A Study on Brand Awareness and Brand Association Factors, and
Customers Attitude with Reference to Fab India in Ahmedabad City
Harikrishan Chaurasiya
and Belur O. Baxi
GLS University-Ahmedabad, India
Keywords: Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Buyers’ Attitude, Fab India.
Abstract: Brand awareness plays an important role in the fashion and apparel industry. Strong brand awareness leads to
brand associations, and this affects buying behavior. Brands can come to know about the customer association
with buying behavior. This descriptive research work is done with the objectives to identify the brand
awareness and association factors, and to explore the buyers’ attitude towards FAB India. It is a brand which
offers vast and diversified craft to customers and is well known for its enduring and comfortable clothing.
Researchers collected primary data from the sample size of Ahmedabad city. Various brand communications
aspects like the brand logo, tag line, advertisements, brand endorsers, variety and range of the products offered
are being considered to know Brand awareness of Fab India. Brand association is the key for brand image.
Fab India has made multi brand associations. An attempt has been done to examine brand association factors
for Fab India. Structured questionnaire was prepared and used to measure buyers’ attitude towards Fab India.
Total Data was analysis by using PCA (Principal Component Analysis) for factor analysis and weighted
Average Mean for customers’ attitude. Researchers found seven factors of brand awareness named: Variety
of Collection, Tag Line, Product Range, Celebrity, Other Product Offered, Brand Endorsers, and Gender
serving, and four factors of brand association named: Brand Characters, Personality, Product Image, Product
Availability. Managerial implication of this research work may bring positive changes in Brand awareness
and association of Fab India and helpful to make further strategies to associate with customers.
The current market scenario is highly competitive,
and companies are not only competing to maintain
market share but also to make customers aware of
their products and services. During the last decade
many new players have emerged in most sectors and
in this competitive environment it’s important for the
companies to keep their customers aware and
updated. One of the important marketing strategies to
deal with in a competitive environment is branding.
The strength of a company lies in its branding. Aaker
(1992) mentioned five components of brand equity,
namely brand awareness, brand association,
perceived quality, brand loyalty, and other brand
assets. Brand Awareness is the capability of a buyer
to recognize or recall a brand, and brand association
is an image that a customer carries in mind about the
brand (Widjaja, Y. G., 2019). Brand awareness and
association have positive effects in buying behavior.
Shehzad, U., Ahmad, S., Iqbal, K., Nawaz, M., &
Usman, S. (2014).
This research was conducted on FAB India. FAB
India which is popular names in urban cities and as a
company its offer handlooms, garments, handicraft
items, organic food through their retail chain to
customers. Since it beginning the company was able
to create a different identity among the customers by
its unique selling proposition of quality fabric,
traditional style, and consistent quality. This is a
brand which offers vast and diversified craft to
customers and is well known for its enduring and
comfortable clothing. This research consists of brand
awareness, association, and buyers’ attitude towards
brand. In details this research paper is an attempt to
know the brand awareness and association factors,
and to identify the buyers’ attitude towards FAB India
in Ahmedabad city.
Chaurasiya, H. and Baxi, B.
A Study on Brand Awareness and Brand Association Factors, and Customers Attitude with Reference to Fab India in Ahmedabad City.
DOI: 10.5220/0012494700003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 563-575
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
This research work is descriptive in nature and data
was collected through structured questionnaire. A
total of 153 responses were collected from
Ahmedabad city with the help of a structured
questionnaire. Researcher also made and attempt to
figure out the various factors of Brand awareness and
Brand Association of Fab India by applying Principal
Component Analysis. As customer attitude affect
their choice of brands, researchers also try to find out
the respondents’ attitude towards Fab India by
recording the various statement, later weighted
average mean is being used to give weighted to these
Also, here researchers proposed a theoretical
model of brand awareness and Brand association
toward Fab India.
Figure 1.
