Ben Soh, Luke Sledziona
Department of Computer Science & Computer Enguneering, La Trobe University,
Bundoora, VIC, Australia 3083
Keywords: Public-Key Infrastructures, Certification
Abstract: In the current business environment there is an ever growing view of the World Wide Web,
commonly referred to as the Internet, as the new frontier for electronic commerce or e-
commerce. As a result many businesses are developing applications and/or websites in order to
conduct e-commerce on the Internet without properly considering the implications of the
certification system that they are choosing to use, if they use one at all. The aim of this paper is to
present work in the area of public key infrastructures and certification systems by discussing
important topics pertaining to this area of research. The security needs of businesses will be
initially discussed as an introduction to certification systems. This leads into the discussions of
X.509 public key infrastructures and certificate revocation, where the associated problems will be
In the current environment of electronic commerce,
security is becoming an increasing concern for
customers. As a result a properly implemented
security system for a business can mean the
difference between the success and failure of their
products. A public key infrastructure (PKI) can
assist businesses in conducting secure electronic
commerce as well as securing their important
customer information.
This paper attempts to provide discussions on
public key infrastructures (PKIs) and certification
systems. Central to this topic are the security needs
of businesses, these are discussed in Section 2.
Sections 3 and 4 introduce X.509 PKIs and
certificate revocation, the two key areas to enabling
a business to conduct effective e-commerce. Section
5 highlights some of the potential social and
technical problems of X.509 PKIs.
In the realm of online business, security
infrastructures are no longer an option, they are a
necessity. The author of [1] describes security in
general as requiring three main approaches. These
are enablement, intrusion detection and response,
and perimeter control. PKIs and certification
systems are classified as enablement, which is
defined as implementing a security plan and having
the infrastructure to support it. The business
requirements for a security infrastructure consist of
five aspects [1]: entity authentication, data
confidentiality, data integrity, non-repudiation, and
privilege management.
These business requirements should be kept in
mind when considering any perspective security
infrastructure. If a security infrastructure fails to
meet any of these requirements it can not be
considered an appropriate infrastructure for use with
e-commerce on the Internet. The most prevalent
types of security infrastructure on the Internet that
meet these requirements are X.509 public key
One of the proposals to the problem of business
security needs was introduced by Whitfield Diffie
and Martin Hellman in their paper “New Directions
Soh B. and Sledziona L. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 93-98
DOI: 10.5220/0001387900930098
in Cryptography” in 1976 [2]. This infrastructure
was designed to enable secure, convenient, and
efficient discovery of public keys. This architecture
also provided additional functionality in the form of
digital certification which was designed to assure
that communication had taken place and had not
been altered in any way. There are various models of
PKIs each differing in information required, trust
rules, and flexibility. The X.509 model [3],
developed by the ITU Telecommunication
Standardization Sector (ITU-T), will be the main
focus of this paper. In order to fully understand the
context of PKIs, their uses, operations, components,
architectures, and responsibilities must first be
3.1 Addressing Business Security
The primary applications of PKIs are electronic
commerce and electronic service delivery [4]. These
applications exist in the environments of business-
to-business (B2B), single business (B), business-to-
customer (B2C), and individual (I) [5]. PKIs address
all business requirements, as listed previously,
required from a security infrastructure in the
following manner [1].
3.2 Cryptographic Techniques Used
There are two forms of cryptography widely used on
the Internet, secret key “symmetric” and public key
“asymmetric”. SKC involves using a single key to
encrypt and decrypt data as opposed to public key
cryptography (PKC) which uses a pair of keys, one
public and one private. PKC is the more flexible of
the two forms since an entity only needs one key
pair to communicate with everybody as opposed to
SKC where an entity must have a unique key for
each other entity it wishes to communicate with.
X.509 PKIs utilise the best of both of the above
mentioned cryptographic forms. When used in PKIs,
PKC is used for digital signatures, for example if a
message is encrypted with an entity’s private key
any other entity can decrypt it with the
corresponding public key. Likewise, when used in
PKIs SKC is used for the encryption of messages,
for example if a message is encrypted with an
entity’s public key only the entity owning the
corresponding private key can decrypt it.
Furthermore, X.509 PKIs are capable of using two
authentication methods, simple authentication via
passwords and strong authentication via
cryptography techniques. It is strong authentication
this paper will focus on.
3.3 Responsibilities
Certificate authorities (CAs) are the main
component of PKIs. As such, they are responsible
for the services they provide as well as the quality of
the services they provide to entities. Entities expect
CAs to be reliable, have integrity and be liable for
any unauthorised misuse of any of their products.
However, legally CAs are not liable for the misuse
of their products and only have to adhere to two
criteria. These criteria involve proving an entity’s
public key has a working private key counterpart
and that an entity’s distinguishing name (DN) is
unique to that CA [11]. Functionally, however, CAs
need to handle additional management
responsibilities such as registration, initialisation,
certification, key pair recovery, key pair updates,
revocation requests, and cross-certification [9].
