Mustafa Sert
Bas¸kent University
Department of Computer Engineering
06530 Ankara, TURKEY
Buyurman Baykal
Middle East Technical University
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
06531 Ankara, TURKEY
Audio databases, audio modeling, content-based retrieval, MPEG-7
The modeling of multimedia databases for multimedia information systems is a complicated task. The designer
has to model the structure and the dynamic behavior of multimedia objects, as well as the interactions between
them. In this paper, we present a data model for audio database applications in the context of MPEG-7.
The model is based on the object-oriented paradigm and as well as low-level and high-level signal features,
which are standardized within the MPEG-7 framework, thus enabling interoperability of data resources. The
model consists of two parts: a structural model, which provides a structural view of raw audio data, and
an interpretation model, which allows semantic labels to be associated with audio data. We make use of an
object-oriented approach to capture the audio events and objects in our model. Compared to similar models,
particular attention is paid to integration issues of the model with commercial database management systems.
Temporal relations between audio objects and events are also considered in this study.
With the advances in information technology, the
amount of multimedia data captured, produced and
stored is increasing rapidly. In addition to this, mul-
timedia content is widely used in many applications
in today’s world, and hence, a need for organizing
this data and accessing it from repositories with vast
amount of information has been appeared. In ad-
dition to video and image, audio content-based re-
trieval, content analysis and classification have a wide
range of applications in the entertainment industry,
audio archive management, commercial musical us-
age, and surveillance. As stated in (Petkovic and
Jonker, 2000), the fast increase in the amount of au-
ditory data caused audio to draw more attention as a
multimedia data type and revealed an important prob-
lem; hence new methods should be developed to man-
age them because existing data management tech-
niques do not provide sufficient support for audio data
type. However as pointed out in (Ghafoor, 1994), one
of the challenging issues that the researchers have to
encounter is the development of such models which
capture the characteristics of that data type.
Audio content-based retrieval requires many ad-
justments in a multimedia database management sys-
tem compared to a traditional database management
system. Traditional database management systems
are not suitable to manage auditory data since au-
dio data has its own characteristics, which differen-
tiate it from simple textual or numerical data. Tra-
ditional database management systems must be en-
hanced with new capabilities to handle audio data, as
a data type to query. The first step in achieving this
goal can be to create a multimedia data model and in-
corporate it into the existing database architectures.
As stated in (Grosky, 1997), a multimedia data model
has different properties relative to a traditional data
model. Such models should be able to capture and
represent various types of information about multi-
media objects, their structures, operations and prop-
erties, as well as real-world objects and relationships
among them. The defined model can then be used for
retrieval and querying of audio with the extracted in-
This paper proposes a data model in the mentioned
fields of a multimedia database management system
in the context of audio databases, and organized as
Sert M. and Baykal B. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 385-390
DOI: 10.5220/0001401503850390
follows. In Section 2, related approaches are ex-
plored. Our model is explained in Section 3. In Sec-
tion 4, integration issues of the model with commer-
cial database management systems are discussed. The
following section gives some practical examples to
provide an understanding of possible applications of
the model. Finally, our conclusions with the further
issues are presented.
Content-based retrieval of multimedia data has been
explored in several studies. Early attempts have ad-
dressed the problem of retrieval of images. After-
wards, the problem of video retrieval has attracted
much more attention. Audio, however, is generally
studied with regard to video retrieval, and not much
has been done on this issue. As stated in (Gudivada
and Raghavan, 1995), we can broadly classify the var-
ious approaches into three categories: keyword based,
feature based, and concept based approaches. In key-
word based approaches, which is the simplest way to
model the content, is by using free text manual an-
notation. In feature based approaches, a set of fea-
tures are extracted from the multimedia data, and rep-
resented in a suitable form. In the latter case, applica-
tion domain knowledge is used to interpret an object’s
content and may require user intervention.
Systems in the first category are mostly based on
textual data, hence a traditional database management
system which provides support for object retrieval is
adequate for this purpose. In the latter categories, fur-
ther considerations are needed in the context of mod-
eling in multimedia database systems.
In the literature, there are a few works on content-
based retrieval systems for auditory data both com-
mercially and academically. However, most of these
systems support only segmentation and classification
of audio data, that is, the signal processing aspects of
the audio. As query languages are very dependent on
the underlying data model, our survey will take ac-
count of some of the multimedia query languages.
One specific technique in content-based audio
retrieval is query-by-humming. The approach in
(A. Ghias, 1995) defined the sequence of relative dif-
ferences in the pitch to represent the melody contour
and adopted the string matching method to search
similar songs.
