Erotetic Logic and Information Retrieval Systems
Antonio Bellacicco
Department of Theory of Systems and Organizations, University of Teramo, Viale Crucioli,122, Teramo, Italy
Mario Vacca
“B. Pascal” High School, Via P.Nenni, 48, Pomezia, Italy
Keywords: Question, answer, search engine, erotetic logic
Abstract: The usual communication between man and machine
is a one way interaction. It can be upgraded
considering a two way interaction if the basic constituents of an information retrieval system are deeply
modified in their principles. In this paper we redefine, in a syntactical way, some concepts of the erotetic
logic to make them more easily computable and show how them can be used to solve some problems in the
field of information retrieval systems. The result is the possibility to build more flexible and powerful
information retrieval systems.
Cognitive science, data mining, information retrieval
or artificial intelligence, among other areas, analyze
how information are requested and exchanged by
two dialogists; the view proposed in this paper
mainly refers to the last two mentioned areas.
In retrieval systems, the questioner
unicates with the questionee by a query
language and the questionee is usually modelled by
an engine able to search a database or a knowledge
base (from now KB for short) for the information
requested by the questioner. Most difficulties in the
use of search engines are just related to the
narrowness of the query language used (for example,
it is tied to isolated words and not to an entire
meaningful sentences) and to the impossibility of
interacting. Furthermore, the inefficiency of the
search or the absence of any appropriate strategies
when too many answers or no one are found often
characterize search engines. These problems,
among others, lead the research to different
directions in order to make more versatile and
powerful the information retrieval or the Q/A
systems, as pointed out by many authors among
which Bellacicco (2002, 2003), Burhans (2002) or
Loia et al. (2002).
In this paper we firstly redefine some concepts
of t
he erotetic logic in a syntactic way and hence we
show how these concepts can be exploited to solve
the problems of “multiple answers” and “plausible
answers”. As a consequence, these concepts are seen
as the core for a search engine able to output either a
sentence or another question.
Because of the paper is not self-contained, we
efer to Groenendijk and Stochow (1997) for an
introduction about the theory of questions and
references or to Ginzburg (1995a, b), Krifka (2001),
Piwek (1997), Ram (1991), Wisniewki (1995) for
different approaches.
After a brief illustration of the basic functionality
for the model, the third section is entirely
devoted to questions: firstly a sketch of the logical
representation used for them, next some
transformation rules are discussed and examples of
their use are reported. Finally, in the fourth part, the
jump of domain is presented: a way to answer to
questions using the similarity among concepts.
In the sequel, we use the terms query, question,
se and answer with the following meaning:
query: a question in a natural language form;
question: pure logical form of a query;
response: answer to a query;
answer: logical form of the response to a question.
We use the term answer when confusion do not
Furthermore, when no ambiguities occur, we
so denote by x
the n-tuple x
. IRS stands for
Bellacicco A. and Vacca M. (2004).
MODELLING THE MAN MACHINE INTERACTION - Erotetic Logic and Information Retrieval Systems.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 172-179
DOI: 10.5220/0001139501720179
Information Retrieval System.
The factors that usually characterize information
retrieval systems are:
1) the organization of the knowledge base;
2) the features of the query language;
3) the concept of answer used (answerhood);
4) the search algorithms.
As above mentioned, many attempts to improve
the performances through the extension of one or
more of these features had been made. Obviously,
because of the strong connections, it is not possible
to extend significantly one of the previous
mentioned features without modifying the remaining
ones. We started the analysis from the well known
consideration that the memory organization is
crucial to the performances of an IRS. It had been
indeed showed by many authors, like Schank (1982),
Cautiero et al. (1991), Kolodner (1983a, b) and
Lebowitz (1988), that an efficient storage of
information leads either to forgetting or to a
powerful ability in reconstructing episodes. In this
paper we are concerned with retrieval methods that
don’t explore the entire Knowledge Base in order to
find some information. Following Schank (1982),
KB is constituted by concepts organized by means
of two kinds of links: generalization and packaging.
