Andreia Malucelli
LIACC-NIAD&R, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, R. Dr. Roberto Frias,4200-465 Porto, Portugal
PUCPR – Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, R. Imaculada Conceição,1155, 80215-901- Curitiba-PR, Brazil
Ana Paula Rocha, Eugénio Oliveira
LIACC-NIAD&R, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, R. Dr. Roberto Frias,4200-465 - Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Ontologies, e-Commerce and e-business: B2B and B2C, Virtual Enterprises
Abstract: In an efficient Virtual Enterprise (VE), where all the partners, both sending and receiving messages have to
lead to acceptable and meaningful agreements, it is necessary to have common standards (an interaction
protocol to achieve deals, a language for describing the messages’ content and ontology for describing the
domain’s knowledge). This paper introduces first the ForEV platform, implemented through a Multi-Agent
System. This platform facilitates partners’ selection automatic process in the context of VE and includes a
negotiation protocol through multi-criteria and distributed constraint formalisms, as well as a reinforcement
learning algorithm. Then, Ontology-based Services are proposed to be integrated in ForEV architecture in
order to help in the VE formation process. These services will make the platform more open, enabling the
establishment of the negotiation process between agents with different ontologies although representing the
same domain of knowledge. An Ontology-based Services Agent is the responsible for providing the
Ontology-based Services and monitoring the whole agents interaction just in time, without needing of a
previous and tedious complete ontology mapping process. In our architecture each agent (either market or
enterprise) has its own architecture and functionalities (some developer will design and build the ontology
with some tool and, later, the agent will access the generated file/database), which implies the heterogeneity
of the all Multi-Agent System.
ForEV is an agent-based platform we have
developed aiming to facilitate the partners’ selection
automatic process in the context of Virtual
Enterprise (VE). ForEV provides tools for agents, as
enterprises’ delegates, to engage themselves in
complex negotiations including multi-attribute
evaluation and qualitative appreciation of proposals.
Both the former and latter features are important in a
B2B negotiation.
In business transactions, due to the nature of the
goods/services traded, these goods/services are
described through multiple attributes (e.g. price and
quality), which imply that negotiation process and
final agreements between seller and supplier must be
enhanced with the capability to both understand the
terms and conditions of the transaction (e.g.
vocabularies semantics, currencies to denote
different prices, different units to represent measures
or mutual dependencies of products).
A critical factor for the efficiency of the future
negotiation processes and the success of the
potential settlements is an agreement among the
negotiating parties about how the issues of a
negotiation are represented in the negotiation and
what this representation means to each of the
negotiating parties. This problem is referred to as the
ontology problem of electronic negotiations
(Ströbel, 2001). Distributors, manufactures, and
services providers may have a radically different
Malucelli A., Paula Rocha A. and Oliveira E. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 10-17
DOI: 10.5220/0001391300100017
ontology that differs significantly in format,
structure, and meaning.
Given the increasingly complex requirements of
applications, the need for rich, consistent and
reusable semantics, the growth of semantically
interoperable enterprises into knowledge-based
communities, and the evolution and adoption of
semantic web technologies, ontologies represent the
best answer to the demand for intelligent systems
that operate closer to the human conceptual level
(Obrst et al., 2003).
A specific Ontology-based Services Agent is
proposed to help in the VE formation process,
providing useful advices on how to better negotiate
specific items and how different terms may be
understood as equivalent. It is up to this Ontology-
based Services Agent to make it possible
negotiations in the Multi-Agent System and finally
lead to acceptable and meaningful agreements.
The remainder of this paper discusses first the
ForEV platform, including the architecture as well
as explains the Q-Negotiation algorithm and the
distributed constraint satisfaction of parallel
negotiations. Some ontology approaches are
presented in Section 3. This Section discusses also
about Ontologies and Business Transactions and
about the interoperability problems. The Ontology-
based Services proposed as well as the needs change
in ForEV to integrate the Ontology-based Services
Agent, are presented in Section 4. The technologies
used for implementation are discussed in Section 5
and the conclusions are discussed in the last Section.
ForEV is an appropriate computing platform, which
includes and combines negotiation’s methods in the
context of Multi-Agent Systems, which is suitable
for Virtual Enterprise formation scenario.
