The Trends, Challenges & Initiatives of Digital Transformation of
Indian Education
Shubhra Bhatia
Department of Commerce,The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal
Keywords: Education Sector, Covid-19, Digital Revolution.
Abstract: The educational system in India is as diverse as our nation's culture, languages, heritage, etc. No industry was
spared from the Covid pandemic's effects, and India's education sector was no exception. The acceptance of
technology and the creation of fresh methods of teaching and learning were the only bright spots in a world
beset by several unforeseen obstacles. In India, many schools had successfully given lessons online, but
simultaneously, there were schools which were shut down. So, the schools that had previously prohibited the
use of electronic devices had to adopt online learning. Both teachers and kids are now becoming accustomed
to this new normal, which makes handling the issue more difficult for them. This study attempts to summarize
several important areas of transformation in the education sector, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the
current educational landscape, and attempts to provide a road map for a future e-learning system. With the
start of the pandemic's third calendar year, 2022 seems to be a significant year, particularly for education.
Around the world, educational systems have had to deal with periodic closures, unequal access to educational
technology and other tools for distant learning, and significant difficulties in preserving the physical and
mental well-being of both students and teachers. While this is true, not all of the unexpected changes brought
on by the epidemic have been negative; over the past three years, some encouraging new innovations, allies,
and increased attention to the field of global education have emerged. The crucial question is whether 2022
and the years to come will result in a change of education or if students, instructors, and families will
experience significant setbacks. In this study, we look into the digital revolution that the COVID-19 epidemic
has brought in the education sector, as well as any obstacles that may have been encountered.
Digital education refers to the delivery of education
to the general public with the use of technology, and
a key effect of COVID-19, besides from the upheaval
in the economy, is the reliance on the internet. The
only way to continue studying was to use technology
because the education system was in ruins as a result
of the pandemic. The purpose of education was saved
by online learning.
Although it has always been difficult for people to
adapt to digital technology and stay up with the most
recent advancements in the digital world, numerous
research and innovations have made it easier for these
sectors to function. The education sector has seen a
number of changes as a result of digital technologies
(Bhongade & Sarode, 2018). All industries, including
education, healthcare, agriculture, and industry, have
benefited greatly from innovations brought about by
digital technologies. Digital technologies have
permeated every area of the Indian economy over the
past twenty years in India (Bordoloi, 2018). Up until
2019, traditional teaching methods were largely used
in schools and the higher education sector, with less
reliance on digital resources and approaches.
Throughout March 2020, Covid 19 suddenly came
into effect, forcing the closure of educational
institutions in India. India's government ordered a
state-wide shutdown to stop the coronavirus sickness
from spreading (Sahu, 2020). Online education is
currently a widespread practice in the field of
education and is regarded as the "New Normal" in our
educational system. The state of events that felt
exceptional in the past has suddenly become the
"New Normal," or an ordinary behavior. Reimagining
the role of online learning in the Indian educational
system and incorporating it into teaching-learning
activities can be used to describe the new norm in
education (Shenoy, 2020).
Bhatia, S.
The Trends, Challenges & Initiatives of Digital Transformation of Indian Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0012501600003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 699-707
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
There is no doubt that the digital transformation of
education has intensified due to the Covid-19
pandemic, however, online education is only one
example of how digital technologies are being used to
alter the teaching and learning process.
There are close to a billion people in India who are
connected online, and various digital technologies are
penetrating their lives more and more each day. There
is a lot of room for improvement in the education of
students in the industry of education as well. At many
levels of schooling, the use of digital and live virtual
classrooms has increased in recent years. Students
and teachers will have the flexibility to attend the
session at any time and gain the superior
understanding by utilizing open educational
resources. At the same time, augmented reality and
virtual reality concepts have begun so that students
can understand the concept in a real-world setting and
to increase accountability and involvement in
Institutions now see the advantages of the digital
education system, notwithstanding Covid-19's
requirement that they adopt a digital strategy.
Nowadays, educational institutions welcome the use
of cutting-edge technologies.