Therefore the search algorithm will know only the
structure (the organization principles) of KB.
As we suppose such a memory organization, it
follows that a basic mechanism to search needs a
more dynamic and flexible algorithm than the
existing one.
Erotetic reasoning seems adequate to perform
this task.
The importance of the erotetic reasoning
had been pointed out by many authors: Schank
(1986) showed that questions play a crucial role in
understanding and that reasoning with questions
helps to find or build up answers (also creatively);
Wisniewsky (1994, 1995) introduced the semantic
notion of the evocation (the generation of questions
from declarative sentences) and of the erotetic
implication (the generation of questions from
questions and declarative sentences). Unfortunately,
both approaches are very difficult to apply: the first
one because it gives specific domain dependent rules
primarily, while the second one, yet being very
general, considers the logic of questions from the
semantics point of view, with the consequent
processing difficulties.
In this paper, mainly concerned with the
extension of the search engine, we propose some
general syntactic rules to transform questions in
order to search a base of knowledge in an
“intelligent” way. Even thought it is inspired both to
the cognitive and erotetic logic approaches, our
proposal is different from those in which the rules to
transform questions are of a syntactic nature. The
main ideas are synthesized in the following two
1) answers to a given question are defined in a
syntactic way;
2) questions are transformed syntactically in order to
find suitable answers.
We foresee to embody the following features in
the model we propose:
1)communication abilities, to rule the flow
query/answer between questioner and questionee;
2)search engine/question processor, that takes a
question to a declarative sentence or to another
3)parser, that inputs a query (or a declarative
sentence) in natural language form and outputs its
logical representation; the translation process we
think of is a two stage one:
queryÆ (intermediate form)Æ question (logical
4)output, that translates a logical sentence in a
natural language.
We follow the non reductionistic approach, in which
questions are specific expressions not reducible to
any other object. Therefore, we will consider a logic
language with both an assertoric and an erotetic
part, the latter consisting of various kinds of
3.1 Question representation and
The representation we will use is like that proposed
by Wisniewski (1995).
Broadly speaking, a logical question consists of
five parts: the erotetic symbol ? (telling that the
formula is a question), a list of variables (what the
question asks for), a list of categorial qualifiers (that
specifies the categories of object involved in the
question), an erotetic symbol (that specifies the kind
of question) and a body (a predicate that represent
the core of the question), in agreement with the
following syntax:
?<list of the variables> <list of the categorial
qualifiers> < symbol specifying the kind> <body>
A question will be structured as follow:
MODELLING THE MAN MACHINE INTERACTION - Erotetic Logic and Information Retrieval Systems
-? indicates an interrogative formula;
are variables;
-predicates P
are categorial qualifiers;
-Σ {S, W, O, U, T} or is absent
-the predicate B(x
) is the body of the
In the case that both Σ and list of variables are
absent, we have a yes-no question.
See Wisniewski (1995) for a detailed account about
the meaning of the previous constants.
For example, the query “Have Begin and Vance
wives ever met?” could be translated as:
We define the following operators on questions
that will be useful in the sequel:
a) Body(Q) that returns the body of Q;
b) Qualifiers(Q) that returns the list of categorial
c) Variables(Q) that returns the set of question
As it happens with declarative formulas, also
questions can be transformed using substitutions:
Q’ = Qθ.
Let θ be a substitution and Q a question.
Qθ is the question such that:
Variables(Qθ) = (Variables(Q) - the set of variables
substituted by constants) θ
Qualifiers(Qθ) = Qualifiers(Q)θ
Body(Qθ) = Body(Q) θ
If Variables(Qθ) = then Qθ is a first kind
question (i.e. the symbol specifying the kind is not
Even thought Qualifiers(Q)θ is an abused
notation, we use it here for sake of clarity. It should
be also noticed that closed substitutions produce
yes/no questions. For example the query “On which
circumstance do Vance and Begin meet?”,
represented by the question
? s[circumstance(s)]S{pack(s,meet(Begin,Vance))}
can be transformed using the substitution
θ={s Å DiplomaticVisit}
in the question
i.e. “Does a diplomatic visit in which Vance and
Begin meet exist?”
