Maria Leonilde Rocha Varela, Sílvio do Carmo Silva
Department of Production and Systems, University of Minho, Azurém
/ Gualtar
Campus ,Guimaes
/ Braga
, Portugal
Joaquim Nunes Aparício
Department of Computer Science, New University of Lisbon,Caparica, Portugal
Keywords: Production Scheduling, XML Modeling, Web Service and remote methods invocation.
Abstract: In this paper we make a contribution for scheduling problems solving through the web, by using web
service. The XML-based modeling and communication is applied to the production scheduling activity.
Therefore, scheduling concepts, like manufacturing problems and solving methods, including corresponding
inputs and outputs are modeled using XML. This kind of data modeling is used for building our web-based
scheduling decision support system, which works as a web service under the XML-RPC protocol. This
protocol is used for invoking the implemented methods, for solving problems defined by the user, which are
local or remotely available through the Internet. New methods can be continuously incorporated in the
system’s distributed repository in an easy and interactive way.
The scheduling activity in an organization seeks to
optimize the use of available production means or
resources, ensuring short time to complete jobs and,
in addition, to satisfy other important organization
objectives. Thus, it can highly contribute to good
service to customers and to high profitability of an
Production Scheduling may be defined as the
activity of allocating tasks to production resources,
or vice versa, over time. The result of this is usually
expressed in a production schedule.
With this work we make a contribution for the
better resolution process of scheduling problems by
means of a web-based decision support system. This
system has been designed and implemented as a web
service using the XML-RPC protocol and requires,
first of all, the specification and identification of
each problem to be solved, followed by the access to
resolution methods, which are available for solving
them. When there are different methods available we
can obtain alternative solutions, which should be
evaluated against specified criteria or objectives to
be reached. Thus, we are able to properly solve a
problem through the execution of one or more
scheduling methods and, subsequently, select de best
solution provided by them. These methods can either
be local or remotely available and accessible through
the Internet.
In this paper a classification framework for
scheduling problems and related concepts is used,
which is represented through XML (extensible
markup language). This kind of data modeling
allows, for instance, specifying scheduling problems
and identifying methods for their resolution and to
establish the necessary communication for the
execution of the implemented scheduling methods
through the web.
This paper is organized as follows. The next
section describes the nature of scheduling problems
and the classification model used. Section 3 starts
with a general outline of the web system architecture
then goes on dealing with the main system
functionalities, which are related to methods
searching, methods execution and new methods
insertion. Section 4 briefly refers to some related
work and finally, section 5 presents some
Leonilde Rocha Varela M., do Carmo Silva S. and Nunes Aparício J. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 169-176
DOI: 10.5220/0001399601690176
2.1 Characterization Nomenclature
Due to the existence of many different scheduling
problems there is a need for a formal and systematic
manner of problem representation that can serve as a
basis for their classification. A framework for
achieving this was developed by Varela et al. (2002a
and 2002b), based on published work by Conway
(1967), Graham et al (1979), Brucker (1995),
Blazewicz (1996), and Jordan (1996), as well as on
other information presented by (Morton, 1993) and
by other authors namely (Artiba, 1997), and (Pinedo,
1995). This framework allows identifying the
underlying characteristics of each problem to be
solved, and is used as a basis for the XML-based
problem specification model used in this work.
The referred framework for problem
representation includes three classes of notation
parameters for each corresponding class of problem
characteristics. The first class of characteristics, the
α class, is related with the environment where the
production is carried out. It specifies the production
system type (α
) and, eventually, the number of
machines that exist in the system (α
). The other
classes allow specifying the interrelated
characteristics and constraints of jobs and
production resources, which is expressed by the
class β (β
) of parameters, and also the
performance criterion represented by class γ. Some
important processing constraints are imposed by the
need for auxiliary resources, like robots and
transportation devices and/or the existence of
buffers, among others factors. The evaluation
criteria, the third class of parameters, may include
any kind of performance measure, including multi-
criteria measures. More information about this three-
field problem classification nomenclature is referred,
for example, in Varela et al. (2002a, 2002b and
An example of use of this notation is
“F2|n|Cmax” which reads as: “Scheduling of non-
preemptable and independent tasks of arbitrary
processing time lengths, arriving to the system at
time zero, on a pure flow shop, with two machines,
to minimize the maximum completion time or
makespan (Cmax).