1. To understand the major trends and technologies
enabling the digital transformation of education
2. To study the expectations and challenges of the
digital transformation of the educational system.
3. To understand the Government’s outlook &
initiatives towards digital education in India.
2.1 Digital Transformation &
Digital transformation is the process of updating
resources and processes to raise the bar for instruction
and learning for all parties involved in education.
Focus of the educational digital revolution is majorly
on the following two points:
2.1.1 Accessibility
Digital technology make learning materials more
accessible to learners like students and employees at
lower costs than they would be with traditional
schooling. People from different financial
backgrounds and walks of life can access lessons and
resources online. Thanks to innovations like text-to-
speech, because of which the challenges for students
with impairments have been eliminated.
2.1.2 Enhanced Engagement
Interactive education: A variety of learning forms,
including microlessons, films, interactive exams,
games, etc., are transforming education. For example,
engaging linguistics applications like, Duolingo
claims to connect with US students who are interested
in learning other languages.
Adaptive learning, which allows each learner to
pursue their own learning path, is made possible by
computer technology and artificial intelligence (AI).
Two of the most significant repercussions of the
pandemic are distant learning and school closures,
which highlight how crucial it is to integrate digital
technology into education as soon as possible. The
education sector was already going through a digital
revolution prior to the outbreak. The reports by
HolonIQ clearly demonstrates that between 2010 and
2019, the amount invested in worldwide education
technology venture capital rose from $500 million to
$7 billion, and the staggering effect of the pandemic
almost tripled the investments in 2021.
2.2 Research Methodology
The major goal of qualitative research methodologies
is to understand behaviour and interrelationships by
portraying a complete picture of the subject. The
secondary data provide the main foundation of the
study. The literature review method was used for the
research for this work. The data for the research was
gathered from current online literature, relevant
research journals, periodicals, and magazines.
Several government reports have also been
considered for the study.
Pulkit (2020) in his paper, explained the current
educational system. India, according to his writing, is
a major player in the global education sector. More
than 260 million students attend more than 1.5 million
schools across the country, which also contains more
than 800 institutions and 65,000 colleges. However,
there is a lot of room for ongoing development in the
educational system. Given that India has the largest
number of people in their tertiary years and the
second-largest pool of graduates worldwide, the
Indian education sector is prepared to experience
tremendous growth in the next years.
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
(Kumar Jha, n.d.)India needs excellent infrastructure
to support digital education. This will result in a
significant increase in investment in democratic
governance and infrastructure for the education
sector. The study outlined the various issues facing
digital education in India as well as potential
(Ravi et al., n.d.) concluded that the educational
applications of the Digital India Project have greater
effects on social, economic, financial, and
educational activities. Numerous widely used
programmes, like eScholarship, Digilocker, and
SWAYAM, have greatly aided in the rise of digital
literacy among students, youth, and job seekers in our
2021a)Stakeholders in education are expected to
embrace change with optimism and stay up with
technological advancements. The government should
place a high premium on providing instructors and
students with appropriate training. The integration of
digital tools into the educational system should be the
main emphasis of researchers and educators.
Faculty and students were compelled to adjust to
changes such as institution closures, online
communication and learning, a shift in learning from
the classroom to the home, individualized learning,
online examination formats, etc. while taking social
distance norms into consideration (Dhawan,2020)
Reimagining the role of online learning in the Indian
educational system and incorporating it into teaching-
learning activities can be used to describe the new
norm in education (Shenoy et al, 2020).
An important turning point in the digital revolution of
education toward Education 4.0 can be seen in the
COVID-19 epidemic. In order to personalize the
teaching and learning process, educators, students,
and educational institutions are facing an accelerated
shift to a new educational paradigm that heavily relies
on the use of various digital technologies, such as data
analytics to generate knowledge and information
from large volumes of data (Big Data). But this new
paradigm also calls for new organisational structures,
creative pedagogies, and social, interpersonal, and
cognitive abilities from both instructors and students.
