Using the Works of Alisher Navoi as Teaching Material
Mahfuza Tuychieva
Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Alisher Navoi, "Mahbub Ul-Qulub", Text, Educational Process, Task, Literary Language, Literary Education.
Abstract: This article discusses the importance of teaching Alisher Navoi's works in secondary schools and traces the
history of their inclusion in textbooks since the years of independence. The choice of educational material
and its proper presentation to students are critical for effective literary education. The necessity to stimulate
interest in reading works of art, for the development of creative competence and reader competence, suggests
that successful cooperation between the teacher and students is key to an effective learning experience. There
is a significant divergence between the language used in Navoi's works and the contemporary Uzbek literary
language, which makes reading and understanding the poet's work somewhat challenging for schoolchildren.
Consequently, practical suggestions for studying the article "Hilm" from Alisher Navoi's work, "Mahbub ul-
Qulub", are provided. It is suggested that employing the global experience of learning a foreign language
through classical literature could be beneficial in teaching the Navoi language to children. Attention is drawn
to the observation that educational material, presented in the form of exercises, encourages students to
repeatedly refer back to the original text, thus reinforcing their understanding through varied interaction with
the material.
Among the prominent figures in the annals of human
history and world literature, there are only a few who
have captivated people of all eras and transformed
language into an instrument of theology and its
power. Dante, Navoi, and Shakespeare hold
distinctive positions among them, revered as timeless
true geniuses of words, thoughts, and love. They do
not belong to a single nation or region but rather
resonate universally across humanity.
The matter of incorporating Alisher Navoi's work into
school curricula has perennially been of crucial
significance. Owing to his abundant legacy and
superior artistic prowess, future generations will
invariably feel the necessity for Navoi's work,
especially due to the recurring theme of humanism in
his writings. After all, "Humanity is the most
magnificent manifestation of culture. It is the
pinnacle of cultural achievement. When signs of
fracturing in humanity begin to appear, it can be
discerned that the very fabric of culture is unravelling
there. Humanism is the greatest achievement of
Corresponding author
human intellect, and humanity is the ultimate
accomplishment of historical processes. No matter
how much a culture that fails to honour human
existence may develop, it cannot be considered true
culture, nor genuine civilisation. It belongs to man,
and there cannot be a civilisation that is removed from
man" (Ahmedov S., Kochkarov R., Rizayev Sh.
Consequently, Navoi's works are consistently
included in nearly every class curriculum across
Uzbekistan. In textbooks published during the years
of independence, attention was given to presenting
Alisher Navoi's work with increasing complexity.
The focus was not only on the poet's work, but also
on works about Navoi. Reviewing the textbooks from
this period reveals that in the 5th grade "Literature"
textbooks, beginning with the 1999 edition, the topics
are organised not chronologically, but under thematic
headings such as: "Masterpieces of Wisdom", "The
Magical World of Fairy Tales", "The Sound of
Tuychieva, M.
Using the Works of Alisher Navoi as Teaching Material.
DOI: 10.5220/0012490600003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 463-467
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Legends", "Journey to Mumtoz Literature", "The
Innocent World of Childhood", and "To Love the
Country is a Matter of Faith" (Alavutdinova N. G.
(2008).). Texts about Navoi were included in the
"Journey to Classical Literature" section. Presenting
literary texts in this unique format, grouped in special
sections, guides the teacher on how to approach the
literary text. Grouping related works in one chapter
keeps the reader's focus on a particular theme for an
extended period. This fosters a consolidation of their
views on the subject matter.
