The Origins of the Literary Heritage of Scholar Mahmud
Nigora Sulaymonova
Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Zamakhshari, “Nawabig’u-l-kalim”, “Atwaqu-z-zahab”, “Rabi’u-l-abror”, Source Studies.
Abstract: This article discusses the literary heritage of scholar Mahmud Zamakhshari from Khorezm. Zamakhshari is a
great Islamic scholar, linguist, literary scholar who has created excellent and detailed works in a number of
fields of science. In particular, his "Nawabig'u-l-kalim", "Atwaqu-z-zahab", "Rabi'u-l-abror", "Maqomotu-z-
Zamakhshari", "Nuzhat-ul-mut'anis", "Al-Qasidatu-l- Ba'udiyya", "Devonu-z-Zamakhshari", "Al-Mustaqsa
fi-l-amsol" are masterpieces of the literary heritage of the scholar. This article gives thorough information
about the structure and content of Mahmud Zamakhshari's literary works. Moreover, the works were analysed
from a source studies perspective. Manuscripts and lithographic copies of the scholar's works, including
"Nawabig'u-l-kalim", "Atwaqu-z-zahab", and “Rabi’u-l-abror", which are kept in the manuscript fund of the
Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and
in the library of the Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan were analyzed. In the analysis, the sources of the works
are detailed bibliographically. Valuable information regarding their global distribution is also provided.
Scholars, polymaths and thinkers who grew up in
Uzbek soil have amazed the people of the world with
their intelligence, deep thoughts, and scientific
discoveries. The rich scientific heritage left by them
has become a priceless treasure of world culture. It is
this legacy that plays an incomparable role in the
development of young people. The great spiritual
heritage left by our scholars serves as an invaluable
tool for nurturing individuals imbued with the spirit
of oriental manners and universal ideas.
Scholar Mahmud Zamakhshari, who hailed from our
country's Khorezm oasis, is one of our compatriots
who left a rich scientific legacy to his descendants.
Literary works of philosophical and didactic content
form an integral part of his scientific heritage. These
works include but are not limited to "Nawabig'u-l-
kalim", "Atwaqu-z-zahab", "Rabi'u-l-abror",
"Devonu-z-Zamakshari", and "Maqamotu-z-
These works contain instructive and wise words of
the scholar and his moral advice to the humanity. His
works in this direction are: "Atwaqu-z-zahab fi-l-
Corresponding author
mawaiz wa-l-khutab", "Nawabig'u-l-kalim", "Rabi'u-
l-abror wa nususu-l-akhyor" which are available in
the manuscript fund of the Institute of Oriental
Studies at the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
named after Abu Rayhan Beruni .
Scholar's work "Atwaqu-z-zahab fi-l-mawaiz wa-l-
khutab" ("Golden joys in sermons and lectures") was
created in Makkah, and its original name was "an-
Nasaihu-s-sighar", that is, "Small advice". In creating
this work, the author drew not only from his own
knowledge of linguistics, literature, philosophy, and
history, but also on the views and opinions of
scientists and philosophers who had preceded him.
The scientist was able to draw insightful conclusions
from these influences, his rich life experience playing
a key role in this process.
The work consists of a hundred small articles, each
considered a brief text fragment within the content of
exhortation and moral instruction, written in the Saj
method. Mirza Yusuf Khan Ashtiyani, commenting
Sulaymonova, N.
The Origins of the Literary Heritage of Scholar Mahmud Zamakhshari.
DOI: 10.5220/0012485900003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 277-281
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
on this, said, "Zamakhshari wrote this work while
circumambulating Baytullah in Mecca. In other
words, he wrote an article after each
circumambulation around Baitullah. After finishing
an article, he would circumambulate Baitullah again,
and after it was circled a hundred times, a hundred
articles were written that make up the work "Atwaqu-
z-Zahab fi-l-Mawaiz wa-l-Khutab". It contains
parables, narratives, instructive sayings, and useful
advices about the negative and positive qualities of a
person. Moreover, in the work, Zamakhshari
discussed a range of issues related to the social,
economic and spiritual life of his time. The author has
expressed his views and opinions about the role of
various social classes and professions in society. In
particular, he severely criticized the tyrannical kings,
corrupt judges and unjust officials of his time.
