Ping Yan, Moon Chuen Lee
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK, Hong Kong
Keywords: DoS attacks, IP traceback, probabilistic packet marking, inter-domain marking, source router marking, at-
tack graph reconstruction.
Abstract: Denial of Service attacks have become one of the most serious threats to the Internet community. An effec-
tive means to defend against such attacks is to locate the attack source(s) and to isolate it from the rest of
the network. This paper proposes an adaptive packet marking scheme for IP traceback, which supports two
types of marking, namely source router id marking and domain id marking. For each packet traversing, we
let the border routers perform probabilistic router id marking if this packet enters the network for the first
time, or perform probabilistic domain id marking if the packet is forwarded from another domain. After col-
lecting sufficient packets, the victim reconstructs the attack graph, by which we keep track of the interme-
diate domains traversed by attack packets instead of individual routers within a domain; however, the
source routers serving as ingress points of attack traffic are identified at the same time. Simulation results
show that the proposed marking scheme outperforms other IP traceback methods as it requires fewer pack-
ets for attack paths reconstruction, and can handle large number of attack sources effectively; and the false
positives produced are significantly low. Further, it does not generate additional traffic.
The intent of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks is to
prevent or impair the legitimate use of computer or
network resources. Internet connected systems face
a consistent and real threat from DoS attacks, be-
cause the Internet fundamentally composed of lim-
ited and consumable resources like bandwidth, proc-
essing power, and storage capacities is rather vul-
nerable to some level of service disruption (Kevin J.
Houle et al., 2001). In case of Distributed Denial of
Service (DDoS), an attacker first compromises a
bunch of hosts weakly secured or possessing vulner-
able network service programs, and he then uses
these compromised computers to launch coordinated
attacks on victim machines.
The primary difficulty of dealing with (D)DoS
attack is IP Spoofing, which is almost always pre-
sent in such attacks. In order to prolong the effec-
tiveness of the attack, the attackers spoof the source
IP addresses in their attacking packets to avoid be-
ing traced. Therefore, in a traceback problem, our
task is to find out the actual source(s) of the attack,
where we define the source as the router directly
connected to the system from which the flow of
packets, constituting the attack, was initiate (Hal
Burch, 1999) (Steven H. Bass, 2001). Upon identi-
fying the attack source(s), the victim or the network
operators can conduct efficient defenses against DoS
or DDoS attacks, either by blocking the traffic from
the identified sources or filtering out the malicious
packets on their way to the victim.
1.1 Problem Model and Performance
We would model the attack with a number of coor-
dinated attackers attacking a single victim as an un-
directed graph with each node representing a domain.
Domain is a logical subnet
on the Internet; a cam-
pus or internal corporate network is an example of a
domain. Data exchange between campus and corpo-
rate domains is facilitated by one or more ISP do-
mains, which offer, as a service, transmission and
switching facilities for data exchange between their
customers. The IP packets thus flow though differ-
Subnet is a portion of a network, which may be a
physically independent network segment, which
shares a network address with other portions of the
network and is distinguished by a subnet number
Tanenbaum, 2002).
Yan P. and Chuen Lee M. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 119-126
DOI: 10.5220/0001394701190126
ent network domains, from regional ISP network to
international ISP network and finally get to the des-
tination. In general, to model the attack, a network
domain can be thought of as a cloud, which connects
to other domains at the peering points, with clients
attaching on border routers. In our solution, the re-
constructed attack graph would incorporate attack
paths and the source router(s) identified, with each
node on the paths can be viewed as a domain.
In the literature, the performance of IP traceback
approaches is commonly measured by several pa-
rameters. Minimum number of packets is the num-
ber of packets required for attack graph reconstruc-
tion; it is desired to be minimized to achieve a fast
response to an attack and diminish the damage (Sav-
age et al., 2000) (Kuznetsov et al., 2002). A false
positive is a router that is actually not on an attack
path but is reconstructed to an attack graph by a
traceback mechanism, and a false negative is a
router that is missed in the reconstructed attack
graph (Savage et al., 2000) (Kuznetsov et al., 2002).
Furthermore, an efficient traceback approach should
feature a relatively low computation complexity and
incremental deployment into the current Internet
structure, at low cost (Kuznetsov et al., 2002).
Our proposed method will not incur network
traffic overload or storage overhead on the partici-
pating routers, though certain memory is required at
the victim site. Therefore, we would assess the pro-
posed method mainly based on the above parameters
and the simulation results are demonstrated in sec-
tion 4.
1.2 Overview Of the Proposed
Method and Contributions
In this paper, we present a practical IP traceback
approach. It addresses the issues concerned by both
the victims and network operators such as per-
packet marking space limitation, network overload
and computation overhead.
In our proposed marking algorithms, we employ
25 bits space in the IPv4 packet header as marking
fields. Probabilistically, each participating router
adaptively inscribes onto a traversing packet with its
local partial path information. There are two types of
markings: router identification (rid) marking and
domain identification (did) marking. The rid mark-
ing is executed if the packet enters the network for
the first time; in contrast, did marking is performed
when the packet traverses along the following do-
mains towards the victim.
The victim under a DDoS attack reconstructs the
attack graph in two phases. First, it identifies all the
intermediate domains taking part in forwarding the
attack packets, and recovers the inter-domain attack
paths by inspecting the domain ids marked in the
received packets. Second, from the router id mark-
ings in the received packets, the victim can identify
the source routers. In general, the inter-domain at-
tack paths reconstruction leads to the identification
of the source domains (where the source router may
reside), and then the identified source domains are
associated with the router id markings to uncover
the source routers as we wish.
This work presents a novel design of probabilis-
tic packet marking scheme at the granularity of do-
main, while at the same time, the attack sources can
be identified. And this inter-domain IP traceback
design has been proved to possess the following
advantages. First, we use much less number of
packets to identify the attack source(s). In particular,
it requires only two uniquely marked attack packets
to identify a source router. Second, this approach
generates quite low false rates which will be demon-
strated by the simulation results. Third, our trace-
back mechanism ensures incremental deployment
and requires fewer routers to participate. Actually,
only the border routers
need to take part in this
traceback mechanism. Figure 1 shows the example
network with the implementation of our traceback
Furthermore, keeping track of the domains trav-
ersed instead of intermediate routers on the attack
paths and using ids instead of full 32-bit IP ad-
dresses have some underlying advantages. First, a
domain is an administrative unit on the Internet,
which has the capability to conduct defenses against
the attacks when it is identified to be involved in an
attack and notified by the victim. Second, it still
makes sense to identify the source domains even the
individual source routers are not identified correctly.
We observe that systems of some domains are more
likely to be compromised (to launch a DDoS attack,
A router that sits on the border of a network con-
necting it to an end-host or a router in another net-
R: border ingress
A: attacking host (attacker
or compromised host)
V: victim host
Figure 1: Adaptive traceback mechanism equipped
attackers usually compromise a bunch of vulnerable
systems as attack agents) due to the domains’ poor
security features such as weak intrusion defense
mechanisms and flawed security policies.
1.3 Organization Of the Paper
In the second section, we survey the previous work
on traceback problem. In section 3, we present our
proposed traceback scheme in depth and articulate
the operation of our traceback mechanism. At last,
we give the simulation results in section 4. Section 5
concludes the paper.
2.1 Tracing Hop-by-hop
J. Ioannidis and S. M. Bellovin (Ioannidis et al.,
2002) proposed a Pushback mechanism. In this ap-
proach, a congested router nearest to the victim uses
statistics and pattern analysis to determine from
which most adjacent upstream routers the unex-
pected traffic volume are coming, and then send
signals to notify the traffic contributors to rate-limit
the suspect traffic. The approach is then repeated at
the upstream routers in a chain to identify and rate-
limit the traffic contributors. This scheme therefore
requires immediate action during the attack, and
requires considerable coordination between network
operators. The main drawback with this method is
that, in large-scale DDoS attacks, they have limited
capabilities to separate the legitimate packets from
attack packets in a pattern-based way.
2.2 ICMP Traceback Messaging
S. M. Bellovin (Bellovin, 2000) proposed an alterna-
tive approach, ICMP traceback messaging (or sim-
ply iTrace). With some probability q (typically, q =
1/20000 is proposed), each router sends an addi-
tional ICMP message packet to the destination for
each packet it received. The message contains in-
formation of the local router traversed and its adja-
cent hop. With sufficient ICMP traceback messages
from routers along the path, the attack source(s) and
paths can be determined at the victim site. The main
drawback of this approach is that it causes additional
network traffic even when no attack is present. Con-
sequently, q should be small enough to imply a rela-
tively low network traffic overload. However, using
a small q, this approach is inefficient in terms of the
number of ICMP traceback packets required. For
example, if the maximum path length is 20 and there
are about 1000 nodes on the reconstructed attack
graph, the expected number of attack packets re-
quired to arrive at the victim to reconstruct the at-
tack graph is 7.5 million (Goodrich, 2002).
2.3 Logging & Querying
In a logging solution, we let the routers log the
packets they process, and a victim then actively que-
ries the routers to see whether they sent suspect at-
tack packets. In general, this approach is infeasible
because of the huge storage requirement at the
routers (Ioannidis et al., 2002). However, Source
Path Isolation Engine (SPIE) has the capability of
identifying the source of a particular IP packet given
a copy of the packet to be traced, its destination, and
an approximate time or receipt (Snoeren et al., 2002).
Most notably, with the use of an innovative logging
technique, collecting only the hashes of the packets,
this approach reduces the memory requirement
down to 0.5% of link bandwidth per unit time (Sno-
eren et al., 2002). However, though the storage re-
quirement has been significantly reduced, the over-
head is still considerable.
2.4 Probabilistic Packet Marking
To avoid the network overloading, some researchers
propose to embed traceback information in the IP
packets, which is commonly referred to as probabil-
istic packet marking (or simply PPM) method. Sav-
age et al. (2000) proposed to let each router mark
each packet it forwards with a piece of partial path
information at a set probability p (e.g., p = 1/20). A
message “edge” recording the identities of a router
and its previous hop would be inscribed onto certain
bits employed as marking fields in the IP header.
However, the edge message has to be made to fit in
the limited reserved bits; so they break it into frag-
ments sent by separate packets. To reconstruct the
attack paths, every possible fragments combination
is tried to form a valid edge, and then the edge is
used to recover the sequence of intermediate routers
hop by hop at the victim site. Unfortunately, for
even small-scale distributed DoS attacks, this
method is not practical due to the tremendous com-
binatorial trials and the high false rates. Even worse,
it would introduce many false positives because the
previous mis-reconstructed messages lead to more
false combinatorial trials, which can be described as
“explosion effect”.
In Advanced and Authenticated Marking
Schemes, Song and Perrig (2001) proposed the use
of hash chains for authenticating routers to improve
the performance of probabilistic packet marking.
They do not fragment router messages. Instead, they
assume the victim knows the map of its upstream
routers, so the full IP address is encoded into 11 bits
hash values by two sets of universal random hash
functions in the packet marking. To reconstruct the
attack graph, the victim uses the upstream router
map as a road-map and performs a breadth-first
search from the victim to identify the corresponding
router which was hashed and written into the mark-
ing fields.
Our adaptive packet marking scheme is based on the
probabilistic packet marking technique, but a novel
IP packet marking scheme is proposed, which is
motivated by the below issues.
