EDBI – An E-Learning Based Project to Improve
Engineering Teaching
Carlos Pais, V. Fernão Pires, Rui Amaral, João Martins,
Carlos Luz and O. P. Dias
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal
Campus do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
2910 – 761 Setúbal, Portugal
Abstract. Elevated rates of failure in Engineering courses at the university
level, in addition to the difficulty in attracting new students to courses in this
area have made it necessary to implement new and innovative measures to in-
vert this trend. ‘EDBI’ (Ensino à Distância Baseado na Internet) is a project
conceived with the purpose of increasing school success and capturing the in-
terest of the students through the implementation of a computer-assisted teach-
ing solution which acts as a pedagogic tool and is used to complement the
other traditional teaching methods commonly used when teaching mathemat-
ics, electrical and electronics. Aside from the context and goals that were the
motive for this project, the strategies and lines of orientation followed in the
implementing of the solution, as well as its phases, steps and organization in
the current phase of its development will also be described. In addition, it will
also explore the alterations that this type of strategy may cause in the roles
traditionally attributed to teachers and students, and the effect that these
changes bring about in the teacher-student relationship, and in the responsi-
bilities of each. Finally, it will present the principle conclusions obtained up
until now.
1 Introduction
Studies on scholastic performance in Engineering courses have shown an increased
rate of failure and a significant number of students who do not manage to complete
their courses, as well as a difficulty in attracting new students to these courses.
As it has become made apparent that the high qualification of Human Resources,
both academically and professionally speaking, in the areas of science and technol-
ogy is one of the chief factors in favor of sustainable economic growth, social devel-
opment, and the well-being of society as a whole, the above-mentioned conclusions
lead us to believe that were are facing a grave situation which calls for a rapid altera-
Pais C., Fernão Pires V., Amaral R., Martins J., Luz C. and P. Dias O. (2004).
EDBI An E-Learning Based Project to Improve Engineering Teaching.
In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on e-Learning and Virtual and Remote Laboratories, pages 128-136
DOI: 10.5220/0001152201280136
This alteration will have to come through the adoption of truly innovative meas-
ures at various levels, namely, at a pedagogic, scientific, social and communicative
level, which in turn helps to increase the attraction, appetency and motivation of the
students to pursue their studies in a scientific or technological field.
In these actions we can place the implementation of computer-assisted teaching
solutions, namely, those based on Technologies related to the Internet, as the goals of
this project.
2 Project Goals
The main goal of this project is concerned with pedagogic issues, more specifically,
with how to combat the elevated rate of scholastic insuccess that has been identified
in some of the core components of Engineering, Electronics, Electrical and Mathe-
matics courses.
In order to reach this goal, it was first necessary to define and then carry out a
strategy starting with the construction of an internet-based distance-learning solu-
tion, which would allow for an increase in the students’ interest in the material and
in the motivation to study it, thus enhancing their scholastic performance.
Another goal of this project was the use of innovative concepts and practices in its
conception and construction, whether it be in the pedagogic approach or in the op-
tions chosen, to avoid being guided by conservative, minimalist strategies of a mere
transition from the traditional content, habits and methods to an electronic support –
a commonly made mistake that has resulted in the failure of other initiatives of this
On the other hand, the implementation of a knowledge transmission model which
would act as a substitute for the traditional, classroom - based model was not an aim
of this project. The aim was to develop an alternative learning option complemen-
tary to the traditional classes and which would come to be included in the methods of
teaching and evaluation of the subjects in cause.
3 Project Phases
The implementation of this type of solution is carried out in several phases, com-
prised of several steps, as illustrated in the figure below.
Design Build Run
Fig. 1. Project Phases.
The Design phase covers the planning of the project and the conceptual defining of
the strategic orientation patterns to be followed throughout the project, the selection
of the platform, tools and technologic infrastructure to be used in building the solu-
tion, and, lastly, the readiness and availability of the physical, technological and
human components of the infrastructure necessary to carry out this project.
Design Phase
Fig. 2. Design Phase.
Once this phase has been concluded, the project will then enter its Building Phase,
which consists of three steps, as shown in the figure below.
Build Phase
Fig. 3. Build Phase.
