The Emergence of the Science of Rhyme
Orzigul Hamroyeva
Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Poetics, Ilmi Segona (Trinity of Sciences), Rhymes, Rhyming Rhymes (Rhyme Letters), Rhyme Types, Aruz,
Badi’ of Science.
Abstract: The science of rhyme has an ancient history and it needs to be researched as a separate science as a component
of the science of poetics. The article examines the formation, emergence, and historical development of
classical rhyme science based on periods and sources. The period of improvement of the science of rhyme
until the Timurid period is presented on the basis of six stages
One of the components of classical poetics - the
science of rhyme - has an ancient history, and its
theoretical foundations began to be formed from the
earliest times. Issues such as content and form
balance, rhythm and melodiousness, sound repetition,
rhyme, poetic elements in prose and relationship of
genres within the science of narrative, emotional
science, artistic science were initially studied under
the sarf-nahv department of linguistics, and later this
science was studied as a separate science of poetry
and puberty. separated separately.
The science of poetics, originally formed in Arabic
poetry, flourished in Persian and Turkish literature.
Poetics and its components: the development of the
science of bade', aruz and rhyme improved based on
certain situations and conditions. The theory of
poetics and the science of rhyme, its improvement as
a separate science, the creation of special treatises and
manuals rose to a new level during the rule of the
Timurids. The relationship and patronage of the
Timurid rulers to science and literature led to the
creation of scientific and theoretical works among
several types of literature. By this time, mastering the
science of poetry was considered the task not only of
poets, philological scientists and specialists, but also
of every intelligent person who considered himself
educated. In order to know the ending of a poem, it
was necessary to thoroughly master the laws and
theory of poetry.
Corresponding author
In the history of our country, the era of the Timurids
is regarded as the Renaissance. In this period, science,
culture, architecture, visual arts, music and poetry, as
well as trade rose to a high level, which is recognized
by the world community today. There are several
reasons for this:
First of all, the study of poetics, especially the science
of rhyme, during the Timurid era, great achievements
were made in the science of rhyme, as in many fields,
due to the wide opportunities created for the
development of science, and the evolution and
development of the science of rhyme was realized
precisely because a unique cultural and scientific
environment was ripe in our region. proof is
necessary and important.
Secondly, on the basis of the environment created by
the Timurids, poetry systems and their theoretical
generalizations were created. The development of the
science of rhyme in the Middle Ages served as the
basis for the origin of two national theories of the
science of rhyme: the Persian-Tajik theory of rhyme
and the Uzbek (Turkish) theory of rhyme. They are
the product of one, single and integrally connected
literary and cultural environment, and are significant
as the achievement of the Timurid period.
Under the influence of the environment during the
Timurid era, the creation of treatises on the science of
aruz, ilmi bade' and rhyme shows that the theoretical
foundations of the science of poetics were developed
at a high level. The fact that the theoretical
Hamroyeva, O.
The Emergence of the Science of Rhyme.
DOI: 10.5220/0012481600003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 183-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
foundations of the science of rhyme are carefully and
perfectly developed in most of the treatises devoted
to the science of rhyme is a clear proof of this. Ahmad
Tarazi’s “Funun ul-baloga”, Abdurrahman Jami’s
“Risalai qafiya”, Atullah Husayni’s “Badoe us-
sanoe’”, “Risalai qafiya”, Husayn Vaiz Koshifi’s
“Badoe’ ul-аfkor” are among such important sources.
Literary influences and connections are clearly
visible in the sources related to poetics of the Timurid
era. In the creation of these treatises, a number of
sources in Arabic and Persian served as a theoretical
basis, and their study is important in determining the
formation and development of the science of rhyme.
Orientalist N.I. Konrad defines literary relations as
the penetration of one nation's literature into the
world of another nation's literature and distinguishes
the coverage of the same topic in the literature of
different nations as one of the 5 main types of
interliterary relations.
