Product WebID as a driving force for new supply chains
Dmitry Ponomarev, Vladimir Krylov
Mera Networks Company, Rodionova Str., Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Keywords: E-commerce, B2B, supply chains, logistics, trade, lifecycle, RFID, EPC
Abstract: This paper discusses the use of web sites as individual IDs for things and processes of the real world. We
regard a web site as an information entity that perfectly fits the purpose of identifying a real-life object or
process. We examine a scenario of tagging manufactured products with information tags called WebIDs and
describe their possible information makeup. Individual WebIDs that are automatically created for each item
during production and accompany the item throughout its entire lifecycle, have far-reaching implications for
many areas of human activity. The availability of pertinent information contained in the product ID
promotes awareness of the product origin, quality, location and history. Access to information about the
product protects consumer rights and contributes to the efficiency of commerce. Elimination of
manufacturer and owner anonymity helps to combat produce counterfeits, smuggling, and illegal movement
of commodities.
None of the technological breakthroughs of the
mankind has been developing as quickly as the
Internet. The sweeping growth rate of net hosts and
bandwidth capacity has long surpassed the pace
inferred for microelectronics in the well-known
Moore’s law. The speed at which new web sites
proliferate can only be compared to that of nuclear
fission. By the end of the year 2003 the amount of
web sites reached several hundred millions and may
well exceed the global population in a half decade.
Each site on the Internet is some sort of an
information entity, and the multitude of individual
sites, taken as one aggregate, constitutes a huge
distributed data base. The content of the database is
extremely variegated, nevertheless the
overwhelming majority of web visits are made with
the sole end of finding information about the objects
and processes of the material world. It follows
herefrom that most of the information entities in the
worldwide web are reflections of the real world in
this way or another. Yet, at present such reflection of
things and phenomena in the Internet is not
adequate, as information about one and the same real
object can be scattered among numerous entities and
often is controversial. Some information entities
reflect already non-existent objects and processes,
while many other objects have no corresponding
reflection in the web at all.
In this paper we suggest that all things
manufactured by the man globally and all objects of
the real world be provided with an individual web
site and a designated URL. We call these
information entities WebIDs. The WebID of an
inanimate object is a counterpart of the ID used for
identification of humans. The EPC, Electronic
Product Code suggested by the researchers of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, can be used
as its serial number. Deployment of a network of
WebIDs will lead to emergence of an entirely new
global structure of trade allowing full control
Krylov V. and Ponomarev D. (2004).
WEB MAPPING OF REAL-WORLD THINGS AND ITS APPLICATIONS - Product WebID as a driving force for new supply chains.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 263-267
DOI: 10.5220/0001385502630267
Product manufacture
Getting a unique identifier &
embedding it into the
Identifier assignment server
Obtaining site blanks for the
given category of produce
Final site assembly, filling the
blanks with information,
placement in the Web,
registration with the Site
Management authority
Site Management
authority server
Registration of the manufacturer
as the primary item owner on the
site and at the Site Management authority
Selling the product item
Change of owner registration,
issuance of an electronic
ownership certificate (if required)
Reflecting changes
on the item site
Owner browser
Managing the
product by means of
the associated site
Item resale
Site generation wizard
Disposal of the site on
the product item
Site components base
Product information
Figure 1: Lifecycle of a Product and its Information Self – WebID
over the lawfulness of goods turnover, permitting a
multistage product life cycle and giving the ability
and means of remote object management.
The following essential lifecycle stages of an object
and its site become apparent (see Fig. 1):
1. Creation of an Object and its Site.
2. Changes happening to the Object. The
changes are reflected either by manual site
editing done by the owner, or by automatic
site updating.
3. Change of the Object owner accompanied
by corresponding site changes and vesting
the new owner with the site editing rights.
4. Disposal (elimination) of the Object.
As indicated above, the object site goes along
with an object from the moment of the object
creation, which means that site generation and
product creation must coincide in time, and ideally
both events must occur within the same production
Upon output the manufactured product is
assigned a digital identifier. Then, the identifier is
passed on to the so-called site generation wizard.