3.1 Brand Awareness
In simple words Brand awareness is nothing, just
awareness of brand among the customers. “It’s an
important aspect of brand equity” (Aaker,1996), and
“some time under evaluated component of brand
equity” (Aaker,1996). (Asif, M., et al.,2015,)(Shinde,
S., & Pawar,2019) mentioned that “Brand awareness
is positively related with brand equity”. Brand
awareness was the most influential element towards
purchase decision mentioned by (Perera, W. L. M. V.,
& Dissanayake, D. M. R. 2013) in their research
work. This was supported by (Supiyandi, A.,
Hastjarjo, S., &Slamet, Y.,2022) that brand
awareness not only affects the buying decision, but
also affects brand loyalty and image (Shabbir et al
2017). Perception and attitude can be affected by
brand awareness, also its drive brand choice and
customer loyalty (Aaker,1996). (Sasmita, J., & Suki,
N. M. ,2015) mentioned that brand depends on their
awareness of the product or for the brand knowledge
specially in the case of young customers. With the
emergence of technology, it became easy and
challenging for companies to make customers aware
about their brand. There are various levels of brand
awareness like brand recall, recognition, top of the
mind, knowledge, opinion, and brand dominance,
Companies use logos, band ambassadors, product
line to create brand awareness. The logo or corporate
symbol is an important visual element of a brand
(Wallace, 2001), apart from corporate symbol brand
logos are instrumental in building brand image (Kaur,
H., & Kaur, K. 2019). Whereas (Haque, M. S. S.,
Bappy, T. A., & Arifuzzaman, M. 2018) mentioned
brand logo as Brand Recognition Elements along with
brand name, brand characters, and brand slogan.
Brand logo has direct relationship between the brand
signature and consumers awareness (Foroudi, P.
2019). (Dong, R., & Gleim, M. R. 2018) further
mention that brand logo is a vital factor which is
affecting consumer purchase intention.
Companies also use brand ambassador to create
brand awareness because brand ambassador proved
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
positivity to influenced brand image (Wang, F., &
Hariandja, E. S. 2016,). Brand Ambassador is an
important tool to determine brand awareness
(Kuncoro, W., & Windyasari, H. A. 2021). According
to (Wang, F., & Hariandja, E. S. 2016) a successful
celebrity brand ambassador can catapult a company
into a new era of prosperity by increasing awareness,
creating elements of trust, and encouraging imitation.
A brand ambassador has a significant and positive
effect on brand awareness (Karim, A. 2019). Whereas
(Osak, D. J., & Pasharibu, Y. 2020) found in their
research that brand ambassador and tagline have a
significant and positive effect on purchasing
decisions. The customer always has a certain
perception about brand ambassador, the higher the
positive perception of consumers toward brand
ambassadors, the higher the brand awareness (Dewi,
L. G. P. S., Oei, S. J., & Siagian, H. 2020). Also brand
ambassador have positive impact on customer buying
decision (Kok, W., Ariesa, Y., Kelvin, K., Pratama,
V., Kosasih, S., & Alianza, V. F. 2021). Based on past
literature reviews researchers develop that brand
logo, ambassador, tag line, product range and variety
are crucial for awareness, which leads to brand
3.2 Brand Association
Brand association is a mental connection of
customers towards brand. Brand associations help the
consumer process, organize, and retrieve information
in memory to aid product choice (Aaker,1991). In his
1993 work, Keller postulated that brand knowledge
(brand equity) could be dissected into two
fundamental dimensions: brand awareness and brand
associations. He argued that brand associations were
the pivotal component of brand equity. Keller further
categorized brand associations into three key
categories: attributes, benefits, and attitudes. A more
recent study by Jin, C., Yoon, and Lee (2019) found
that all elements of brand association, including brand
attributes, benefits, and attitudes, exert a positive
influence on brand self-identification. Companies try
to associate their brand with customers. But for the
customers to form associations about a brand, first, a
brand node (e.g., brand name, logo, or sign) must
exist in the consumer’s memory and should be
retrieved when a cue is given (Washburn, J. H., &
Plank, R. E. 2002). According to Kaur, H., & Kaur,
K. (2019), customers associate logos with
sophistication trait (upper class, good looking,
charming, glamorous, and feminine).
Customers often form associations between their
lifestyle and the brands they choose, with personality
traits playing a significant role in shaping these
connections. A study conducted by Krishnan in 2011
confirmed a noteworthy link between consumers'
lifestyles and the brands they use. The study's
conclusion highlighted that consumers frequently opt
for specific products, services, and activities due to
the associations these choices have with a particular
On a related note, Jin, C., Yoon, M., & Lee (2019)
discovered that well-established positive brand
associations positively affect a customer's self-
identification with the brand, and such an attitude
towards a brand is closely connected to loyalty.
Meanwhile, Vriens, M., Chen, & Schomaker, J.