Certificate revocation is a very important issue for
PKIs due to certificate’s secure nature and their use
for identifying entities. As a result certificate
revocation needs to be clearly defined, fast, efficient,
and timely. In general, if a CA wishes to revoke a
certificate it sends a revocation notice to a key server
which updates a CRL (Certificate Revocation List).
It is then the distribution of this revocation
information that has the potential to be the most
costly part of running a PKI [12]. Reasons for
revoking certificates can include: key compromise,
change of affiliation, superseded information,
cessation of operation, algorithm compromise,
revocation of superordinate certificate, lost or
defective security token, change of key usage, or
change of security policy [13].
4.1 Popular Methods
There have been many methods for certificate
revocation that have been proposed. The four most
popular methods are CRLs and Delta-CRLs, online
certificate status protocol (OCSP), the certificate
revocation system (CRS), and certificate revocation
trees (CRTs). These methods can be classified by
certain attributes such as their method of checking
(online/offline), the type of lists they use
(black/white), their way of providing evidence
(direct/indirect), and their way of distributing
information (push/pull mechanism) [13].
The most commonly used certificate revocation
method is that of the CRL which was introduced in
1988 by the ITU-T. The certificate revocation list is
a file that contains a list of all the invalid certificates
that a CA has previously issued. As part of the
authentication process this file is checked prior to
the confirmation of any certificate to ensure that the
certificate that is being validated is indeed valid.
The advantages of CRLs are that they are
straightforward and easy to understand whilst the
disadvantages are that they can grow very large and
take a long time to transmit if validity periods are
long. Delta certificate revocation lists are the same
as CRLs but are used between CRL releases and
contain only the updates since the last CRL release.
Their purpose is to provide updated information to
entities without them having to download a
completely new CRL. CRLs are classified as
checking offline, using black lists, and providing
indirect evidence.
OCSP was developed by the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) and works
differently to the traditional method of checking
certificate validity though the use of CRLs. OCSP
works by checking the validity of the receiver’s
certificate at the time of sending instead of at the
time of receiving. However, this introduces a
problem in that if the certificate of the receiver is
revoked whilst the message is in transit they can still
read the message once it has been received [14]. The
main advantage of OCSP is that it provides more
timely status information than any other revocation
method. OCSP is classified as using online checking
and using black lists.
4.2 Reduced Request Rate Revocation
One of the responsibilities of CAs is to periodically
issue CRLs to a repository. Each CRL that is issued
by a CA contains a next update field with the date
and time of when the following CRL will be
released. This information is then used by entities in
determining when they will next update their CRL
information. Requests for new CRLs are typically
made by entities the first time they wish to verify
another entity after their current CRL has expired. In
the traditional method all CRLs expire at the same
time resulting in a very high peak rate of accesses to
CRL repositories [12]. After this initial peak period
there is an exponential decline in the requests for
CRLs and after a longer yet period of time the
repository will become under utilised. Ideally,
requests for CRLs should be spread out over an
extended period of time instead of producing peak
loads after a new release.
One method of reducing peak loads can be
achieved by making CRLs expire at different times.
This process which involves issuing a new CRL
before the previous one has expired is known as
over-issuing and results in reduced peak request
rates and greater repository utilisation. Another
method of reducing peak loads can be achieved by
splitting CRLs into segments to reduce their size.
However, whilst this does not reduce the peak
request rate it will allow the repository to service
requests quicker, this is known as segmented CRLs.
Segmented CRLs can be combined with over-
issuing, but as segmentation increases the benefits
resulting from over-issuing decrease.
When attempting to reduce the request rate for
CRLs from a repository the validity period of CRLs
needs to be taken into consideration. If CRLs are
going to be valid for very short periods of time then
the best method to implement is segmented CRLs.
Conversely, for CRLs that are going to be valid for a
long period of time the best method to implement
depends on the expected number of revoked
certificates. If very few certificates are expected to
be revoked then over issuing should be used, whilst
if many certificates are expected to be revoked then
segmented CRLs should be used. Finally, if the
entity operates offline then over-issued should be
used regardless of other factors [12].
4.3 Fast Revocation and Security
The biggest problem with current revocation
methods is that they are not fast revocation methods.
If a certificate is revoked it can take anywhere from
one week to a month before it appears in a CRL. As
a result this can cause a serious breach of security in
organisations where certificates are linked to access
privileges. The use of a security mediator (SEM) in
conjunction with a variant of the threshold based
Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) cryptosystem [16],
known as mediated RSA, offers a number of
practical advantages. These include simplifying
validation of digital signatures, enabling certificate
revocation with legacy systems, and providing
immediate revocation capabilities [14].
