Noh-sam Park, Shin-kyung Lee, Gil-haeng Lee
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
Keywords: Service Level Agreement, SLA, SLM, Policy
Abstract: SLA is a negotiated agreement between a customer and the service provider on levels of service
istics and the associated set of metrics. In this paper, we propose a policy-based SLA management
system. We present an approach to react not only when an SLA is violated, but also before imminent SLA
violations. We provide a common generic framework capable of components to interwork via XML. The
managed SLA metrics are classified into service opening metrics, trouble metrics, and performance metrics.
We rely on a proposal for architecture to provide the end-user with SLM from the service subscription to the
service termination. Finally, we’ll give an example to illustrate a typical scenario to assure customers’ SLAs
in ADSL network service.
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is part of the
contract between the service provider and its
consumers. It describes the provider’s commitments
and specifies penalties if those commitments are not
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are
amental to business continuity. The bottom line
is that they define your minimum levels of
availability from key suppliers, and often determine
what actions will be taken in the event of serious
disruption. As a consequence, they require full
consideration and attention and must be constructed
extremely carefully. This is not an area in which to
cut corners.
The SLA will be wide in scope, covering all key
ects of the service. Typically, it will fully
embrace such issues as problem management,
compensation (often essential in terms of
motivation), warranties and remedies, resolution of
disputes and legal compliance. It essentially frames
the relationship, and determines the major
responsibilities, both in times of normal operation
and during an emergency situation. The difficulty, as
ever, is usually where to start. Is it possible with a
blank piece of paper? This is not usually a good idea,
not specifically because of the amount of effort
involved, but also because of the greater risk of
missing, or perhaps not properly documenting, a
major issue.
It is now widely accepted that service
and receipt should be governed by an agreement.
This is essential to define the parameters of the
service, for the benefit of both the provider and the
recipient. It must obviously cover many other issues,
as well as defining the service itself.
SLA does not care how the service is configured
what is the topology of underlying network(Bao
Hua Liu et al., 2003). SLA only concerns end-to-end
delivery of the services. There has been substantial
progress in the management of distributed
application. With distributed applications running on
underlying networks and systems, the performance
of applications is inevitably influenced by the
performance of networks and systems.
Park N., Lee S. and Lee G. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 111-117
DOI: 10.5220/0001390801110117
Figure 1: Interrelation between SLA, SLS, TCA, and TCS
According to (Brian et al., 2002), all of the
application level performance problems, 45% are
caused by network problems. Moreover, the
customer wants the higher level of network speed as
the contents of multimedia proliferate. Therefore,
the need arises for an SLA management process in
IP networks. The aims of this work are the definition
of an architecture for the implementation of SLAs,
and the design of an entity capable to monitor a
violation of SLAs.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows. Section 2 will discuss the Quality of Service
(QoS) terminology, and describe the earlier works of
service level management system. In section 3, we
will explain a framework of our SLA Management
system, together with a detailed description of the
components. A sample scenario, illustrating the SLA
management process over IP networks, will be
provided in section 4. In section 5, we’ll summarize
our work and sum up the conclusions from this study.
Several approaches to QoS definition, including
those of IETF, ITU, and ETSI are in progress in
order to clarify the terminology and eliminate the
confusion. In this section, we describe the
terminology related to an SLA, and review the
related works.
2.1 QoS Terminology
The ITU defines a service level agreement (SLA) as
a negotiated agreement between a customer and
the service provider on levels of service
characteristics and the associated set of metrics. The
content of SLA varies depending on the service
offering and includes the attributes required for the
negotiated agreement” (ITU-T Rec, 2001). An SLA
may be in form of a document containing names of
the parties signing the contract. It should be
composed of service level objectives, service
monitoring components, and financial compensation
components. Service level objectives encompass
QoS parameters or class of the service provided,
service availability and reliability, authentication
issues, the SLA expiry date, and so on. Service
monitoring specifies the way of measuring service
quality and other parameters used to assess whether
the service complies with the SLA. It may also
include an agreement on form and frequency of
delivering the report on service usage. The financial
component may include billing options, penalties for
breaking the contract, and so forth (ITU-T Rec,
The notion of service level specification (SLS)
was introduced to separate a technical part of the
contract from SLA. It is defined as “a set of
parameters and their values which together define
the service offered to a traffic” (Grossman, 2002). It
specifies a set of values of network parameters
related to a particular service. The IP transport
services are technically described by SLSs.