(2019) emphasized the importance of brand
association density as a preferred metric. Their
rationale included its superior overall performance,
its ability to differentiate between brands when
limited to predefined attribute brand responses, and
its diagnostic value. From the literature, it becomes
evident that brand associations are instrumental in
forging a connection between customers and a brand,
which, in turn, fosters customer loyalty.
3.3 Brand Awareness, Association and
Consumer attitude
Past research works has proven that brand awareness
and association play critical role in buying behavior.
According to (Tsabitah, N., & Anggraeni, R. 2021)
brand awareness is important for purchase intention.
Their results confirm the brand awareness theory that
brand awareness is a determinant in consumer brand
selection, consumer purchase intentions towards a
brand. Brand awareness is very important category of
consumer behavior and have impact on purchase
decision making (Chovanová, H. H., Korshunov, A.
I., & Babčanová, D. 2015).
Research conducted by (Bettman, 1979) explains
that brand associations increase the chance that the
brand can fulfill the consumer's needs at that time.
(O'Cass, A., & Lim, K. 2002) indicate brand
preference and purchase intention are influenced by
the brand associations. Also Brand associations guide
customers to decision-making (Low & Lamb, 2000).
Brand image is another aspect of branding which
affects the buying behavior of customers. There is a
strong and positive correlation between consumer
purchasing behavior and either the brand's image or
its name (Shehzad, U., Ahmad, S., Iqbal, K., Nawaz,
M., & Usman, S. 2014). Brand image is directly
associated with buying behavior. According to
(Gupta, A., Garg, A., Farhan, F., Chandna, M., Jain,
R., & Kumar, S. 2021) Consumer buying behavior is
A Study on Brand Awareness and Brand Association Factors, and Customers Attitude with Reference to Fab India in Ahmedabad City
notably influenced by brand image, and when the
brand image is favorable, it elicits a positive response
from customers. Brand image encompasses aspects
such as attractiveness, ease of use, functionality,
reputation, and overall product value. In the end,
brand image stands as the pivotal determinant of
product sales, and brand associations can strongly
influence a consumer's inclination to contemplate and
make a purchase.
From the literature review, researchers developed
the following theoretical framework for the Brand
awareness factors.
Researchers also develop theoretical framework
for the factors of Brand Association.
Figure 2: Framework for the Brand awareness factors.
Figure 3.
Respondent profiles are Age, Gender, Occupation,
Education, and annual Income.
Factor Analysis. The factors that include the brand
mindfulness of Fab India were figure analyzed
utilizing Vital Component Examination after finding
out the suitability of figure investigation alongside
KMO (>0.6). Components with Eigen Esteem > 1
were then turned utilizing the Varimax turn with
Kaiser Normalization.
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Table 1: Respondents Profile.
Age of respondents
Profiles Frequency Percent (%)
26-33 yrs 51 33
34-40 yrs 57 37
41-47 yrs 27 18
47-54 yrs
> 54 yrs 3 2
Total 153 100.0
Profiles Frequency Percent (%)
Male 42 27
Female 111 73
Total 153 100.0
Profiles Frequency Percent (%)
Job 90 59
Business 12 8
Profession 24 16
Housewife 18 12
Total 153 100.0
Profiles Frequency Percent (%)
Graduation 24 16
Higher than post-
57 37
Total 153 100.0
Profiles Frequency Percent (%)
600000-750000 INR 45 29
750001-900000 INR 45 29
27 18
> 1150000 INR
Total 153 100.0
To summarize the data, a littler number of
components got to be extricated. In this investigate
values based on Eigen Esteem (that's >1) is utilized to
decide the number of variables. To guarantee that the
factors of each calculate were inside related,
Cronbach’s coefficient alpha were measured and
found to have worthy inside consistency reliability,
that's > 0.7.
Brand Awareness Factors. The brand awareness
components had 27 factors which were figure
analyzed and seven components developed
A Study on Brand Awareness and Brand Association Factors, and Customers Attitude with Reference to Fab India in Ahmedabad City
Table 2: Factor Analysis of Brand Awareness for Fab India.
