The Role of Social Environment in the Formation of Self-Awareness
Process in Preschool Children
Nozima Mullabaeva
, Shokhroza Abdunazarova
and Abdulla Sharafitdinov
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
Keywords Preschool, Self-Awareness, Psychological Development, Cognitive Development, Ontogenetic Development,
Social Relations, Social Environment, Formation of "Self".
Abstract The process of self-awareness in preschool age is influenced not only by biological factors but also by the
development that occurs under the influence of socially and psychologically consistent external stimuli. These
stimuli can even lead to age-related developmental delays. The family and pre-school educational institutions,
which form the primary social environment, play a crucial role in educational, psychological, and pedagogical
From birth, individuals undergo a process of physical
growth and mental development influenced by
various objective and subjective factors and
conditions. Throughout ontogenetic development, the
influence of the social environment and relationships
leads to dynamic changes. The dynamic
characteristics of an individual are shaped by the
personal variability of behavioural qualities resulting
from the impact of the social environment.
Throughout life, individuals interact with the
objective world directly and indirectly as they study
the environment and society. This interaction
influences emotional, intellectual, and behavioural
development. The process of acquiring vital
knowledge, skills, and competencies involves
internalization and exteriorization of the subject's
interaction with the object. In other words, the
external environment influences the inner psyche of
the individual, and the inner spiritual world
influences the external environment. Human
development, both physical and spiritual, has always
been a priority at every stage of life.
One of the main factors contributing to individual
perfection is the level of development of self-
awareness [Goziyev E.2002]. Self-awareness is a
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complex process that evolves through the individual's
relationship with oneself and various social
environments. The process of self-awareness is
closely linked to cognitive and social cognition. It
plays a crucial role in the ontogenetic development of
the human personality, aiding in overcoming age-
specific mental crises and finding one's place and
status in different social environments.
Understanding one's potential is vital for self-
development. The renowned theorist K. Rodgers also
emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in his
phenomenological theory. In this theory, man is
described as an active being who is goal-oriented and
capable of self-direction towards a goal. When there
is a discrepancy between the concept of self-
awareness and the experience of the whole organism,
a threat arises, and individuals may distort or deny
perception to protect their sense of self. This gap
between self-awareness and real experience can lead
to changes in personality and psychopathology
[Hjelle L., D. 1992]. Rodgers explains that
individuals evaluate the external objective world
through their subjective perception, and self-
awareness involves analysing subjective perceptions,
needs, and desires, which significantly influence
behaviour. All personality traits are reflected in the
concept of "self." Therefore, the process of self-
awareness is intrinsically linked to mental
development, with a continuous connection between
Mullabaeva, N., Abdunazarova, S. and Sharafitdinov, A.
The Role of Social Environment in the Formation of Self-Awareness Process in Preschool Children.
DOI: 10.5220/0012480000003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 152-156
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
psychological characteristics and the process of self-
A child's personal social psychological development
is influenced by factors such as heredity,
environment, and education. Life experiences also
play a significant role in shaping personal
management. Individuals often base their behaviour
on their own life experiences, and self-awareness
allows them to manage their behaviour in line with
their personal perceptions. Self-awareness involves a
process of self-directed attention and behaviour
change, which is undertaken by the individual and the
community [Kozlova O. N][4]. Jie Yin's study also
explores the possibility of self-awareness through
reconstruction using the concept of reflexivity with
Kant's model [Shamsiyev O.B 2010]. In this context,
self-perception is possible when one can see oneself
as an object. Proper orientation of the psychological
features of self-awareness during the preschool
period, based on the child's physiological-
psychological individual developmental
characteristics, contributes to the development of the
person's future self-education skills. The child's
mental development occurs through personal
activities, social environments, and interpersonal
relationships, alongside cognitive, emotional, and
behavioural processes. The components of self-
awareness include self-knowledge, self-awareness,
self-control, and self-management, enabling
individuals to manage their personal lives wisely and
utilize their abilities effectively. The process of self-
awareness develops consciously and unconsciously
in every member of society and is influenced by
cultural norms, national character, spirituality, and
values, which vary based on different states and
nations. Thus, self-awareness is intrinsically linked to
morality, national character, spirituality, and social
norms. Properly formed self-awareness from an early
age empowers children to overcome age-specific
crises, realize their potential, analyse their thoughts,
manage their emotions, interact effectively, and
develop opposing views on behaviour that contradicts
social norms.