A traffic conditioning agreement (TCA) is an
agreement specifying packet classification rules and
traffic profiles as a description of the temporal
properties of a traffic stream, such as the rate and
burst size. In order to force a customer’s traffic
conformance to the profile particular metering,
marking, discarding, and shaping rules are defined.
The treatment of out-of-profile packets is also
specified by a TCA. According to the IETF
definition, “TCA encompasses all of the traffic
conditioning rules explicitly specified within a SLA
along with all of the rules implicit from the relevant
service requirements and/or from a DiffServ
domain’s service provisioning policy” (Blake et al.,
The traffic conditioning specification (TCS) is a
set of parameters with assigned values that
unambiguously specify a set of classifier rules and a
traffic profile. A TCS is a technical part of TCA. A
TCS is also an integral element of an SLS
(Grossman, 2002).
Interrelations between SLA, SLS, TCA and TCS
are shown in Fig. 1(Gozdecki et al., 2003).
2.2 Related Works
The importance of SLA has been recognized and
widely accepted by ASP’s, ISP’s, etc. This section
reviews features of various SLA management
Reference (Leff et al., 2003) examines the
requirements on a grid’s infrastructure to support
SLAs and describes a prototype implementation that
satisfies them. It specifically focuses on the dynamic
offload infrastructure needed to meet SLAs related
to varying workload conditions. The components has
the ability to formally define an SLA, detect an SLA
violation, scale up resources dynamically in
response to an SLA violation. However, it is limited
to react only when an SLA is violated, not predict
SLA violations.
In (Chakravorty et al., 2003), an architecture for
end-to-end QoS control in a wired-wireless (UMTS)
environment is proposed with dynamic SLA-based
resource provisioning. It is achieved in CUE
(CADENUS-UMTS Extension) framework. CUE
architecture adds two new components, CUE-SM
and CUE-RM, that can be used to provision end-to-
end QoS in a wired-wireless network. It uses a
combined mix of dynamic SLA-based and policy
control schemes. The main functions include
automation of r-SLA (retail SLA), static or dynamic
negotiation of r-SLAs. Adopting QoS negotiation, it
is possible to make a decision about user QoS in real
In a view of contract management, T.J. Watson
Research Center has developed SAM(Buco et al.,
2003). The e-business SLA contract execution
manager SAM enables the provider to application
provider to deploy an effective means of capturing
and managing contractual SLA data as well as
provider-facing non-contractual SLM data. SAM
assists service personnel to prioritize the processing
of action-demanding quality management alerts.
And it automates the prioritization and execution
management of approved SLM processes on behalf
of the provider.
In order to share management information across
interdomains, (Bhoj et al., 2001) elaborated a web-
based architecture. The architecture can be used for
automatically management of SLA for internet
services. The authors also demonstrated how a
service provider could offer verifiable and
meaningful pre-defined SLA behaviors to their
We propose a form of architecture for policy-based
SLA Management System (SLMS) using web
service. It provides a common generic framework
capable of its components to interwork via XML.
We design the user interface for system operators
using SLMS. Operators use can search SLA metrics,
violation details, and can monitor SLA in real time.
3.1 SLMS Components
We categorize the SLA metrics into service opening
metrics, trouble metrics, and performance metrics.
Service opening means that end-user must be able to
use the network service at the date of agreements.
Trouble metrics includes the trouble recovery time,
the sum of trouble time, and the number of troubles.
Performance metrics are related to the QoS of
network such as packet delay, packet loss.
In order to efficiently manage the SLA, the
warning messages are sent to system operators in
real time while monitoring the SLA. System
operators check the details and take an action to
prevent the violation of SLA.