The wizard is designed for automatic site generation
based on templates and components (stored in the
templates-and-components data base) and
application of object-specific or object-class specific
information. Information specific to a certain class
of objects comes from the corporate product
database, which is prepared before the manufacture
process begins. Information specific to a particular
object is generated during production process. The
digital identifier is the minimum of object-specific
Having received a unique digital identifier for an
object the site generation wizard analyzes it and
determines the object class (by belonging to a set of
objects with similar attributes). The sites of objects
belonging to one class have an identical structure
and differ in the information content only. After that
the site wizard selects the templates and components
necessary for making the site for an object of the
given class, fills the templates with the class-specific
information obtained from the corporate database
and adds the data specific to this particular object.
Adding object-specific information is the final stage
in site generation.
Placement of the site on the Internet is the next
step. Internet siting is accomplished by a siting
wizard. The siting wizard places the site on the
server whose owner has a siting agreement with the
object manufacturer. In some cases the site can be
placed inside the object itself.
As a rule, objects of the material world belong to
owners who possess an exclusive right to change the
state of the object, that is to perform operations that
cause the object to change. As discussed before, the
object’s site must reflect such changes. In addition to
automatic means of site updating (that is reflecting
changes occurring in the object) the owner must
have tools for manual site editing. For the sake of
editing convenience the site information content
must be segregated from the methods of its
visualization. This separation will allow storage of
the site information in a readily editable form (this,
for example, may help avoid information
redundance manifested as identical information
stored in different locations, a situation that may
lead to problems in editing) and subsequent use of
unified representation means. This demand can be
met by using XML for description of the site
information content and the XSLT technology for its
An important event in the life cycle of an object
and the related site is change of the owner. Change
of the owner can result from a certain legal act –
sale, grant and so on. Change of owner registration
at the site is initiated by an authority registering the
conveyance of property. In fact, change of owner
registration is the responsibility of a special
automated service – Site Access Control. On receipt
of a change-of-owner request from the registering
authority this service alters the site status so that the
old owner loses exclusive access rights while the
new possessor is registered as the site new owner
lodged with privileged access to the site.
Disposal (elimination) is the final stage in the
lifecycle of an object. To preserve topicality (as the
material object does not exist any longer) the site is
withdrawn at this stage from the Internet and is
archived. Archiving is preferable to annihilation, as
the site of a non-existent object may be of interest
afterwards, for instance, to investigators or
The information essence of each object, viewed as a
merchandisable product, comprises the following
Product description. It includes information
about the product appearance and characteristics
(verbal description, product photos, a video clip,
etc.). This allows a user employing search engines to
explore the Internet in search of specific product
items that best meet user’s demands.
Current location of the product. This
information enables the customer to find products
located conveniently. It can materially increase
search efficiency due to reduction of search time
(through automation of search by geographic
location), as well as due to reduction of shipment
expenses (as the buyer will be able to find the
product in closest vicinity to his place).
Manufacture and expiration dates. This
information prevents the consumer from buying
substandard products; it can also serve as a search
criterion in finding the freshest products.
Information about product manufacturer.
Being well protected from unauthorized access and
tampering this piece of information prevents the
consumer from buying counterfeit produce. It can
also be instrumental in search of products from
specific vendors.
Information about sale terms is posted on the
website by the current owner and permits the
customer to buy products on most favorable terms.
Additional information from the current
owner. It may consist of the owner’s contact
information, information on availability of any after-
sale services and other pertinent data of interest to
the customer.
Product history contains information from all
previous owners. The current owner can open access
to this section for prospective customers who wish
to know what has happened to the product since the
date of manufacture.
This convenient information structure of product
websites enables customers to easily and quickly
find the exact item they need. The only thing
customers must know is what they want. All the rest
will be done for them by a search engine that will
find the goods which meet the criteria specified by
the customer.
Furthermore, the WebID of a produce item
increases the consumer’s effect of the goods due to
enhanced functionality. For instance, if the item is
an electronic device, it can be continuously or
periodically online interacting with its website. This
supply chains
enables users to remotely control the device and
monitor its operating state. The consumer receives a
full set of tools for would-be resale of the item,
which also contributes to the product’s added
consumer value.