In our research, we have selected various
methodologies to determine the role of the child in the
social environment during preschool age and to study
the self-assessment results in the child's cognitive
process within the social environment. The
questionnaires used were "Parents and Teachers'
Attitudes Toward Children" by F. Varga and V. Stalin
(for educators and parents), "Who Am I in This
World" methodology by V. A. Sonin (for parents,
educators), and "Study of Personality Character
Accentuation" methods by K. Leongard.
Additionally, we utilized Luskanova's method
"Determining the Motivation to Learn" for preschool
children and R. Jelening's projective methodology
along with VG Shur's projective method "Stairs"
(refer to Appendices 1-6) for the research. A total of
60 parents and their children from 60 families
participated in our study. The results obtained from
our subjects were analysed using the SPSS program
for both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Among
the parents who participated, 5 were male, and 55
were female.
Based on our research, it is evident that parents make
efforts to spend more time with their children, as
indicated by the scores on the "Accepted" scale,
where they accept their plans and interests. On the
"Cooperation" scale, children demonstrated interest
in planning and working together, trying to provide
support and sympathy to their peers. However, on the
"Authoritarian Hyper-socialization" scale, it was
observed that some parents have a tendency to
demand unconditional obedience and discipline from
their children. Additionally, the "Responses to Child
Failure" scale showed that the evaluation of a child's
ability to perceive personal and social maturity was
moderate (see Table 1).
Table 1: Methodological statistics of parental relations
N Minimu
Standard deviation Asymmetry Excess
60 1,00 9,00 4,2667 1,64540 ,335 ,018
60 2,00 7,00 4,6333 1,13446 -,018 -,356
hyper social
60 2,00 7,00 5,0000 1,13496 -,072 -,535
A little unlucky
60 1,00 8,00 3,2333 1,30665 1,908 4,491
The Role of Social Environment in the Formation of Self-Awareness Process in Preschool Children
Apart from assessing the parents' attitudes towards
their children, a method was employed to determine
the character accentuation. The findings revealed that
a majority of the subjects exhibited signs of
emotional, rigid, and exhalatory character
accentuation. Specifically, the second table
demonstrates the exhalatory type of character
accentuation, characterized by high sociability,
liveliness, cheerfulness, a strong sense of social
justice, but also sensitivity, resentment, and
Table 2: K. Leongard's personality character accentuation statistics
N Minimal Maximum
deviation As
Hypertim type
50 3,00 21,00 13,8000 4,61586 -,301 -,275
50 3,00 24,00 14,2800 5,40612 -,017 -,607
50 3,00 24,00 11,8800 4,28400 ,555 ,287
50 4,00 22,00 11,8000 3,66450 ,319 ,393
50 3,00 21,00 12,1200 4,41075 -,032 -,242
50 9,00 27,00 19,6200 4,16443 -,491 -,353
50 10,00 28,00 16,2200 3,74324 ,716 ,653
50 4,00 24,00 12,3800 4,24211 ,296 ,043
50 3,00 24,00 13,6800 4,77852 ,391 ,070
50 6,00 24,00 15,5000 6,65858 -,217 -1,286
Statistics on the methodology for determining
parental self-assessment are presented in Table 3,
which revealed that parents were able to self-assess
based on 10 qualities. Self-esteem, being a
component of parental self-awareness, plays a
significant role in shaping personality traits,
especially in the context of relationships with
children. The results show that the majority of
subjects demonstrated high self-esteem and self-
Table 3: The result of parental self-awareness methodology
N Minimal Maximum
Asymmetry Excess
Self-esteem 60 35,00 60,00 49,2333 6,29061 -,268 -1,031
We employed the Student T criterion to assess the
gender difference between the scales of the
methodology in preschool children.