In this context, we rely on a proposal for
architecture to provide the end-user with service
level management (SLM) based on policy. The
functional blocks are:
AM - Access Manager
DM – Data Manager
MM – Monitoring Manager
PM – Policy Manager
UM – User Interface Manager
The AM is the entity that receives the
information related service opening, trouble and
performance. It is responsible for translating the
information into XML format, pushing the translated
XML document into the message queue.
Furthermore, the AM collects the network
performance data.
The DM reads the XML data from the message
queue, classifies the data according to the SLA
metrics. As the DM manages the information in the
database, it can response to the UM the retrieve and
save the SLA related data.
The MM plays the important role of monitoring
the violation of SLA metrics. It reads the monitored
data through the DM at the defined interval, and
compares the current data with SLA metric. If the
MM detects the violation, it sends the violation
information through the message queue.
The PM is closely related to MM. Policy is the
editable file which contains attribute-value pairs.
Policy contains the flag if the metrics is monitored,
and the monitoring interval. The MM reads the
policy file and parses attribute-value pairs.
Depending on the value, we can monitor the specific
metrics, or not.
Operators manage the SLA of end-users by
utilizing the SLMS. The UM interacts with the
operators, and provides the variety of data.
Additionally using the UM, SLA metrics can be
retrieved, updated, and added according to the
change of the network service. Operators can
configure the policy of SLM such as the execution
of monitoring or not. Fig. 2 represents the
architecture of our SLMS.
Figure 2: Architecture of SLMS
3.2 Monitoring SLA Metrics
Monitoring is the core function of SLM to prevent
the violation of SLA. Our system has the monitoring
component which checks the threshold at first, and
compares the metrics value secondly. The threshold
is the value which can be alerted to the operator by
sending the ‘warning’ message. If the operator
receives the message from the system, he/she checks
the details, and can take an action to prevent the
violation of SLA.
As the aforementioned metrics classification, the
MM monitors the following metrics : service
opening, trouble, and performance. At the system
initiation stage, the MM reads the policy file and
parses the attribute-value pairs. For example, if
‘packet delay’ metrics of ADSL service is marked as
‘not monitored’, MM will not monitor the
corresponding data. As deciding the policy, the MM
creates threads in order to monitor the categorized
Table 1:. SLA Metrics
MetricsCode Description Threshold Value Unit
ADS10 ADSL Service Opening 2 8 Day
ADS20 ADSL Trouble Delay Time 120 180 Minute
ADS21 ADSL Monthly Trouble Time 20 24 Hour
ADS31 Packet Loss Rate 3 5 %
Using the UM, the operator can configure
whether the metrics are monitored or not. If the
metrics is set not to be monitored, the MM will not
execute the monitoring function. But if the history of
warning and violation is recorded in the database,
and can be retrieved by the UM.
Also, another policy-based monitoring can be
accomplished by configuring the various preferences.
The interval of monitoring can be changed by using
UM. If the operator changes the interval, UM sends
the message to message queue. While listening to
the message queue, MM receives the event of
interval change. MM aborts the current living
threads, and invokes threads again with the new
At the defined thread invoke time, the MM
periodically creates threads. Threads retrieve the
monitored data, threshold and metric. Firstly, the
MM thread compares the data with the threshold. If
the current value is greater than the threshold, the
‘warning’ message is sent to the AM in XML format.
As time passes, the MM thread will detect the
violation of SLA by comparing the current value
with value of the metrics. If the violation event
occurs, the ‘violation’ message will be sent to the
message queue, and at the same time the violation
details are recorded in the database by the DM. The
threads are disposed after execution. This procedure
is iterated on processing time.
We manage SLA metrics as the code with value and
threshold. If the other metrics should be added or
deleted, we can simply manage the metrics only to
add/delete the related metrics code into/from the
database(Table 1).
In this section, we will explain the SLA
management over xDSL services by illustrating a
sample scenario. From the service subscription, our
system will monitor in order to meet the SLA. And
trouble recovery and network performance must be
satisfied in order not to violate the metrics value.
4.1 Service Opening Management
Service must be available before the customer’s
hoping date. We assume that a customer would like
to subscribe an ADSL service, and wants to use the
service in 10 days from the requesting date.
Furthermore, the customer wants a high quality of
service. The request is received by service-opening
system, and that system passes the required data to
the our system.
