Youth Leadership Qualities and Competencies: Scale Development
and Preliminary Validation
Rajkumar B. Nanaware
Dept of PG Studies in Education and Research, R V Teachers College,
(IASE), Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Multifactor Leadership Qualities and Co mpetencies Scale, Student Leadership, Holistic Development,
Confirmatory Component Analysis, Structural Equation Modelling.
Abstract: A valid and reliable scale measuring multifactor leadership qualities and competencies of young adults was
deemed necessary, which will aid in answering research and methodological concerns that lead to "empirically
established non-arbitrary responses to design challenges," which were addressed in the full-scale study of
springtide leadership. Three hundred fifty students from Pre-University and Under Graduates colleges were
randomly selected for this preliminary trial and validation of an instrument. The findings were investigated
using descriptive and inferential methods. Item objective congruence and item-total correlation were used to
reduce the scale. The instrument's consistency and reliability were established through item analysis. The six
dimensions, namely verbal and nonverbal communication, self-development, personal attributes, group
dynamics, civic engagement and social responsibility, and decision-making, were identified by rerunning
linear structural equation modelling (SEM). The application of SEM in confirmatory component analysis
revealed a good fit for this structure. The scale exhibited impressive composite reliability and measurement
invariance across gender, locale, grade, and age groups. The association between MFLQ scores and the
student leadership roles also showed satisfactory concurrent and criterion-related validity for the scale. The
findings indicate that the MFLQ is a reliable and practical tool for
measuring youth leadership qualities and
competencies. The current endeavour is a groundbreaking attempt to develop a multifactor leadership qualities
and competencies questionnaire.
Leadership development is an integral component of
students' holistic health and holistic development,
which depends on their availability to various
learning experiences, a prerequisite for optimising
potential. Alexander Astin’s (1984) theory of student
involvement explains how colleges and universities
see how students change and grow due to their
involvement outside of the classroom. It is a scientific
topic of study and practical skill that refers to an
individual’s or organisation’s ability to “lead.” “A
leader is a group member who significantly
influences followers and how group members behave
in critical situations” (Ford, 2021). A massive
revolution in education is anticipated to grasp the
contributing agents in students’ leadership
development. According to Leung, Raymong Ng, and
Chan (2011), student involvement measures the
amount and quality of physical and psychological
energy students put into their collegiate experience.
This involvement can manifest in many ways,
including academic work, extra-curricular activities,
and takes up leadership responsibilities. It is a proven
fact and confirmed a boon or panacea for some of the
most perplexing populace in cutting-edge society
(Barber et al., 2005). According to Astin’s
Involvement Theory (1984), the student must be
actively engaged on campus for maximum growth
and learning. The quality and quantity of a student's
involvement on campus directly impact the amount of
learning and personal development that the student
experiences. One of the primary benefits of
participating in extra-curricular activities is the
opportunity to develop leadership skills.
Many extra-curricular activities, such as student
councils, clubs, and sports teams, NCC and NSS
Nanaware, R.
Youth Leadership Qualities and Competencies: Scale Development and Preliminary Validation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012493300003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 546-556
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
provide opportunities for students to take on
leadership roles. Extra-curricular activities thus
provide different settings where "students can learn
about themselves and their worlds, as well as uncover
opportunities for creating their interpretations of
success." These programmes allow youngsters to
explore independence, peer relationships, skills, and
leadership in a safe environment, fostering positive
growth and holistic health.
The Development Theory of Leadership: Based on
the tenets of the development theory of leadership,
this research provided first validation for the MFLQ.
According to Linden and Fertman's (1998)
development theory of leadership, every youngster
has the potential to become a leader. It demonstrates
leadership qualities in normal, daily situations with
others at home, at school, and in the neighbourhood.
Five areas are identified as crucial to the creation of
young leaders following the theory: (1) leadership
information and knowledge; (2) leadership attitude,
(3) communication skills; (4) decision-making, and
(5) stress management (Ricketts & Rudd, 2002).
Youth leadership potential may be measured along
these five characteristics, encompassing the mental,
emotional, and physical growth of potential leaders
(Linden & Fertman,1998). Communication, decision-
making, and stress management are just a few of the
many leadership abilities that Linden and Fertman
(1998) claim high-potential youth learn. The capacity
to articulate thoughts and share knowledge with
others is a hallmark of good communication abilities.