Factors Significant variable
% of
Product Range
Rim jhim .795 3.39
3.039 7.188 23.02 0.921
.705 3.49
Indigo .808 2.71
Rajwada .663 3.67
Indigo & red .706 3.06
Ekkes collection .675 3.51
.853 3.22
Ikat .705 2.39
Ajarak .555 2.57
Banarashi .772 2.75
Kalamkari .789 2.69
Tag Line
Authentic india .891 2.63
2.58 3.722 12.178 0.870
Fine indian
.823 2.61
Fabulous india .860 2.65
Dil se india .691 2.47
Awareness about the
Variety of Collection
Kids wear .813 1.69
1.79 3.291 12.034 0.884
Cosmetic & beauty
.860 1.84
Home furnishing .860 1.84
Aishwarya rai .857 2.76
2.667 2.084 7.967 0.833
Amitabh Bachchan .830 2.57
Other Product
Gifts .740 1.98
1.841 1.495 6.626 0.725
Food products .640 1.65
Brand Endorsers
Kiara Advani .728 2.33
2.222 1.209 6.624 0.623 Chitrangada Singh .556 2.59
Celebrate India .743 1.75
Gender serving
Men cloths .694 1.41
1.627 1.039 5.728 0.601
Women cloths .608 1.84
Total variance 74.18%
Kaiser- Meyer- Olkin Measure of Sampling
surpassing 74.18% of the change. The rundown of
figure investigation of all the examination of all the
components and sub-elements for brand mindfulness
is appeared in Table 2.
Researchers derived 7 dimensions which named
Product Range
Tag Line,
Variety of Collection
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Other Product Offered
Brand Endorsers
Gender serving
The 1
factor identified as Product Range which has
Eigen value 7.18 and mean factor value 3.039. This
factory consists of 11 sub-factors: Rim Jhim,
Cashmere Collection, Indigo, Rajwada, Indigo &
Red, Ekkes Collection, Cashmere Collection, Ikat,
Ajarak, Banarashi, and Kalamkari. This factor
accounts for 23.02% of variance. The 2
identified as Tag Line which have Eigen value 3.722
and mean factor value 2.580. This factor includes 4
sub-factors: Authentic India, Fine Indian Collection,
Fabulous India, and Dil Se India. This factor accounts
for 12.178% of variance. The 3
factor identified as
Variety of collection which have Eigen value 3.291
and mean factor value 1,790. This factor has 3 sub-
factors; Kids Wear, Cosmetic & Beauty Products, and
Home Furnishing. This factor accounts for 12.034%
of variance. The 4
factor identified as Know face
association which has Eigen value 2.084 and mean
factor value 2.667. This includes 2 sub-factors:
Aishwarya Rai and Amitabh Bachchan. This factor
accounts for 7.967% of variance. The 5
identified as other product offered which have Eigen
value 1.495 and mean factor value 1.841. This has 2
sub-factors: Gifts and Food Products. This factor
accounts for 6.626% of variance. The 6
identified as Brand Endorsers which have Eigen
value 1.209 and mean factor value 2.222. This
involves 3 sub-factors; Kiara Advani, Chitrangda
Singh, and Celebrate India. This factor accounts for
6.624% of variance. The 7
factor identified as
Gender Serving which has an Eigen value 1.039 and
mean factor value 1.627. This factor consists of 2 sub-
factors: Men Cloths, and Women Cloths. This factor
accounts for 5.728% of variance. Here analyst found
that hypothetical system fit within the consider as all
the variables have Cronbach 16 Alpha esteem more
prominent or break even with to 0.60.
Brand Factors
Cronbach Alpha
Product Range
Tag Line
Variety of Collection
Other product Offered
Brand Endorsers
Gender Serving
Brand Association Factors. The brand mindfulness
components had 21 factors which were figure
analyzed and four components 55 risen surpassing
68.262% of the change. The rundown of figure
investigation of all the investigation 2 of all the
components and sub-elements for brand affiliation is
appeared in Table 3.
Researchers derived 4 dimensions which named
Brand Characters
Product Image
Product Availability
The first factor identified as Brand Characters which
have Eigen value 7.948 and mean factor value 2.95,
and factor accounts for 22.134% of variance. This
factor consists of 7 sub-factors as: Its Define My
Style, To Impress People, It Has Unique Product
Line, Its Good and Comfortable, Gives Options To
Select, Its Define My Personality, and Its Reflects
Indian Traditional Style With Modernity. The second
factor identified as Personality which has Eigen value
A Study on Brand Awareness and Brand Association Factors, and Customers Attitude with Reference to Fab India in Ahmedabad City
Table 3: Brand Association for Fab India- Factor Analysis.