The negotiation’s methods try to satisfy the
electronic market dynamics and competitiveness
requirements. Maintaining enterprise utility related
information private is here enforced without
endangering its own negotiation power in that
market. An entity participating in a business
transaction, and an enterprise in particular, tries to
hide from the market its own private evaluation of
the goods under negotiation.
On the other hand, adaptation should also be
another important characteristic to be included in
any entity present in an electronic market. In fact,
although an enterprise doing business does not
know, in advance, its own potential partners, it has,
nevertheless, to pay attention to the eventual market
changes and to adapt as soon as possible to those
Therefore, the privacy and learning
characteristics have been included in the heart of the
proposed negotiation process – the “Q-Negotiation”
algorithm. “Q-Negotiation” is an iterative, adaptive,
multi-attribute negotiation algorithm using
qualitative argumentation.
Moreover, in order to solve the simultaneous
partial inter-dependent negotiations dependency
problem, arising during the Virtual Enterprise
formation phase, a specific algorithm has been
developed. This algorithm is a decentralized
distributed dependency satisfaction problem solver,
which is based on the progressive utility decrement
concept. Through the application of this algorithm,
the Multi-Agent System is able to, in a non-
centralised way, select that solution which
minimizes the total agents’ utility decrement value
those agents involved in that specific dependency.
2.1 ForEV Architecture
ForEV was developed to model the interactions
between different entities, named enterprises and
customers, in order to select among a set of
individual enterprises, the subset that may satisfy a
specific customer need. The set of selected
enterprises will form a temporary consortium named
Virtual Enterprise, which will exist during the time
needed to satisfy the customer requirements.
The use of a Multi-Agent System methodology
seems to be an adequate paradigm for the system
architecture, since enterprises are independent and
have individual objectives and behaviours.
Agents represent the enterprises (Enterprise
Agent) and customers (Market Agent) in the system.
The Enterprise Agents (EA) and Market Agent
(MA) meet each other in a marketplace where they
cooperate with the objective of providing or buying
some good (product/service), keeping their own
preferences and goals. The goods under transaction
are described by an ontology (Ont) that should be
known and understood by all the participants. The
system contains another agent, the Register Agent
(RA), which is responsible for creating and
maintaining the domain ontology.
The Multi-Agent System is then represented by
the n-tuple: ForEV=<RA, {MA}, {EA}, Ont>. A
brief description of the agents presented in the
system is given in next paragraphs.
Register Agent (RA) is responsible for the local
market creation and maintenance. The Enterprise
and Market Agents announce their competencies and
needs, respectively, in the market. The Register
Agent establishes the contact between the Market
and the Enterprise Agents that may have related
interests. Actually, the RA is also responsible for
creating and presenting the domain ontology to all
Figure 1 presents the RA role while establishing
contact between relevant Enterprise and Market
Agents. The RA receives a message from MA
informing that it needs the good “X” (message 1).
The RA also receives a message from EA
the possibility of providing components “X
” and
” (message 2), where X
is one of the X’s
components, and Y
is one of the Y’s components.
The RA presents MA
to EA
, because MA
interested in a competency that EA
may offer
(message 3). The EA
sends then a message directly
to MA
offering “X
” (message 4).
Another task assigned to RA is to maintain and
manage the domain ontology. For the moment, this
task only includes the syntactic representation of the
domain concepts, which are the customer’ needs
(product or service) and the enterprises’
competencies (components). The RA responsibility
in this field should be enhanced with Ontology-
based Services, which allow that different agents
may use their private ontology instead of being
obliged to use the RA pre-defined ontology. A
solution to this issue is proposed in Section 4.
Market Agent (MA) represents the customer.
This agent announces in the market the need for a
specific good. The MA
is responsible for selecting
among a set of EA
s, the subset that will form the
Virtual Enterprise. The MA need (good) is described
by a list of components (Cmpt), and each component
is described by a list of attributes (Atb). The MA’s
preferences are codified in the relative order by
which attribute are defined in the component
structure definition: Cmpt
, Atb
, Atb
with Atb
, where
“more important than”. In this case it means that
is more important than
, and Atb
more important than Atb
. This order is relevant for
the negotiation process. The attributes’ values are
also represented in a preference order.