Table 4: Indicators of Methodology for Preschool Children in the Student Criterion
Sex N
Level of
To mother
Daughter 26 11,3077 3,74987
2,935 ,005**
Son 34 8,9412 2,48561
To father
Daughter 26 7,1154 2,28608
-2,602 ,012*
Son 34 8,7353 2,46563
The table's results indicate that, at this age, girls tend
to have a more positive attitude towards their mothers
than boys do, while boys exhibit a higher attitude
towards their fathers compared to girls. In our
research, we also examined the correlations between
mother, father, and foster care types (see Table 5). We
found that a higher level of child's positive attitude
towards the mother was associated with increased
motivation to learn (rs = 0.261, p < 0.05). Moreover,
most children with a strong maternal attitude
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
demonstrated cooperative behaviour (rs = 0.386, p <
0.01). In such cases, adults are actively interested in
children's plans and activities, providing support and
empathy. They appreciate the children's intellectual
and creative abilities and feel proud of their foster
children. These adults are capable of encouraging the
children's initiative and independence, treating them
as equals, trusting them, and respecting their
opinions, even in matters of disagreement.
Furthermore, we observed that an increase in the
cooperative type among parents was associated with
a decrease in the authoritarian hyper-social type (rs =
-0.317, p < 0.05). In other words, parents who
promote their children's independence and initiative,
treat them as equals, have faith in them, and respect
their opinions tend to exhibit less authoritarian
Table 5. Results of the parent-child relationship
Motive of
Accepted cooperation
hyper type
A little
To mother
1,000 -,146 -,008 ,261(*) ,061 ,055 ,386(**) -,143 -,108
To father
1,000 -,199 ,075 -,073 ,143 -,151 ,144 -,077
To older
1,000 ,142 -,054 -,186 -,065 ,156 ,101
Motive of
1,000 ,135 -,076 ,102 -,152 -,057
1,000 ,011 ,016 ,064 -,064
1,000 -,129 -,200 ,299(*)
1,000 -,317(*)
n hyper type
1,000 -,175
A little
The experimental part of our study indicates that the
correct attitude and influence of the preschool child's
personality on the social environment significantly
determine the child's cognitive, social, and academic
development and adaptation during this period. The
results revealed that effective communication among
children was instrumental in enhancing social
adequacy and fostering curiosity, which, in turn,
facilitated their adjustment to the new social and
psychological environment.
Moreover, our research findings demonstrate that
parents, particularly mothers, who adopt a
cooperative approach, show genuine interest in their
children's plans and activities. They actively support
and empathize with their children [Jie Yin. 2013].
This approach is reflective of the high regard for their
children's intellectual and creative abilities. These
parents encourage their children's initiative and
independence, treat them as equals, have confidence
in them, and value their opinions even in situations of
disagreement. Our study also highlights that a
positive response to parental interest and involvement
in preschool children contributes to higher self-
esteem, increased social resilience, and enhanced
self-expression in the child.
Based on the above information concerning the issue
of self-awareness in the personal development of
preschool children, we can deduce that a child's level
of self-awareness is vital for their physical health,
mental stability, and social well-being, enabling them
to navigate society as a mature individual.
It is important to note that the process of self-
awareness is not spontaneous; rather, it is influenced
by physiological growth, cognitive development, and
social progress. Any deficiency or disruption in these
aspects can impact the process of self-awareness.
Thus, the development of self-awareness is
The Role of Social Environment in the Formation of Self-Awareness Process in Preschool Children
significantly influenced by the social environment
and the interactions with others. Moreover, the
process of self-awareness itself plays a crucial role in
shaping these connections as it involves dynamic and
interactive changes.
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PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR