Jun Lai, Ben Soh
La Trobe University Bundoora, VIC 3083, Australia
Mao Lin Huang
University of Technology, Sydney NSW 2007 Australia
Keywords: clustering, information filtering, information retrieval, search engine, World Wide Web.
Abstract: As the use of the web grows globally and exponentially, it becomes increasingly harder for users to find the
information they want. Therefore, there is a need for good information filtering mechanisms. This paper
presents a new, efficient information filtering method using word clusters. Traditional filtering methods
only consider the relevance values of document. As a result, these conventional methods fail to consider the
efficiency of document retrieval, which is also crucial. Our algorithm using offline computation attempts to
cluster similar documents based on words shared by documents to produce clusters, so that the efficiency of
information filtering and retrieval can be improved.
The amount of information in the world is increasing
far more quickly than our ability to process it. All of
us have known the feeling of being overwhelmed by
the number of new books, journal articles, and
conference proceedings coming out each year. Now
it is time to create the technologies that can help us
sift through all the available information to find
what is the most valuable and relevant to us in a
more efficient way.
Currently there are some promising information
filtering technologies:
Content-based filtering: It is also called
cognitive filtering. This system searches for
items similar to those the user prefers based on
a comparison of content using text-learning
methods. Only the content and properties of a
document contribute to the filtering, and each
user operates independently. This is a
traditional approach. This approach has
difficulty capturing different types of content
and has problem of over-specialization. When
the system recommends items scoring highly
against a user’s preferences, the user is
restricted to seeing items similar to those
already rated.
Collaborative filtering: It is also called social
filtering. Here, documents are recommended
for a user based on the likes of other users with
similar tastes. User profiles are used to
compare with each other. Groups of similar
profiles are identified and users belonging to
one group will be presented the same set of
documents. The major drawback of this
method is if the number of users is small or a
user whose taste is unusual would not get high
quality recommendation.
Rule-based filtering: It uses demographic or
other kind of purposely collected data of users
to build user profiles and then define a set of
rules to tailor the content delivery based on the
facts specified in the user profiles. However,
the creation and maintenance of rules are
generally manual, as the system gets
complicated, there will be difficulties
managing it without conflict of logics.
Summarily, all current filtering systems
consider only the relevance and importance to the
users in different ways. However, as the system gets
complicated, the efficiency becomes crucial. The
surveys show that about 85% of Internet users make
Lin Huang M., Lai J. and Soh B. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 241-244
DOI: 10.5220/0001382402410244
use of search engines and search service to find
specific information. Users are not satisfied with the
performance of the current generation of search
engines because of slow retrieval speed,
communication delays and poor quality of retrieved
results [1].
In this paper, we propose a new efficient method
called word-intersection clustering which can cluster
more than two documents based on words shared by
documents. This method applies an algorithm to
compute the correlation similarity score of
documents. The documents with the similarity score
above a given threshold will be clustered together. A
definition of documents profile is derived, so that
each document has a profile based on the
classification of category and similarity score. Then
the documents are clustered under different
categories. The proposed algorithm’s offline
computation scales independently of the number of
documents. If one document in a cluster is relevant,
then the whole cluster is relevant which makes the
information retrieval more efficient.
This paper is organized as follows: The next
section discusses the structure of a document based
on the words shared by various documents. In
section 3, we discuss the proposed algorithm and
technique to cluster documents and the final section
concludes the paper.
Existing clustering methods focus on clustering two
documents [2]. There has been a lack of effort on
clustering more than two documents.
We propose a new restructuring operation by
using those keywords appearing in the documents.
Each keyword has different weight, ranging from 0
to 1. The value of weight is decided by system
designer based on the importance and relevance of
the keywords in that category and the number of
times that keyword appears in that document.
Figure 1 shows the idea of restructuring
operation of documents. The documents in the same
category are clustered in accordance with the words
shared by documents after the restructuring
operation. For example, the documents 1, 15, 18 and
22 are clustered, documents 2 and 3 are clustered,
and so are documents 7, 8 and 10.
Figure 1: Restructuring operation of documents
In this section, we discuss the algorithm and
technique of word-intersection clustering.