Several studies have shown that influential leaders
inspire and influence their followers through words
(Boies et al., 2015). Decision-making skills represent
the ability to make good choices with available
information. Leaders’ effectiveness in resolving
complex challenges inside
their companies is crucial
to the success of their teams and the organisations
(Mumford et al., 2000). Based on the results of prior
studies, the development theory of leadership was
formulated (Fertman & Long, 1990; Fertman &
Chubb, 1992; Wald & Pringle, 1995; and Long et al.,
Further studies corroborated the hypothesis. The
idea aligns with other holistic, integrative
perspectives on learning, such as Kolb’s (2014)
experiential learning theory, which considers
experience, perception, cognition, and action equally.
After conducting a systematic review of research on
youth leadership development, Ricketts and Rudd
(2002) developed a theoretical framework for youth
leadership development along the five dimensions
outlined by their methodology. Bruce and Stephens
(2017) proposed a practical framework to enable
student leadership development in various
organisations and student councils. There are
undoubtedly other essential qualities and
competencies, including civic engagement and social
responsibility, self-development, and group
dynamism. Researchers have created several
leadership development scales, but none specifically
for the Indian context, and this study will fill that gap
and present a multidimensional construct for the
Indian context. In conclusion, the theory offers a
reliable basis for conducting these analyses of young
leadership growth.
Numerous academic research studies are available on
developing students’ leadership and behavioural
characteristics and academic excellence. This section
reviews previous studies on crucial leadership
attributes for rationale. Dhanmeher (2014) discovered
that extra-curricular activities for high school and
college students could strengthen social interaction,
leadership, healthy recreation, self-discipline, and
self-confidence. Sports and other co-curricular
activities create opportunities for students to achieve
and have meaningful roles in their school community.
Leadership entails making wise decisions, defining a
clear vision, setting attainable and measurable goals,
and empowering followers to achieve those goals.
Recognising and focusing on our values enables us to
achieve success. Personal Attributes/Behaviour refers
to individuals’ socially responsible lifestyle choices
to live up to their ideals, acting to ‘be the change you
wish to see in the world’ (Mohr, 1978). It is a crucial
first step toward maximising your leadership skills.
Group dynamics helps comprehend decision-making
(Chapman et al., 2006) and the growth of civic
engagement and social responsibility in emerging
societies. “Group dynamics is a system of social
behaviour and psychological processes of leaders”
(Ehrlich & Jacoby, 2009). Bass (1990) defines
transformational leadership as a customised concern,
intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and
idealised influence. Influential leaders communicate
well. It is an essential attribute that leaders strive to
be prepared to communicate effectively and
persuasively. Civic Responsibility includes creating
Youth Leadership Qualities and Competencies: Scale Development and Preliminary Validation
sustainable development, changing the mindset,
taking the country forward, contributing to the regular
revision of educational policies and thus exploring
new avenues (Blair, 2010).” As Day (2004) stated,
self-awareness informs us about knowing your
characteristics and how your actions affect others,
business outcomes, etc.” As indicated by Hayes
(2014), pupils’ commitment to school-based ECAs
worked on their talents and skills interchangeably
with other aspects of their lives, such as school, work,
and home.
The study’s foundational aim is to collect and
analyse data as a prelude to full-scale substantive
survey research on student leadership qualities and
competencies. Based on the identified gaps in
existing research and to get the answer, the following
research questions are proposed for the study.
Several stages and phases of preliminary assessment
are involved in conducting a pilot study through an
“introspective” survey approach. We tried to catch up
and attain it through the steps governed by Eldridge
(i) Designing the pilot study: Formulating the
research question, objectives, and intent was part of
the theoretical framework. Then, an exhaustive
review of pertinent literature was carried out to
become familiar with the substantial literature. The
suitable statistical techniques were bracketed since
the present investigation is exploratory and
quantitative, and data obtained from participants need
to be statistically analysed. For psycho-social and
demographic variables, three NCC battalions and six
potential (PU/UG) institutions of urban and rural
vicinities were earmarked for this preliminary
inquiry. This way, the research design was framed.