% Of
Its define my
2.95 7.984 22.134 0.890
To impress
Its has unique
product line
Its good and
Gives options
to select
Its define my
Its reflects
style with
Social status
1.63 3.123 17.369 0.848
Indian way of
1.86 2.090 16.237 0.873
2.642 1.139 12.521 0.817
Total variance
Kaiser- Meyer- Olkin
Measure of Sampling
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
3.123 and mean factor value 1.63, and factor accounts
for 17.369 % of variance. This factor consists of 7
sub-factors as: Social Status, Comfort, Traditional
Fashion, Personality Difference, Self Confidence,
Elegance, and Indian Way of Life. The third factor
identified as Product Image which has Eigen value
2.090 and mean factor value 1.86, and factor accounts
for 16.237 % of variance. This factor consists of 3
sub-factors: Comfortable, Traditional, and Ethnic.
The fourth factor identified as Product availability
which have Eigen value 1.139 and mean factor value
2.642, and factor accounts for 12.521 % of variance.
This factor consists of 4 sub-factors as: Affordable,
Fashionable, Easily Available, and Colorful. Here
analyst found that hypothetical system fit within the
consider as all the variables have Cronbach 16 Alpha
esteem more noteworthy or rise to 0.60.
Brand Factors
Cronbach Alpha
Brand Characters
Product Image
Product Available
Buyers Attitude Towards Fab India. Researchers
collected various statements towards the Fab India to
know the respondents’ attitude and were asked their
agreement on these statements. These statements are:
Fab India Is Trustworthy
I Am Confidant to Buy Fab India
I Look First at Fab India Before Opting
Other Brands
If Given a Choice Between Other Brands
and Fab India, I Will Prefer Fab India
If Fab India Is Not Available, I Will Not
Purchase Other Brand
I Would Recommend Fab India to My
Friends and Others.
If Product Is Not Available in A Store of Fab
India, I Will Try To Find It At Other Store
Of Fab India
Respondents were inquired to rate the over
explanations on the scale of Emphatically Concur,
Concur, Unbiased, oppose this idea, and
Unequivocally Oppose this idea. The concur was
given a weight of 5 and emphatically opposing this
idea was given weighted of 1. The weighted normal
of these articulations appears in table 4.
Table 4: WAM (Weighted Average Mean) Analyses.
Respondents attitude statements
If given a choice between other brands and Fab India, I will prefer
Fab India
Fab India is trustworthy
I am confidant to buy Fab India
I would recommend Fab India to my friends and others.
If product is not available in a store of Fab India i will try to find it
at another store of Fab India
I look first at Fab India before opting other brands
If Fab India is not available, i will not purchase another brand
From the above table, it can be derived that “If given
a choice between other brands and Fab India, I will
prefer Fab India’ score the highest mean whereas “If
Fab India is not available, I will not purchase other
brand” scored the lowest mean.
Here researchers have explained findings from data
analysis and managerial implication for Fab India.
A Study on Brand Awareness and Brand Association Factors, and Customers Attitude with Reference to Fab India in Ahmedabad City
5.1 Brand Awareness
Findings from factor analysis reveals that most
significant factor of brand awareness is product range
awareness of Fab India. Aaker (1996) mentions that
“Name the brands in this product class” is one of the
factors of brand awareness. Fab India also needs to
spread awareness about their product range, which
affect the buying behavior and leads to brand equity.
Tagline is part of advertising that aims to make the
brand easy to remember for consumers. In this
research tagline emerged as a factor that affect the
brand awareness of Fab India. There is evidence for
research conducted by Mantonakis, A. (2012), his
research mention that tag line help customer to
remember the brand name, and if a brief pause is kept
between the tagline and name its more effective and
help to remember for longer time. Karim, A. (2019,
March) mentioned that tagline and brand ambassador
increase, it will also have a positive impact on brand
The variety of products offered is another factor
which affects brand awareness. Semeijn, J., Van Riel,
A. C., & Ambrosini, A. B. (2004) also mention that
product variety affects the customer buying
awareness which affect buying decision. This factor
shows that if customers are aware about the various
varieties of products offered by Fab India, it will
create brand awareness for the company.
Fourth factor, that emerged after the factor
analysis is association with Celebrity. A celebrity is
an individual who is widely known beyond their own
social networks. Celebrity” is defined as the state of
being celebrated, fame, a famous or celebrated person
(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, 5-21-10).