In the content-based retrieval (CBR) work of the
Musclefish Company (E. Wold, 1996), they took sta-
tistical values (including means, variances, and auto-
correlations) of several time and frequency-domain
measurements to represent perceptual features like
loudness, brightness, bandwidth, and pitch. As
merely statistical values are used, this method is only
suitable for sounds with a single timbre.
A music and audio retrieval system was proposed
in (Foote, 1997), where the Mel-frequency coeffi-
cients were taken as features, and a tree-structured
classifier was built for retrieval.
In (A. Woudstra, 1998), an architecture for mod-
eling and retrieving audiovisual information is pro-
posed. The proposed system presents a general frame-
work for modeling multimedia information and dis-
cusses the application of that framework to the spe-
cific area of soccer video clips.
In (L. Lu, 2003) an SVM-based approach to
content-based classification and segmentation of au-
dio streams is presented for audio/video analysis. In
this approach, an audio clip is classified into one of
the five classes: pure speech, non-pure speech, mu-
sic, environment sound, and silence. However, there
is no underlying database model for content-based au-
dio retrieval in the system.
(J.Z. Li, 1997) describes a general multimedia
query language, called MOQL, based on ODGMs’
Object Query Language (OQL). Their approach is
to extend the current standard query language, OQL,
to facilitate the incorporation of MOQL into existing
object-oriented database management systems. How-
ever, as stated in (J.Z. Li, 1997), further work needs
to be done to investigate the support for audio media
and to establish the expressiveness of MOQL.
There are other audio data models, which are ex-
plored in the context of video (G. Amato, 1998),
(A. Hampapur, 1997), (R. Weiss, 1994). However,
since the main purpose is video, less attention is paid
on the audio component.
The main contribution of this work lies on the fol-
lowing. We mainly emphasized on the audio com-
ponent. Particular attention is given to the integra-
tion issues of the model with commercial database
management systems, and finally, we believe that the
interoperability of the model is enabled by utilizing
the signal features, which have been standardized in
MPEG-7 framework.
In this section, we present our audio data model, its
components and some details on representation of
audio data. As identified in the work on MPEG-7
(John R. Smith, 2000), audio-visual content can be
described at many levels such as structure, semantics,
features and meta-data. At this stage, MPEG-7 takes
place by standardizing a core set of descriptors and
description schemes to enable indexing, retrieval of
audio-visual data, and interoperability of the data re-
sources (MPEG-7, 1999). A descriptor (D) is used to
represent a feature that characterizes the audio-visual
Figure 1: Segmentation of an audio for Audio DS.
content, while a descriptor scheme (DS) is used to
specify the structure and semantics of a relation be-
tween its components, such as descriptors and de-
scription schemes. Descriptors in MPEG-7 deal with
low-level features of a multimedia data (e.g., audio,
video), such as color, motion, audio energy, and so
forth. On the other hand, descriptor schemes deal
with high level features, such as semantic description
of objects and events. In this context, by separating
the distinct tasks of conceptual, logical and physical
modeling as in database design, we separate the con-
tent description process into two levels, namely struc-
tural and interpretation.
3.1 Modeling the Structure and
At the lowest level of representation, an audio data is
an unstructured piece of information as a sequence of
sample values (raw object) that can be represented in
the time domain or the frequency domain. Different
features can be extracted from these two representa-
tions, however this is not our goal in this study. In-
terested readers are referred to (MPEG-7, 2001) for
low and high level features of audio data. A raw
object contains a large amount of significant infor-
mation and should be managed by using an explicit
representation. Our model stands for this purpose,
and includes hierarchical structures, as well as object-
oriented methodologies for identifying the possible
conceptual entries in a raw object.
Our data model consists of two parts: A struc-
tural model, which provides a structural view of raw
audio data, and an interpretation model, which al-
lows semantic labels to be associated with audio
data. Structural and semantic information of an au-
dio are described by MPEG-7 meta-data in order to
enable indexing and retrieval of an audio data. Struc-
tural modeling includes 17 low-level MPEG-7 fea-
tures (e.g., AudioFundamentalFrequencyType, Au-
dioWaveformType, AudioPowerType) to describe an
audio. Semantic modeling consist of identifying au-
dio entities (objects) and their relations. We make use
of an object-oriented approach to capture audio events
and objects in an audio. We have defined an audio ob-
ject as a sound source, and that any kind of behavior
of that object is an event. Events develop in time by an
object and also have a duration property. As the main
function of an object is describing sound sources, it is
possible to distinguish different levels for describing
audio objects. Some generic source objects can be a
musical instrument, speech voice/owner, environmen-
tal sound, and sound effects. Similarly, as event is
the temporal behavior of some audio object along or
around a certain time; crying, shouting, dialogs be-
tween persons, and a musical note can be considered
as events. As a consequence, these two components
together are very useful for querying at the semantic
In our model, we have extended the idea which is
presented in proposal (P. Salembier, 1999). What we
present here is a first step towards that. We are uti-
lizing a frame-based view at the bottom level of rep-
resentation instead of a scene-oriented view. In addi-
tion, we have classified an audio into some common
types such as speech (sp), music (mu), sound (so),
and combination of all-mixed (mi). These classes
are immediate descendants of Audio DS with the is
a relation type. For instance, a music is an audio,
a speech is an audio, and so forth. An Audio TOC
is constructed for all these types, in other words, ev-
ery component of an audio has an Audio TOC which
also shows the aggregation relation. Class mixed is
defined to handle the audio pieces which are not clas-
sified into other three classes due to signal character-
istics. The inclusion of these classes to the model is
important for several reasons such as different audio
types have different significance to different applica-
tions, the audio type or class information itself may
be very useful for some applications, and the search
space after classification is reduced to a particular au-
dio class during the retrieval process.