2.2 Class Model Description
Figure 1 below shows a general UML (Unified
Modeling Language) class diagram about the
scheduling problems model.
Figure 1: Class diagram of scheduling problems
There are eight main classes, related to the
problem itself, as well as to the system, where the
manufacturing process is carried out, and its
resources. These include the processors or machines
and other auxiliary resources. Two additional classes
representing each task related to jobs and its
operations are also shown. In this diagram, the
default values are usually set to zero. Therefore, for
example, for the SystemType attribute, in the
System class, the default value zero corresponds to
the single machine production system that is defined
in TSystemType data type. This also includes
attributes for other systems, such as parallel
machines, flow shops, open shops, job shops and
mixed shops, under the problem classification factor
, as previously described in section 2.1.
3.1 System Architecture
Figure 2 below illustrates a general outline of the
web system architecture. This web system integrates
a distributed knowledge base for supporting the
manufacturing scheduling decision-making process.
Therefore, through a web interface each methods
server owns his particular knowledge base
component, which enables searching information
about scheduling problems and corresponding
solving methods. These methods can be local or
remotely available and accessible through the
Internet, by any of those available methods’ servers,
which are organized in a P2P (peer-to-peer)
network, forming a distributed knowledge repository
(Papazoglou, 2003).
Moreover, the web system enables new
knowledge insertion, including validation, and
transformation of manufacturing scheduling data
about problems and methods that can be put forward
in a user-friendly way. This interface is mainly
controlled by DTD (document type definition) and
XSL (extensible stylesheet language) documents
stored in the repository of each peer of the network.
The scheduling information is also stored in XML
documents and these documents are verified using
DTDs, before being included in the corresponding
XML repository.
User Browser
Client 1
Server 1
User Browser
Client 2
Figure 2: Web-system architecture.
Scheduling problems as well as related concepts,
namely methods and its implementations, including
the definition of its inputs and outputs are specified
by a DTD. Elements on the problem DTD precisely
characterize a scheduling problem, meaning that in
order to interact with the system a problem must be
described according to that grammar (2002a, 2002b
and 2002c).
Some interesting XML applications, which are
more or less related with this work, are PDML
(Product Data Markup Language), RDF (Resource
Description Format) and STEPml (Harper, 2001).
Other XML specifications devoted to manufacturing
processes are JDF (Job Definition Format), PSL
(Process Specification Language), PIX-ML (Product
Information Exchange), PIF (Process Interchange
Format) and XML-based workflow (Abiteboul et al,
This web system encompasses several main
functionalities, which include knowledge insertion,
about scheduling problems and resolution methods,
and correspondent information searching. Users can
make requests for visualizing scheduling problem
classes and methods information or even browse
information about other concepts presented by the
system. The data can be shown in different views,
using existing XSL documents, adequate for each
specific visualization request. Another important
functionality is the execution of scheduling methods,
given the manufacturing scheduling problem
definition. The selection of one or more specific
methods is made through a searching process on the
distributed knowledge base of scheduling methods.
The system also enables problem results
presentation and storage.
3.2 Methods Updating
Many implementations of a given method may be
accessible through the Internet. From the point of
view of the web system two implementations of the
same method may differ if, for example, they differ
on its outputs. Moreover, not all implementations
work in the same way. Therefore, for the system to
be able to use such implementations in a
programmatic way, they must also be described
within the system. This description must include,
among other things, the address to the running
method or program and its signature, which includes
the definition of the parameters that are necessary
for its execution, i.e. the inputs, and its output
format. All this information is described in a
corresponding DTD file (Varela et al., 2002a and
2002b). Figure 3 illustrates the system interface for
defining the methods signature for an
implementation of the branch and bound method
proposed by Ignall and Schrage in 1965 for a flow
shop problem.
Figure 3: Method signature definition.