The fact that the work covers various social and
domestic topics can also be understood from the
names of the articles in it, including the titles in the
work: "Rising", "Look at your origins", "Abandon
pride", "Be content with what you have", "Strive for
prayer", "Abandon laziness", "Dignity is better than
wealth", "Being of good character", "Look at the end
result of your deeds", "Leave vanity", "Enjoy your
youth", "Be calm and dignified", "Strive for
greatness", "Stay away from making fun of other
people", " Do good to your loved ones", "Help
others", "Stay away from greed", "Teach your soul to
be satisfied", "Wake up from the suddenness", "Don't
rely on the world" and they cover various topics
(Fazil Zahid, 2011).
As noted by scientist Nurboy Jabbarov, "The great
scholar Mahmud Zamakhshari's wisdom in "Atwaqu-
z-zahab" is a wonderful mirror. Anyone who looks
into this mirror sees both their joy and anger reflected
in it. Unlike a conventional mirror, this one does not
merely show a person their flaws, but also shows the
ways to get rid of them and find salvation (Fazil
Zahid, 2011).
"Atwaqu-z-zahab" was translated from Arabic to
Turkish by researchers Muhammad Zehni and
Saidbek during the reign of the Roman Sultan
Abdulhamid II. This translation was later republished
by the Turkish scholar Rahmi Sirin, after an analytical
comparison with the Arabic text. Based on the edition
prepared by Rahmi Sirin, the work "Atwaqu-z-zahab"
was translated into Uzbek by translators Mahkam
Mahmud and Nazarbek Rahim and published in
Tashkent in 2010 (Mahkam Mahmud, (2010)).
In the words of Rashid Zohidov, a scholar of sources,
"It is not easy to translate the articles written in sajd
with the ancient and rare dictionaries of the Arabic
language into Uzbek" (Fazil Zahid, 2011). Despite
the difficulty, scholar Rashid Zohidov undertook this
task, translated this sample of fiction into Uzbek and
published it in Tashkent in 2011 under the name "The
tally of Zamakhshar or 101 Manzuma" with poetic
appendices given by his father Fazil Zahid.
Currently, there are three lithographic copies of the
work kept in the Manuscript Fund of the Institute of
Oriental Studies, named after Abu Rayhan Beruni of
the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. Among
them, the lithographs stored under inventory numbers
16016 and 18970 are the same. Lithographs have a
size of 13x19 cm, the volume consists of 112 pages.
They were published by the publisher Muhammad
Saeed Rafi at Saadat Printing House in Egypt. The
first of the lithographs is presented as a separate book,
while the second is presented as the fourth work in a
collection of five works.
The title page of the lithograph contains the name of
the work, the author of the work and his honorary
names. At the same time, along with the text of the
work, it is noted that there is also a commentary on
some of the words and phrases in the copy.
The lithograph opens with an introduction by the
publisher, Muhammad Saeed Rafi'. It talks about the
genius of Zamakhshari, the significance of this work,
and necessity of its publication. It is noted that the
language of the work has its own complexity,
therefore, in most cases, comments are given on the
words and phrases, sentences, which serve as a
special help to the reader.
A table is drawn on each page of the lithograph, with
page numbers placed outside the table at the top of the
page. The upper part of the table features the text of
the work in larger letters, while the commentary is
presented in smaller letters in the lower part. . The
text of the work and the commentary are also
separated by hyphens. The text of the work is written
with diacritical marks of the Arabic alphabet, but
these are not used in the commentary section of the
lithograph. The footnote method was used in the
interpretation of the work. A number is placed in
parentheses at the end of the word, phrase or sentence
being explained, and the word, phrase or sentence
defined under that number is explained below.
Another lithographic copy of the work, stored under
inventory number 18952, can also be found in the
fund. It was printed in Egypt in 1290 AH/1873 AD.
The size of the lithograph is 13x21 cm, it has 177
pages. Despite having undergone several repairs, it
remains in poor condition.
A table is drawn on each page of the lithograph.
Outside the table, the page number is placed at the top
of the page. The work started begins with an
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
introduction by Mahmud Zamakhshari, followed by
Zehni's Ottoman translation. Then its Ottoman
translation by Zehni is given.
Each article is followed by an analysis of some
grammatical issues. After that, the Ottoman meaning
of the article is given. In this way, the hundred articles
that comprise the work were grammatically
interpreted and their meanings in Ottoman were
All three lithographs of Mahmud Zamakhshari's work
"Atwaqu-z-zahab fi-l-mawaiz va-l-khutab" kept in
the Manuscript Fund of the Institute of Oriental
Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruni of the
Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, are considered
among rare lithographs. Except for some minor
imperfections, they are complete copies. These
lithographs facilitate a comprehensive study of the
Manuscript copies of the work are preserved in the
collection of Arabic manuscripts of the British
Museum in London (No.1003), the National Library
of Paris (No.3973), the Vatican Library of Arabic
Manuscripts (No.1380), the Asiatic Museum in St.
