Nuno Santos, Pedro A. Amado Assunção
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria / ESTG – Institute of Telecommunications
Morro do Lena – AltoVieiro, 2401-951 Leiria, Portugal
Keywords: Transcoding, multimedia, MPEG, video objects.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a segmentation based transcoding scheme for adapting MPEG-2 e-learning visual
contents to heterogeneous environments. This is achieved by converting MPEG-2 video into MPEG-4 video
objects with arbitrary shape and different semantic value in e-learning context. The transcoding scheme is
based on a hybrid segmentation method, which employs both compressed and pixel domain techniques, for
extraction of two video objects from MPEG-2 streams. The objective is two-fold: i) to enable individual
object coding and manipulation; ii) to increase the scene coding efficiency. The results show that our hybrid
segmentation method is capable of identifying the video objects of interest with good accuracy. Moreover,
the transcoding efficiency of the proposed scheme is better than straightforward conversion from MPEG-2
to MPEG-4.
Digital multimedia is part of an ever increasing field
of applications where visual information plays the
major role. In this context, the MPEG family of
coding standards have undoubtedly contributed to
the widespread use of compressed multimedia in
many different domains. This is particularly true for
the case of MPEG-2 (
ISO/IEC, 1999) and MPEG-4
ISO/IEC, 1999), since these two are among the most
used in current multimedia services and
applications. However, multimedia content delivery
to different user contexts through diverse access
networks, requires specific adaptation tools for
providing Universal Multimedia Access (UMA)
(Pereira and Burnet, 2003). For this purpose, several
authors have proposed different types of transcoding
as the best solution for dealing with adaptation
problems in heterogeneous communication
scenarios (Assuncao and Ghanbari, 1998; Reibman
et al., 2000;
Shanableh and Ghanbari, 2000; Sun et al.,
In the case of transcoding from MPEG-2 to
MPEG-4, several aspects have been addressed in
previous work. For example, in (Takahashi et al.,
2001) a solution for the problem of motion vector
reuse was proposed and in (Guo et al 2001; Xie et al
2003) different efficient methods are addressed for
transcoding from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4. A common
aspect of these transcoding methods is that of
dealing with video frames or, using MPEG-4
terminology, rectangular video objects. We address
a different type transcoding where MPEG-2 video is
converted into MPEG-4 video objects with arbitrary
Distance education and e-learning are
increasingly important application domains where
multimedia technology plays a relevant role. The
particular characteristics of such environments give
rise to new types of heterogeneous transcoding and
media adaptation schemes for efficient
representation and manipulation (Dorai et al, 2003).
In this paper we propose a transcoding scheme
for adapting MPEG-2 coded video into MPEG-4
video objects of arbitrary shape for e-learning
applications. The video scenes to be transcoded are
constrained by the application specific context. They
comprise two objects of interest: the whiteboard and
the lecturer. In the proposed scheme, we exploit the
fact that both the whiteboard and the lecturer might
be encoded as independent video objects. Then, by
taking advantage from the MPEG-4 coding tools, we
propose a transcoding mechanism for matching
MPEG-2 coded signals into separate MPEG-4 video
objects. The proposed transcoding scheme relies on
a hybrid domain spatio-temporal segmentation
algorithm. The two objects referred to above are
extracted from the coded video frames and then
Assuncao P. and Santos N. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 278-283
DOI: 10.5220/0001397702780283
independently encoded by using different coding
parameters, according to their inherent
characteristics. The results show a good
performance taking into account both objective and
subjective quality as well as coding efficiency.
This paper is organised as follows. In the next
section we address the specific characteristics of the
visual contents that we are dealing with in this work.
In section 3 we describe the hybrid segmentation
algorithm used for fast extraction of video objects.
The experimental results are presented in section 4
and finally section 5 concludes the paper.
The type of multimedia contents that we deal with in
this work involves recorded MPEG-2 video
originally captured from a typical classroom scene.