, Value
, …Value
} with Value
The selection of the individual enterprises (EAs),
which will compose the VE, starts with the messages
sent by EAs
to MA
offering components (i.e.,
message 4 in Figure 1). The MA
negotiates with
several EAs to select among them the ones that are
the most promising, at the moment, to satisfy its
actual need. This negotiation results in process of
multiple rounds (Oliveira and Rocha 2000) where
the MA
plays the role of coordinator. The MA
proposals’ evaluation is done by comparing between
them all the proposals received from the several
Enterprise Agent (EA) represents a specific
enterprise. Each EA sends an announcement
message describing its competencies in the market
according to the established ontology (i.e., message
2 in Figure 1). A particular EA
will compete with
other EAs that have similar competencies to be a
partner of the VE. As explained before, the EA’
competencies (components) are identified by a list of
attributes, that includes the EA own preferences and
constraints related to those attributes. The structure
used to identify an attribute Atb
is composed of the
attribute’s values ordered by preference (Val_Atb
and also the dependencies associated with the
different attribute’s values (Dep
). These
dependencies may be of three types: time, event and
value. Dep
}, {Depe
}, {Depv
}}, where
time dependencies constrains the attribute’s values
in specified time intervals, event dependencies
constrains the attribute’s values when some
specified event happen, and the value dependencies
constrains the attribute’s values to other attributes’
values of other components. During the negotiation
process that leads to the VE formation, the EA
formulates proposals in an adaptive way, learning
with qualitative feedbacks formulated by the MA
negotiation rounds.
2.2 Q-Negotiation and Distributed
Constraint Satisfaction Algorithm
In the VE formation process, the selection of the
enterprise partners, which will integrate the VE, is
done through a negotiation algorithm called Q-
Negotiation. The Q-Negotiation algorithm uses a
reinforcement learning strategy based in Q-learning
(Rocha and Oliveira, 2001) for the formulation of
new proposals.
The use of a reinforcement learning algorithm
seems to be appropriate in this specific scenario,
since enterprise agents evolve in an, at least,
partially unknown environment. In particular, Q-
learning enables on-line learning, which is an
Figure 1: RA establishing contact
important capability for B2B negotiations where
agents may effectively learn in a continuous way
during all the negotiation process, with information
extracted from each negotiation round, and not only
in the end of the negotiation. The adaptation of the
Q-learning algorithm to our specific scenario, that is,
the VE formation, leads to the inclusion of two
important features (the reward value calculation and
the decrement of the exploration space) detailed in
(Rocha and Oliveira, 2001).
One of the requirements for the negotiation
protocol used in ForEV, besides dealing with
attributes intra-dependencies, is the capability to
deal with attribute’s inter-dependencies. This is an
important requirement to be considered in our
scenario, because in the VE formation process
interdependent negotiations take place
simultaneously, and proposals received from
different enterprise agents may have incompatible
Our distributed dependencies satisfaction
algorithm, besides reaching the optimal solution,
keeps agent’s information as much as possible
private. Each agent involved in the distributed
dependent problem resolution should know all
possible values for its own dependent attributes.
Agents will then exchange among them alternative
values for the dependent attributes, in order to
approach an agreement. As in any iterative
negotiation process, agents start the negotiation by
proposing its optimal solution and, in the next
rounds start trying to reach a consensus. A more
detailed description of this algorithm may be found
in (Rocha and Oliveira, 2001).
Since enterprises may be formally unknown to
each other and represented by means of
heterogeneous agents, ForEV have been enhanced
with new functionalities that make those
heterogeneous communicating agents to understand
each other no matter the differences in their own
Ontologies are a popular research topic in various
communities such as knowledge engineering, natural
language processing, cooperative information
systems, intelligent information integration, and
knowledge management. The reason for ontologies
being so popular is in large part due to what they
promise: a shared and common understanding of
some domain that can be communicated across
people and computers (Duineveld et al., 1999).
Agents may use different ontologies to represent
their view of a domain. Each domain may be
specified in many different ways and this ontology
mismatch is a question under intensive research.
(Wache et al., 2001) presents three different
directions on how to employ the ontologies: (i)
single ontology approach, (ii) multiple ontology
approach, (iii) hybrid ontology approach. Figures 2,
3 and 4 illustrate the three architectures derived from
these approaches:
Single ontology approach: uses a global
ontology providing a shared vocabulary for the
specification of the domain semantics. All
information sources are related to a global ontology.
