Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Based MPPT Controller for Solar
Photo Voltaic Application
1 a
, Varsha V
1 b
, Shamala N
1 c
and Arjun Joshi
1 d
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysuru
Keywords: Solar Photovoltaic Array (SPV), MPPT, Zeta Converter, Brushless DC Motor (BLDC).
Abstract: In this work, a straightforward water pumping system that is driven by a BLDC motor and fed by a solar
photovoltaic array is proposed. Because of its smaller size, quieter operation, and increased dependability,
BLDC motors are used. A solar photovoltaic array serves as the source of energy for the motor. The maximum
power is extracted and the zeta converter switch is regulated by means of maximum power point tracking or
MPPT. A solar array's voltage is increased via a zeta converter. VSI switching pulse is generated by the
electronic commutation of the BLDC motor. In this instance, an incremental conductance approach is utilized
in conjunction with a fuzzy-based MPPT controller, and the outcomes are compared. MATLAB / SIMULINK
software is used to simulate the proposed system and examine its simulation results.
Today the rate of consumption of energy is increasing
more rapidly due to increase in population,
communication network, industries, transportation,
etc. Development and success of any country is
mainly depends on uninterrupted power supply.
However, the availability of conventional fossil fuels
(such as oil, natural gas, coal, gasoline, and diesel) is
declining, leading to an energy dearth. Using energy
from renewable sources to supplement fossil fuel
consumption is one alternative (Sujata S Naik et al.,
There are numerous varieties of sources of
sustainable energy, such as solar, wind, hydro, and
tidal energy. Among all these sources of renewable
energy, solar energy is unique in that as it produces
power that is free of cost, non-toxic, and always
clean. Additionally, the price of SPV panels is
declining nowadays, which draws more attention to
the use of solar photovoltaic applications (Kumar R
et al., 2014). Both residential and commercial
applications based on renewable energy employ this
technology. Water pumping is the most efficient and
affordable use of all application-based SPV systems
for generating electricity from solar photovoltaic
arrays (Chandani Sharma et al., 2014).
Typically, in general run of the things simple,
affordable, and effective motors are employed for
water pumping applications. Direct current motors
and induction motors are primarily utilized for
pumping load applications due to their easy
availability and outstanding performance under all
load conditions, However, when these motors are
utilized for solar photovoltaic applications, they
overheat and require elaborate controls because of
low motor voltage (A. Shahin et al., 2010, H Kukde,
2017). Consequently, in low voltage situations,
dependable and efficient motors are needed to
overcome these issues; brushless DC motors are
utilized in these applications.
The term "brushless direct current motor" (BLDC)
refers to a motor without any brushes (R. Saxena et
al, 2008) Due to the lack of brushes and a
commutator, brushless DC motors have several
advantages: longer life, reduced inertia from minimal
friction, increased efficiency, increased
dependability, and a high maximum speed
(AbolfazlHalvaeiet., 2005, T. Esram et al., 2007)
Gaganambha, ., V., V., N., S. and Joshi, A.
Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Based MPPT Controller for Solar Photo Voltaic Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0012531400003808
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent and Sustainable Power and Energy Systems (ISPES 2023), pages 150-154
ISBN: 978-989-758-689-7
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
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Fig 1: Block representation of the proposed system.
2.1 Maximum Power Point Tracking
The voltage at which a solar module generates the
most electricity is known as its maximum power
point. The main goal of MPPT is to determine the
highest power that a photovoltaic panel can generate
under various environmental conditions, such as
temperature, sun irradiation, and solar cell
temperature (M. Lokanadham et al., 2012)
2.2 Incremental Conductance MPPT
(Inc MPPT)
The basic tenet of the incremental conductance
method is that the power curve of a solar array has a
zero slope at the highest power point (Nandini. D et
al., 2017). In order to measure the output voltage and
current of the solar array, this method employs
voltage and current sensors. Using this technique, the
PV array's voltage is adjusted based on the voltage at
the source of the most power. This is dependent on
the photovoltaic module's incremental and
instantaneous conductance (T. al., 2007). A
comparison is made between the array conductance
(I/V) and the incremental conductance (dI/dV). When
(I/V) = (dI/dV), there is a maximum output yield; at
the maximum power point, dP/dV = 0 (Nandini. D et
al., 2017, M. Lokanadham et al., 2012).
dP/dV = VdI/dV+I(V) (1)
dI/dV= -I(V)/V (2)
Fig 2: Inc MPPT flow chart.
2.3 Fuzzy Logic MPPT
A novel technique for regulating MPPT to determine
peak power is fuzzy logic. To implement fuzzy logic
control, three fundamental modules are needed:
fuzzification, deffuzification, and inference engine
(T. Esram et al., 2007).
Fuzzification is the systematic approach of
changing a computational input variable into a
linguistic one. Fuzzy controllers use duty cycle as its
output, which is employed to control DC-DC
converters. The input variables are error and change
in error. To produce a fuzzy output, the inference
engine applies the rule to a fuzzy input. NB (negative
big), NS (negative small), ZE (zero), PS (positive
small), and PB (positive big) are the five fuzzy levels
that are employed. Language variable attributed to
change in duty cycle for various combinations of E
and CE. Fuzzy rules' main objective is to change the
duty cycle in order to move the operational stance to
the maximum power point. During defuzzification,
the fuzzy logic controller's output is changed from a
linguistic variable to a numerical variable value using
the membership function(T. Esram et al., 2007).