(Katyeudo & de Souza, 2022). Digital economy and
education 4.0 Employment needs are shifting away
from knowledge (concepts and theories) and towards
the use of digital skills, information, and technology
in an interoperable way. The new educational
paradigm is being driven by Education 4.0 and is
predicated on the need to upgrade and requalify,
unlearn and relearn, and apply appropriate skills
(Hong & Ma, 2020).
The development of online education is inextricably
linked to meticulous planning and the creation of
effective teaching tools. However, due to the
overwhelming and rapid growth, the entrance of
universities to online education is in doubt due to the
lack of a solid plan, design, and development of
online instructional programmes. (Li et al., 2021) One
only needs to consider the dominance of ID and
design and evaluation platforms as the only platforms
for instructional design, delivery, and assessment to
see how crucial instructional technology has been to
education in aiding in the alleviation of the
consequences of this global pandemic.
(Agarwal & Sharma, 2020) In order to comprehend
how COVID-19 has influenced the digital
transformation of the education sector, secondary
research was conducted for this study. The study
looked into how, during the COVID-19 lockdown,
the educational sector adapted the usage of virtual
resources. The assessment of secondary data sources
served as the study's foundation. The shutdown
inspired the development of virtual learning, the
usage of open-source software and educational
websites, and ultimately the industry's shift to online
(Jinal Jani and Girish Tere, 2015) The government of
India's Digital India strategy will determine how far
digital education may progress in the nation. The
"Digital India Drive" was started by the Indian
government in an effort to use digital technology to
empower society at large. It will support the use of
information technology by government agencies and
help execute a number of government programmes
and services. Digital India will facilitate the creation
of jobs by offering digital lockers, high-speed
internet, and other services. The development of
digital infrastructure, online resource and service
delivery, and digital education are the three primary
pillars of the "Digital India" initiative.
4.1 Artificial Intelligence
Applications using artificial intelligence can
complete simple but time-consuming activities in the
field of education, reducing the strain of teachers or
other staff members. They can also be utilised to give
The Trends, Challenges & Initiatives of Digital Transformation of Indian Education
pupils a better, more personalised learning
experience. Among the applications are:
Increasing academic performance of the students
Students with hearing impairment benefit from voice-
to-text systems that convert lectures into notes.
Text-to-voice technology enables dyslexic kids to
learn more successfully by writing instead of reading.
In order to determine a student's preferred method of
learning and adjust the curriculum accordingly,
personalised learning may employ a variety of
technologies, including AI. Examples of teaching
strategies that integrate in-person instruction with
online learning resources and promote students'
discovery learning include blended learning and
adaptive learning.
Increasing the productivity of the staff
Chatbots with artificial intelligence to answer
inquiries regarding classes, homework, the campus,
etc. College students can use chatbots as virtual
advisors, freeing up instructors' time.
Chatbots for particular domains: The application
process for college is challenging and stressful for
high school students. College counsellors only have
so much time to help so many students. Chatbots
designed specifically for the admissions process can
assist students during this difficult and crucial
Back-office operations like finance are also present in
educational businesses. Back-office function
inefficiencies can be found with the aid of process
Support workers can save time by using individual
automation technologies like RPA or by integrating
numerous automation technologies (also known as
hyper automation).
4.1.1 Analytics
With the help of digital technologies, schools may
gather and examine a variety of data on their kids'
performance in order to track and improve it. They
can identify areas where students struggle and
succeed, create new approaches, and verify whether
these ways produce the desired results using standard
and advanced analytics.
4.2 Virtual or Augmented Reality
Students can be better engaged in the subject by using
augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) technologies
to build interactive and virtual settings. These technologies
can support learning-by-doing in the practical sciences and
in health, as well as virtual field trips to historical sites.
With AR/VR technology, the experience of remote learning
can also be enhanced.
4.3 Internet of Things (IoT)
By facilitating real-time communication and data transfer,
the usage of cell phones and other cutting-edge technology
is increasing, which improves connections between
students and their educational institutions. The presence or
absence of young children from class may be tracked using
IoT devices, which can also notify teachers and parents to
ensure their safety.
