Motive as a Factor Influencing the Creative Choice of a Teacher's
Fahriddin Choriev
, Kh. Rukhievа
Nabi Mazhidov
, Mavluda Fayzieva
and Madina Mukhtоrova
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulughbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
CarDU Karshi, Uzbekistan,
TDIU, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords Motive, Motivation, Profession, Motivation, Activity, Goal, Creativity, Factor, Need. Purposefulness.
Abstract This study investigates the motives driving high school students in Uzbekistan towards choosing the teaching
profession. Examining responses from 182 participants through questionnaires and essays, varied motivations
emerged, including subject interest, societal significance, and a profound love for children. However, the
analysis revealed fragmented understanding among students regarding the complexities of teaching. The study
emphasizes the need for comprehensive career guidance to deepen students' understanding of pedagogical
work, ensuring a motivated and well-prepared future educator cohort. Ultimately, it advocates for methods
that immerse students in practical teaching aspects, enhancing their knowledge and appreciation of the
The study of the motives for choosing a profession
occupies a special place in the field of career
guidance. In modern studies of vocational training,
the problem of motivation attracts the attention of
sociologists, psychologists, and teachers alike. It is
impossible to understand the manifestation of
personality, its inner psychological appearance,
without analysing motives.
In psychology, motive is considered as an
incentive to action: "Motive as an incentive is the
source of action" (S. A. Rubinstein)(Rubinstein,
1996) . The dominant motives of human activity, as
driving forces, determine the nature of his behaviour.
The effective power of the motive depends on the
degree of awareness of the social and personal vital
importance of the motivated goals. The motives of
human activity and behaviour are very diverse. They
arise from various needs and interests that form
within a person in the process of social life, as
mentioned by S. A. Rubinstein (Rubinstein, 1996) .
"As motives," writes L. I. Bozhovich (Bozhovich,
1992) , "objects of the external world,
representations, ideas, feelings, and experiences can
Corresponding author
act. Everything that the need has found its
embodiment in." A conscious choice of profession is
always motivated by something. Only motivated
activity is a source of active, creative attitude towards
the work performed, which will give a person the
desire and strength to overcome difficulties (B. F.
Lomov). In the motives of a person, his
purposefulness, life perspective is manifested. In this
regard, the nature of motives indicates the level of
individual qualities of a person.
We set the task to reveal the content of the motives
for choosing a pedagogical profession, to identify the
sources of motivation, the attitude of students of the
pedagogical class towards the problem of self-
determination, and the level of their professional
orientation. The study involved 182 high school
students in Uzbekistan. Questionnaires were
distributed to students, posing the following
1. When did you become interested in the teaching
profession? What contributed to this?
2. What kind of social work did you engage in at
school? How successful was your activity in this
Choriev, F., RukhievÐ
r, K., Mazhidov, N., Fayzieva, M. and Mukhtпrova, M.
Motive as a Factor Influencing the Creative Choice of a Teacher’s Profession.
DOI: 10.5220/0012479800003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 148-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
3. Have you noticed a steady tendency towards
pedagogical activity? How did this tendency manifest
4. What is the role of teachers in your decision to
choose the profession of a teacher?
5. What qualities of teachers' personality, in your
opinion, contributed to the development of interest
and aptitude for the teaching profession?
6. What attracted you to the teaching profession?
The students wrote essays on the topics "Why I
want to become a teacher" and "How I imagine a
modern teacher." Along with the analysis of written
answers, individual conversations were conducted
with students, as well as with subject teachers.
The analysis of the received materials shows that the
desire to choose a pedagogical specialty can be
formed under the influence of various motives. 26.4%
of respondents in choosing a profession were guided
by interest in an academic subject.
"I really want to become a maths teacher. For me,
entering the classroom and starting a lesson is
probably the most interesting thing" (Ozoda N.).
"I chose this specialty because chemistry is the
science of miracles. It is chemistry that plays a
leading role in the development of other sciences in
our time" (Dilnoza M.).
11.7% of students motivate the choice of a
teaching profession to broaden their horizons. They
correlate the social significance of the profession with
the desire to educate a new person. Love for the
subject can also be caused by specific aspects of the
subject, such as accurate mathematical calculations,
historical events, the prestige of any branch of science
at a given time, etc.
"How did I learn about this specialty? It was
probably since when I first realised the full depth of
the poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin, A.