The SEM architecture is implemented using a
background process running on a server and
involves splitting an RSA private key into two parts
and giving half to the entity and half to the SEM. In
order for an entity to sign or decrypt messages a
message specific token must first be obtained from
the SEM. Without the token a user’s private key can
not be used. For example, for a user to decrypt an
email message they need to send the message header
to the SEM, whilst to sign an email message they
need to send a hash of the message to the SEM.
Each time the SEM will check its list of revoked
users and respond with a security token if the user is
still valid.
With the SEM architecture there is no need to
check the validity of certificates. Once an entity’s
certificate is revoked the SEM no longer allows the
generation of valid signatures. Hence, the existence
of a signature verifies the certificate was valid at the
time of signing. Also the SEM uses CA based key
generation with key escrow. Meaning for example, if
a person is fired from a company the company can
access the person’s files by obtaining their private
key from the CA that originally issued it.
Whilst using a SEM may appear to be the silver
bullet of certificate revocation, replicating the SEM
makes it easier to expose the SEM’s key to
malicious entities. If this key was to be
compromised by an attacker they could un-revoke
revoked certificates or block valid ones. As a
security precaution against this the SEM architecture
is recommended only for medium sized
organisations and not for wide scale Internet usage.
The primary concern for businesses involved in e-
commerce is the potential loss of assets due to
security breaches of transactions and computer
systems. E-commerce is of a digital nature and as
such is open to substitution, modification, and
replication. Most security issues can be classified
into one of three categories, social, technical, and
appropriate usage. With social issues many of the
problems stem from a lack of understanding of the
technology, while with technical issues, problems
stem from technical flaws with the technology. With
appropriate usage issues, problems stem from the
incorrect usage or implementation of the technology.
5.1 Social
Many problems that are normally attributed to PKIs
are social problems that are caused by users. Social
problems mainly consist of privacy, social
engineering, and trust issues. Likewise, risks
associated with usage of PKIs by people can include
but are not limited to: sabotage, vandalism, loss of
data integrity, theft, fraud, and breaches of privacy
[1]. Many experts see privacy as being the major
hurdle to the public accepting PKI technology in
earnest. If people see something as intrusive or
invasive into their personal lives it will decrease
their confidence in the product. However, these
people are often the most susceptible to social
engineering, which is the use of psychological tricks
by a person in order to gain confidential information.
Social engineering can take many forms but
predominately involves a person convincing a
receiver that a fake key is a real key of another user,
in this scenario the receiver will be fooled into
thinking they are receiving authentic documents.
Likewise, a person can convince a sender that a fake
key is the public key of another user, in this scenario
that user can then intercept communications
intended for the receiver.
There are social problems associated with the
PKI architectures that were previously discussed in
this paper as well. With the single CA model there is
no global organisation that is completely trusted by
all countries, education institutions, or businesses to
undertake this role. This model also presents
problems for people in obtaining certificates since it
would be inconvenient, insecure, and expensive to
obtain a certificate from a distant organisation. Also
if a single organisation were to control the issuing of
all certificates they would have a monopoly on the
market and could charge exorbitant prices for their
services. The oligarchy of CAs model is no better
since it suffers from the same accessibility problems
as the single CA model. In the anarchy model
however the main problem is one of trust. A user can
trust another user but they do not know how
trustworthy the users that they trust are.
There is also a lack of security awareness in
users of PKI technology. Many people believe that
PKI technology is the silver bullet of Internet
security and access to it results in the entire Internet
being secured. However, most electronic
communications are not private or secured unless
explicitly stated. Users are often quiet unaware that
their practices can cause security problems. For
example, private keys are normally stored on
personal and sometimes public PCs that are
susceptible to attack by viruses and other malicious
code. To confuse the user even more most CAs have
CPSs that are very hard to understand and often state
in fineprint that they have zero liabilities for the
damage that their product could cause in the hands
of a malicious user.
5.2 Technical
Even though PKIs have some social problems they
are normally not of a serious concern to an
organisation investing in the technology. This is due
to the fact that they can normally be avoided with
prior training of the potential users. The real worry
to the potential investor is if the technology is
technically sound itself. Papers produced by the
academic community present a multitude of
problems with the technical aspects of PKIs and its
use of PKC ranging from very minor problems to
quiet serious problems. In regards to the
responsibilities of CAs there are problems that exist
in certificate acquisition, recognition, revocation,
distribution, re-distribution, validation, key-binding
to an identifier, and key-attribution to a real-world
entity [18].
Some of the technical problems stem from the
use of PKC by PKIs. The main problems with PKC
is that it is vulnerable to “man-in-the-middle” and
“chosen ciphertext” attacks which need to be
specifically countered due to PKCs use of public
exponent two [19]. Another potential problem is the
fact that PKC relies on simple mathematics using
very large numbers. A breakthrough in
computational number theory could make all keys
easily breakable overnight [19]. Two further
criticisms of PKC are that it requires computational
intensive algorithms and that it has a default
password for private keys when they are first issued.