The "History of Uzbek Literature" section of the 6th
grade "Literature" textbook, 1995 edition, features
stories from Alisher Navoi's epic “Hayrat al-abrar”
("Wonders of Good People") such as "Hotami Toy",
"Two Loyal Lovers", and "Dove". The article "About
Alisher Navoi and His Stories" discusses the poet's
life, the stories' content, and the embedded ideas. The
quizzes also prioritise studying the article over the
literary text. Regarding the stories taken from
"Wonders of Good People", the format of the
questions remains consistent, such as: recount the
content of the story "Hotami Toy" and describe the
characters therein, or discuss the meaning and idea
behind the story "Dove" in the epic, and so forth
(Husanboyeva Q., Niyozmetova R. (2022),). In the
study of Alisher Navoi's life and work, published in
1991 for the 7th grade, considerable space is devoted
to the works: Rubaiyat, Ghazal, "The Story of a
Stranger from the Fifth Climate". The given texts are
primarily elucidated to the reader through an
accompanying article about the work. For example,
information about the Rubaiyat's theoretical aspects
is presented. This information is brief, concise, and
showcases specific genre elements. For instance, the
content of A. Navoi's poem "Kamol et kasbikim" is
explained by highlighting the language from which
the poem is derived, its meaning, the prevalent use of
the lyrical genre of wisdom in classical Eastern
literature, its structure, and its rhyming scheme.
In the 2005 edition of the 7th grade textbook, the
scientific method is employed to cover the activities
of Mirkarim Osim (Karimov N., Normatov U.
(1999).). In the article oriented towards Hasbi, the
works of the historical writer are grouped both
chronologically and thematically. A relatively brief
article, taken from Sabir Mirvaliyev's book "Uzbek
Writers", more exalts the character of the historian-
writer rather than examining his life.The stories "The
First Spring of Youth", "Summer Desert", and
"Language of Birds" were included in the short story
collection "Darkness in the Light". Providing specific
questions and tasks after each story enabled the reader
to thoroughly grasp the brief text and drew their
attention to the truths intended by the writer—truths
which the young reader should comprehend and
"see": "Observe the development of the abilities of
the boy, Alisher. Consider how the family
environment played a role in his growth. What do you
believe was the influence of his father, mother and
uncles in his upbringing? Identify and explain
instances where Prince Hussain— the future ruler—
displays characteristic traits. Carefully read the
sections where the instability of the political situation
in the country, along with its causes and
consequences, are explained and depicted. Pay
attention to how, through whom, or by what means
the writer conveys these elements. Any minor
scenario in the works that serves to boost the student's
morale and foster national pride is revisited through
the medium of questions, and the student is "coerced"
to rely solely on their own opinion in their response:
'Pay attention to the story about Alisher's encounter
with Attar. How do you interpret the incident where
the Mongolian soldier sold a man of Maulana's stature
for a mere handful of straw, and the poor farmer
parted with his last possessions— his straw— to help
an old man?' and so forth.
The student who answers such questions feels a sense
of pride in belonging to a nation that values
knowledge and scholars, a nation that has nurtured
great individuals who have significantly contributed
to world civilisation. Some repetition is observed in
the questions and tasks: after the task 'Considering the
way Ghiyasiddin Bahadur communicates with his
son, explain what kind of person he is', another task
is given: 'Discuss Alisher's father's relationship with
his teacher. Based on that, infer what kind of people
they are.' Although the second task requires a more
comprehensive response to the first question, it
directly necessitates a partial repetition of the initial
Studying the works of Alisher Navoi is intrinsically
linked to the culture of reading. The development of
a reading culture represents one of the most pressing
academic issues within literary education, and
primarily, it's the work that cultivates aesthetic taste
in students, helps identify beautiful qualities, and
promotes mastery of writing skills, understanding of
poetic structures, and appreciation of the arts.
Currently, the development of reading competence is
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
a significant focus not just in general secondary
education, but across all forms of ongoing education.
"Literature as an art form brings about change and
renewal in the human psyche (especially emotions,
intellect, and thinking)" (Sarimsakov B., Khalilov T.,
Gurbanboev B. (1995)). When exploring literary
materials, the teacher should sincerely believe in the
potential of each student. The confidence that they
will succeed in comprehending literary works,
combined with sincere, friendly interaction, and a
mutual desire for understanding, has a tremendously
positive impact on the teaching process. The secret to
fostering a student's interest in reading works of art
lies in the teacher's ability to organise collaborative
engagement with them. This is such an activity that
encourages the student to feel not as an object of
education, but as an independent, freely active
individual—a participant. Sincere consultation with
the student during the organisation of the educational
process offers them an opportunity to willingly
partake in this process. The teacher's sincerity and
respect towards the student inspires reciprocal respect
and fosters voluntary participation in the educational
process. It is only by respecting the student as an
individual that feelings of empathy and responsibility
towards others can be nurtured within them.