This consists of a teacher speaking, writing on a
whiteboard and moving in front of the whiteboard
area. In the MPEG-4 context this scene contains two
video objects with different semantic value for the
human observer: the lecturer and the whiteboard.
Figure 1 shows one picture of the visual content
used in our experiments.
In regard to subjective quality it should be
stressed that motion smoothness is more important
than texture accuracy in the case of the lecturer,
while texture is much more important than motion in
the case of the whiteboard. This means that
different requirements should be defined for the
temporal and spatial quality of each video object in
order to achieve better transcoding efficiency. Note
that the most active periods correspond to different
types of motion, such as walking, writing on the
whiteboard, gesture and speaking.
Figure 2: A typical image from a video sequence used in
e-learning environment
The whiteboard is where the lecturer writes
down pedagogical contents for supporting and
complementing the oral explanations. The main
characteristic of this video object consists of its
relatively slow motion and high texture detail. The
slow motion results from the human writing speed
on such type of board whereas the high spatial detail
is a consequence its specific visual contents, i.e.,
characters and diagrams written with a marker.
Therefore, this video object can be efficiently
encoded at reduced temporal rates such that more
bits are allocated to encode the texture information,
i.e., higher spatial quality.
The segmentation based transcoding architecture
proposed in this paper is depicted in Figure 2. It is
comprised of a modified MPEG-2 decoder which
includes a hybrid video segmentation algorithm and
Identification of the
Region of Interest
MB Based
Object 1
Object 2
Frame Buffer
Pixel Domain
Hybrid Segmentation
Figure 1: MPEG2 – MPEG4 Segmentation Based Transcoding
a MPEG-4 visual encoder. The hybrid segmentation
process operates in both the DCT and pixel domains
(Kim et al., 1999; Yu et al., 2003). As it can be seen
in the figure, the input MPEG-2 video stream is
transcoded into two MPEG-4 video objects by using
segmentation before the MPEG-4 encoding stage.
3.1 DCT domain coarse
The DCT domain algorithm operates on predefined
temporal window where a coarse spatial region is
identified as the location of the lecturer. Since this is
a low motion sequence the boundaries of the
temporal window were set at the I pictures of the
MPEG-2 stream. This dynamic region is found by a
fast algorithm that evaluates the DC distance
measure between two MB located in the same
spatial position of consecutive I pictures. The DC
distance d
between two MB in pictures n and
, both with MB address i, is determined
as follows:
,, , ,int in in t
and a
is given by,
,, ,,
in in in in
where Y
(k) is the DC coefficient of the luminance
block k in MB i of picture n, and Cb
, Cr
are the
DC coefficients of the corresponding chrominance
blocks. Part of the dynamic region is comprised of
those MB whose DC distance is greater than a
threshold Th. The complete region of interest is then
found after a further processing step that fills in the
“holes” left by the previous one, i.e., those MB that
belong to the inside part of the moving region and
were not identified because they have similar texture
to that of their neighbours. This DCT domain
processing allows identification of the slow moving
region in a temporal segment of the sequence. Note
that the spatial region found through this process
contains more MB than actually those which belong
to the object of interest. However, this is an
extremely fast and efficient method for identifying
the coarse region within which the lecturer can be
The result is a set of MB addresses that define a
much smaller region containing the video object.
From the experimental results we found that, in the
type of sequence we are using, the size of this region
is about 25% - 43% of the total image size.
Therefore the pixel domain mask refinement that
follows this stage operates on a much smaller set of
3.2 Pixel domain mask refinement
The actual size of the moving video object is smaller
than that of the DCT domain mask obtained in the
previous step because the spatial region is identified
in a GOP basis. Thus, the resulting mask includes,
not only the object of interest, but also the
surrounding area where it moves between two I
One of the tasks of the pixel domain refinement
algorithm is to shrink the DCT mask up to the actual
boundaries of the object. As a consequence, the
object shape is also refined up to the pixel level.