As soon as SLMS receive the subscription data,
the monitoring process begins. The threshold of
service open metric is 2 days before the user’s
hoping date. So, no event is sent to the system
operator from SLMS in 8 days from the requested
date. During that time, the operator can ask of
service-opening system to check the current opening
Service opening can be done successfully in 10
days. The service-opening system passes the result
with the service quality (e.g. line speed). If the
service quality does not satisfy the SLA, the system
operator requests an order again. So, the quality of
service is guaranteed.
If the service is not applicable to the customer
after 8 days, the warning message is sent to the
system operator. The system operator can send a
command to the service-opening system in order not
to violate the service open metric.
Although SLMS alerts with the warning message,
it is possible not to accomplish the order. In that case,
our system shows the violation message(Fig. 3).
More time passes, more money must be refunded to
the customer. So the system operator needs to hurry
the service opening process.
ure 3: A sa
le GUI for real-time monitorin
4.2 Service Trouble Management
During the service time, the user can not use the
service due to the network provider’s responsibility.
For example, it includes the periodic network
examination, system breakdown, and so on. The
customer is assured to be able to use the service in
the specified period. If not so, the customer receives
the money in proportion to the exceeded time.
The customer makes a report to notify the
network trouble if he/she cannot use the network
service. The customer wants to use the service in the
service recovery time. The received trouble report is
received by service-assurance system, and that
system passes it to SLMS. In the same way of
opening monitoring, SLMS monitors not to violate
the metric : service recovery time.
Notwithstanding the user may be ignorant of the
service outage, it is possible of the network provider
to detect it. The same process is executed in case of
automatically detected trouble, but not overlapped.
Whether the customer knows the trouble or not,
SLMS assures the service recovery time.
Additionally, we manage the metrics related
trouble in the specified period : the sum of trouble
time, the number of troubles. As individual troubles
are recorded into database, we manage these metrics
easily to add the time and count. Our system assures
that the total trouble time must not be exceeded to
24 hours in a month; the count of troubles must be
less than 5 in a month.
4.3 Service Performance
If the network provider does not satisfy the quality
of network, the customer is disappointed and may
find the other provider. In that point, the service
performance is the most important thing to both
customer and provider. We have the functionality of
managing the following metrics : packet loss rate,
packet delay, availability.
SLAs can be classified in retail-SLA and
wholesale-SLA(D’Arienzo et al., 2003). The retail
SLA refers to the agreements between an end-user
and a service provider. Conversely, a wholesale-
SLA is an agreement between network operators,
and takes into account traffic aggregates flowing
from one domain to another. As we rely on retail-
SLA, the managed section of network performance
is limited between the end-user and the backbone
network. Now we make a research to solve this
limitation by using the user-side agent which
collects the network performance information.
SLMS collects the performance data by polling
the equipment from the centralized server. The
server is located in the backbone network, and a
number of end-users are attached to the target
equipment. As ADSL service uses dynamic host
configuration protocol (DHCP), it is impossible to
collect the performance data using the fixed IP. So,
the same performance data of equipment are applied
to the attached end-users.
In contrast to other metrics, the violation of
service performance is made with the average value
within the specified period. Temporarily the service
performance may be declined, and the warning event
may be sent. If the system operator takes an action to
prevent a violation, it is burden because a violation
may not be happened. So we provide the trend of
network performance to the system operator. Seeing
the trend, the operator determines if it requires an
action or not.
We propose a form of architecture for policy-based
SLA Management System. We first describe the
QoS terminology, including SLS, SLA. And policy-
based SLMS are introduced with detailed
description of its components. According to the
policy, we can configure the metrics. Our system has
the capability to manage the SLA from the service
subscription to the service termination. It is possible
to monitor in real-time in order not to violate the
metrics. We design the user interface for system
operators using SLMS.
As we rely on retail-SLA, the managed section
of network performance is limited between the end-
user and the backbone network. Future work has
been working by using the user-side agent which
collects the network performance information.
According to the implications of the research, future
work has been conducted to interwork Operation
Supporting Systems (OSSs) such as the refund
system and NMS.
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