Volker Turau, Marcus Venzke, Christoph Weyer and Yesenia Vigil
Technische Universit
at Hamburg-Harburg
Department of Telematics, Schwarzenbergstraße 95, 21073 Hamburg, Germany
Fieldbus system, vertical integration, Web service, TTP/A
This paper presents a generic technique to expose data and control of fieldbus systems to applications located
at the level of operational management. To provide a high degree of interoperability between the operational
level and different fieldbus systems we utilize standardized techniques such as XML, HTTP, and Web services
which can be deployed independently of the platform. The proposed service is based on the interface file
system for TTP/A smart transducers. The defined interface provides high level abstractions appropriate for the
integration into business applications and considers the latency introduced by the internet protocols.
In industrial automation systems the network link
among different devices such as sensors, actuators
and programmable logic controllers is provided by
fieldbus systems. Examples of such systems are
Profibus, CANbus and BITbus. In practice very of-
ten fieldbus systems from different vendors have to
be combined to build a complete system, this task is
called horizontal integration. In recent years there
has been a growing interest in the use of informa-
tion rooted in automation systems at the level of op-
erational management to enhance production and its
control (e.g. for supply chain management, enterprise
resource planning and manufacturing execution sys-
tems). The provision of data controlled by fieldbus
systems at this level is called vertical integration. It
enables a large variety of applications outside the
realm of the factory shop floor such as condition mon-
itoring, fault diagnosis and predictive maintenance.
Research in this area has been spurred by the suc-
cess of the internet, XML and related web technolo-
gies. We begin to see a tendency that organiza-
tions provide functionality over the web, no more em-
ploying wire protocols such as those of DCOM or
CORBA. XML has become a preferred format for
encoding and exchanging data in an open, system-
independent way. Web services apply XML for re-
mote software integration. To avoid not being caught
in the trap of a hype, a careful analysis of the applica-
bility of Web services for the task of vertical integra-
tion is required.
The main contribution of this paper is a require-
ments analysis for the usage of Web services for
vertical integration of fieldbus systems and the con-
crete design and implementation of such a service for
TTP/A fieldbus systems. The proposed service makes
use of the recently approved OMG Smart Transducer
Interface specification and especially of the concept
of the Interface File System (IFS) (OMG, 2003).
The internet provides the ideal infrastructure to ac-
complish the vertical integration of fieldbus systems.
Currently there is a shift towards web-enabling the
industrial Ethernet protocols rather than enhancing
them with real-time support. This stems from the per-
ceived need by end users to implement homogeneous
vendor environments even when a common higher-
level protocol is employed. Companies are concerned
that devices from different vendors may not interop-
erate, even those supporting the same protocol.
Integration of applications on the enterprise level
is very often achieved through technologies based
on remote procedure calls, examples are DCOM and
CORBA. These technologies have also been deployed
to the domain of vertical integration (OMG, 2003;
OPC, 2003a) and for monitoring and configuration
Turau V., Venzke M., Weyer C. and Vigil Y. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 390-393
DOI: 10.5220/0001129503900393
(Obermaisser et al., 2001). The problem is, that
most higher-level applications do not implement the
DCOM or CORBA interfaces necessary to communi-
cate with servers. The success of the World Wide Web
opened new opportunities for the vertical integration
problem. Some projects exploit traditional Web ap-
plication technology (Ferrari et al., 2002; Topp et al.,
2003). Either through an embedded Web server or
a gateway users can access fieldbus systems using a
Web browser. While this approach is appropriate for
monitoring applications, it is not sufficient for the in-
tegration problem where applications and not human
users require access to fieldbus systems.
Web services are accessible over the Web and in-
tended to be used by other applications. The output of
a Web service is an XML document, a format that is
easy to use for the client application and in fact, many
vendors of our target applications are in the process
of providing interfaces to integrate Web services. The
inherent mechanism to handle faults of the underlying
protocol SOAP enables an intelligent error handling.
Descriptions of the services can be published into reg-
istries, which can then form the basis for service dis-
covery tools.
XML has been used in association with fieldbus
systems, but mainly to provide interoperability be-
tween different fieldbus systems (Eberle and G
2003). Use cases for Web services to access fieldbus
systems are described in (Venzke and Pitzek, 2003).