The inputs include the definition of a parameter
n for number of jobs to be processed, a parameter m
for number of machines in the production system,
and a set of three items in a matrix structure, which
represent the job name, the machine name and an
additional parameter p that corresponds to job
processing time. There is also the definition for the
method’s output following the same lines. This
information, once validated using the corresponding
DTD, is subsequently inserted in an XML document
in order to enable repeated executions of methods,
information retrieval and automatic generation of
interfaces for the implemented methods’ inputs and
3.3 Methods Searching
Scheduling problems belong to a much broader class
of combinatorial optimization problems, which, in
many cases, are hard to solve, i. e. are NP-hard
problems (Ceponkus, 1999; Jordan, 1996;
Blazewicz, 1996; Brucker, 1995). In presence of
NP-hard problems we may try to relax some
constraints imposed on the original problem and
then solve the relaxed problem. The solution of the
latter may be a good approximation to the solution
of the original one. Many times we do not have a
choice and have to draw upon what we may
generally call approximation methods (French,
1982). These include both, those that we know how
near their solutions may be from optimum ones and
also a variety of heuristic methods, including those
based on meta-heuristics, which are likely to achieve
good solutions.
Examples of this kind of methods are
approximate dynamic programming or branch and
bound methods. Other approaches to obtain good or
at least satisfactory solutions, in acceptable time, are
based on the nowadays widely used local or
neighborhood search techniques, such as Genetic
Algorithms (GA), Simulated Annealing (SA), and
Tabu Search (TS), which are also known as meta-
heuristics and extended neighborhood search
techniques (Osman, 1996; Arts, 1997). There are
also other interesting types of scheduling approaches
widely used like simulation-based approaches or
bottleneck methods or even neural network or
petrinet-based approaches, among others. Methods
based on these heuristic or approximate approaches
tend to provide good results in the available time to
make decisions.
The system can be used for searching about suitable
methods for solving particular scheduling problems,
once classified through the previously described
characterization nomenclature. In the distributed
methods knowledge base the system records for
which problem class a certain method may be used.
If this information is not available the user is
encouraged to relax some of the problem constraints
in order to discover some other methods for solving
it. Figure 4 shows a small sample of methods
assigned to solve closely related scheduling problem
classes and Figure 5 presents a list of available
methods for solving some selected problem types,
which are generally characterized by occurring in
flow shop systems and by having as performance
measure the maximum completion time or
Figure 4: Problem classes selection.
Figure 5: Methods’ implementations for solving
selected problem classes
Many scheduling methods may be more or less
adequate to solve a given class of problems and the
system gives some detailed information in order to
assist the scheduling decision-making process.
The system is able to quickly assign methods to
problems that occur in real world manufacturing
environments and solve them through the execution
of one or more appropriate solving methods, whose
implementations are local or remotely available and
accessible through the Internet, by using a certain
communication protocol for remote methods
3.4 Methods Execution
The system here described has been designed and
implemented as a web service (
using the XML-RPC protocol (Laurent et al., 2001)
for remote methods invocation (Varela et al., 2003a
and 2003b).
The primary motivation for this work is to be
able to provide a service that, for a given set of
parameters describing an actual scheduling problem,
i.e. a problem instance, returns a set of output values
which may be accepted as a solution for the problem
introduced, Figure 6.
To solve this task some intermediate steps need to be
accomplished. In addition to information already
illustrated and explained in the previous section we
provide users with access to intermediate knowledge
about methods and its implementations to better
support the scheduling decision-making process.
Figure 6: Web service.
A web service promises easy access to remote
content and application functionality using standard
mechanisms, without any dependency on the
provider's platform, the location, the service
implementation, or the data format. In a web service
a certain method accepts as input a problem
definition and returns a result in some particular
Different implementations may provide results in
different formats, and the system must have a
description of them in order to format them
according to the problem output to be returned to the
client as the very last step of the service. The result
from running a method implementation on the given
problem instance can then be delivered to the client
as an XML file and/or can be transformed into some
expressive output, like a Gantt chart.
Web services use XML to encode both the
message wrapper and the content of the message
body. As a result, the integration is completely
independent of operating system, language or other
middleware product used by each component
participating in the service. The only fundamental
requirement is that each component has the ability to
process XML documents and that each node
connected in a distributed system supports HTTP as
a default transport layer.
The XML-RPC protocol is the sequence and
structure of requests and responses required to
invoke communications on a remote machine.
