Matthias Holthaus
Franziska Hirt
Per Bergamin
UNESCO chair on personalised and adaptive Distance Education, Swiss Distance University of Applied Science (FFHS), Überlandstr. 12, Brig and Switzerland
Technology-based Learning, Adaptive Learning, Cognitive Load, Expertise Reversal Effect, Learning Management System, Log Files.
Enterprise Information Systems
Recommendation Systems
Software Agents and Internet Computing
This article shows how an adaptive instructional design in a standard learning management system was realized within the framework of a straightforward technological concept with four components and with the help of simple technological tools for a mathematics module. For this purpose, we have implemented a didactic design with domain-specific online exercises in which the frequency of step-by-step support is automatically adapted to the level of knowledge of the individual students. The consequence of this is that students with lower pre-knowledge and/or a lower learning achievement receive more and other teaching assistance than those with a high pre-knowledge or high performance. In our approach we assume that this indirectly reduces the subjective task difficulties (intrinsic cognitive load) for beginners but also means unnecessary repeating for advanced learners. The design of this teaching method is based on an adaptive feedback mechanism with integrated recommendations. After
a presentation of the didactic design and its theoretical and empirical foundations, we report on the first results with a focus on the learning progress of the various student groups. It has been shown that both weaker and stronger students benefit from the adaptive tasks. Online activity is hereby a crucial factor.