4.4 Online Education
Schools and colleges used Skype or Zoom to offer distance
learning as a last resort in response to the pandemic.
Institutions of higher learning can create their own online
course management systems and include them into their
websites or online platforms. They will be able to adjust the
online learning environment to meet the needs of the
students or the course's content as a result.
4.5 Smart Classrooms
Face-to-face learning has also been boosted by digital
technologies. Smart classrooms with smart boards, laptops,
internet connections, projectors, etc. open up new
possibilities for providing students with educational tools
that were previously impractical with a blackboard and
Apart from the above technologies, (Mhlanga,2023),
reviewed that the extraordinary invention of OpenAI,
ChatGPT, is set to have a significant impact on the
education market in emerging nations, where access to
possibilities for high-quality education is frequently
limited. As per him, our relationship with technology has
been significantly changed by OpenAI, an AI-focused
technology business. ChatGPT, a huge language model
with several features including query response and text
generation, stands out among its impressive improvements.
Particularly in the education sector in emerging nations,
there has been a significant increase in interest in the
potential benefits of OpenAI and ChatGPT
There are many evident & apparent advantages which the
digital transformation brings to the education sector.
Collaborative learning, future oriented curriculums,
increasing parent-teacher engagement, monitoring of
student performance, enhanced outcomes using data
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
analytics are few of them. But, besides having so many
advantages, the education sector still face many challenges.
The major challenges are discussed below
5.1 Challenges with Regards to
Resource Availability & Internet
Poor internet connectivity in rural and some urban regions
is one of India's
biggest obstacles to digital education. In
India, the vast majority of people still do not have access to
the internet, and many individuals living in rural areas do
not even know the fundamentals of digital technology. It
takes fresh ideas to make digital education more resilient
and dynamic.
5.2 Lack of Qualified Teachers
One major obstacle to the use of digital education is a lack
of knowledge and abilities. Teachers with professional
training in digital technology are hard to come by. Some
academic institutions in rural areas have college professors
and teachers that are not interested in using digital
technologies in the classroom. They prefer the more
traditional teaching methods of using chalk and a
chalkboard since they feel that the digital media
communicates a lot of information to the pupils at once.
Because they believe that these disruptive technologies
would eventually completely replace them, in remote
places, older teachers and elementary teachers are reluctant
to use digital tools for digital education in the classroom and
to attend training.
5.3 Challenge Related with Language
& Content
Language is one of the main barriers preventing digital
education in India from progressing. Since there are many
different regional languages spoken throughout the nation
in various states, getting digital material into all of these
languages might be difficult for organisations.
5.4 Equipment Upgrades and
Maintenance Issues with Digital
One of the biggest challenges in some areas of India is
keeping digital equipment updated and maintained.
Government funding limits play a significant role in this.
Rural schools' digital education initiatives do not support
themselves. The government initially created a number of
programmes to advance digital education, but subsequently
they were not given the attention needed to maintain the
technology, which has a negative impact on the growth of
digital education in rural areas.
5.5 Lack of Adequate Funds
Utilizing the best and most up-to-date hardware and
software on the market is a key component of digital
education. Digital technology integration into educational
systems is a challenging task in developing nations like
India since it requires significant funding and infrastructure.
Through the Digital India plan, the government committed
to finance the implementation of technology; yet,
sometimes, the insufficient
funding may result in redundant
and antiquated infrastructure and equipment in rural
5.6 Digital Literacy of All the
The level of digital literacy among all stakeholders is a
major issue. Students, alumni, professors, administrators,
parents, corporates, and society, among others, all come
from different backgrounds and use technology in different
ways. The capacity of these various stakeholders to adopt
new technologies and utilise them effectively is crucial to
the success of a digital strategy.
5.7 Meeting the Dynamic Needs of the
Meeting the students' changing needs and expectations is
another challenge. With elements like the digitalization of
administrative processes, unrestricted 24-hour access to all
information and services utilising numerous platforms, or
digital curriculum, students are increasingly demanding an
upgrade in the "basics" of their experience. The student
experience is one of the key drivers of digital
transformation, thus choosing the appropriate digital
strategy that fits their demands is essential.