Fig 3: Configuration of Fuzzy Logic Controller.
Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Based MPPT Controller for Solar Photo Voltaic Application
2.4 Zeta Converter
Fig 4: Circuit diagram of Zeta Converter.
The zeta converter is a fourth order DC-DC converter
made up of a switch, a diode, two inductors, and two
capacitors. This converter has ability to transform an
input voltage into an output voltage that is not
inverted. It has aptness to work in both step-up and
step-down modes(Sujata S Naik et al., 2019, Nandini.
D et al., 2017).
Vout = Vin * (D/ (1-D)) (3)
2.5 Implementation
The electrical power required by the motor-pump is
generated by a solar array. The motor receives this
power from zeta converter and VSI. The MPPT
controller receives data from the solar photovoltaic
array and utilizes it to modify the zeta converter's duty
cycle to maximize power. A switching pulse
produced will switch an IGBT of the converter by the
pulse generator via maximum power point controller.
Here, the duty cycle of the zeta converter can be
altered to function in either step-up (boost) or step-
down (buck) mode. The converter used in this work
is operating in boost mode, which boosts the output
value from the SPV array. So that regulated output at
the converter can be obtained. The DC output power
of the converter is converted into AC power by the
voltage source inverter and then sent to BLDC motor.
By operating the VSI in 120-degree conduction
mode, commutation losses can be minimized. The
switching pulse for VSI is provided by hall signals of
a BLDC motor.
2.6 Photovoltaic Array
The photovoltaic Array is modelled by using one
diode model. Series resistance Rs used to build solar
cells is coupled in series with a parallel combination
of current sources made up of diodes and shunt
resistance Rsh.
Fig 5: Proposed System's Matlab Model.
Fig 6: Equivalent photovoltaic cell circuit.
Diode Current (Id) = [e (
-1] IS NP (4)
Shunt Current(Ish)=(V+I*Rs)/Rp (5)
Terminal Voltage=k*Top/q (6)
Phase current (Iph)=[(TopTref)k+Isc]Irr (7)
(Is)=Irs(Top/Tref)(q*1.12/k*N)(1/Top1/Tref) (8)
Load current (I)=Iph*NpIsh (9)
Fig 7: Simulink model of SPV panel.
2.7 Simulink Model BLDC Motor
Simulink model of BLDC motor built with Matlab
program is displayed in Fig 12. The three-phase
winding BLDC motor receives power from a VSI,
with each phase offset by a 120-degree angle.
ISPES 2023 - International Conference on Intelligent and Sustainable Power and Energy Systems
Fig 8: BLDC motor Simulink model.
At 1000W/m2 solar irradiation, conduction of a solar
photovoltaic array supplied BLDC motor employing
a zeta converter is examined. And maximum power
can be tracked by using MPPT controller. The curve
of the array voltage with respect to time is shown in
Fig. 9. As seen in graph, the array voltage begins at a
low beginning value and gradually rises as motor
speed increases. Once the motor speed reaches a
constant value, the array voltage then stays constant.
Fig 9: PV panel Output voltage.
Fig 10: PV panel Output power.
3.1 Incremental Conductance MPPT
Fig 11: Converter Output voltage using Inc MPPT.
Fig 12: Motor Speed using Inc MPPT.
Fig 13: Emf_abc using Inc MPPT.
Fig 14: Motor torque.
3.2 Fuzzy MPPT
Fig 15: Output voltage of converter using Fuzzy MPPT.
Fig 16: Speed of BLDC motor using Fuzzy MPPT.
Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Based MPPT Controller for Solar Photo Voltaic Application
Fig 17: Motor torque.
A straightforward solar photovoltaic array with a
BLDC motor based on a Zeta converter has been
proposed to power a water pumping system. In order
to power the motor, a photovoltaic array, a circuit
made up of one diode-equivalent solar cells is used as
the input source. This array has numerous advantages,
such as being free, clean, and non-polluting.
Fuzzy based MPPT controller is used to run the
converter switch and extract the maximum power
from the solar panel; the results are compared with
the incremental conductance approach. It can be
noticed that Fuzzy based MPPT gives better results,
and time taken to achieve speed response is fast. Here
Zeta converter is used because of its various
advantages such as circuit is simple, fast response,
wide range of power tracking. And for boosting the
photovoltaic array output voltage zeta converter is
The absence of brushes in brushless motors results
in improved performance characteristics, eliminating
the drawbacks of standard brushed DC motors.
Electronic commutation is used in Brushless DC
motors to execute commutation, and the motor's
speed is controlled without the use of an additional
control circuit. The proposed system is created using
MATLAB / SIMULINK software. To validate the
suggested system, output waveforms of PV panel, the
zeta converter, and the Brushless DC motor are
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ISPES 2023 - International Conference on Intelligent and Sustainable Power and Energy Systems