The global ontology may also be a combination of
several specialized ontologies.
Multiple ontology approach: each information
source is described by its own ontology. In principle,
the “source ontology” may be a combination of
several other ontologies but it may not be assumed
that the different “source ontologies” share the same
Hybrid ontology vocabulary: similar to
multiple ontology approach the semantics of each
source is described by its own ontology. But in order
to make the source ontologies comparable to each
other they are built upon one global shared
vocabulary. The shared vocabulary contains basic
terms of the domain.
Local Ontology
Local Ontology
Figure 3: Multiple ontology approach
Global Ontology
Figure 2: Single ontology approach
Local Ontology
Local Ontology
Shared Vocabulary
Figure 4: Hybrid ontology approach
Local Ontology
Local Ontology
In this work, we are using the multiple ontology
approach where each agent playing a specific role,
explores its own ontology. It is a decentralized and
distributed approach according to our Multi-Agent
System architecture (Malucelli and Oliveira, 2003).
3.1 Ontologies and Business
Ontologies provide support in integrating
heterogeneous and distributed information sources.
E-commerce is currently facing revolutionary
changes: Marketplaces are enabling new kinds of
services interactions between suppliers and buyers
Fensel, 2001). However, how can one ensure that
suppliers and buyers have the same understanding
regarding the issues that are subject to the
Ontology is required to ensure that agents are
negotiating about the very same item/good/service.
Products heterogeneity is a critical impediment to
efficient business information exchange. Specifying
a simple product like a compact disc is relatively
easy and there is a chance of always finding
similarities in the description, but specifying a more
complex product like a car or a plane may be really
tough work.
In e-commerce activities involving interactions
among different sellers (B2B model) or between one
buyer and multiple sellers (consumer-to-business
model), a common ontology is crucial (
Ng and Lim,
2001). It is not sure that all the agents will use a
common ontology, usually, in a decentralized and
distributed approach, each agent has its specific,
private ontology and it may not fully understand
other agent’s ontology once different representations
and terminologies may exist for the same concepts
and there is no formal mapping procedure available.
3.2 Interoperability Problem
In a decentralized and distributed approach,
interoperability refers to the way we communicate
with people and software agents, the problems
which hamper the communication and collaboration
between agents. Our objective is to help in the
interoperability problem, enhancing agents with
abilities to provide services to and accept services
from other agents, and to use these services so
exchanged to enable agents to effectively negotiate
By making the enterprise agents interoperable,
we enable them to meet the basic requirement for
multilateral cooperation. In ForEV platform, the
enterprise agents have homogeneous structures as
well as the same domain of discourse. However, in
real-life situations, real problems involve
heterogeneity. This kind of problems makes the
negotiation process difficult for the VE partners’
selection, and for the cooperation process in the VE.
There are two major types of cooperative
interaction which may be identified in a Multi-Agent
System: the first concerns which agents perform
which tasks (the task allocation problem) and the
second concerns the sharing of information (both
results and observations on the outside world)
between agents. Purpose heterogeneity is primarily
concerned with the former type and semantic
heterogeneity with the latter (Roda, et. al, 1991).
The use of a common ontology guarantees the
consistency (an expression has the same meaning for
all the agents) and the compatibility (a concept is
specified by the same expression, for any agent) of
the shared information in the system (Macedo,
2001). However, ontologies are often developed by
several persons and continue to evolve over time.
Moreover, domain changes adaptations to different
tasks, or changes in the conceptualisation might
cause modifications on the ontology. This will likely
cause incompatibilities (Klein et al., 2002). Some
research has been done trying to solve the problem
of interoperability (Klein et. al, 2002), (Welty and
Guarino, 2001), (Rodríguez and Egenhofer, 2003),
using semantic relations lexical taxonomy, semantic
similarities, linguistic similarities of terms,
taxonomic relationships, and using text information.
3.3 Agents’ Ontology Creation
In the last years, the number of tools for building
ontologies developed both by the American and
European research communities was large.