In this phase of the project, it will be decided which themes and material to present,
and all relevant content (textual, animated, etc.) will be developed. The contents
must then be loaded onto the technological platform, in accordance with the pre-
defined design, and the solution will be made available to a select group of students
in the form of a pilot-test.
Finally, the solution will enter its exploration phase and will be available to the
student body as a whole. Once this phase has begun, a continuous evaluation will be
carried out through the analysis of the results obtained from the pilot-test and from
the students’ performance, in such a way as to define and put into practice measures
of improvement, with the purpose of continually increasing the solution’s efficiency,
as well the student’s compliance to the solution and scholastic performance.
Run Phase
Fig. 4. Build Phase.
4 Project Organization
The implementation of this type of solution calls for the establishment of a multidis-
ciplinary work group, consisting of various teams, each one with its own competen-
cies and responsibilities, as illustrated in the figure below.
Multimed ia
Design Team
Platform Contents
Upload Team
Multimed ia
Build Team
Steering Flow
Work Flow
Fig. 5. Project Team.
In the first phase of the project, the Steering Committee was responsible for defining
the project goal, the strategies that would be followed, the tools that would be used
and the composition and organization of the remaining teams, and, in the following
phases, the planning, control and continuation of the project, as well overseeing the
progress of the remaining teams in such a way that would guarantee the quality of
the final solution, as well as its ability to meet the purpose for which it was intended.
The Pedagogical Team’s function is to first define the project’s pedagogical goals,
course content, more specifically, working up course texts and the choosing themes
to be animated or illustrated through multimedia content, and, secondly, for the
verification of the solution in both pedagogical and scientific terms. This team
should consist of qualified teachers with experience relevant to the material.
The idealization, conception and design of the multimedia content (i.e. illustra-
tion, animation, etc.) decided on by the Pedagogical Team, as well as the definition
of the layout and practicality of the solution are the responsibilities of the Multime-
dia Contents Design Team. This team should consist of designers and other creative
professionals, but with some training in and familiarity with the pedagogical field.
Once the conception and design of the multimedia content has been concluded, it
will then become necessary to begin its assembly, a task which will be carried out by
The Multimedia Contents Build Team. This team should be made up of qualified
technicians experienced in the use of multimedia content building tools for the inter-
The Platform Contents Upload Team will be in charge of the technical work,
namely, the platform’s technical installation and upkeep, as well as uploading the
content in accordance with the design and practical guidelines defined by the Con-
tent Design Team.
The work of all involved teams will not end with the conclusion of the project’s
initial phase, that is, the implementation of the first version of the solution. Once
this phase has ended, it will become necessary to proceed initially to the task of revi-
sion and improvement before the solution can be made available. This will be fol-
lowed by a continuous revision and improvement, this time based on the evaluation
and results obtained in the initial phase of the trial and global utilization of the solu-
5 Work Done
At present, the project’s first phase has been concluded, and the principle conclu-
sions and results obtained in this phase will be referred to extensively in the follow-
ing chapter of this paper, chapter 6. The first two steps of the second phase are cur-
rently under way.
Design Build Run
Fig. 6. Project Status.
These steps have been carried out in an iterative manner, that is, various modules
have been defined for each subject, in correspondence with the chapters of material
that will be presented and which have been developed in each repetition.
Build Phase
Current Tasks Next Tasks
Definition and Building
Evaluate and Improve
Fig. 7. Build Phase Status.
This iterative approach allows for all work done throughout the cycle to be evaluated,
revised at the end of the cycle, and for corrections and improvements to be made
right away. Additionally, it allows for the lessons learned in past iterations to be
incorporated in the following modules right from the beginning.
Once these steps have been brought to conclusion, a version of the solution will
then be made available in the form of a pilot test, with the purpose of measuring the
students’ compliance with the method, detecting possible problems, identifying any
improvements that need to be made, and evaluating the comparative results obtained
in respect to the students’ scholastic success.
For this purpose, a small group of students will be chosen to represent the target
body, will test the solution, with the aim of allowing for a better control over the use
and evaluation of the solution, thus making it easier to meet the goals defined for
this step of the project.