The most advanced usage of Web services in this area
up-to-date is the OPC XML-DA specification by the
OPC Foundation (OPC, 2003b). The proposed Web
service resembles our approach, but there are also sig-
nificant differences. While XML-DA is built on the
OPC-COM interface, our work is based on the field-
bus protocol TTP/A and puts forward a platform in-
dependent open architecture. We also include mech-
anisms that we believe are indispensable for the area
of vertical integration such as authentication and au-
Summarizing, we believe that Web services are an
appropriate technology for the problem of vertically
integrating fieldbus systems.
There are many issues to be solved when designing
a Web service for vertical integration. In this section
we collect requirements and discuss alternatives. The
design has to consider the environment in which ver-
tical integration is carried out and the characteristics
of the communication technique Web service.
It is commonly agreed that the goal of Web services
is to provide high level abstractions. Because of the
high latencies of calls to a service, they should have
coarse grain interfaces. Querying the status of a regis-
ter storing few bytes is certainly not a suitable task for
a Web service. Also due to the characteristics of the
protocols used for web services real time guarantees
cannot be provided. This is not a severe restriction,
because applications making use of vertical integra-
tion usually have no real time demands. We regard
the following operations as candidates for a web ser-
vice accessing a fieldbus system:
Reading or writing lists of data items
Reading aggregated or accumulated data
Executing a sequence of operations that implement
a semantically higher concept
Allowing access over the internet demands for a se-
curity concept to protect fieldbus systems. Only au-
thenticated and authorized users should be accepted.
In most cases authorization schemes will be derived
from an enterprise wide security policy. To carry over
this scheme to a web service demands for an interface
providing an appropriate granularity.
Accessing fieldbus systems over the internet may
fail due to a variety of reasons (ill posed requests, net-
work failures, unavailable services etc.). Applications
making calls to such services should be given a maxi-
mum amount of information in an error case to handle
failures gracefully. If an operation has failed entirely,
it should be answered with a SOAP fault message.
Instead of application data it contains a well-known
structure for error information.
For periodically reading the same set of data items,
as required for monitoring, callbacks appear advis-
able. A client subscribes to a set of data items. The
Web service then calls a client’s operation for passing
the data items whenever new values get available or
in fixed time intervals. Using callbacks avoids polling
by the client. However it makes clients more complex
due to the need of server functionality. It cannot be
applied if network address translation (NAT) or fire-
walls only allow connection setup in one direction.
If polling is used it can be optimised using time-
outs. Calling a blocking poll operation allows a client
to wait until new values get available. A maximum
call time may be provided after which the operation
is aborted with an error code, to ensure that control
is given back to the client after a defined time. Pro-
viding a minimum call time makes the poll operation
collect new values before returning them in bulk.
Web services can be accessed by many users in par-
allel, hence implementations of such services have to
deal with concurrency problems. To guarantee the
atomicity of bulk operations either requests have to
be serialized or a more subtle transaction mechanism
has to be implemented.
Fieldbus systems considered in this paper consist of
smart transducers connected by a TTP/A bus. A smart
transducer (ST) comprises hard- and software, con-
sisting of a small, compact unit containing a sensor
or actuator element, a micro-controller, a communi-
cation controller and the associated software. The
TTP/A bus allows real time and non real time data
exchange between STs.
A key feature of TTP/A fieldbus systems is the con-
cept of an Interface File System (IFS) (Kopetz et al.,
2000). It is a conceptual model for addressing data
stored distributedly in the STs. STs have files consist-
ing of 4 byte records. Records are identified with hi-
erarchical names composed of identifiers for the field-
bus system, ST, file and record.
IFS supports three operations. With Read and
Write a record’s value can be retrieved or changed.
Execute performs a node specific operation identified
by the record’s name.
According to (Kopetz, 2001) STs should support
three interfaces. Using the real time services inter-
face (RS) time sensitive information is accessed. The
diagnostic and management interface (DM) is used
for diagnostic purposes and to monitor STs. The con-
figuration and planning interface (CP) allows config-
uring STs.