Aripov, E. Vakhidov, when I cried over Abdullah
Kadiri's novel 'Bygone Days.' I was proud of the skill
of these people. I wanted to learn more, see the whole
world, and then tell people. And I began to dream
about when I would get to know people's lives, and
then I would teach my guys this to people" (Guzal
The motive of interest in the subject can be
understood with different shades of love for the
subject and a desire to know it; love for the subject
and a desire to teach others. Individual conversations
with students show that many of them were guided
only by interest in the subject and respect for their
11.7% of students, knowing the history of the
profession, the tasks of the teacher in society, the
requirements imposed on him, the content of his
activities, the conditions of teaching work, the
difficulties of this profession, chose the profession of
a teacher. Students' knowledge of the specifics of the
teacher's profession determined their choice.
A teacher in any society is one of the most
difficult and necessary professions in society. The
future of our country largely depends on him. The
teacher forms a new person, comprehensively and
harmoniously developed. Of particular importance is
the profession of a teacher in the era of NTR, when
there is a rapid development of science and
technology. The teacher is called to give knowledge
that would contribute to his active life" (Eleonora N.).
"Now, when there is a tense situation all over the
world, our society needs educated, politically mature
people, and after all, the main task of a teacher is
education" (Olya R.).
"I think that the profession of a teacher is
important now, that's why a teacher communicates
with children" (Gayrat B.).
12.2% of students say that the subject helps them
to understand complex life issues, to know the world
For example: "I really love literature. She
discovers a lot of new, previously unknown, tells
about the fate of people, teaches them to love and
hate, to understand evil and good. All this knowledge
of mine watched the work of the teacher and fell in
love with this profession" (R. Karima).
"Knowing this subject, we will learn the
centuries-old history of the development of human
society. It helps to comprehend life, the world around
us, the tragedies of states deeply" (Lola I.).
21.7% of students motivate their choice with love
for children, for the teacher, especially the first one.
Usually, such students helped the laggards, were
counsellors, they had to bring up younger brothers
and sisters at home. It is not by chance that this motive
prevails among girls: as a rule, families here have
many children, and the burden of raising younger
children often falls on their shoulders. Here are some
examples that students are guided by: "I like to spend
time with kids. My younger brothers constantly turn
to me for help, and I am happy to help them in school
affairs" (Aida Yu). "I chose the profession of a
teacher because I love children. How I didn't want to
part with those years when I wore a scarlet tie on my
chest. It was the happiest time of my life. Then I was
Motive as a Factor Influencing the Creative Choice of a Teacher’s Profession
already thinking about what profession to choose to
stay in school forever" (Raino N.).
The attitude to the teacher's profession is also
influenced by reading fiction, watching films,
performances about school, about teachers. This was
indicated by 2.4% of students: "As soon as I read a
book about a good teacher, I immediately wanted to
become a teacher and exactly the same as the one
from the book" (Raino S.).
"Since childhood, my favourite books were books
about school, I read them several times" (Nelya K.).
Books have a great influence on the formation of
attitudes towards the teaching profession. "I have
already read the Pedagogical Poem several times.
Makarenko is an ideal educator for me. If I used to
read this book just as a work of art, now I have
become more interested in the techniques of Anton
Semenovich" (Gulya K.).
Another motive for choosing a teaching
profession is respect for their teacher (4.3%). This
factor may be influenced by the results of its
activities. Its formation may be influenced by the
manner of behaviour, the style of work of the teacher,
his attitude to students, the high quality of teaching,
etc. For example: "At school, in Uzbek language and
literature lessons, I eagerly hung on every word of the
teacher. We had a teacher, Husan Fazilov. His lessons
fascinated us. He was able to find "the key to our
hearts. Even the most restless froze in their seats and
listened, afraid to miss even a word. It was he who
helped strengthen my dream. And if I achieve my
goal, I will always tell children about my first
teacher" (Nigora Yu.). "Thanks to T. V., I love this
subject, I began to read a lot of historical books. She
is one of those who influenced the life path I chose"
(Kamil S.).
As the analysis of the materials obtained showed,
2.7% of the subjects had a decisive influence on the
choice of a teacher's profession.