This also improves the quality of the segmentation
because the first mask obtained in the DCT domain
is coincident with the MB structure of the original
picture, hence it is a stepwise boundary.
The pixel domain algorithm implemented for
obtaining the refined masks involves 4 steps: 1-
median filtering the region of interest to eliminate
noise (Yin et al., 1996); 2- histogram analysis of the
spatial region of interest to determine the best
threshold for splitting the pixels into two sets; 3-
obtaining a segmentation mask based on the
histogram and 4- post-processing to eliminate
isolated small groups of pixels which do not belong
to the main area (characters, lines, etc).
In order to evaluate the performance of the
segmentation based transcoding scheme, we have
used MPEG-2 video streams, which are currently
being used for e-learning purposes within the
intranet of our campus. These are of the type shown
in Figure 1. We have carried out several subjective
tests in order to find out the minimum bandwidth
that achieves a good subjective quality for this type
of application since poor picture quality is not
acceptable because it may lead to additional learning
difficulties. From these tests we have found that 2
Mbps provides an acceptable visual quality. Then
the MPEG-2 stream was transcoded into an MPEG-
4 visual stream combining two video objects. The
objective is two-fold, i.e., to enable individual object
coding and manipulation as well as to increase the
scene coding efficiency. While the former is
achieved by proper segmentation, the latter greatly
depends on both the efficiency of the coding
algorithm and the set of coding parameters.
4.1 Segmentation
The hybrid segmentation algorithm described in
Section 3 was used to produce the segmentation
mask for extracting the two objects of interest from
the MPEG-2 video stream. In order to ease the
comparison we show the results for the picture
shown in Figure 1. In Figure 3 we show the coarse
region obtained from the DCT domain algorithm
and in Figure 4 the corresponding spatial region. As
we have pointed out before, this region is greater
than the actual moving object (the lecturer). As we
pointed out before, the mask precision is limited to
MB level because this is the processing data unit in
the DCT domain. In Figure 5 we show the region
identified by the histogram based algorithm and post
processing and Figure 6 shows the video object
identified through this process.
Figure 3: Coarse mask obtained in the DCT domain.
Figure 4: Coarse spatial region obtained from the
corresponding mask
Figure 5: Refined mask
Figure 6: Video object
4.2 Transcoding efficiency
In order to evaluate the picture quality under a
significant transcoding ratio, we have set the output
bit rate to 500 Kbps and we compare three different
transcoding schemes. In all cases we have used the
same input video sequence, which was available in
the server at 2 Mbps.
For reference and comparison with the proposed
scheme we have used straightforward transcoding
from MPEG-2 to MPEG-2 and from MPEG-2 to
MPEG-4, using a single rectangular object. In the
case of the proposed scheme, we have taken into
account the inherent characteristics of each visual
object, as pointed out before. Then for each video
object we have set the same output bit rate of 250
kbps but different temporal rates. The lecturer was
encoded at 25Hz whereas the whiteboard was
encoded at 6.25Hz. For comparison with the video
frames, after decoding the two objects these were
combined to form frames again.
As we can observe in Figure 7, the proposed
scheme achieves a good performance comparing
with both references. By using different coding
parameters for each video object, the transcoded
pictures have better spatial quality in the whiteboard
area, mainly because of its reduced temporal rate
which allows more bits to encode the texture. The
composition problem that arises when different
video objects are displayed at different frame rates
may be overcome by filling in the missing areas
with pixels from the surrounding area. However,
this issue is not addressed in this paper. The same
behaviour as shown in Figure 7 is obtained for other
transcoding ratios.
The transcoding scheme proposed in this paper is
suitable for e-learning applications where MPEG-2
to MPEG-4 conversion might be useful. The
experimental results show that a good performance
is achieved by choosing different temporal rates for
video objects according to their specific
A possible application of this type of transcoding is
in wireless access where the user may receive the
audio and only the whiteboard visual information at
much lower bit rates but still with an acceptable
quality of service.
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Figure 7: PSNR of the transcoded sequence