The concept of answerhood we consider is like
the one in the logic programming.
Let Q be a question and θ a substitution. θ generate
an answer to Q iff Body(Q)θ is deductible from KB
with all qualifiers in Qualifiers(Q) θ. In the latter
case Qualifiers(Q) θ Body(Q)θ is the answer to Q
generated by θ.
Notice that Qualifiers(Q) θ has to be interpreted as a
Because of the correspondence between
substitutions and answers, when no confusion
occurs, we can use indifferently the two terms
meaning answer.
The question
?x [Food(x)]S(occurs(eat(Mary,x), today)
could be answered by the substitution
θ = {xÅpizza }.
The corresponding answer will be:
Food(pizza)occurs(eat(Mary, pizza),today).
In our approach, a computational one in his
nature, soundness of a question is tied to the
existence of an answer in the KB. Therefore, a
question can be sound with respect to a KB and not
sound with respect to another.
3.2 Syntactical Processing of
It is possible to define when a sentence is more
general than another one, as in Lu J. et al (1998):
Let a’ and a’’ be two declarative sentences.
a’ a’’ if and only if a substitution θ exists such that
a’’ θ= a’
We consider a relation between questions, we
call it transformation and denote it by Q Q’ that is
like erotetic implication, but is performed
From now on, Ans(Q) will be the set of possible
answers to question Q.
Let Q’ and Q’’ be two questions. Q’ is less general
than Q’’ (denoted by Q Q’) iff
a’’Ans(Q’’)XAns(Q’) (a’X (a’ a’’))
The answers to Q’’ are called partial answer to Q’.
Obviously, it is not necessarily true that
a’Ans(Q’)a’’Ans(Q’’) (a a’’)
The answers to the query “On which circumstance
do Vance and Begin’s wives meet?” are more
specific than the answers to the query “On which
circumstance do diplomats’ wives meet?”
Now we show how the relation between
questions can be exploited to solve two kinds of
problems: the construction of plausible answers and
the multiple answers selection.
The first problem arises when a search in a KB
gives no answer, but it is possible to build a
plausible answer. Firstly, we observe that from the
previous definition it follows that if Q’ and Q’’ are
two questions such that Q’ Q’’ and A is an answer
to Q’’, also Q’A is a question. This kind of question
can be useful in the search process. Indeed,
answering an implicated question restricts,
sometimes drastically, the search, as the following
result shows.
Let Q be a question and A a partial answer to Q. If
an answer to the question QA exists, then an answer
to Q exists too.
Proof: we observe that if θ is an answer to QA, by
the properties of substitutions, Aθ is an answer to Q
and the lemma holds.
This lemma enable us to build plausible answers
applying repeatedly the following steps:
- to compute an implied question;
- to retrieve the answer to the implied
- to apply this answer to the original
question in order to restrict the search.
We consider for example the well known query
about the existence of a meeting between Vance and
Begin’s wives taken from (Schank, 1986) or
(Kolodner 1983a, b) in order to show how the
transformation process can be obtained in a
syntactical way. In the example (slightly simplified
to make it more readable), questions are indicated by
a Q, declarative sentences by a D and answers by an
A or PA (partial answers), capital letters followed by
a number.
Q1)Has Vance’s wife ever met Begin’s wife?
Q2)On which circumstance do Vance and Begin’s
wives meet?
Q3)On which circumstance do diplomats’ wives
D1) Every time they go with their husbands and they
meet, diplomats’ wives meet each other.
Q4)On which circumstance do diplomats usually
A4) During international meetings.
PA3) When they go with their husbands to those
PA2) When they go with Vance and Begin to those
PA1) Yes, when they go with Vance and Begin to
those meetings.