School lessons serve not only as the primary form of
organising education but also as the main process
directing each student towards their personal life.
Therefore, literary materials, which form the core of
literature classes, should be presented with these
aspects in mind, and particular attention should be
paid to segments that directly relate to the student's
daily life when working with them.
Working with the text of a piece and mastering the
artistic text is an intricate process in its own right. A
critical factor in this process is the specific emotional
and cognitive activity that emerges in late
adolescence. Thus, the artistic work presented to
students of this age for learning, with its content,
character behaviour, plot development, and artistic
nature, should provide a foundation for students to
express their thoughts within their own understanding
and engage in free discussion. Educational materials
that have a wide content scope, but are not
immediately apparent, and "guide" the student,
facilitate their comprehension of the literary text.
Works that portray genuine human qualities, feelings
of responsibility, that depict individuals and the
complexities of life, that vary according to genre and
writing style, and that reflect the national values of
diverse cultures, play an important role in shaping a
student's spirituality.
A deep understanding of a work of art wholly depends
on comprehending it and engaging in conscious
reading. As a result, students have the opportunity to
think critically and draw conclusions about societal
relations, thereby equipping themselves to resolve
potential problems they may encounter in life. This
process then fosters student creativity as a
competence: students develop the skills to approach
their work innovatively, find solutions to problematic
situations, and make independent decisions. In this
regard, it is crucial to present educational material to
students appropriately.
The secret to fostering students' interest in reading
works of art lies in the teacher's ability to organise
collaboration with them. This approach allows the
student to feel not as an object of education, but as an
independent, freely acting individual—a participant.
Sincere consultation with the student during the
organisation of the educational process creates an
opportunity for them to willingly partake in this
process. The teacher's sincerity and respect towards
the student inspires reciprocal respect, fostering
voluntary participation in the educational process.
Feelings of empathy and responsibility towards
others can only be nurtured within the student by
respecting them as an individual. The educator's
humanistic approach should involve accepting the
student as they are by nature, understanding their life
circumstances and behavioural factors, and ensuring
that their perspectives harmonise with the student's.
This harmony greatly aids the process of exploring
literary materials in literature classes that form
important human values and promote a healthy
attitude towards life.
School lessons serve not only as the primary form of
organising education but also as the main process
guiding each student towards their personal life.
Therefore, literary materials, which form the core of
literature classes, should be presented with these
aspects in mind, and particular attention should be
paid to the elements that directly relate to the student's
daily life when working with them. Working with the
text of a piece and mastering the artistic text is an
intricate process in its own right. A critical factor in
this process is the specific emotional and cognitive
activity that emerges in late adolescence. Therefore,
the artistic work presented to students of this age for
learning, with its content, character behaviour, plot
development, and artistic nature, should provide a
foundation for students to express their thoughts
Using the Works of Alisher Navoi as Teaching Material
within their own understanding and engage in free
There is a significant difference between the language
of Navoi's works and the current Uzbek literary
language. Therefore, reading and comprehending the
poet's work can be somewhat challenging for a school
student. One of the factors creating a "chasm"
between scholars and teachers in teaching Alisher
Navoi's works to schoolchildren is the issue of
teaching the prose interpretation of the works. While
most teachers in practice argue that it is a major
achievement if students understand the essence of the
text, even if they master the prose interpretation,
scholars contend that if the students' skills are
adequate, they will not face difficulty, and a prose
interpretation cannot truly represent high literature.
Therefore, using Alisher Navoi's work "Mahbub ul
Qulub" as a methodological aid in teaching sixth-
grade literature is recommended (Yoldoshev Q.,
Kasimov B., Kadirov V. (2005).). It would be
beneficial for children to utilise their experience of
learning a foreign language to learn the Navoi
language in classical literature. "The unique process
of applying necessary knowledge, methodologies,
and acquired experience to a new educational
situation as the need arises fosters decision-making
abilities in children" (Native literature. (1991)).