We propose a restructuring operation to cluster
documents as described in section 2. In this section,
we will discuss the algorithm and technique of
documents clustering. The subsections are organized
as follows: section 3.1 presents the approach of
calculation of similarity score. Then the document
profiles will be derived in section 3.2. Finally, the
proposed k-time clustering algorithm will be
3.1 Computation of similarity score
To compute the similarity score of documents, first
of all, we select some keywords appearing in those
documents in a given category, whereby each word
is assigned a weight, ranging form 0 to 1. Different
word has different weight based on how important
and relevant of that word is in a particular category.
The value of weight is calibrated by system
administration. For example in the category of
information management, the words “information
filtering” might be assigned by system designer to
have higher weight than the words “data storage”.
The number of times a word appearing in a
document also signifies the relevance value with
respect to all other documents.
Table 1 shows the number of times a keyword
appears in the document in the category of
information management.
Table 1: Number of time that keywords appear in the
(document ID)
Keyword1 Keyword2 Keyword3 Keyword4
21 10 15 20 18
45 12 17 19 18
567 7 19 25 19
The similarity score is the sum of all product of
keyword weight and the number of times that the
keyword appears in the document. The similarity
score computed by the following formula:
),( cd
jj CountW
)*( (1)
SS is the similarity score of documents in a
given category C based on keyword K.
j is the keyword in that document (1
is the pre-defined weight of the keyword
j , determined by system admin.
jK is the number of times that keyword
appearing in the document.
For instance, for the document 21 in the category
of information management, the keyword 1 appears
10 times, while keyword 2 appears 15 times,
keyword 3 appears 20 times, keyword 4 appears 18
times, Therefore, the similarity score of document
21 is:
),21( info mgt = (0.8*10+0.7*15+0.5*20+0.6*18)
= 39.3
We can have table 2 based on formula (1).
Table 2: Similarity score of documents
21 10 15 20 18 39.3
45 12 17 19 18 41.8
567 7 19 25 19 42.8
3.2 Deriving document profile (DP)
From the calculation of similarity score, the
document profile can be derived as follows:
)(d = {(c, SS ),( cd | c ,C 0 SS ),( cd
} (2)
c denotes a category.
C is all categories to which the document can be
SS is the similarity score for document d.
threshold is the minimum SS acceptable for a
document to belong to that category.
From formula (2), each document can have a
profile based on the classification of category and
similarity score calculated by formula (1).
For example, the profile of document 21 is:
)21( = {(info mgt, 39.3), (knowlge mgt, 28),
(data mining, 26), (data mgt, 13)}
3.3 Clustering Algorithm
Using the document profile, we can measure the
correlation similarity score among documents. Table
3 shows the document profile.
Table 3: Document profile
DID Info mgt Knowlg mgt Data mining Data
21 39.3 28 26 13
45 41 30 12 43
567 15 9 39 56
Table 3 also shows the similarity score of each
document in different category. There are various
clustering algorithms available; we chose K-mean
[3]. We have defined our input data set for a general
clustering already. Hence, any algorithm can be
applied. K-mean algorithm splits a set of objects into
a selected number of groups. The basic idea of K-
mean is to find a single partition of the data, which
has K number of clusters such that objects within the
clusters are close to each other in some sense, and
those in different clusters are distant. The object of
clustering, in our case, is the document and the
keyword appearing in the documents. Therefore, the
documents in the same cluster will be considered as
relevant to that category.
From the K-mean clustering, we will have K
number of clusters. The documents belonging to the
same cluster will have the relevant information. For
example, if the given threshold is 25, then the
document 21 is not relevant to the category of data
management. The final pass of the algorithm
produces the clustering of (21, 45) for category
information management, (21, 567) for category
data mining, (45, 567) for category data
In this paper, we propose a new word-intersection
clustering method based on words shared by
documents. This new method computes the
correlation similarity score among documents. The
document with similarity score above a given
threshold will be clustered. Thereafter we derive the
document profile based on the similarity score.
Therefore, the document will be clustered for
different categories. For the current information
filtering methods, there has not been much focus on
clustering more than two documents. Our approach
computes similarity score and derives document
profile offline. The documents have been pre-
clustered which makes information retrieval more
efficient. As future research, we would like to
investigate if this method can be optimized.
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