of both his own and others' inner worlds.
The second form is the adaptation of the adolescent
to the moral views of others as well as to his personal
habits ensuring the stability of his lifestyle. The issue
of the interaction of internal and external is resolved
voluntarily and willingly, and sometimes
Reconstructive motivation is typical for 20% of
subjects. The primary way (motive) to enter into a
relationship is "Yes-No", i.e., the desire to express the
importance and value of the individual is the
dominance of the reconstructive unity of motivation
and motivation to succeed when it's based on the
command of the mind, not the heart. The result of this
reconstructive motivation is usually manifested in the
attempt to "avoid" complex situations in the
emergence of sensitive issues related to the re-entry
into internal and external interactions. Spiritual
activity aimed at working on oneself, strong thoughts
aimed at improving one's self-efficacy, reflects the
adolescent as an internal but introverted individual,
i.e., appealing to his inner world. In adolescents with
a high level of addiction to computer games, self-
motivation is more important than motivation to
succeed; the reciprocal ratio prevails over the goal - it
is more important to understand oneself or some
abstract truth, and only then is the external world
taken into account. This is the reason for the general
focus on the types of activities (scientist, writer,
composer, sage, leftist) that take into account the fact
that work is performed in a secluded place.
The instructional unit of motivation belongs to 12%
of subjects. The primary way (motive) to enter into a
relationship is the "no-yes" motive, which implies the
denial of the inside to the outside. This form of
motivation is expressed not only in oneself but also in
relation to others: everyone must follow the
externally defined ideas, rules - norms, goals, etc., as
a guide. The instructive unity of attitude motivation
and success motivation is observed in the pursuit of
"competition". It is based on the fact that a teenager
addicted to computer games educates himself in the
external environment and recognises his importance
and value. But at the same time, the adolescent's goals
and attitudes are disproportionate: according to his
external perceptions, the goal, the results achieved,
prevail, which may depend not only on the conscious
attitude but also on the psychological state of the
situation. The psychological state is understood as an
instrumental value of a person, not a spiritual one.
Thus, in contrast to early school age, the dependence
on computer games in adolescence manifests in
relation to the gaming process. The gaming
environment and the ability to organise it serve as a
more convenient tool for meeting leadership needs in
terms of communication and interaction with their
peers. In games that reflect the social relationships of
adults, adolescents have the opportunity to master
behaviour and thus "join" the world of adult
relationships. This is why when a child prefers to play
in a team, they assume a certain position with its help.
Access to computer technology is only possible if
certain financial conditions are met. Children also
enjoy playing games whilst interacting with the
group. While teenage girls prefer games related to
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
gender characteristics, teenage boys also prefer to
play games in which masculine characters are
distinctly expressed.
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Adjustment of Computer Games in Teenagers