Petersburg (No.922), the Doru-l-Qutub Library in
Cairo (No.203). Also, manuscript copies of the work
are available in the collections of Asir Efandi
(No.416, 417), Ayo Sofia (No.2911, 3780), Hafiz
Efandi (No.275-I), Rashid Efandi (No.715-3) in the
Suleymaniye Library of Turkey (Milli egitim
basimevi, (1986).).
The work has been translated into several languages.
For example, the German translation by Von Joseph
Hammer was reprinted with the Arabic text in 1835
in Vienna and the same year in Leipzig. In 1863,
Gustav Fail translated the work into German for the
second time in Stuttgart. The French orientalist Barbe
Leynard also worked with the work "Atwaqu-z-zahab
fi-l-mawaiz va-l-khutab". He published the French
translation in 1876 in Paris. It also contains detailed
commentary and comments on the text of the French
authorities. The Turkish translation of the work was
published in Constantinople in 1870 (Milli egitim
basimevi, (1986).)
“Atwaqu-z-zahab fi-l-mawaiz wa-l-khutab" was also
published in Arab countries. The work was originally
published in Beirut in 1875 with a commentary by
Sheikh Yusuf ibn Abdul Qadir and was reprinted in
1895 and 1903. This work was also published in 1909
by al-Saadat Publishing House in Egypt, in 1925 by
Mahmoudiya Publishing House in Cairo, and in 1992
in Damascus. Commentaries and comments were
written on the work by various scholars, and their
manuscript and lithographic copies are kept in the
libraries of cities such as Cambridge, Leipzig, Berlin,
Vatican, St. Petersburg, Mashhad, Istanbul, and
Beirut (Вrоckelmann C., 1937).
The works on ethics, which are an integral part of the
scientific heritage of Mahmoud Zamakhshari, are of
incomparable importance. The scholar's works in this
field include his work "Nawabig'u-l-kalim"
("Delicate Phrases"). This treatise, small in size, is
recognized not only in its time, but even today as a
great school of ethics because it contains teachings
and advices related to education, spirituality and
perfection. The scholar's moral views in this work are
brilliant. In them, Zamakhshari recognizes the
beautiful qualities of a person as a great blessing and
talks about instilling the rules of conduct in people.
The moral teaching in "Subtle Phrases" are more
frequently expressed through comparisons. The
thinker emphasizes that among the good qualities, it
is the exemplary manners that give beauty to a person,
add beauty to his beauty, add charm to his charm.
"Well, there is nothing that gives beauty to a person
except goodness," he says. People with a positive
attitude and knowledge are the beauty of every people
and nation. Analyzing the wise words and advices of
Zamakhshari, we see those positive qualities such as
fairness, honesty, truthfulness, purity, goodness,
kindness is glorified in them. He urges people to do
good deeds and writes: "Virtue, earnestly engage in
good deeds, give up thinking that you will do them
later, do not act with haste, which Satan leads you
astray, but with thinking and understanding." It can
be seen from these words that the more a person does
good to others, the more he can lighten their burden,
the more strength is added to his strength. And
people's confidence in him is increasing.
In Zamakhshari's moral perspective, lofty human
qualities, including friendship, hold particular
importance. The scholar has the following words
about this: "Praise your brother with words sweeter
than crushed musk, even if he is in a city far away
from you." According to Zamakhshari, "One of the
most beautiful qualities of a brave and noble person
is to hide the faults of his friend and treat all his affairs
as his own." It can be seen from this advice that
loyalty to a friend is a beautiful decoration of a
A number of instructive ideas about knowledge and
being knowledgeable are also presented in the work
"Delicate Phrases". "The beauty of the Earth is with
the scientists," says the great thinker. It is knowledge
that can take a person out of the ocean of ignorance.
"Pursue knowledge, even if it is in China." As a direct
continuation of this hadith, Zamakhshari says: "Be
The Origins of the Literary Heritage of Scholar Mahmud Zamakhshari
knowledgeable or act based on knowledge, listen to
knowledge as much as possible, but don't be the
fourth one, because you will suffer misfortune and
perish (you will die young)."