Q5) Do meetings in which Vance and Begin meet
and their wives go with them exist?
A5) [NO]
Q6) Which conditions have to hold for Vance and
Begin to meet and their wives to go with them?
Q7) Which conditions have to hold for two
diplomats to meet?
Q8) Which conditions have to hold for two people to
A8) People need to be in the same place in order to
PA7) Diplomats need to be in the same place in
order to meet.
PA6) Vance and Begin need to be in the same place
in order to meet.
Q9) Are Vance and Begin in the same place?
A10) [NO. Vance is in U.S.A. and Begin in Israel.]
Q10) Which conditions have to hold for Vance and
Begin to be in the same place?
Q11) Which conditions have to hold for two
diplomats to be in the same place?
A11) A diplomat usually goes to another country to
meet another diplomat.
PA10) Vance needs to go to Begin’s country to meet
Q12) Has Vance ever gone to Israel?
A12) [List of visit]
(Notice that some further steps would have been
necessary to obtain this answer).
Q13) In which of those visits did their wives go with
A13) [Particular visits]
It is possible to describe the previous sequences of
questions and answers by the following schema, in
which Æ relates a question to an answer
MODELLING THE MAN MACHINE INTERACTION - Erotetic Logic and Information Retrieval Systems
Q5 suspended
Q9Q10Q11A11ÆPA10Q12Æ[List of
Q5 reconsidered
Q5 [List of visits] Q13Æ [Particular visits]
This example shows how it is possible to build in
a syntactical way a sort of “deductive chain”
involving questions whose aim is to search in a KB
an answer to a given question. These chains are
similar to those called erotetic derivations in
(Wisniewski 2003).
The multiple answers selection takes place when
a lot of answers are available in the KB and the need
of selection arises.
Consider the following query as an example in
(Ginzburg 1995a, b):
“Who works in the Philosophy Department?”
Two kind of answers are possible:
1) a general one;
2) a more specific one.
For example
1)A group of neo-positivist philosophers and some
erotetic logicians.
2) John X , Mark A, etc.
The first answer is related to a question like
? P [P(x) ]S{work(x, Philosophy Department )}
In this case the questioner is not interested in the
objects, but in the properties they have. The second
kind of answer is related to a question such
? x S(work(x, Philosophy Department))
There can be people interested in the first kind of
answer and not interested in the list of names.
Ginzburg (1995a, b) showed that the questioner is
not always looking for a specific answer. Indeed, he
stressed that, to solve this case, it is necessary to
know the goal of the questioner. We believe that the
capability of replying to a question by another
question could be useful.
We propose the following solution:
-every query must be translated in a more general
question as possible ;
-the output is the answer to this question and some
queries asking the questioner for further
An example of reply to the previous question could
be: a group of neo-positivist philosophers and some
erotetic logicians and the query “Would you like to
know the kind of people or just the people’s names
working in the Department?”
Finally we indicate some way to obtain a more
general (or a more specific) question from a given
) “introduction of variable”
Let Q be a question and c a constant such that P(a)
for some predicate P. A more general question Q’ is
obtained in the following way:
Variables(Q’) = Variables(Q) U {x};
(x is a new variable not belonging to Variables(Q));
Qualifiers(Q’) = (Qualifiers(Q)θ;
Body(Q’) = Body(Q) θ.
(θ substitute c with x).
Obviously, the effect of this transformation is a
widening of the search field.
) “search for conditions”
Variables(Q’) = [C];
(a new variable is introduced)
Qualifiers(Q’) =Qualifiers(Q)U (condition(C));
Body(Q’) = (C Body(q)).
In this section we will deal with a kind of inference
which is very common in the ordinary reasoning: it
is something beyond the modus ponens and the
syllogism, which considers at least a chain of two
implications like (xy, yz ) x z. Another
scheme of reasoning is the so called “trial based
reasoning”. The common support is the concepts-
predicate table, which crosses asserts and predicates.
We can drag predicates by chaining concepts,
provided there is a medium concept which joins two
other concepts.