Celebrity will help Fab India to create more
awareness and will influence attitude of buyers. The
fifth factor is awareness about the other products
available with the same brand. This helps the
company to spread its awareness among the
customers, also allowing influence the buying
behavior which leads to brand loyalty.
The sixth factor of brand awareness is Brand
endorsers. Research conducted by Patra, S., & Datta,
S. K. (2012) state that Celebrity endorsement has a
positive and significant effect on purchase intention.
It means the better celebrity endorsement the higher
purchase intention. Ningrat, S., & Yasa, N. K. (2019)
also supported this in their research work by
mentioning that brand awareness can affect
advertising and celebrity endorsement which
influence purchase intention. They also found that
endorsement has a positive and significant effect on
purchase intention. It means the better celebrity
endorsement the higher purchase intention. Fab India
also needs to go with endorsements by using well
known endorsers. It will help the company to create
better brand awareness.
The seventh and final factor, known as "Gender
Targeting," involves aligning a brand's product
offerings with a specific gender. A study conducted
by Koca and Koc in 2016 highlights that male and
female consumers exhibit differing perceptions and
preferences in terms of fashion and brand awareness
when making clothing purchase decisions.
Specifically, women tend to be more influenced by
fashion, whereas men place greater importance on the
brand name. Similarly, Fab India needs to clarify to
its customers which gender it is designing its products
for. This action will help Fab India establish a well-
defined brand image.
5.2 Brand Association
Factor analysis of this brand association attributes
pop-out the four factors of brand association. The first
factor is Brand characters. Customers associate
themselves with the brand character. Keller (1993)
classified association into three categories attributes,
attitude, and benefits. He further classified those
attributes in 2 categories: product-related attributes
and non-product related attributes. Brand characters
are part of non-product related attributes. Fab India
can use this associate to create its brand image which
ultimately leads to have brand equity.
The second factor of brand association is
personality. Freling, T.H. and Forbes, L.P. (2005)
mentioned that identity will have a positive influence
on product evaluations and that subjects exposed to a
brand's personality will have a significant effect on
brand associations. Brands like Fab India can use
such association and create their brand loyalty.
Esmaeilpour, F. (2015) also mentioned that
Personality congruence has an indirect positive effect
on brand loyalty.
The third figure is an item picture. Concurring to
(Parameswaran & Pisharodi, 1994) item picture
alludes to the common discernments that customers
have of a specific item. Clients frequently have cliché
convictions approximately traits related with the item
picture. The fourth and final figure of affiliation is
accessibility of item. Item accessibility specifically
impacts the buying behavior of client, which
influences the brand picture and affiliation
Weissmann, M. A., & Pawn, R. L. T. (2022).
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
5.3 Buyers Attitude Towards Fab India
Findings about the buyers’ attitude towards Fab India
explain that buyers prefer Fab India if given a choice
(MVA 4.11), which indicates that Fab India is not
preferable brand. Also, customers are not loyal
towards Fab India, as they will opt another brand if
Fab India is not available. Customers are neutral
towards the Fab India (MVA 3.71) and they are not
sure to recommend this brand to their friends as well
(MVA3.29). Also, if a product is not available, the
customer will try to find it at another store (MVA
2.78). Here Fab India needs to make product available
for repeat purchase and to avoid brand switching in
customers. It was found customers does not find Fab
India Trustworthy, which is not a good sign for Fab
India. Here, it was found that clients don't have
positive and great demeanor towards Fab India. The
company ought to change this demeanor of clients
and attempt to form brand value.
This word was done with the objective to find out the
brand awareness and brand association factors for Fab
India. Researchers found seven factors of brand
awareness and four factors of brand association.
Researchers also try to know the attitude of customers
towards Fab India where findings reveals that
customers have positive attitude toward the Fab India.
Based on findings, researchers suggest would like to
comment that Fab India have positive image in the
mind of customers, which can be used to create more
brand awareness and association. Fab India can focus
on the brand awareness and brand association factors
which were found by authors to create brand equity.
This work was done by taking on two attributes of
Brand Equity model of Aaket (1992). Further
research can be done by taking other attributes of
same model and can be suggested to the industry.
Also, geographical limitations cannot be ignored;
further research can be done at other geographical
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A Study on Brand Awareness and Brand Association Factors, and Customers Attitude with Reference to Fab India in Ahmedabad City