Currently, three lithographic copies of the work
"Navobig'u-l-kalim" are stored in the UzASOS
Manuscripts Fund, with inventory numbers 3938,
7104 and 8319. Among them, the lithograph under
inventory number 3938 was made in Kazan in 1904
at the Karimi brothers printing house. The lithograph
measures 23x16 cm and has 54 pages. This lithograph
with a cardboard cover has been repaired several
times, it is well preserved, it can be called a complete
The title page of the lithograph mentions that the
work belongs to Abu-l-Qasim Mahmud ibn Umar
Zamakhshari, and the Tatar translation of the work to
Shahabeddin ibn Abdulaziz. The text of the work and
its translation are presented in a unique form. The
tables provided on each page of the lithograph are
divided into two columns. The wise words of
Zamakhshari are given in the column on the right, and
his Tatar translation is given one by one in the column
on the left. This makes it easier for the student.
Despite the fact that the text of the work and its
translation are separated by columns, the wise words
of Zamakhshari are given in larger letters and slightly
darkened. Since the text is in Arabic, it is fully
provided with movements for the reader's ease. The
Tatar translation in the left column is given in smaller
The remaining two lithographs of the work in the fund
under inventory numbers 7104 and 8319 are the same,
and they were made in 1314 AH in Kazan at the B.L.
Dombrovsky printing house. The lithograph
measures 21x13 cm and has 190 pages. This
lithograph with a cardboard cover is well preserved,
it can be called a complete copy. The title page of the
lithograph mentions that this lithograph was printed
by Olimjon Barudi.
On the first 18 pages of the lithograph, Zamakhshari's
work "Nawabig'u-l-kalim" is given. The Arabic text
is given within the table, but is not fully provided with
movements as in the copy above. The words of
wisdom are presented sequentially in text form within
the table. Only each word of wisdom is separated
from each other by special marks.
A new title-page is given on page 19 of the lithograph.
It is written that starting from this page of the
lithograph, the commentary of Sheikh Abu-l-Hasan
ibn Abdu-l-Wahhab on Zamakhshari's work
"Nawabig'u-l-kalim" entitled "Kitabu-s-sawabig' fi
sharhi-n-nawabig'" began. The commentary began
with praise to Allah and praise to Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh). After that, the author spoke about the
personality of Zamakhshari and the importance of his
work "Nawabig'u-l-kalim". Following this, he quoted
and explained the scholar's wise words sequentially.
The volume of the commentary consists of 172 pages.
Including the work and commentary pages, the total
size of the lithograph is 190 pages.
The Uzbek translation of this work by Orientalist
Ubaydulla Uvatov was published in Tashkent in 1992
(Abu-l-Qasim Mahmud az-Zamakhshari, 1992).
This treatise was published in 1772 with a Latin
translation by the Dutch scientist Schultein. In 1871,
a French translation of the work was published under
the leadership of the French orientalist Leynard. Its
Turkish translation by Mustafa Isomiddin was
published in Istanbul in 1866. This work was
published in 1870 and 1887 in Cairo, in 1871 in Paris,
in 1885 in Istanbul, and in 1888 in Beirut under the
leadership of Muhammad al-Kisti al-Bayruti. The
work was published several years later, in 1914 and
1927 in Cairo. In 1971, Professor Baqir Hosni
prepared a critical edition of this book by
Zamakhshari, and this edition was published in "al-
Arab" magazine.
Currently, a number of manuscripts and lithographic
copies of the work are kept in the British Museum, as
well as in the library and manuscript funds of major
European cities such as Cambridge, Paris, Leipzig,
Leiden, and Berlin (Az-Zamakhshari, 1998).
The work "Rabi'u-l-abror va nususu-l-akhyor"
("Spring of the Good and News of the Virtuous"),
which is a part of Scholar's legacy, is also among the
works of didactic importance.
The work consists of 98 chapters, which include life
proverbs, useful advice, instructive wisdom and
teachings. Each chapter covers a different topic. In
the work, the author glorifies human qualities such as
kindness, happiness, modesty, patience, honesty,
wisdom, fairness, loyalty, and courage, and
condemns bad vices such as ignorance, verbal abuse,
lying, insults, enmity, and laziness. As noted, the
main part of the work is devoted to social issues.
The work covers various topics such as worldly and
otherworldly issues worldly and otherworldly issues,
the importance of education, appropriate etiquette,
the characteristics of maturity, , good deeds, i.e.,
forming attitudes towards relatives, and wonders of
the animal world.
Scholar Zamakhshari skilfully utilised holy hadith to
elaborate on the topics in depth. Additionally, he
shares his personal views on various topics,
comparing them to the opinions of several people. In
particular, in the work, the analysis of the quotes
about human virtues and vices, friendship and
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
brotherhood, love for the Motherland, and knowledge
from the words of the sages and virtuous scholars of
his time was carried out. However, according to
researcher Laziz Toraev, in many cases the authors of
the quotations given in the work are not indicated.