These topics were created according to the
development of the language and fiction of different
peoples. For this reason, it is necessary to study the
stage of formation of the science of rhyme. We aim
to study the gradual development of the science of
rhyme based on the following stages:
1. The theoretical foundations of the classic rhyme
began to appear in the sources of the science of art as
part of the initial scientific views. The art of words,
artistry, its special features, the ability to choose a
rhyme in a poem, the connection between stanzas,
and the balance of content have been in the attention
of scientists. Theoretical problems related to Greek
poetry are studied in Farobi’s work “Kalam-ush-she’r
va-l qavafi” dedicated to the review of the ideas
presented in Aristotle’s “Fi sina’ati-sh-she’r”.
Farobi states that “rhyming a word with another word
in a poem” creates harmony in verses and stanzas, and
this is a pleasant situation. General information about
the structure, composition, and formal features of the
poem are noteworthy as preliminary views on the
science of classical rhyme.
The theoretical foundations of the science of classical
rhyme, the formation of scientific views are more
ancient than the science of aruz and art, and were
reflected in the sources of Eastern poetry in the period
of Jahiliyyah. Later, Arab scholars systematically
presented scientific and theoretical views on classical
rhyme under the science of art.
The first views on the theory of the science of rhyme
were presented by the Arab scholar Abdullah ibn al-
Mu’tazz ibn al-Mutawakkil al-Abbasi. Ibn Mu’tazz’s
work “Kitab ul-badi’” (IX-X) is dedicated to the
science of art, and the scientist reflects on the
importance of rhyme in poetry while describing tajnis
and its types. Classic poetry is not presented as a
separate science, but in harmony with science. In this
direction, Abu Hilal al-Askari’s work “Kitab al-
sano’atayn” contains some information on the theory
of rhyme based on the improvement of the study of
Later, Al-Askari compiled a catalog of a number of
treatises devoted to the science of spirituality and art
under the title “Devon ul-mani” (IX-X), which shows
that this science has expanded. In the work “Miftah
ul-ulum” (XII) of Abu Ya’qub Yusuf al-Sakkaki, the
relationship between the science of badi’ and rhyme
is drawn into a relatively deeper analysis, and the
formation of the science of rhyme as an independent
science is noticeable. In the work “Miftah ul-ulum”
the features of classical rhyme and rhyme faults
(iqva) are mentioned and explained.
In Qinoi's “Mezonu-z-zahab fi sinaat she'ru-l-arab”
and Damankhuri's “Al-hoshiyau-l-kabiri ali matnu-l-
kofi fi ilmu-l-aruz wa-l qavafi” works based on the
relationship between art and aruz there are opinions
about rhyme faults and differences.
The views on the theory of classic rhyme first
appeared in Arabic literature, and later they were
refined in Persian literature. The science of rhyming
as an independent science within the science of the
secondary school began to be researched in separate
treatises. Initially, as in Arabic literature, in the
sources dedicated to science of art, aruz and rhyme
were interpreted as a whole in the explanation of the
science of art, later special treatises were created as
an independent science.
Umar Rodiyani’s “Tarjiman ul-baloga” (XI), which
was created under the influence of Imam Nasr ibn
Hasan Marginani’s “Mahosin ul-kalam” (XI),
Rashididdin Vatvot’s “Hadaiq us-sehr” (XI-XII),
“Hadaiq us” created based on these two works. -sehr”
created under the influence of Sharafuddin Rami’s
“Hadayiq al-haqayiq” (XIV), Fakhri Isfahani’s
“Meyori jamali” (XIV), Al-Khalavi’s “Daqayiq ash-
she’r” (XIV) muraddaff poetry forms, zulqawafi,
zulqafiyatayn, tarsi’ , tajnis, tashri, tajziya, tashri’, it
can be seen that radif, hajib, rhyme are studied
One of the most important and excellent sources of
the science of art in the Persian language is Atullah
Husayni's work “Badoe’ us-sanoe’” which includes
the classification of artistic arts based on the unity of
art and rhyme (1), weight, rhyme and art (2) due to
the large number of artistic arts and their division into
types based on certain principles. wide space is
2. The relation of literary types and genres as one of
the important parts of classical poetics, in the treatises
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devoted to the explanation of these two terms, there
are scientific views devoted to the theoretical
foundations of rhyme. Qudama ibn Ja’far’s work
“Naqdu-sh-she’r” (v. 922/948) covers the issues of
poetics in detail.