5.8 Creation of a Strategic Vision for
Digital Transformation
Educational institutions require a strategic vision so that the
entire organisation can work together to achieve the digital
efforts. Strong leadership and a specialised staff that can
confidently present and carry out their plans are crucial for
this. The team and stakeholders will be more engaged and
invested in the process of digital transformation if there is a
clear vision.
5.8.1 Other Challenges
The usage of digital technology is expanding, and
everything is becoming more connected, which poses new
issues for security, compliance, data protection, and
legislation. The digitization of data and the automation of
business operations can boost organisations' agility, but
they also considerably raise cybersecurity risks and threat
levels. Another difficult task is putting integrated digital
The Trends, Challenges & Initiatives of Digital Transformation of Indian Education
projects into practise, which can only be done with the aid
of a framework.
The Indian government is developing digital pedagogy for
e-learning as part of a long-term plan for the education
sector. It has aided in the development of a new, non-school
learning era. In order to develop an improved learning
environment for the students, the concept of learning by all,
with all, and for all is currently being worked on by the
Ministry of Education.
To address digital education with fair learning in India, the
government has launched a number of programmes
including Digital Education Guidelines with criteria.
The method of education known as "digital education"
makes significant use of technology and digital
technologies. This extensive and technologically advanced
educational paradigm enables students to learn from any
location in the nation. Through its many programmes, the
government has put up a number of avenues for wide
sources of digital education. Every State/UT has
implemented a variety of actions that are inclusive to close
the digital divide and increase student digital literacy. To
boost digital education, several state governments have
started handing out cell phones and tablets.
With a transformational move of introduction of NEP, the
Indian education sector expects a lot of hope. With NEP,
the government is aiming to lay down a systematic
framework towards a holistic approach to education with
emphasis on skill development. Due to the nearly year-
round lockdown, a change of this significance would
require the active and ongoing involvement of all
stakeholders, which was not possible. A significant
endeavour is the National Digital Educational Architecture
(NDEAR), which aims to make it easier to employ digital
architecture in educational planning, governance, and
administrative tasks for the Centre, the States/Union
Territories, as well as teaching and learning activities. By
giving them the technological and digital assistance
required for them to receive education with just a single
click utilising digital tools, the Indian government is
committed to improving and providing for every child in
the nation's remote locations in terms of education. The
government of India has modernised and revitalised the
education system with its ICT initiatives.
In addition to closing the digital divide, it has been crucial
in demonstrating the excellence and digital reach of its
programmes for a better tomorrow for the students in our
No industry was spared from the pandemic's effects, and
India's education and skill development sector was no
exception. The acceptance of technology and the creation
of fresh methods of teaching and learning were the only
bright spots in a world beset by numerous unforeseen
obstacles. In India, close to a third of schools had
successfully given classes online. But during the lockdown,
more than two thirds of India's 1.5 million schools were
The pandemic's impact on learning loss of the students is
astounding. In order to determine the degree of learning loss
among children in 44 districts across India in grades two
through six, a survey was published in 2021. The findings
revealed that over 82% of people had forgotten their
fundamental math skills and over 92.2% had forgotten their
fundamental language skills.
The socio-emotional health of the pupils was also
impacted by the closing of the schools. The prevalence of
poor mental health was estimated to be 33% among
children aged 5 to 13 and 14 to 18 years old.
The learning difference between the genders widened. Due
to the pandemic, about 10 million girls in India are going to
stop attending school.
But in spite of a number of challenges, the digital
transformation brought a number of opportunities for the
education sector. Technology adoption and a sizable
emphasis on skill development and upskilling in the
education sector, which is undergoing upheaval, were seen
in 2021. With a transformational move of introduction of
NEP, the Indian education sector expects a lot of hope.