A simple dissimilarity measure between two
concepts may be the inverse of the owned
predicates, so that if two concepts do not share any
predicate it means that between them there is an
hole. The material implication between two asserts
can be interpreted as the transfer of a predicate
ownership from the explanans to the explanandum.
Sharing a common predicate means that both the
asserts can be chained by an if…then.
It is also easy to see that the implication is
merged into an hyperbolic metric structure so that
d(x,y) - d(x,z) > d(z,y). This means that the join of
two concepts which share only one predicate admits
the jump to a third concept. The triangular relation
does not hold. As a consequence, it is built in a
priority between two predicates. The identification
of a cause after a trial implies that the simultaneous
occurrence of a subset of predicates is definitively
higher than elsewhere in the table of observed cases.
From the metric point of view, the product of an
inverse function is normalized by the number of
occurrences of each predicate among the set of
considered concepts. The chain of the product of the
inverse of the number of occurrences of n predicates
and m concepts means that we can go along a
backward path which can simulate the so called
explanation of an evidence. In the and relation no
priority is supposed. The hole cuts down any direct
relation, represented by an edge between two
predicates. We can overcome the stop by a sequence
of transfers, so that we can built up an assert which
joins two distant predicates and therefore two distant
For example, every man can be affected by a disease
and is mortal. A fail in a machine is like a disease.
We can make a bridge so that we can built up a
chain: every machine is mortal.
We can built examples whose chain can be pretty
long just using and or if…then:
i. young(P
) are itching(P
) to fight(P
ii. young people like(P
We can join itching to fight with like driving cars.
We can write :
iii. people itching to fight like driving cars.
This seems to be a common way of thinking.
We can also consider the reverse path, so that we
can assert:
People who like driving cars are itching to fight.
The reverse reasoning is allowed here as far as we
do not have forbidden directions in any edge of the
chain. Through young(P
)people(Π) we drag
) to fight(P
) and join itching (P
) to
) to
like (P0) to driving cars (P5).
The join brings to a new concept: the young drivers
are aggressive people.
We propose here the algorithm BTKSA based
on the concept-predicate table.
The algorithm BTKSA is based on the Ariadne’s
thread logic in the search of the exit in the labyrinth.
Input: a question in the form
/*It is supposed that the leading predicate exists*/
Step 1. a partial DB is rescued by the leading
predicate Α in the query, which becomes the root
of a tree T;
Step 2. all the subtrees whose roots are on the tree
generated by A are identified in the partial DB;
/*the edges connecting vertices already connected
in the graph are deleted in order to avoid cycles.*/
Step 3. the asserts joining n-tuple of the predicates
are identified for n = 2,3,…,k, where k is max
length of the branches of the subtrees;
Step 4. all the asserts of the local DB are reduced to
branches of at least a subtree of the main tree;
Step 5. a scanning process of the whole tree is
performed to identify the branch whose vertices
are the same predicates distributed in the same
order apart for the quantifier and variables which
are substituted by a predicate and a free variable;
Step 6. a jump is a path in the tree connecting
different predicates so that the backward course
/* we recall that a material implication enjoys the
transitive property so that:
p(A)q(B) , q(B) w(C),¶ p(A)w(C).
A backward path recognizes p(A) as the sources
of the jump. In the tree a path joining separately
the tree predicates attributes the extension of the
asserts containing C assigning them A. */
/* the equivalent statistical reasoning is the so
called Bayes theorem, which supports a backward
/* the negation of the last consequence implies the
negation of the whole implication. The sequence
of backward reasoning implies the contraction of
the chain of implications and the negation of the
implication of the negated consequence is also
Step 7.we built up an assert which contains a truth
not belonging to the DB as far as it is an
Step 8. stop.