Several other protocols that could also be used exist,
namely SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol),
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and
Integration of business for the web), WSDL (Web
Services Description Language), or other well
known, like CORBA (Common Object Request
Broker Architecture), RMI (Remote Method
Invocation) or DCOM (Distributed Component
Object Model).
The eXtensible Markup Language provides a
vocabulary for describing remote procedure calls,
which are transmitted between computers using the
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). XML-RPC
clients make procedure requests to XML-RPC
servers, which return results to the XML-RPC
clients. XML-RPC clients use the same HTTP
facilities as web browser clients, and XML-RPC
servers use the same HTTP facilities as web servers.
XML-RPC requires a minimal number of HTTP
headers to be sent along with the XML method
request for solving a given problem instance.
For a better illustration of system’s
functionalities a problem instance belonging to the
previously referred F2|n|Cmax problem class will be
shown next.
Once the problem is correctly specified the
system provides solving methods information as
well as information related to the available methods’
implementation(s). This information includes the
link(s) for implemented methods’ execution and
other general information, for example, about each
method class and author, as previously shown in
section 3.3. The system also provides more detailed
information about the method and its
implementation(s), so that an easier selection of
adequate scheduling methods can be achieved for
solving the problem.
After having selected an implemented method
available for solving the current problem, we only
need to feed the system with the problem instance
data and run it. Possible implemented methods are
the Branch-and-Bound (B&B) method from Ignall
and Schrage (Ignall and Schrage, 1965; Conway,
1967), and the Johnson method or rule, as previously
shown in Figure 5. The first one belongs to the class
of exact mathematical programming methods using
the B&B technique and is an exponential time
complexity method and the Johnson rule is a simple
sequencing rule, with polynomial time complexity.
Therefore, let us consider the Johnson’s rule for
solving a problem instance with 4 jobs, which have
to be processed in a flow shop with 2 machines. The
objective, already known, consists on minimizing
the maximum completion time (Cmax). Table 1
shows the time required for processing each job j on
each machine i (p
Table 1: Scheduling problem data.
i / j job1 job2 job3 job4 job5
m1 2 3 2 6 2
m2 4 1 5 3 4
Listing 1 shows an example that joins the
headers and XML payload to form a complete
XML-RPC request for solving this problem instance.
POST /rpchandler HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: AcmeXMLRPC/1.0
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 873
<?xml version=“1.0”?>
Listing 1: An XML-RPC request.
Upon receiving an XML-RPC request, an XML-
RPC server must deliver a response to the client.
The response may take one of two forms: the result
of processing the method or a fault report, indicating
that something has gone wrong in handling the
request from the client. As with an XML-RPC
request, the response consists of HTTP headers and
an XML payload.
Listing 2 shows a complete response from an
XML-RPC server, for the considered problem
instance, including both the HTTP headers and the
XML payload.
HTTP/1.0 927 OK
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004 08:49:02 GMT
Server: MyCustomXMLRPCserver
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 893
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=” UTF-8”?>
Listing 2: An XML-RPC response.
Applying this Johnson method or rule
(ExactJohnson) an optimal solution can be reached
for the problem F2|5|Cmax. Figure 7 shows a Gantt
chart for this problem, which has a minimal
mekespan of 19 time units.
Figure 7: Gantt chart.
Gantt charts, like this one, are also automatically
generated by the system, given the outputs provided
by methods’ executions. This is easily achieved
because the methods’ output data is expressed in
XML documents, which enable an easy way of
outputs conversion into different desired problem
results presentation forms, including Gantt charts.
Listing 3 presents a DTD specification for modeling
problem results as Gantt charts.
<!ELEMENT gantt (problem*)>
<!ELEMENT problem (job+)>
<!ATTLIST problem
<!ELEMENT job (machine+)>
<!ELEMENT machine (start+,finish+)>
<!ATTLIST machine
<!ELEMENT start (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT finish (#PCDATA)>
Listing 3:
DTD specification for Gantt chart.
Listing 4 exemplifies the corresponding XML code
for the Gantt chart, which represents the given
problem results.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE gantt SYSTEM "gantt.dtd">
<problem id=”0010” class="F2|n|Cmax">
<job id="j001" name=”job1”/>
<machine id="m001"
Listing 4:
XML code for Gantt chart.