Due to the adoption of technology for teaching and
learning, the pandemic also sped up the growth of EdTech
enterprises. In 2021, they kept expanding and underwent
some intriguing changes. This year's rise of EdTech
businesses was also fueled by the shifting skill requirements
of the workforces in various industries. Let's examine some
of the major developments in edtech:
In tier II and III cities, many educational institutions
adopted digital technology in 2021 as the standard for
hybrid or online teaching and learning, as well as for
content creation and as a delivery method for instruction.
The "personalization" of learning is a further trend that has
plagued the Indian EdTech sector. The "Personalised
Adaptive Learning (PAL)" technologies were used by both
public and private institutions to mass-customize learning.
The necessity to create vernacular material to appeal to a
larger group of consumers and students from tier II and tier
III cities was immediately recognised by Indian EdTech
players as well.
Additionally, EdTech has a big impact on higher education.
In a study conducted in 2021, 31% of respondents stated
that they felt stuck as a result of the pandemic, while 65%
of those surveyed claimed to have engaged in upskilling
courses in the preceding year to further their professions.
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Data & AI (48%) Project Management and Scrum (34%),
Cloud Computing/DevOps (32%), and Digital Marketing
(32%) were the most popular courses (21 per cent).
Even though the pandemic era had its share of
difficulties, it has also gave rise to a number of
opportunities for both public and private institutions in the
industry. Infrastructure, hardware, and application
suppliers in the EdTech space, in particular, anticipated
substantial revenues. In this area, it also witnessed the
emergence of numerous unicorns and "Soonicorns," which
sparked a flurry of investment activity. The education
system is on the verge of revolution, driven by a policy that
looks to the future, from accelerating the adoption of
technology to focusing on skilling and upskilling. This may
very well be the foundation for India to truly become a
knowledge economy in the future years. According to
previous researches, it is important to embrace technology
responsibly and with a thorough awareness of its
consequences, even though the new trends have the ability
to alter education in developing countries. Some of the
negative effects of technology on education that should be
reduced are a lack of data privacy, unequal access to
technology, and the need for educators to refresh their
skills. Future suggestions include more study to
comprehend the effects of cutting-edge technologies on
schooling in developing countries. It's critical to make sure
that the positive impacts of these technologies are
maximised while the bad ones are kept to a minimum. The
ultimate objective should be to employ AI to provide
everyone access to more effective and equitable educational
opportunities. The education as a sector has no doubt
transformed tremendously after the Covid pandemic & the
comprehensive impact is now being witnessed. The
technologies adopted in this sector has revolutionised
access to information by offering a wide range of tools and
resources, including e-learning platforms, tools for student
interaction in the classroom, and chances for skill
development and continuous learning in higher education.
Furthermore, the industry's development has been
expedited by favourable government policies and
technological advancements resulting from widespread
internet usage and the introduction of 5G.
Without a doubt, the new National Education Policy
(NEP) will lead to substantial improvements in the field of
education. The next several years will see a significant push
towards STEM-based learning as skill-based education
gains momentum. Many targeted policy advancements
have been made with an eye towards tech-enabled solutions
in the field of education, with the goal of promoting
inclusivity in terms of access to high-quality teaching
techniques and fostering digital literacy. With the growing
popularity of experiential learning, all school curricula will
undergo significant adjustments as NEP sets off on its
journey. Soon, educational institutions will begin
introducing initiatives whose main objective is to make
learning enjoyable.
Educators and lawmakers have learned from the
COVID-19 epidemic, and it has set a precedent for the
foreseeable future. The efficient policies and strategies put
in place now will provide the groundwork for the Indian
educational system's future resilience to crises without
experiencing major disruptions. It has also aided in
our realization that education need not be a rigid, one-way
process. Despite the significant change brought about by
technology and recent legislative reforms like the NEP,
EdTech will remain essential to society and provide a
strong foundation for the coming generation. It's time to
embrace the cutting-edge developments in education that
technology is bringing about and to look forward to a
prosperous and progressive future.
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The Trends, Challenges & Initiatives of Digital Transformation of Indian Education