"I understood that only studying at a pedagogical
institute would bring me satisfaction. Maybe it's
naive, but already from school, I dreamed of teaching
work; somehow, I was preparing for it in my own
way. To a greater extent, this was facilitated by the
fact that my mother works in the kindergarten. In my
free time, I often ran to her; I loved to help the
educators at least in some way. How interesting these
kids are, demanding so much attention to themselves.
They pay with kindness for being sensitive to them"
(Dilor N.).
2.3% of students develop an interest in
pedagogical work under the influence of social
activities of schoolchildren. Any student can take the
position of an educator.
"The desire to become a teacher appeared to me
early. Even before I went to school," recalls Mardona
M., "Our neighbors in the apartment, leaving the
review, I was happy to stay with them for the older
sister. I sat them on chairs and started playing school.
And it was so interesting that even now I remember
that distant time with pleasure."
"The desire to become a teacher appeared to me
early. And I decided to check if I could work as a
teacher. My friend and I became counsellors in a
sponsored class. We took the kids to the cinema, the
circus, read books to them, held conversations with
them. They rejoiced every time we came. Happy
smiles shone on their enthusiastic faces. We loved our
mentees very much. This love for children grew
stronger every year. We gradually got acquainted
with our future profession, with difficulties
encountered in the work of a teacher" (Manzura S.).
A positive attitude towards the teaching
profession in the family is a favourable factor in
choosing this profession. 2.6% of the students came
to the kindergarten, intending to continue the family
tradition in the future. Since the interest that has
arisen under the influence of parents or teachers is the
deepest and most persistent, in this case, the
pedagogical institutes receive a very valuable
"My mum," Dilfuza writes in the essay. M, is a
primary school teacher. She often brought student
notebooks. I watched with interest as she checked
them, wrote comments, and gave grades. I knew all
her students by their last names and first names; I
knew who was studying and behaving."
"My father is a teacher. Since childhood, I have
watched him as he prepares for lessons, as he checks
notebooks and puts grades. He talks a lot about his
work, about his successes and failures. The teaching
profession is close to me. I know better than anyone
else all these difficulties, but still, I can't imagine
myself in any other role. I want to continue my
father's work and devote my life to this difficult but
noble profession" (Gulmira H.).
Along with the above-mentioned motives, some
other factors also influence students' choice of a
teaching profession. The most important of them are
the influence and example of friends, participation in
public affairs, the attitude of others to the teacher and
his work. "I like the profession of a teacher. She is
very attractive in the countryside, honourable, the
most respected. People, greeting teachers, bow their
heads and put their hand to their heart" (Ali A.). The
motive of this type among high school students is
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Nevertheless, with a generally positive attitude
towards the teaching profession, the orientation
towards the teaching profession among high school
students was not clearly expressed: knowledge about
the peculiarities of the teaching profession was
fragmentary for most of them; there was not enough
experience of social and pedagogical work; not all
high school students associated their arrival in the
pedagogical class with the choice of a teaching
Revealing to students the noble and honourable
mission of a teacher, the role that teachers play in
building society, the essence of educating and
educating children, introducing them to the masters
of pedagogical work, it is necessary to arouse great
interest in the profession of a teacher, and through it,
respect for people of pedagogical work, develop a
propensity for it.
Psychologically preparing boys and girls for
pedagogical activity, it is necessary to bring them
closer to the life of the school, to its problems: This
will arouse interest, form an inclination and love for
the upbringing and education of children, attract
attention to the pedagogical actions of the teacher.
Also, the observation showed that not everything
possible and necessary is being done in the country's
schools in this direction. The motives for choosing a
profession characteristic of different age periods are
not sufficiently studied, even the main motivating
factors are not determined. And without this, it is
impossible to guarantee the correctness of the
formation of students' interests and inclinations,
psychological readiness to choose a profession.
Therefore, our task was to familiarise students with
the teacher's profession by including them in social
and pedagogical activities, which contributes to the
formation of their professional and pedagogical
motives, awareness of the social and personal
significance of the teaching profession.
Therefore, the analysis of the motivation behind
choosing pedagogical work has not yet contributed to
the preparation of a high-quality pool of teachers. It
is necessary to identify approaches and methods to
enhance students' pedagogical career guidance and to
adequately prepare them for admission to
pedagogical universities.
Speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the 72nd session of the UN
General Assembly on September 20, 2017 " Folk
word", September 23, 2017 No. 192 (6886).
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Motive as a Factor Influencing the Creative Choice of a Teacher’s Profession