In this section we describe the core of our research:
a Web service for the vertical integration of fieldbus
systems based of the IFS specification. The design of
the Web service interface follows the categorization
of interfaces outlined in section 4.
5.1 General Architecture
The requirements analysis from section 3 and the de-
sign of the Interface File System led to the overall ar-
chitecture depicted in figure 1 and presented in more
detail in (Vigil, 2004). The core of the architecture
consists of a generic implementation of the Web ser-
vice. The Web service accesses the fieldbus system
via a proprietary interface of the gateway.
The operations of the service are implemented in
the service processor. The generic SOAP function-
ality is provided by a SOAP processor. It receives
the calls from the Web Server, processes the SOAP
messages and forwards the content to the service pro-
cessor. To decouple the implementation of the web
service from a particular gateway implementation, the
concept of pluggable adapters is applied.
A cache is introduced for data periodically read by
the client. The data can thus be returned immediately
without accessing the fieldbus system.
To accommodate the fact that gateways may not
support concurrent access to the fieldbus system,
requests are serialized. The serializer component
queues all requests and handles them in order.
TTP/A Node
TTP/A Node
TTP/A Node
Internet /
SOAP Processor
Web Service
TTP/A Fieldbus System
Figure 1: Overall architecture
5.2 Security and Sessions
Since the proposed service will be deployed in an en-
terprise environment, security is an important require-
ment. Therefore encryption based on the protocol
SSL is used along with authentication combined with
state-full sessions.
In order to access the TTP/A cluster the client must
have authenticated itself at the Web service. The au-
thentication is done via the operation Login. The
client provides credentials identifying itself and spec-
ifies the desired conceptual interface (RS, DM, or
CP). A state-full session is started and a session iden-
tifier is returned, which must be provided by the client
in all future requests. Implementing a session mech-
anism in this style is independent of protocol specific
techniques such as cookies and thus improves the web
service’s interoperability.
5.3 Operations
The conceptual interface chosen for a session con-
strains the operations available for a client. Only
those operations are available that are meaningful for
the client’s viewpoint and for which the user is autho-
rized. All operations allow accessing several records
with a single call providing a coarse granularity.
The operations Read, Write and Execute have sim-
ilar meaning as the respective IFS operations.
The two operations Subscribe and ReadSubscrip-
tion allow optimizing periodic reads of the same set of
records. A client subscribes a set of records. The Web
service returns a subscription identifier. It is provided
in subsequent requests for the operation ReadSub-
scription that returns a response similar to the op-
eration Read. Subscriptions increase efficiency be-
cause record names only need to be checked once and
records can be cached and preloaded inside the ser-
vice processor.
The operations WriteConfiguration and ReadCon-
figuration allow configuring a fieldbus system and re-
trieving its configuration respectively. A new con-
figuration is provided in the request to the operation
WriteConfiguration as XML data structure explained
in (Pitzek, 2002). It is used for configuring the field-
bus system and stored in the Web Service for later
retrieval via the operation ReadConfiguration.
Operations accessing several records (Read, Write,
Execute, ReadSubscription) can fail partially. A
record, file or fieldbus node might not exist or be inac-
cessible. In this case the operation still continues with
the others. The SOAP response contains a sequence
with one data structure per accessed record. To report
the failure the data structure contains an error code.
5.4 Implementation
The described Web Service has been implemented
as prototype based on Java and Apache Axis (Vigil,
2004). To be self-contained the prototype uses a sim-
ulation instead of a physical fieldbus system, imple-
mented as pluggable adapters. The hierarchical ad-
dressing of IFS is mapped to a hierarchy of file system
We have presented a requirements analysis for the us-
age of Web services for the vertical integration. This
results in a loose coupling of all parties concerned and
allows to adapt to new requirements gradually. Based
on the requirements analysis we discussed a concrete
design and implementation of such a service.
Currently we are investigating several ways to ex-
tend our research. Available metadata about the field-
bus system can be further exploited to enhance the
quality of the service. It could be used to provide de-
tailed information about the data returned by the oper-
ations. Furthermore, we plan to implement operations
providing higher abstractions dedicated to a particular
fieldbus system on this basis.
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