Whenever a new ontology is going to be built,
several basic questions arise related to the tools to be
used (Gómez-Pérez, 2002). Several development
tools are similar and there is not a complete tool for
all the ontology life cycle. A good selection depends
on the necessity of the user, and thus the user has to
read about the characteristics (description,
architecture, interoperability, representation support,
inference services, and usability) to choose the tool,
which is the most suitable for his objectives.
Ontology creation for our particular domain
(cars’ assembling domain) involved literature search
on cars’ assembling domain and discussion with
experts. After careful consideration and test of
several different ontology building tools, we have
selected the appropriated ones. First we have
modelled our ontology by means of UML and then
an ontology-building tool has been used.
In this work the ontologies have been developed
using the Protégé (Gennari et al., 2002), WebODE
(Arpírez et al., 2003) and OntoEdit (Sure et al.,
2002) tools. We are using a decentralized and
distributed approach according to our Multi-Agent
System architecture, where each agent explores its
own ontology created by means of different tools
and knowledge structure.
A central point of the agents paradigm of software
development is that communities of agents are much
more powerful than any individual agent, which
immediately raises the necessity for interoperable
agent systems.
Consider the following simple negotiation
example: the market agent, representing the
customer, needs to buy a “wheel” (a simple machine
consisting of a circular frame with spokes (or a solid
disc) that can rotate on a shaft or axle in vehicles)
and an enterprise agent offers “wheel” (a handwheel
that is used for steering). These two components
belong to the same cars’ domain, they are
syntactically the same but semantically different,
and probably the agents will negotiate under these
components. Otherwise, when the market agent
needs to buy “tyre” (a thick rubber ring, often filled
with air, which is fitted around the outer edge of the
wheel of a vehicle…) an enterprise agent does not
offer the component because it sells “tire” (a thick
rubber ring, often filled with air, which is fitted
around the outer edge of the wheel of a vehicle…).
In this case, both words are also in the same cars’
domain, but they are syntactically different and
semantically the same. In the first case the agents
will lose time negotiating under different products
and in the second example, when the negotiation
could be fruitful, they will not negotiate because
they do not understand each other.
Sometimes also, agents are negotiating a
good/product/service using different attributes. The
market agent, for example, needs car’s motor and
announces the basic requirements such as power,
consumption, number of cylinders, torque, quantity,
delivery time, injection and transmission. The
enterprise agent offers the car’s motor using
characteristics as price, delivery time, quantity,
cylinder piston position, motor type and power. Both
agents have to negotiate using the same
characteristics and some requirements are even
mandatory. In this example, it is essential to describe
power, torque, consumption and number of cylinder,
because if one of these characteristics is not the
same, the other characteristics do not matter.
Besides these problems, other problems may
occur like using different currencies to denote
different prices, different units to represent
measurement, a different structural properties
representations and mutual dependencies between
attributes. These problems may make the negotiation
process even harder.
In order to help the resolution of potential
incompatibilities as the ones explained before, some
ontology-based services are proposed:
(i) definition
of each product attribute’s dependencies, (ii)
abilities to translate terms between two different
ontologies, (iii) capability of learning with the
ontology-based services already provided, so that it
could be possible to use this information in a future
negotiation, (iv) converting values when agents
work with different metrics, (v) advising about
mandatory or different attributes of items under
An Ontology-based Services Agent is created
and it has a basic local ontology. The Ontology-
based Services Agent monitors all the
communication and negotiation. When Market
Agent sends an announcement asking for some
item/good required, all the Enterprise Agents may or
may not understand the description (item/good)
announced. If the enterprise agents understand the
item under negotiation, and if it is of its interest, it
may formulate a proposal and the negotiation
process starts.
During the negotiation new interoperable
problems may occur. The agents involved in the
negotiation may ask to Ontology-based Services
Agent for helping whenever they need. However,
Ontology-based Services Agent will be helping even
without being solicited. If some problem is detected,
in order to help the resolution of the incompatibility,
the Ontology-based Services Agent exchange
messages with the involved agents asking for more
information, consulting the local ontology and web
services whenever it is necessary.
