Ahmed Shams
Raad Bin Tareaf
Jan Renz
Christoph Meinel
Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Germany
MOOC, E-Learning, Social Computing, Mobile Devices, Ubiquitous Learning, Emerging Adults.
Computer-Supported Education
Distance and e-Learning in a Global Context
e-Learning in Developing Countries
Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Mobile Information Systems
Mobile Learning
Smart Devices as Collaborative Learning Tools
Social Context and Learning Environments
Ubiquitous Learning
Web Information Systems and Technologies
Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCs) make use of educational technologies to deliver learning materials, supposedly open for everyone, usually with a capacity to serve a substantial number of learners regardless of their geographical locations. A recent advancement in mobile technologies and wireless communications in Africa has produced a conducive digital environment enough to support mobile learning. However, only a handful of an audience in Africa participates in online learning correlated to their massive engagement in social networking. Internet-based social media programs make most of the connections with the audience for social purposes and yet far less with educational intentions. Participation in mobile learning is still unnoticeable. Awareness about MOOCs remains very low in comparison to that in social media in the region. Therefore it remains unclear though, in which ways, social media may help to boost mobile learning through its utilization of programs towards audience i
n Africa. This paper argues the best possible approaches aiming to enhance MOOC activities in Africa through the involvement of social networks.