3.1 Design Motivation
The IP traceback approaches, such as iTrace or the
proposed probabilistic packet marking schemes, rely
on observing a high volume of spoofed traffic com-
prised of thousands or millions of packets, so the
attacker can undermine the traceback by spreading
the attack traffic across many attacking hosts (also
referred to as agents, slaves, or reflectors in a reflec-
tor DDoS attack (Chang, 2002)), greatly increasing
the amount of time required by the traceback scheme
to gather sufficient packets to analyze. Therefore, an
effective traceback scheme should use as few pack-
ets as possible to reveal an attack path. Using a rela-
tively short id instead of a full IP address, we do not
need to spread a mark across multiple packets, and
we thus feature a relatively small number of packets
to fulfill the traceback.
In addition, some people are challenging the ne-
cessity of the full-path traceback solution (Belenky
et al., 2003); identifying all the intermediate routers
that the attack packets traversed, may be unattractive
to the victims and ineffective for DoS (DDoS) coun-
termeasures. First, the full-path traceback is as good
as the address of an ingress point in terms of identi-
fying the attacker. Second, each packet in a data-
gram network is individually routed so packets may
take different routes even if their source and destina-
tion are identical. Third, the addressing within ISPs’
networks is not necessarily understandable to the
public since ISP may use private addressing plans
within their own networks (Belenky et al., 2003).
Therefore, we propose a domain based IP packet
marking scheme to identify the intermediate do-
mains instead of the individual routers, except the
one serving as the attack source. In the following
paragraphs, we will describe the proposed scheme in
depth and state how this method addresses the prob-
lems with the existing solutions.
3.2 Using ID for Marking
The proposed marking scheme overloads 25 bits
space in IPv4 header; the 25 bits space consists of
the 16-bit Fragment Identification field, 1-bit frag-
mentation flag and 8-bit Type of Service (ToS) field.
Employing the 25 bits in the IP header for marking
was first advocated by Dean et al. (2001). The ToS
field is currently not set except for extreme unusual
cases. The Fragment ID field is a 16-bit field used
by IP to permit reconstruction of fragments; this
field is commonly used as a marking field and the
backward compatibility is fully discussed in Sav-
age’s paper (Savage et al., 2000). The fragmentation
flag is an unused bit that current Internet standards
require to be zero. We also see there are some pro-
posals on marking in the IPv6 header; however, it is
not to be discussed in this work.
As every host or router on the Internet is identi-
fied using a 32-bit IP address (Tanenbaum, 2002), it
is a challenging issue to overload the 25-bit marking
space in the IP header with a 32-bit IP address. In
our proposal, since we only aim to identify the in-
termediate domains taking part in the attack and the
source routers, there is no need to use full IP ad-
dresses, as long as we can uniquely identify each
domain with a different identification. If we assign a
16-bit domain id to each domain, we can uniquely
identify up to 2
(65536) domains. If we assume
there are at most 2
(1024) border routers within a
domain, a 10-bit value is sufficient to be assigned as
a router id to identify the source routers within a
source domain. However, to defend against the at-
tack, the victim may demand to block the malicious
traffic at the source routers, so the victim needs to
retrieve the IP addresses from the ids. This could be
implemented as an ID-to-IP mapping table published
on websites, or it could be maintained at the victims
Two types of markings, either the router id
marking or the domain id marking, are to be per-
formed by a router adaptively by checking whether
the router concerned is the ingress point of the to-
be-marked packet or not. At first, however, the bor-
der routers, with implementation of our marking
scheme should be capable of determining which
type of marking to perform. Physically, these routers
are connected to end-hosts or other routers through
different interfaces; a router therefore checks
through which interface it receives a packet to see
whether a packet is forwarded by another router
from outside the domain concerned or sent by an
end-host at the customer side. The domain id mark-
ing would be performed if the router receives a
packet routed from outside the current domain, and
the router id marking would be performed when the
packet comes from an end-host. Figure 2 shows the
marking fields for domain id marking and router id
marking respectively.