There can be different approaches to site editing.
Editing can be arranged:
On the side of the server hosting the
On the side of the client
With the help of specialized Web-
In the first case the customer sends modification
requests in response to which the host server
modifies the information. In the second case the
client modifies the modules him/herself. In the third
case the site is maintained by specialized Web
services on behalf of and for the client, and the host
server’s role is limited to storing the information.
Each of the above arrangements has its strengths
and limitations.
The advantages of accomplishing the site
maintenance tasks directly on the host server include
low dependence on the qualities and capabilities of
the web client (user’s browser) and moderate load
on data links (the sever only receives requests to
modify the information, whereas modification
proper is performed on the server). However, this
approach presupposes availability of a high capacity
server with necessary software components (at least,
an XML parser, an XSLT processor and
environment for program execution). These
requirements can make the hosting services
prohibitively costly.
The strengths of managing the site on the client
side include much lower demand for the server
capacity and, hence, a lower cost of site hosting. But
this places stringent requirements upon the client
(the same as the server requirements in the fist
instance). Furthermore, in this case the network load
is much higher due to exchange of complete
information modules between the client and the host
server (though this demerit can be minimized by
optimized distribution of information between
The third approach involves transfer of all site
editing functions to an independent set of Web
services. This will reduce requirements to both the
server and client, though the cost of developing
specialized Web services may pose a great hindrance
to introduction of the entire system.
Support of globalization processes is another
challenge coming into being with adoption of the
system . The buyer and the needed product can be
located in different countries, with dissimilar trade
and export/import regulations. Moreover, a
transaction perfectly lawful in one country can turn
out illegal in another. In such cases transfer of the
website ownership rights should be prevented. We
wish to propose a mechanism that will effectively
address this issue.
If the product is sold locally and does not cross
national borders, transfer of the privileged access
right to the new owner is performed by a local
access control server. In case of an international
transaction (when the commodities cross state
borders), transfer of the privileged access implies
involvement of both local and national access
control servers of the buyer’s and seller’s countries.
National servers check if the product may cross the
border and control the appropriate change of local
access servers associated with the product website.
Let us consider a case illustrating conveyance of
the privileged access right associated with an
international sale.
A company, registering a sale, sends a
transaction confirmation to the appropriate local
access control server, situated in the seller’s country
and currently involved with the product website. The
local server checks whether the transaction is
international. If the check is positive the server
reports the transaction to the national control server
of the seller’s country. The national server examines
the legitimacy of the product export. If it is legal the
national server of the seller’s country informs the
national access control server of the buyer’s country
about the transaction. The latter examines the
legitimacy of the product import. Thus, if the
product transfer is legal in both countries, a change
of the local access control server takes place. As a
result, the product becomes associated with the local
access control server in the buyer’s country. Finally,
the new local access control server grants the new
owner the right of privileged access to the website.
If the product import is illegal, conveyance of
rights will not take place and the illegitimate
transaction will be reported to the relevant
We witness an onset of a new world of goods
turnover, of truly free global trade. Supply links turn
into supply nets. Reuse of products will open the
world of technology-intensive goods to those who
cannot afford buying high tech products at the
manufacturer’s price, it will alleviate the stress load
on the environment, broaden the geography of
product distribution. All these processes will compel
resellers to contribute considerable intellectual value
to the existing supply chains by creating helpful user
manuals, through carrying out comparative analyses
for favorable positioning of the product among other
products and so on.
The Internet, the Net of nets, has already made
the world transparent and boundless for all the
information needs of the man. And the laws of its
progress allow us to foresee how this world may
become equally penetrable for much needed goods
as well.
Global Commerce Initiative. EPC Roadmap. @Copiright
November2003, Global Commerce Iniative/IBM.
Krylov V. Ponomarev D. 2004, Real World to Internet
Mapping and Its Applications, In IT&SE’2004
Proceedings of Conference. Yalta-Gurzuf, Ukraina,.
supply chains