A poem described as “the word of the theme is a
muqaffa” (sentence with aruz and rhyme) is said by
Arabic literary scholars to be distinguished from
prose by aruz and rhyming. Naturally, this feature is
considered the main factors that create genres.
Qudama ibn Ja’far emphasized that poetry is built on
the basis of four elements: sound, rhyme and aruz. By
this, he proved that rhyme is important for poetry.
Views on the theory of rhyme can also be found in
Ibn Qutayba’s “Poetry and Shura” (IX-X) and Ibn
Khaldun’s “Introduction”.
3. The theory of classical rhyme, which was initially
studied as part of ilmi badi’, was presented in treatises
later under separate sections. In the work “Mafatih ul-
ulum” (X) of Abu Abdullah Khorazmi, the scientific-
theoretical views on the theory of rhyme were greatly
expanded, laying the foundation for the creation of
separate treatises. The scientist dedicated the special
third part of the work specifically to the theory of
rhyme science, and theoretical ideas about rhyme
elements, actions, letters, and defects are presented in
the form of a dictionary.
4. Later, the science of badi’ and classical rhyming,
based on the perfection of theoretical ideas, moved to
the science of aruz and rhyme. One of the important
sources reflecting the theory of Aruz and Rhyme in
Arabic is Abu Zakariyya (Al-Khatib) al-Tabrizi’s
work “Al-kafi fi-l aruz val qavafi (“Enough about
Aruz and Rhyme”)” (XII). In his work "Al-kafi fi-l
aruz val-l qavafi (Enough about Aruz and Rhyme)",
Khatib Tabrizi provides information about the rhyme
system while also explaining the circles of Aruz.
Although the scientist did not present the theoretical
foundations of rhyme, he showed that rhymed verses
play an important role in the formation of aruz circles.
The theory of rhyme is reflected in several treatises
on the science of Aruz in Turkish, Arabic, and Persian
literature. In particular, Yusuf Azizi's treatise “Aruz”
(XV) describes the concepts of rhyme and radif.
Alisher Navoi’s works “Mezon ul-avzon”,
“Muhokamat ul-lugatayn”, “Majolis un-nafais”, Z.M.
Babur's “Mukhtasar” contain scientific views on
5. Treatises dedicated to the study of all three sciences
of classical poetics (aruz, ilmi badi', rhyme) began to
be created, special attention was paid to the science
of classical poetry and the theory of poetics. One such
important source is Shamsiddin Qays Razi’s “Al-
mojam fi maayiri ash’ar ul-ajam” (XIII), the second
part of the work is dedicated to the science of rhyme.
Scientific-theoretical ideas about the theory of classic
rhyme are presented in five chapters.
By this time, in the system of classical poetry, along
with aruz and badi’, rhyme also gained importance
and was considered as the basis of poetry. Rhyming
letters, actions, types, and defects were studied
Nasiruddin Tusi’s work “Me'yar ul-ash'or” is also one
of the important sources dedicated to the theory of
classical rhyme. Nasiruddin Tusi’s treatise “Me'yar
ul-ash'ar” was written in 1253 under the influence of
Qais Razis workAl-Mo'jam, and the 2nd part
(part) of the work is devoted to the science of rhyme.
This part is divided into 10 chapters. Each chapter is
devoted to sections on rhyme theory.
Studies and treatises on the theory of classical rhyme
have increased, and the perfection of theoretical
views and practical proof are considered one of the
main features of the treatises of this period. Vahid
Tabrizi's work “Jami Mukhtasar” is one such source,
the theoretical foundations of classical rhyme
presented in the pamphlet are given under the
headings “Rhyme”, “Letters of Rhyme”, “Types of
Rhyme according to the Core Composition”.
