Gesa Horn
Kathrin Schönefeld
Chair of Technology and Management of Digital Transformation, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Gaußstraße 20, 42119 Wuppertal, Germany
Smart Mobility Concepts, Willingness to Change, Acceptance, Holistic Approach, Interdisciplinary Research.
In addition to demographic changes in society, the success of modern forms of mobility such as automated vehicles and new mobility models is increasingly contingent on the acceptance by users from the local community. Various factors influence acceptance and the related concepts of willingness or resistance to change. A distinction can be made between general and specific willingness to change. General willingness to change is an attitude of users towards innovations, whereas specific willingness to change is situation-specific and relates solely to a specific change and its process. In the project Rethinking Mobility at the University of Wuppertal (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), the question is investigated of how to overcome resistance, enhance acceptance towards new mobility concepts and how the best basis can be created for users to form individual’s opinion on future mobility concepts. In addition, users should be enabled to perceive the advantages of new solutions and to com
pare them with their own values and standards. From the project's point of view, a holistic view of the complex topic of technically assisted forms of mobility is crucial for the implementation of new mobility concepts. In particular, the advantages of the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) will be examined in the project.