(ii) Pre-Try out: As part of an interdisciplinary
research project, the researcher collected literature,
past research studies, and documents on leadership
attributes/qualities and discussed them with experts in
leadership attributes/grades. Pre-try-out was carried
out using the Item Objective Congruence (IOC). The
IOC Index screens item quality and validates content
(Rovinelli & Hambleton, 1977). The Pilot form of the
questionnaire was subsequently rolled out.
(iii) Sample and sampling Technique: 350
NCC-trained and non-NCC students enrolled in pre-
university and undergraduate programmes at higher
education institutions in Bangalore's rural and urban
areas ranging from 16 to 20 years old made up the
study's population. The Non-proportionate stratified
random sampling technique was used to draw the
sample based on the accessibility and juxtaposition of
the respondents with a self-developed tool to collect
the data for this feasibility study. A duly signed
consent was obtained, and a necessary mass briefing
was given to participants before starting the test.
The analysis was carried out with a prior assessment
of the validity and reliability of the empirical data,
including other psychometric properties of the tool.
The following steps were observed.
Respondents' Basic Profile: The classification of the
sample value according to different variables.
Table 1: The socio-demographic profile of respondents.
Range 16-20 yrs.
Male169 (48.3), Female-181 (51.7)
Urban 183 (52.3), Rural – 167 (47.7)
Nature of Institution
Autonomous- 85 (24.3),Govt.-88(25.1),Pvt-81 (23.1),Pvt UA 81 (23.1)
Stream of Education
Science 101 (28.9), Arts- 108(30.9), Commerce- 100(28.6)
Source- primary data. * Fig in brackets indicate %
Sample Adequacy: Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)
Test estimates how to fit the information for Factor
Analysis. The test estimates and examines
sufficiency for every factor and the total model. As
per the reference values expressed by Meyer, it is
0.979 (Marvelous) for the current pilot study.
Internal Consistency and Reliability: It was
established by applying Cronbach’s Alpha and Item
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Table 2: KMO and Bartlett’s Test for Leadership Qualities.
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy.
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity
Approx. Chi-Square
Table 3: The Polarity and Reliability of subsets of the Final Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.
Source: Primary Data
Figure 1: Descriptive Statistics of Components of Multifactor Leadership.
Figure 1 represents the descriptive statistics of the
minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation
of six components of the multifactor leadership style.
The items of each component are 1 to 5 scales from
Strongly Disagree e to Strongly Agree, in which the
mean value of more than 3 indicates the respondents'
acceptance of the leadership style.
Hence, for the present questionnaire, Cronbach's
Alpha score was observed as ≥0.9, which was
"Excellent". Thus, the study's empirical data results
are reliable and relevant for verifying the study's
premise. Table 3 represents the descriptive statistics
of the minimum, maximum, average and standard
deviation of six components of the multifactor
Youth Leadership Qualities and Competencies: Scale Development and Preliminary Validation
leadership style. Since the items of each component
are 1 to 5 scale from Strongly Disagree to Agree
Strongly, the mean value of more than 3 indicates the
acceptance of the agreeable responses of respondents
to Leadership qualities. For the final scale of
leadership qualities, there were 20 items to be
discarded. Out of 52 items, 32 were selected to be
included in the final form of the scale to measure the
leadership qualities of PU and UG students in the
present study.
Item-Analysis: Through the Item Analysis, the
Corrected item-total Correlation was obtained, items
with less than 0.30 score of Corrected item-total
Correlation were rejected, and the rest were included
in the final form of the scale. "The subscales with a
corrected item-total correlation less than 0.30 are
unacceptable" Cristobal et al. (2007
). However, 0.20
is an acceptable result for inter-item and item-total
correlation in exploratory research." The rule of
thumb regarding item-total correlation is 0.3. As to
alpha, any item that, if deleted, alpha increases is
questionable. However, several parameters, including
validity, should be considered when evaluating an
Table 4: Descriptive Statistics of Components of Multifactor Leadership.