3.3 Domain id Marking
The domain id marking algorithm allows the victim
to infer the inter-domain attack paths by inspecting
the domain ids in the received packets. As shown by
Figure 2 (a), “edge” field stores one encoded edge
on an attack path, and the 5-bit distance field repre-
sents the number of hops traversed since the edge it
contains is sampled. A flag is used to indicate
whether this is a domain id marking or a router id
marking. Basically, the domain ids of two neighbor-
ing domains are encoded by exclusive-or (XOR) to
make up the edge, and it can be decoded back dur-
ing reconstruction in virtue of XOR’s property that
. This XOR encoding technique is
used to reduce per-packet storage requirement.
Figure 3 shows the domain id marking scheme.
Marking probability p determines whether to mark a
packet or not. To mark the packet, router R sets the
distance to be zero and writes the domain id into the
edge field. Otherwise, if the distance is zero, router
R overwrites the edge field with XOR of edge value
present in the to-be-marked packet and its own id.
The distance field is used as hop counts, and is al-
ways incremented, which is critical to minimize the
spoofing of the markings by an attacker, so that a
single attacker is unable to forge an edge between
itself and the victim (Savage et al., 2000). Repeat-
edly, this procedure takes place for the following
domains as the packets traverse along the path. We
also remark that incremental deployment is ensured,
because we can identify a domain even if only one
border router within that domain sees the attack
packet and marks it by our marking scheme.
3.4 Router id Marking
Figure 4 outlines the algorithm for router id marking
by router R. The router id marking algorithm is used
to identify the source routers that serve as ingress
points of attack packets. A router performs router id
marking with certain marking probability if it re-
ceives a packet from the customer side. Recall that
we refer to the domain where a source router resides
as source domain. To complete the inter-domain
attack path, the source domain id should also be
conveyed to the victim; so we make it equally likely
to mark a packet with the router id or the domain id
at the source router. In practice, we use a larger
marking probability q in router id marking proce-
dure, which is double of the probability p that we
use in domain id marking. It’s like flipping a coin to
decide to mark with domain id or router id. To mark
a packet with a domain id, we set flag to be one and
write the domain id into the edge field; and to mark
the packet with a router id, we set flag to be zero
and write the 10-bit router id into the rid field.
We also note that a 10-bit router id can be used
to identify a router uniquely only within a domain;
so we need to combine the router id and the corre-
sponding source domain id to uniquely identify the
source routers universally. We therefore write a 14-
bit checksum cord side by side with the router id
into the marking fields to associate a router id with
the corresponding source domain. The checksum
can be hashed from the 16-bit domain id, and it is
sufficient for distinguishing 2
(16384) source do-
mains possibly involved in an attack. Therefore, we
can place the identified source routers in their corre-
sponding source domains according to the check-
sums to complete the attack graph reconstruction.
flag = 1 dist edge
1 bit 5 bits 16 bits
(a) domain id marking
flag = 0 cord rid
1 bit 14 bits 10 bits
(b) router id marking
Figure 2: Marking fields
Algorithm 1 Domain id marking by border router R
for each packet pkt from an upstream domain do
generate a random number
within [0..1]
pkt.edge = did
pkt.dist = 0
if pkt.dist is 0 then
pkt.edge = pkt.edge did
increment pkt.dist
Figure 3: Domain id marking algorithm
3.5 Attack Graph Reconstruction
Figure 5 describes the reconstruction procedure; it’s
a two-phase procedure. The first one is inter-domain
attack graph reconstruction using packets marked
with domain ids and then by the end of first stage,
the source domains are identified. In the second
phase, the algorithm relies on the packets with router
id markings to identify the source routers. The prop-
erty of XOR that
allows us to decode
the domain ids hop-by-hop during inter-domain at-
tack path reconstruction. The algorithm starts from
recovering the domains one hop away from the vic-
tim. Let the victim’s domain id be
and a domain
closest to the victim have an id
. By
the domain id
can be decoded, given the attack
packet marked with the value:
, and distance
equal to 1. Likewise, for all domain-id-marked
packets at distance d, pkt
, a number of candidate
domain ids can be generated by XORing the edge it
contains with the ids of previously reconstructed
domains at distance d1. We denote a candidate as
, which is decoded from pkt
and the known end-
point of the edge is node D
. Then the victim checks
the upstream domain topology, M as a road-map to
verify candidate D
by checking if an edge does
exist between the candidate and node D
on M. Node
and the verified candidate D
would therefore
make up an edge on the reconstructed attack path.