Therefore, it is very difficult to identify them (Toraev
L.A., 2022).
The manuscript of the work "Rabi'u-l-abror va
nususu-l-akhyor" is stored in the manuscript fund of
the ‘Institute of Oriental Studies’, named after Abu
Rayhan Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of
Uzbekistan under inventory number 2384. The 28x18
cm manuscript has a sturdy cover. The text of the
work cited in the manuscript is provided in the table
in the manuscript. Pages indicate which page the next.
Information about the number of chapters in the work
can be obtained from the index page beginning with
the sentence. "This work "Rabi'u-l-Abror" is the work
of Imam, Scholar, the Honor of Khorezm, Islamic
Sheikh, Jorullah Abu-l-Qasim Mahmud ibn Umar al-
Zamakhshari, who is the author of "al-Kashshof".
However, according to the research conducted by L.
Toraev, one of the researchers of this work, there was
a disorder in the order of chapters in the manuscript
(Toraev L.A., 2022).
A manuscript copy of the work "Rabi'u-l-abror" is
stored in the library of the Office of Muslims of
Uzbekistan under inventory number 1490. It has a
cardboard cover, the total volume is 402 sheets, the
size is 26x17 cm. The manuscript is in poor condition,
although every page has been repaired, most pages
are pierced, some pages have faded text, and the title
page is missing. Each page is marked with a table in
red and blue ink, inside which the text of the work is
given in small letters in beautiful Naskh script. The
Quranic verses and hadiths given in the text are
underlined with red ink. Each page of the manuscript
is referred in the page it precedes and succeeds.
Both copies stored in the Tashkent funds described
above are considered complete copies.
Copies of the work are kept in the libraries of in the
British Museum (No.1134-1135), the Berlin Arabic
and Turkish Manuscripts Fund (No.8151-8153), the
Asiatic Museum in St. Petersburg (No.747), the
Raylance Library in Manchester (No.424), the
Leipzig Manuscript Fund (No.601), In the academic
library of Leyden (No. 470), the National Library of
Paris (No. 6742, 5985, 3499, 3500), the Rampur
Library of Mashhad (No. 15, 18, 53), the "Doru-l-
ulum-il-Islamiya" library of Peshawar (No. 1113 ),
"Buhar" of Calcutta (No.416-417), "al-Awqaf" of
Baghdad and "Daru-l-kutub" of Cairo (No.386-389).
A number of the above-mentioned moral works are
an integral part of the literary heritage of Khorezmian
scholar Mahmud Zamakhshari, and they have not lost
their importance even today. All three works analysed
above complement each other in terms of the scope of
the topics covered. Reading and studying these
works, as well as applying the ideas presented in them
to the education of the young generation, is one of the
important tasks ahead.
In conclusion, we would like to refer to the views of
Islam Karimov, the first president of Uzbekistan. “It
is necessary to thoroughly study the rich scientific
heritage of our scholars and draw appropriate
conclusions, enriching it with modern knowledge and
insights arising from the demands of contemporary
life. Additionally, we need to consider this great
heritage as an incomparable spiritual food for
ourselves and for the education of our future
generations. The most important thing is to never
forget what kind of immortal inheritance we have, to
preserve this wealth very preciously, to be deemed as
worthy heirs of our great ancestors - it is both a debt
and a duty for every person living on this generous
and beautiful country” (Karimov I.A. 2001).
Abu-l-Qasim Mahmud az-Zamakhshari. (1992).Delicate
Phrases. The author of the translation and comments is
U. Uvatov. - T.: Kamalak,
Az-Zamakhshari. (1998). Asos-ul-balagha. V. 1. - Beirut:
Вrоckelmann C. (1937). Geschichte der arabischen
litteratur. Bd. I. - Leiden,
Fazil Zahid. (2011). Zamakhshar Tasbehi or 101 Manzuma.
- T.: Muharrir,
Encyclopedia of Islam. 13th gilt. - Istanbul: Milli egitim
basimevi, (1986).
Karimov I.A. 2001. Each of us is responsible for the
development of the country. T.9. - T.: Uzbekistan,
Mahkam Mahmud, (2010).Nazarbek Rahim. Golden
cheers. - T.: Extremum press,
Toraev L.A. (2022). "The work of "Rabi' al-Abror" as an
important source in the scientific heritage of Mahmud
Zamakhshari" is a dissertation written for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in History. - T.:
The Origins of the Literary Heritage of Scholar Mahmud Zamakhshari