The discrimination index in the form of Corrected
item-total Correlation measures how well an item
discriminates between high and low scores. The index
is a fraction ranging from -1 to 1. A positive
discrimination index of at least 0.2 suggests that high
scorers are likelier than low scorers to answer
correctly. Negative indices should be investigated for
flaws or miskeying. These are rejected, whereas those
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
closer to 1 (or 0.3) are retained. Of 52 statements, 32
were chosen to be included in the final scale to assess
students' leadership qualities.
The standardised factor loadings in the
measurement model, as indicated in figure 2, has a p-
value less than 0.05, which is statistically significant.
Its high composite reliability and low average
variance values indicate an excellent measuring
instrument's consistency. The Cronbach alpha for all
of the components is more than 0.80. As a result, the
model's indicators and latent.
The composite reliability and average variance values
are valid (Table 5). It is possible to develop the
structural model and test the hypothesis using
indicators and the latent component of the present
Figure 2: Measurement Model of Leadership Qualities.
Prelims: Based on the outcomes of pre-survey
preparation, the proposed conceptual model ( Figure
1) appeared promising while conducting a large-scale
study with the presented socio-demographic profile
of respondents in table 1. The inclusive and exclusive
criteria, time management, and non-verbal behaviour,
including technical malfunctions noted throughout
the sampling procedure and data collection, were
documented for future reference. We made a note to
estimate the variability of outcomes to help determine
sample size, and preliminary data collection, establish
what resources (financial, personnel, and logistics)
are needed for planned research and analyse
suggested data processing procedures to detect
potential challengesfactors can be utilised to
construct a structural model and test the hypothesis.
Youth Leadership Qualities and Competencies: Scale Development and Preliminary Validation
Table 5. Item Total Statistics
Table 6: Component Transformation Matrix
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser
The relationships between the components before and
after rotation are shown in the Component
Transformation Matrix. Estimates of the correlations
between each variable and the estimated components
may be found in the principal components analysis's
pivotal output, the rotated component matrix, usually
known as the loadings.
Table 7: Results of CFA (Measurement Model) of Construct of Leadership Qualities.
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Bartlett’s test of sphericity: To lay out whether your
correlation matrix is a character framework, apply
Bartlett's sphericity test. As expressed by Bartlett, this
recommends that factors are interrelated and
unsatisfactory for structure identification. Factor
examination might help provide information on the
off chance that the importance level is under 0.05. For
this situation, as mentioned in table 2, it was sig **
Item Analysis: Pre-pilot testing survey instrument
comprised 60 items. The Item Objective Congruence
Formula was applied to the obtained responses of the
subject experts, and it was narrowed down to 52
statements. The Corrected item-total Correlation was
drawn as stated in table 4, and 20 items having less
than 0.30 score of Corrected item-total Correlation
were rejected. The rest 32 statements were included
in the final form of the scale. When it comes to item-
total correlation, the rule of thumb is 0.3. In terms of
alpha, anything whose alpha increases when removed
is suspect. However, various factors should be
considered when evaluating an item, including
validity, reliability, and discrimination measures. The
reliability coefficients showed some improvement in
reducing items in the present case. It indicates that
item analysis was used successfully to reduce the
scale and proved consistent and reliable.
Reliability and Validity: Only the Verbal and Non-
Verbal Communication component has a reliability
score of less than 0.7. In all, the instrument’s
Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.96. Thus, the study’s empirical
data results are reliable and relevant for verifying the
study’s premise. The number of items and reliability
of the responses of the items of the construct of
leadership qualities is represented in table 3. Among
six sub-factors of leadership quality, the measure of
reliability, i.e., Cronbach alpha, is highest for
personality attributes (0.89) and lowest for group
dynamics (0.70). However, the Cronbach alpha
values for all six constructs are more than 0.7. The
overall reliability of all 32 items of leadership quality
is 0.92; hence, the responses for leadership quality
items are consistent and reliable. The items'
validation of their respective factors is reflected in the
model for measuring leadership quality. The factor
loading is shown by the path coefficients on the
arrow. Figure 2 presents the critical region, p-value,
test of validity and reliability, numerical
unstandardised and standardised coefficient of the
factor loadings, and critical and standardised
coefficients. Because the p-values are less than 0.05,
the Standardised Factor Loadings in the Measurement
Model have a
statistical significance level of 5%. The
resulting average variance and composite reliability
are valid, and the Cronbach alpha for each construct
is more than 0.80. Table 7 shows that for all of the
constructions, Convergent Validity AVE > 0.5 and
Discriminant was MSV < AVE. Therefore, it
indicates that the consistency of the instrument is
good. Thus, indicators and latent factors of this model
can be used for building the structural model and
testing the hypotheses in a large-scale study.
