The CPSwarm Project - Swarm Modelling in Self-organization and Swarm Intelligence in Cyber Physical Systems

Alessandra Bagnato, Etienne Brosse, Alexandre Beaufays



The paper describes the Swarm Modelling in the context of the CPSwarm project, The project proposes a new science of system integration and tools to support engineering of CPS swarms.CPSwarm tools will ease development and integration of complex herds of heterogeneous CPS that collaborate based on local policies and that exhibit a collective behavior capable of solving complex, industrial-driven, real-world problems.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Bagnato A., Brosse E. and Beaufays A. (2017). The CPSwarm Project - Swarm Modelling in Self-organization and Swarm Intelligence in Cyber Physical Systems.In OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES for European Projects - Volume 1: EPS Portugal 2017/2018, ISBN 978-989-758-361-2, pages 91-99. DOI: 10.5220/0008862200910099

in Bibtex Style

@conference{eps portugal 2017/201817,
author={Alessandra Bagnato and Etienne Brosse and Alexandre Beaufays},
title={The CPSwarm Project - Swarm Modelling in Self-organization and Swarm Intelligence in Cyber Physical Systems},
booktitle={OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES for European Projects - Volume 1: EPS Portugal 2017/2018,},

in EndNote Style


JO - OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES for European Projects - Volume 1: EPS Portugal 2017/2018,
TI - The CPSwarm Project - Swarm Modelling in Self-organization and Swarm Intelligence in Cyber Physical Systems
SN - 978-989-758-361-2
AU - Bagnato A.
AU - Brosse E.
AU - Beaufays A.
PY - 2017
SP - 91
EP - 99
DO - 10.5220/0008862200910099