Let consider the following formula:
(((BC)A)and(C E))) E (1)
The means a jump as far as we need to connect a
formula for jumping to another assert. The jump
means only a non evident join which can be
interpreted as an implication if we give a direction
to the path. Actually there are at most n! paths which
are reduced by the incidence matrix. An example of
compressed incidence matrix of a concept-predicate
table is given in the sequel. Each row can be an
assert. The direction can be given by further
restrictions, considering at first the concept with
min sharing, then deleting it and recycling. There is
no guarantee of a total ordering if there are no
specific requests given by specific implications
between couples of concepts. The predicates of C
are transferred to E. E joins two predicates which
are not joined at the beginning of the reasoning. The
transfer is assured by the jump of a hole. The
Ariadne strategy for moving out of a labyrinth is
followed here as far as we avoid to cross again the
same square in the table. Moreover, we can use as a
strategy both a forward movement and a backward
one: from the target of the jump or from the first
concept. The choice depends from the target domain
as before mentioned.
The connection to E is not obvious if we do not join
and P
as well as P
and P
The strategy on the table is to move both
horizontally and vertically. As an example we
suppose the following incidence structure
connecting concepts to predicates:
(A) contains P
, P
, P
(D,C,B), share P
, P
MODELLING THE MAN MACHINE INTERACTION - Erotetic Logic and Information Retrieval Systems
(A,C) share P
(D,E) share P
(C) contains P
, P
The jump allows the following scheme:
from the chain (E
C) C E.
If C is the evidence E therefore drags P
and P
see that P
, P
, P
are 4 predicates and A,B,C,D
and E are 5 asserts bearing 5 concepts, so that the
referred subsets overlap each other and a chain pulls
two predicates to E. We see that the path starting
from C stops at E if two predicates partially overlap.
The jump connects the asserts sharing at least
one of the two predicates. In other terms, the logical
connection joins the asserts, while the jump joins the
predicates and indirectly the asserts. The jump
something like an implication: P
is a
common property for A and B, as well as P
and P
are common properties for B and C. Finally, P
is a
common property for C and D. E actually extends to
C the properties of D.
The backward reasoning can be ascertained
from the concept-predicate table if we set up the
network of the predicates between all the couples of
concepts. As a consequence, we set up a matrix of
accessibility between concepts. The network of
relations can be considered for the backward
reasoning. The Ariadne algorithm starts from the
end of the labyrinth; that is the evidence to get the
entrance, which is the remote cause of a chain of
causes and concurrent causes. The problem is to
avoid to meet the same cause many times. In order
to get the root of the tree, starting from the top, it is
necessary to cut an edge whose accessibility
measure is identified by the measure at the right of
the inequality. If r and s are number of predicates
shared by two overlapping concepts, x and y,
respectively, we have the following relation between
their segregation evaluated in terms of the inverse of
the number of owned predicates:
where r < s.
The formula looks like a probabilistic formula:
P(x) – P (x (¬ y) ) > P(y) (4)
where x and y are the concepts whose extentions
are r and s, respectively and P is the inverse of the
extentions r and s.
There is some difference in the underlying logic
background. In a concept-predicate table we have:
x ¬ (x ∧¬ y) y (5)
in other terms:
( x y) y.
In probability we usually have:
P(x) + P(y) - P(x y ) > 0 (6)
In probability x and y are events while here may be
the extension of concepts as well as of conceps in
terms of number of predicates.
The sound difference here is that formula (2) can be
rewritten as
The geometry is quite different just as the
underlying logic. The consequence is that the
chaining supposes y x, so that the concept x
must include y. In other terms, the predicates of y
are the predicates of x but it is not true the
viceversa. The backward chaining is therefore
allowed provided that the previous condition is
satisfied. Cutting a circle means cutting the
superposition between two concepts. The path from
the evidence to the cause is therefore ruled by the
previous inequalities.
In this paper we first redefine some concepts of
erotetic logic like question implication and then we
show how they can be used to search information in
a KB. The result is the base for a more powerful
search engines. Future works will involve an
implementation of the system.
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MODELLING THE MAN MACHINE INTERACTION - Erotetic Logic and Information Retrieval Systems