Michele Angelaccio
Berta Buttarazzi
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy
Internet of Cultural Things, Internet of Things, Mobile First, Modelling, Mobile Web, Beacon, NFC, QRcode, Smart Sensor.
Many recent trends in mobile web and context aware applications are leading to consider new applicative scenario including the so called smart services which are characterized by the use of autonomous devices connected to internet (sensors, beacons, etc.) cooperating with user personal mobile devices (tablet, smartphone, etc.). In this work we describe a conceptual framework, called STREET (Sensor network "on The Road " for EnhancEd internet of Touristic things) WEB, aimed to support mobile users moving in smart scenarios (e.g smart tourism) with the aim to combine context aware information and high quality geo marketing services in the same web infrastructure enhanced with sensors. STREET WEB makes possible to implement smart services (smart museum, etc.) in an easy way by integrating micro servers, distributed in the scenario (servers on the road), called smart boxes, working as a geo based Cloud system in an autonomous way, as a Distributed Local Storage system, without remote int
ernet access.