Later, a separate section was organized in treatises on
the science of classical poetics, and opinions on
rhyme and its theoretical foundations began to be
presented. Hossein Vaiz Koshifi’s work “Badoe’ ul-
afkor fi sanoe’ ul-ash’or” is a treatise dedicated to the
study of the science of bade', but in the concluding
part of the treatise, the scholar gave scientific views
on classical rhyme. Rhyme letters and actions, rhyme
faults are compared with the work “Al-Mo’jam” and
explained on the example of verses.
In Turkish literature, Sheikh Ahmed Khudoidad
Tarazi’s work “Funun ul-baloga” (XV) is an
important source that collects theoretical information
about classical rhyme in Arabic and Persian sources,
provides extensive and consistent information about
the role of rhyme theory and regularities in Turkish
poetry based on comparative analysis. The scientist
explained that rhyme, not aruz, is important as the
basis of a poem, and observing the rules of rhyme in
Turkish poetry is the main element that ensures the
perfection of a poem.
Fakhri Isfakhani’s work "Me'yori jamali" is one of the
important sources of the science of poetics, and the
work provides information about four sciences. The
first part is the science of aruz, the second science is
the rhyme, the third science is the science of badi', and
the fourth science is the science of vocabulary. Shams
Fakhri Isfahani gave examples of his work and his
father's work in presenting these sciences. His father
The Emergence of the Science of Rhyme
was also one of the famous poets, and he was a unique
person in the science of poetics. Fakhri Isfahani states
in the preface of the work that he intended to write a
work related to aruz.
In the work “Me’yor ul-jamali”, the scientist
thoroughly developed the theoretical foundations of
“ilmi segona”, and provided comprehensive
information about aruz, aruz circles complete with
drawings. When the scientist spoke about rhyme, he
expressed his opinions by comparing the scientific
and theoretical views of Arab and novice scholars
regarding the definition of rhyme, the letters of radif
and rhyme, and actions and types.
6. Initially, in the treatises dedicated to the science of
classical poetics, rhyme was presented not as a
separate science, but as a part of art and dream aruz,
with the purpose of explaining their laws, by this
time, rhyme was formed as a separate science and
improved. In Persian literature, the science of rhyme
appeared as an important science in poetry. In almost
all of the treatises created during this period, the
scientific and theoretical views on classic rhyme,
radif, hajib, types of rhyme, rhyming movements and
letters, rhyme faults were presented based on verses.
Separate independent treatises on classic rhymes
began to be created. The science of rhyme developed
as a separate science. “Kanz ul-qafiya” work by
Abulhasan Ali Sarahsi Bahrami can be cited as the
first source devoted to the study of classical rhyme
theory in Persian. If everyone has a strong taste for
poetry and fluent words, they will start studying the
science of poetry and reciting aruz. He reads Ustad
Abulhasan al-Sarakhsi al-Bahrami's work “Ghayatal-
aruzain” and the books “Kanz ul-qafiya”, “Naqdi
maoni”, “Naqdi alfaz”, “Sariqot”, “Tarojim”.
Abdurahman Jami, a scholar of classical poetics,
created the works “Risalai aruz” and “Risalai qafiya”
on the theory of aruz and rhyme. These two treatises
of Jami are distinguished by the breadth and
perfection of theoretical information. The scientist
tries to provide more theoretical information than the
treatises created before him.
Jami Hamd (Beginning - H.O.), Muqaddimah,
Khatima together with 8 parts: 1. Bismillahi-r
Rahmani-r-Rahim 2. Introduction 3. Hurufi Kafiya
(Rhyme Movements) 4. Harakoti Kafiya (Rhyme
Movements) 5. He introduced the science of rhyme
on the basis of the titles of Mutarodifu mutavatir and
mutadariku mutaqarib and mutakovis 6. Muqayyadi
absolute mujarrad 7. Uyubi rhyme 8. Khatima.