Pilot study observations have extraordinary
consequences from both a professional and a personal
standpoint. The most far-reaching stuff I have
realised is summarised here.
Extensive Review of Literature: Clear ideas and
views sail better than dark thoughts. The constructs
that the researcher will unearth have to be thoroughly
Articulation in Local Direct: It is good to start the
survey questions with simple language explaining the
issue and illustrating what it implies and the attitude I
wanted to approach the participants. To address the
needs of native speakers, I felt it was necessary to
translate the questionnaire into local diction with the
assistance of language experts.
To determine sample size by estimating variability
in outcomes: The pilot study assisted me in reducing
the possibility of errors or problems and identifying
and resolving as many manageable issues or
difficulties in sampling as feasible.
Designing a research protocol: More specifically,
the pilot study assisted me in developing a clear
research roadmap that included data collection
techniques, methodology, data evaluation, and a
theoretical framework, thus assessing whether the
research protocol was realistic and workable.
Assessing the proposed data analysis techniques:
It is, however, useful to evaluate the anticipated
benefits from a pilot study can help with the search
system itself, leading to tremendous implications that
last till the end of the remaining research, and the
researchers themselves improve their search ride and
professional competence.
Assessing the practicality of a (full-scale)
study/survey: What should be kept in mind and
prompted me in several instances is the
Youth Leadership Qualities and Competencies: Scale Development and Preliminary Validation
recommendation of Thabane et al. (2010), who
emphasise the importance of pilot studies being well-
designed with clear feasibility targets, clear analytic
plans, and unambiguous criteria for judging
feasibility success.
Odds and Ends: Several issues from professional,
social, ethical, and cultural viewpoints have been
uncovered when conducting the pilot studies. Pilot
studies can help with the search system, leading to
tremendous implications until the remaining research
end. The researchers themselves improve their search
ride and professional competence before doing one,
as there may be circumstances where just a few
benefits are possible. However, numerous benefits
can also be obtained.
Suggestions: The results support that the Multifactor
Leadership Qualities and Competencies Scale
(MFLQ) merits more psychometric investigation.
Nonetheless, the CFI value in this study is close to the
threshold value, suggesting that more research is
needed to enhance the fit indices of the leadership
development scale. To guarantee that the same
amount of statements is evaluating each component
of leadership development, statements should be
amended, added, modified, or eliminated to increase
consistency/reliability. In addition, test-retest data
should be gathered to determine the leadership
development scale's reliability and validity. In
addition, the causes and effects of leadership
development may be evaluated using a triangulation
method. Finally, it is a questionnaire-based survey
study with its limitations.
Exciting findings were discovered about the
correlation between demographic factors and
Multifactor Leadership Qualities and Competencies
Scale (MFLQ) scores in this investigation. It is
generally accepted that "Pilot Research aids in
guiding the construction of a study plan rather than
being a test of the already-developed plan." A pre
try-out was run before the main study to ensure the
validity and reliability of the evaluation tool. We
created a standardised questionnaire for the primary
research that has acceptable psychometric properties.
We were able to hone our research techniques for the
main inquiry by conducting preliminary validation.
This paper reports the development and validation of
the Multifactor Leadership Qualities and
Competencies Scale (MFLQ) instrument, intended to
provide valid, reliable, and comparable data on
undergraduate students' self-evaluated skills and
qualities in holistic development in the Indian
context, considering the limitations.
MFLQ- Multifactor Leadership Qualities and
Competencies Scale
CCA- Co-curricular Activity
ECA- Extra-Curricular Activity
NCCNational Cadet Corps
IOC- Item Objective Congruence
Ethical guidelines were followed, and permission was
taken from the Pre University and Under Graduate
colleges and NCC Units/Battalions of Bangalore,
India. The responses recorded from the participants
were voluntary, and consent was obtained from them.
No financing is associated with this venture.
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