The intensive algorithms are no longer an issue with
the computational power of today’s computers, but
the default password for private keys possesses a
security risk if the private key was sent to the
customer electronically via email instead of sent to
them inside of a physical security device.
There are technical problems with some of the
proposed architectures of PKIs as well. In the single
CA, single CA plus RA, oligarchy of CAs, and
configured plus delegated CAs models if a CA is
compromised then there is the opportunity to revoke
that CA and all the certificates that it has previously
issued. The anarchy model however suffers from a
unique problem in that as the number of entities
increases the number of certificates stored increases
exponentially. The flexible bottom up model also
has technical problems in the form of which names
are permitted. If all names are permitted it can form
a similar structure to that of the anarchy model and
in turn can result in an unscalable structure which
defeats the advantage of using the flexible bottom up
The author of [20] lists some of the technical
risks that are involved in the adoption of PKIs. A
risk is involved if certificate verification uses one or
more root public keys. This is due to the fact that if a
malicious user can add their key to the list of valid
keys they can issue certificates that will be treated as
legitimate certificates. Another risk is involved in
models that have RAs that are separated from CAs
such as the single CA plus RA model. These models
can be considered less secure because the CA has no
idea what they are signing and relies on the word of
the RA that all the information it is receiving has
been previously validated. The last technical risk
that the author mentions is in regards to how
certificates associate public keys with a DN.
Technically DNs must be unique to a CA but do not
need to be unique to all CAs. As a result there could
be many entities using the Internet with certificates
that contain the same DN.
In regards to technical problems of certificate
revocation traditional techniques do not provide
immediate revocation. As such it can take a
considerable amount of time before a revoked
certificate appears in a CRL. In addition whilst CAs
do produce CRLs and distribute them they are often
done so via insecure online protocols. Legacy
systems also present a problem since they do not
have the means for checking CRLs when
determining the validity of certificates [14], for
example Netscape 3.0.
5.3 Appropriate Usage
Problems with PKIs can also stem from the
improper usage and control of the technology. Some
models of PKIs such as the oligarchy of CAs model
hardcode their public keys into client software, for
example Internet browsers. This results in the user
being forced to accept these certificates even if they
do not trust them. As a result, Internet browsers
automatically trust certificates generated by CAs
that they have hard-coded public keys for, all
without the user’s permission. In regards to Internet
email clients they store certificates on a user’s
computer if they are received with an email message
regardless of their validity or if the user deletes the
message. A certificate that is stored from a deleted
email becomes known as a virgin birth certificate
and remains active on the user’s PC until it expires
[18]. The most blatant inappropriate control of the
technology however has been suggested by some
governments that wish to force the implementation
of weak encryption and key escrow to provide a
back door into certificates in order to make
decryption a relatively easy matter. This action can
not be allowed to occur since it places a serious
security hole in the infrastructure.
The current interest in electronic commerce has
resulted in a need for a security infrastructure to
allow for secured trading on the Internet. Public key
infrastructures have been theoretically available
since 1976 but have only seen wide spread
implementation and acceptance in the last five years.
The author of [5] claims this is due to the significant
amount of research that has been done in the areas of
architecture models, certificate revocations methods,
standards and compatibility issues thus making it the
right solution for any environment. Overall, PKIs
fulfil all security requirements required by
businesses for conducting electronic commerce, and
enable businesses, organisations and individuals to
confidently conduct commerce on the Internet.
The social problems listed in regards to PKIs can
be solved through the use of user training and the
appropriate usage problems are either controlled by
software development companies, for example
Microsoft, or can be solved through the
implementation of policies at the CA level to
prevent weakening of the infrastructure. This leaves
technical problems of PKIs to be addressed.
[1] Lareau P., Schulz B., “PKI Basics – A Business
Perspective,” PKI forum, PKI Note, April 2002,
[2] Diffie W., Hellman M., “New Directions in
Cryptography”, IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory 22, 1974, pp 644-654.
[3] ITU-T X.509 Recommendation, “Information
Technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The
Directory Public Key and Attribute Certificate
Frameworks”, ISO/IEC 9594-8 2000, June 2000
[4] Clarke R., “Public Key Infrastructure Position
Statement,” Australian National University,
Department of Computer Science, Canberra, Australia,
May 1998,
[5] Adams C. et all., “Which PKI (public key
infrastructure) is the right one?,” in Proceedings of the
ACM conference on Computer and
communications security, Athens, Greece, 2000, pp
[6] Adams C., Lloyd S., “Profiles and Protocols for the
Internet Public-Key Infrastructure,” in Proceedings of
the Sixth IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Future
Trends, October 1997, pp 220-224.