Hop by hop, the inter-domain attack graph is thus
reconstructed by the repeated process.
To locate the source domain associated with
checksum C
(let the checksum marked in an attack
packet be C
), the victim performs a breadth-first
search from the victim on the reconstructed inter-
domain attack graph, level by level until it gets to
the node with a checksum equal to C
. Suppose we
denote a source domain node as SD and denote the
set of source routers that may belong to domain SD
as SD.Rset. The victim first sorts the router-id-
marked packets by their cord field, finds out the
packets with a matched checksum of SD, and then
adds their router ids into SD.Rset (it is initially
empty and it does not include any duplicates). The
victim thus reconstructs the attack graph that incor-
porates the identified intermediate domains and the
source routers.
To test the performance of our proposed marking
scheme, we conduct a number of experiments using
an Internet map based on the traceroute dataset of
the real Internet from CAIDA’s Skitter Internet
mapping project (CAIDA, 2004); the dataset con-
tains 178,207 distinct traceroute paths widely dis-
tributed over the entire Internet. For the experi-
ments, we use the first two bytes of an IP address as
a domain id used in the domain id marking. On the
other hand, the last two bytes of an IP address would
be processed to be used as router id which would be
used in the router id marking. The experiments are
performed to assess the performance of our marking
scheme characterized by a number of parameters,
namely the minimum number of packets for the re-
construction of an attack path of a certain length,
false positives, number of attack sources, and attack
path reconstruction time. The results are as pre-
sented in Figures 6 to 8. Each data point in Figures 6
Algorithm 2 Router id marking by router R
for each packet pkt passing through R do
generate a random number
within [0..1]
generate a random number
within [0..1]
< then
if r < 0.5 then
pkt.edge = did
pkt.distance = 0
pkt.flag = 1
pkt.rid = rid
pkt.cord = hash(did)
pkt.flag = 0
Figure 4: Source router id marking algorith
Algorithm 3 Path reconstruction at victim V
let max_d be maximum attack path length
let G be reconstructed attack graph, initialized with the
vertex V
let M be the upstream inter-domain Internet map
Let SD.Rset be the set of source routers in domain SD
//Inter-domain attack graph reconstruction
for d = 1 to max_d do
for each node D at distance d 1 in G do
for each packet
pkt with distance d, flag 1 do
candidate = pkt.edge D.did
if candidate is equal to D
.did and D
is one of
the upstream nodes of D on M then
insert a new edge (D , D
) into G
//Source router identification
for each attack packet
pkt with flag 0 do
for each node SD in G do
if hash(SD.did) is equal to pkt.cord then
insert pkt.rid into SD.Rset
output all the attack paths in G
Figure 5: Attack path reconstruction algorith
to 8 corresponds to an average value based on
around 1000 experiment runs.
Figure 6 shows the minimum number of packets
required for the reconstruction of attack paths of
different lengths and different marking probabilities.
Since a packet will normally traverse no more than
30 routers in the Internet to reach its destination, the
attack path lengths considered in the experiments
range from 0 to 30. In general, for each marking
probability, the number of required packets for path
reconstruction increases linearly with the path length.
For the case with marking probability 1%, and path
length 30, the required number of packets would be
around 400; if the marking probability is 4%,
roughly 200 packets would be required. When com-
pared with other IP traceback methods, our proposed
marking scheme requires fewer packets for recon-
struction. For instance, for a marking probability of
4% and path length 30, scheme 2 with m>5 and
scheme 2 with m>6 of the Advanced Marking
Schemes (AMS) (Song et al., 2001), around 1000
and 4000 packets respectively are required for re-
construction, where m is the number of hash func-
tions used to encode the router identification.