When this phase has been concluded, the project will then advance to its third
phase and the solution will be made available to the student body in its entirety.
6 Solution Implementation Strategy
One of the most important tasks to be carried out in the first phase of this project was
the definition of the strategic guidelines to be followed in the conception and imple-
mentation of the solution. Below are presented the principle conclusions and critical
success factors identified for the solution in the project’s first phase.
1. To present the materials using a language which is simple, clear, direct, ade-
quate and attractive to the target for which the courses are intended.
2. To put an emphasis on demonstrating and assisting each theoretical concept
with a practical application.
3. To use images and multimedia animations in abundance and in a regular
manner to demonstrate the action and the manner in which the theoretical
concepts can be applied.
4. Not to forget, however, the components which are strictly theoretical in na-
ture, meaning to complete the simple and practical explanations of each con-
cept with a complementary and more detailed explanation of the origins of
the subjects.
5. To create and make available auto-evaluation methods, in the form of evalua-
tive exercises and tests which allow the student to evaluate his own progress.
Through the existence of components such as games, challenges, and enter-
taining activities students should be able to evaluate the progress.
Fig. 7. Example of multimedia animation.
6. To create a study path with a sequential, modular structure. That is, once a
student has concluded a particular module, he will first have to do an evalua-
tion test before being allowed to advance to the following module.
7. To allow, in case of failure, the repetition of the studying process as well as
the practise, and yet to make sure the students are not forced to repeat the ex-
act same content which tends to be saturating, not motivating and therefore,
leads to drop outs. This objective can be met through the existence of a big
variety of exercises and tests and the stimulation of a game and personal
challenge philosophy.
8. To examine the use of games and other forms of entertainment, so as to
stimulate and motivate the student throughout the use of the solution.
Fig. 8. Example of multimedia animation.
9. To insure a total flexibility time and space wise. The courses need to be avail-
able in a permanent manner: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the studying
process needs to be possible from school, home, work or other places.
10. To incorporate the results obtained by the students so as to create a rewards
system based on personal efforts which stimulate the use of the given solu-
tion, rewards which will be clearly understood and valorised by the students,
for example, through the final evaluation.
11. To analyze and evaluate the ramifications that the implementation of this
type of solution can have on the traditional roles attributed to the teacher and
to the respective students, the relationship between the two, and the responsi-
bilities of both.
Fig. 9. Example of multimedia animation.
12. To use the information obtained through this analysis to define measures
which allow for us to guarantee the existence of an adequate component of
support from the teachers. The global success of the solution depends not so
much on the value of the technological solution, but rather on the existence
of a human structure which insures adequate teaching support.
13. To devise mechanisms that allow the teachers to control the students’ study-
ing process, more specifically, to become familiar with the students who are
studying according to this method, when and what they study, where they
met their biggest difficulties, time spent studying and the results of the
7 Conclusions
From the work that has been done so far, one can conclude that computer-assisted
teaching solutions can be an effective tool used to complement traditional teaching
methods. However, some care must be taken when building a solution such as this.
It is essential that the solution, when implemented, appeals to, motivates and cap-
tures the students’ interest. For this reason, it is vital that the language used be
straight-forward and appropriate for its target audience, and that visual examples,
such as images and multimedia animation be used whenever possible to illustrate the
theoretic concepts presented in the material. Equally important is an entertainment
component, as well as a rewards system that is continuous in nature and is accepted
by the students as being fair and just, and which they feel adequately compensates
them for their achievements.
Another important point to consider has to do with the alterations bound to occur
in the relationship between the teaching staff and the student body. The use of this
type of solution leads to a more individualized type of teaching and in order for it to
be effective, it will be necessary to re-define the role of the teacher in a methodical
and organizational matter. This re-definition will place more demand on the
teacher, in terms of time and dedication.
Finally, to touch on the project execution, some aspects have shown themselves to
be critical to the project’s success to the formulation of the initially-defined goals,
namely the tremendous amount of skill and effort that the Steering Committee will
have to put in to the project to guarantee an effective communication and coordina-
tion among the other teams, as well as the great importance that the design of the
multimedia images and animations, as well as the practicality of the solution, in
terms of the quality of the final product.
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