Emphasis has been placed on the fact that providing
educational material in task format encourages
students to repeatedly refer back to the original text,
and that this action is presented in a different form
each time. "In addition to being demonstrative and
organisationally perfect, achieving mastery in a
lesson also requires students to enhance their
independent activity and apply their theoretical
knowledge in practice" (N. Eshanqul. (2014)).
The tasks provided below are intended for students
who have read the prose interpretation of the article
and should have familiarised themselves with it as
homework. Some words have been omitted in the text
and replaced by a line:
1. Insert the missing words into the text in place of the
(a) River
(b) Blue
(c) Soil
(d) Garden
(e) Mountain
(f) Crown
Some archaic words (words that are not in use today
but have contemporary synonyms) are highlighted in
a different colour. You are asked to place their
synonyms in parentheses.
2. Identify the meaning of the highlighted words in
the text from the given words, and write them in
Mockery, disreputable, young, frivolity, hard, heavy,
In the next task, some words whose meaning can be
deduced from the context of the text are listed and
numbered. For example, a passenger ship (Umurov
Z.). The word "anchor" should be there. Images are
provided in the task. Based on the content of the text,
you are asked to organise the pictures in order
according to their numbers.
3. Number the pictures based on the text.
4. Match the metaphors for gentle and rude people:
Rich mountain
Durable fabric
Expensive dress
Red mute
Assign each of the above to either 'Gentle nature' or
'Rude nature'. Through these exercises, the student
revisits Navoi's work multiple times. They
understand the text through their own investigation,
and their interest is consequently piqued.
For the physical, mental, and intellectual
development of a teenager, it is necessary to utilise
educational materials that illuminate the essence of
the literary text and encourage thinking and
engagement in literature classes. When selecting
educational material for literary education, consider
the following:
- Gradually increase the complexity of questions and
- Ensure coherence between the questions, tasks, and
the artistic text. That is, guide the student to express
their opinion directly based on the artistic text when
completing the questions and tasks;
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
- Encourage students to compare and contrast the
characters of the work of art with themselves and their
peers, and draw certain conclusions. Social
comparison is a fundamental phenomenon in
psychology that prompts independent thinking.
Comparing oneself with the heroes of the work serves
to evaluate one's own thoughts, abilities, and
- Take into account the noted features of adolescence
when presenting examples of works of art (excerpts
from works are provided);
- Offering didactic tasks that highlight the writer's
skill and the power of artistic words can increase the
student's interest in literary education, thus positively
influencing and educating the teenager. In addition,
when working on literary materials at school, the
teacher should sincerely believe in the capabilities of
each student. The conviction that they will succeed in
mastering literary works, alongside sincere, friendly
communication and the desire for mutual
understanding, can significantly enhance the teaching
process. The impact becomes even more profound
when it specifically pertains to the work of Navoi.
Ahmedov S., Kochkarov R., Rizayev Sh. (2017).Literature.
Textbook for 6th grade. Part II - T.: Ma'naviyat, - 160
Alavutdinova N. G. (2008). Methodology of formation of
creative thinking skills in native language classes (in
the case of 5th grade). Ped. science. name ... diss. - T.,
- 156 p.
Husanboyeva Q., Niyozmetova R. (2022), Literature
teaching methodology. Textbook. - Tashkent:
"Innovation-Ziya", 400 p
Karimov N., Normatov U. (1999). Literature. Textbook-
complex for 5th grade. - T.: Teacher, - 352 p.
Sarimsakov B., Khalilov T., Gurbanboev B. (1995)Uzbek
literature. Textbook-complex for 6th grade. - T.:
Teacher,. - 348 p.
Yoldoshev Q., Kasimov B., Kadirov V. (2005). Literature.
Textbook for 7th grade. - T.: Sharq, - 368 p.
Native literature. (1991) Textbook for 7th grade /
Compilers: A.Zununov, R.Usmonov, O.Madaev,
M.Nurmatova. Tashkent.: Teacher,.3-p.
N. Eshanqul. (2014) - Tashkent: Akademnashr,. - 512 p.
// Umurov Z. Analysis
of educational material and educational problems
Using the Works of Alisher Navoi as Teaching Material