If we conservatively assume each domain con-
tains two routers, a maximum domain based path
length would be half of its equivalent router based
path length. This implies that our marking scheme
needs to handle attack paths with average path
length equal to one half the path lengths of those
handled by other marking schemes. Moreover, we
need only one marked packet to identify a domain;
whereas other marking schemes normally employ
full IP address markings for full-path reconstruction,
and several packets are usually required to identify
each router on an attack path. For instance, eight
marked packets are employed in both Savage’s
method (Savage et al., 2000) and Song and Perrig’s
method (Song et al., 2001) to encode each router’s
identity. So our marking scheme needs substantially
fewer packets for attack graph reconstruction.
Figure 7 presents the number of false positives
for different number of attackers in the range 100 to
2000. It shows that our marking scheme is free of
any false positives even in presence of 2000 attack-
ers. Though hash is used to encode the checksum
which is used to locate source routers, 2
different values are sufficient for the number of do
mains possibly involved as source domains, that is ,
there is sufficient mapping space for the hashed val-
ues so that a collision-free hash function should be
able to generate a near-zero result. For comparison,
scheme 2 of Song and Perrig’s method (Song et al.,
2001) with m >7 produced around 20 false positives
in presence of 2000 highly distributed attackers.
While our marking scheme has a computation com-
plexity of around Ο(dn
), the method of Savage, et
al.(2000) and the method of Song and Perrig (Song
et al., 2001) have a complexity of around Ο(dn
) and
) respectively, where d is the maximum path
length and n is the number of attacking hosts. Since
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000
Number of attackers
Reconsttruction time
reconstruction time
Figure 7: False positives generated for different
number of attackers
Path length
Number of required packet
p = 0.01
p = 0.04
p = 0.08
Figure 6: Number of packets required for attack paths
reconstruction for different path lengths and different
marking probabilities
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000
Number of attackers
Number of false positives
false positives
Figure 8: Reconstruction time for different number of
our domain based marking scheme involves a
smaller distance d, its complexity is relatively small.
Figure 8 presents the reconstruction times of our
reconstruction algorithm for different number of
attackers, measured on a 1500MHz Pentium IV PC
platform. The results show that in general the attack
graph reconstruction could be completed quite rap-
idly. Even for the case of 2000 attackers, it takes
only about 50 seconds to reconstruct the attack
graph, which is considered quite a fast response to a
highly distributed large-scale DDoS attack.
This paper proposes an innovative marking scheme
which supports two kinds of packet marking: inter-
domain marking and source router marking. Based
on the markings in the received packets, the victims
can reveal the inter-domain attack paths and identify
the source routers serving as the ingress points of
attack traffic.
The advantages of the proposed IP traceback
method include: (1) As the marking algorithms in-
volve only the border routers, it ensures a practical
implementation without a universal deployment on
all the routers. (2) We keep track of domains trav-
ersed by attack packets other than all individual
routers; as a result, attack paths reconstruction could
be carried out more rapidly by our marking scheme.
(3) Using the relatively short id instead of a full IP
address, we do not need to split the markings for
each domain into a number of fragments and the
whole marking can be written into a single IP header.
The number of packets required to identify each
domain can thus be kept to a minimum.
Through the simulation experiments on the pro-
posed marking scheme, we observe the following: (i)
It requires a much smaller number of packets for
attack paths reconstruction than other methods such
as AMS (Song et al., 2001); (ii) It can handle multi-
ple attack sources effectively in very large scale; (iii)
The number of false positives generated even in the
presence of 2000 attack sources is relatively small;
(iv) It performs attack paths reconstruction quite
rapidly and takes only around 50 seconds to recon-
struct as many as 2000 attack paths on a Pentium IV
PC platform. Thus it could be used to locate attack
sources in real time, which is one of the critical steps
in defending against DDoS attacks.
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