In most of the Persian sources, the theory of the
science of rhyme has been compared with treatises in
Arabic literature. In Arabic literature, rhyme was
considered as a component of classical poetics, while
in Persian poetry, rhyme and its use were perfected as
an important principle in poetics. The theoretical
foundations of classical rhyme have been fully
developed. Iyto, iqvo, iqfa, synod, etc., mentioned as
rhyme defects, are not shown as such a big defect in
Arabic poetry, but in Persian literature, scholars have
taken a serious approach to such defects. Rhyme
types have expanded. Special treatises about classical
rhyme have appeared.
One of the treatises that made a significant
contribution to the improvement of classical rhyme in
Persian literature is Atullah Husayni’s “Risolai dar
qavoidi ilmi qavafi”. The scientist’s work “Risolai
dar qavoyidi ilmi qavafi” is an excellent source and
was created as such.
The theoretical foundations of classical rhyme
reached perfection in the 14th-15th centuries. Most of
the sources contributing to the development of this
science were created in the 14th and 15th centuries,
with the Persian language sources leading the field.
Later, scientific treatises continued to be created in
the traditional style. In the works of Rizaquli Khan
Hidayat “Madorij ul-baloga” (1800-1971), “Abda’ al-
bade’” and “Kutuf-ar-rabifi sunuf al-badi’(1844-
1927) by Muhammad Husayn Karakhani.
Rhyme is one of the important sciences of classical
poetics, and the following conclusions can be drawn
regarding the formation of this science:
- The science of rhyme is widely recognised by
scholars as one of the most important elements of
- The science of rhyme first appeared in Arabic
literature on the basis of artistic arts based on the rules
of rhyme in the science of art. Later, this tradition
continued in Persian literature (Ibn Mu’tazz, al-
Askari, Yusuf al-Sakkaki, Qinai, Damankhuri, Umar
Rodiyani, Rashididdin Vatvat, Sharafiddin Rami,
Fakhri Isfahani, Atullah Husayni).
- The theoretical foundations of the science of rhyme
started to appear gradually in scientific treatises that
explored the relationship between literary types and
genres (Ibn Qutayba, Ibn Khaldun, Qudama ibn-
- The science of rhyme, which was initially explained
on the basis of artistic arts, later began to improve in
treatises on dreams (Khatib Tabrizi, Yusuf Azizi,
Alisher Navoi, Z.M. Babur).
- From the XI-XII centuries, the theory of rhyme
science was presented under separate sections in
treatises devoted to the theoretical foundations of
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
classical rhyme (Sarahsi Bahromy, Shamsiddin Qays
Razi, Nasiriddin Tusi, Vahid Tabrizi, Vaiz Koshifi,
Ahmad Tarozi).
- Persian treatises dedicated to the theory of classical
rhyme, created in the 14th-15th centuries, stand out
as the perfection of the science of classical rhyme
(Jami, Atullah Husayni, Ahmad Ibn Abdujalil
A. Azer. (1973). Rhyme of the Persian verse / Problems of
oriental versification.- M.: Nauka,
Abdurahman Jami. Risolai rhyme Mulla Jami. Calcutta,
Vohid Tabrizi. Jam and Mukhtasar. (1959).
Critical text, per. And note. A. E Bertels. - M.: Nauka,
Ziyovuddinova M. (2001). Poetry in the Mafotih al-ulum
by Abu Abdullah al-Khwarizmi. - T.: P.35.
Nosir ad-Din Tusi. Mi’yar al-ash‘or. — Tehron, 1325.
Shamsi Qays Razi. Al-Mu'jam fi ma’yiri ash'oru-l-ajam. -
Dushanbe: Adib, (1991). - p. 161.
Sheikh Ahmad Tarazi. (1996). Fununu-l-baloga. - T.:
Rashid al-Din al-Vatvat. Hadoyiq us-sihr fi daqoyiq ush-
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The Emergence of the Science of Rhyme