4.1 Integration of Ontology-based
Services Agent with ForEV
In ForEV platform, as explained in the Section 2.1,
the Register Agent (RA) is responsible for: (i) the
local market creation and maintenance, where the
multiple agents meet each other and interact, and (ii)
creating and presenting the domain ontology for all
the participants. Now, ForEV has been enhanced
with new functionalities that make those
heterogeneous communicating agents to understand
each other no matter the differences in their own
ontologies. RA is still responsible for the local
market creation and maintenance, however instead
of a common ontology, ForEV accepts
heterogeneous agents including their own specific
ontology, which may be just in correspondence
through the new Ontology-based Services Agent.
This new Ontology-based Services Agent is
integrated in ForEV architecture to help in the VE
formation process, providing useful advices on how
to better negotiate specific items and how different
terms may be understood as equivalent. It is up to
this Ontology-based Services Agent to make it
possible negotiations in the Multi-Agent System and
finally lead to acceptable and meaningful
Ontology-based Services Agent keeps
monitoring the whole agents interaction just in time,
without needing a previous and tedious complete
ontology mapping process. Each agent (market or
enterprise) has its own architecture and
functionalities (some developer will design and
build the ontology with some tool and, later, the
agent will access the generated file/database).
The Ontology-based Services Agent is
monitoring the negotiation and communication,
accessing a local ontology and web services
whenever it is necessary and updating the local
ontology whenever new concepts are discovered,
this way the Ontology-based Services Agent may
use previous knowledge in the next negotiation
In our proposed architecture each agent may be
geographically distant exploring its own ontology,
built by different developers.
We are using Java technologies such as: (i)
Applet/Servlet to create a protected communication
channel between the client machine and the server. It
will be used to send information about the user and
the agent to the server databank, (ii) RMI (Remote
Method Invocation) to access the agent object and
use its methods through the applet, (iii) JATLite to
implement the communications infrastructure, which
has specific facilities to messages passing and
queueing treatment using KQML language, (iv)
SOAP/WSDL for the ontology agent to use distant
services on the Web.
The central component of JATLite platform is
the ARM (Agent Message Router) application,
where all the agents in the system have to register in.
The AMR stores the information about all the agents
with their identity (name and password) and
localization (machine and physical location). AMR
is the responsible for all the distributed system
communication management. KQML (Knowledge
Query and Manipulation) is the language used for
In this paper we have presented the ForEV agent-
based platform, which have been developed aiming
to facilitate the partners’ selection automatic process
in the context of Virtual Enterprise formation.
ForEV platform has implemented the Q-Negotiation
algorithm, which includes appropriate features for
dealing with the specific requirements of the VE
formation scenario. An important requirement in this
process, is that information must be kept private to
individual enterprises, since they are competitive by
nature and do not want to reveal their market
strategy to others. The Q-Negotiation algorithm has
the ability to maintain information private and, at the
same time, it includes the capability to evaluate
multi-attribute proposals, to guide learning during
the negotiation process, and to resolve attributes’
mutual inter dependencies.
The presence of several heterogeneous customer
and supplier agents makes it necessary ontologies to
ensure that agents are negotiating about exactly the
same item. One of the problems of using different
ontologies is that there exist different representations
and terminologies and on the other hand, there is no
formal mapping available between high-level
ontologies. Product description heterogeneity is a
critical impediment to efficient business information
Several problems involved in the resolution of
interoperability are difficult to be solved, at least
nowadays, but it is important to look for possible
ways to resolve parts of the problem. Many different
ontology technologies are already available
(methodologies, tools and languages), and the future
points towards the use of these technologies and to
develop functionalities to improve the business
information exchange. Therefore, we have proposed
Ontology-based Services to enhance B2B
transactions given support in the negotiation needed
for Virtual Enterprise formation process. In our
Figure 5: Technologies Platform
proposed architecture each agent may be
geographically distant, exploring its own ontology,
built up by using different ontology technologies. In
our experimental scenario ontologies were built
using Protégé, WebODE, and OntoEdit.
The Ontology-based Services Agent proposed
here, monitors agents communication and
negotiation, accessing a local ontology and web
services to help whenever the negotiation process is
hard. This may be caused by problems like agents
using different attributes to negotiate the same kind
of product, different currencies to denote different
prices, different units to represent measurement or a
different structural property representations. The
local ontology will be updated whenever new
concepts are discovered, enabling the Ontology-
based Services Agent to use previous knowledge in
the next negotiation rounds.
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