These time-based charts continue to be largely
used due to its expressive power, enabling a very
easy way of comparing results obtained from the
execution of several different implemented methods
available. Other alternatives for displaying those
outputs are available, including direct outputs
presentation through XML documents and tables.
Recently we notice a tendency for an increase in
scheduling systems accessible through the Internet.
The web systems that we came across usually
involve solvers or a community of solvers,
addressing each one the resolution of a restricted
range of scheduling problems, using specific
techniques or tools, such as mathematical
programming. Moreover, they are not usually
designed to easily incorporate new methods
implementations by users.
An example of a web system that can be used for
scheduling is the NEOS Server, developed under the
auspices of the Optimization Technology Center of
Northwestern University and Argonne National
Laboratory, for optimization problems solving. It
makes nearly 50 solvers available through a broad
variety of network interfaces. According to the
authors, although having evolved along with the web
and the Internet, it is limited to some degree by early
design decisions (
We can also refer the BBN’s Vishnu scheduling
system, a web-based optimisation scheduling system
( and the FortMP, a
Mathematical Programming Solver from Mitra’s
Group at Brunel University
The e-OCEA, a portal for scheduling intends to
help identifying scheduling problems, to help
development of new algorithms and to conduct
benchmarks through the Internet. However, one
requirement of this system is to only consider
elements (algorithms, data sets, schedules and
modules) that are e-OCEA compatible
The LekiNET, a prototype Internet scheduling
environment, by Benjamin P. C. et al. (Yen et al.,
2004), which has migrated from LEKIN, a flexible
job shop system, is a system that has some
similarities to our system, focusing more on cost
effective choice of scheduling agents for solving
problems. The authors propose a migration scheme
to transform existing standalone scheduling systems
to Internet scheduling agents that can communicate
with each other and solve problems beyond
individual capabilities. They treat each system as an
agent and build the relations between the systems.
Therefore, wrappers need to be specifically designed
for each system.
In our case, any method which is accessible through
the Internet, provided its signature and location are
specified within our web system, can be used, for
solving problems put by users. No further
requirements are necessary for being able to
remotely use available methods. The association of
scheduling problems to resolution methods is done
using the information available in the DKB, about
both problems and solving methods. We did not
come across to systems with identical architecture
and underlying approach, i.e. oriented for solving a
large variety of manufacturing scheduling problems
based on a continuously updatable distributed
knowledge base, which allows a network of peers to
provide the scheduling service to users and the
dynamic enlargement of the number of methods that
can be accessed.
In manufacturing enterprises, it is important
nowadays, as a competitive strategy, to explore and
use software applications, now becoming available
through the Internet and Intranets, for solving
scheduling problems, which can be achieved in an
easily way by using web service technology.
This work is based on an XML-based
specification framework for production scheduling
concepts modeling, which is used as specification
framework for production scheduling decision-
making through a web service. Some of the
important functions include the ability to represent
scheduling problems and the identification of
appropriate available methods for solving them.
The XML-based data modeling is used in order to
make possible flexible communication among
different scheduling applications. This modeling and
specification contributes to the improvement of the
scheduling process, by allowing an easy selection of
several alternative methods available for problem
solving, as well as an easy maintenance of the
distributed knowledge base supporting the
scheduling service. This is achieved by providing a
user-friendly way of new knowledge insertion. This
knowledge primarily includes scheduling problems
and solving methods as well as its implementations,
and corresponding inputs and outputs form. The
implemented methods are available and accessible
through the Internet. These may be implemented on
different programming languages and running on
different platforms. Such implementations are easily
accessible through the web service here presented
for solving scheduling problems, through the
execution of local or remotely available scheduling
methods. The system allows comparing different
solutions obtained by the execution of different
methods for a same scheduling problem, and to
choose the best solution found to solve the problem,
according to a given performance measure defined.
The XML based specification can be generated and
visualized by computers in appropriate and different
ways. An important issue is that the data
representation model is general, accommodating a
large variety of scheduling problems, which may
occur in different types of manufacturing
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