Figure 2: UML diagram of the overall model (not exhaustive).
The overall structure of the generic audio DS is
constructed as follows. An audio entity is pro-
gressively partitioned to temporal segments and sub-
segments (Fig. 1). This process is continued until
the segments cannot be sub-segmented any further.
At this stage, we call the bottom-level elements as
An audio segment may contain any number of de-
scendant segments and frames, which both have their
own begin and end times. As stated in (Adam T. Lind-
say, 2000), this abstraction provides a view called au-
dio table of contents (TOC), which is very similar to
a table of contents in a book. The overall view of
the model (but not exhaustively), in the context of
MPEG-7 description tools is presented in Fig. 2.
Audio DS provides a general framework for the de-
scription of audio and is composed of labels and de-
scriptors to identify the audio to be described.
The Media Reference DS holds two descriptors
concerning with the media, one for the begin and end
time (Time DS), while the other one is to identify the
Audio Segment DS is a specialized instance of Seg-
ment DS. Segment DS is an abstract type, and defines
the properties of segments, such as Audio Segment
DS. The Audio Segment DS is utilized to describe a
temporal interval or segment of an audio. In order to
describe the structural relations among segments, seg-
ment relation description tools should be used. In the
context of temporality, we make use of the thirteen
interval relations as indicated in (Allen, 1983), such
as before, after, overlaps, during, starts, finishes, and
An Audio Frame DS is also a temporal portion of
the audio stream that have one or more characteris-
tics different from other frames in the stream. Audio
frames may contain a list of components such as au-
dio objects and audio events.
The semantic information about an audio object
and event are handled by the Audio Object and Au-
dio Event DSs, respectively. Each object and event
are described with their attributes such as start-time,
end-time, duration and high-level information to fa-
cilitate understanding of an audio content. These two
components together are also very useful for querying
at the semantic level.
Ambience DS, which is an optional DS, is used
to describe some information about the entire audio
frame to be able to distinguish it from others, while
frame link DS is used to capture the relations between
audio frames. There may be any number of frame
links and any number of relationships.
Figure 3: Oracle’s multimedia object data types.
3.2 Query Examples
This section provides some query examples and po-
tential applications of the proposed model. Proposed
system supports both the Query-by-Example (QBE)
and semantic (textual) queries. QBE queries are per-
formed by providing an example query object, while
semantic queries are expressed in the form of object
and event concepts. Example queries are,
Retrieve audio piece(s) that are similar to A
Retrieve audio piece(s) in which object O appears
Retrieve audio piece(s) in which event E appears
Retrieve audio piece(s) in which object O1 appears
before object O2
Retrieve audio piece(s) in which event E1 appears
after event E2
where A, O, and E represent an audio instance, an
object, and an event, respectively. In the examples,
before and after are temporal predicates. Other tem-
poral predicates (e.g., starts, finishes, overlaps) are
also supported. In addition, the queries can also be
expressed in the form of conjunctive and disjunctive
Several database management system vendors have
included characteristic features of object-oriented
databases to relational database management systems.
In particular, many database vendors, such as IBM
and Oracle provide the capability of handling ob-
ject data by embedding content-based retrieval pro-
totypes. For instance, IBM’s DB2 provides content-
based retrieval for images and video, and its prototype
has been employed from the research called QBIC
(M. Flinker, 1995), while Oracle makes use of the
prototype called Virage (A. Hampapur, 1997). Al-
though both systems reasonably support the content-
based retrieval of image and video, they do not pro-
vide the same capability for audio (Sert and Baykal,
We have mainly emphasized to the Oracle database
management system for integration issues of our
model. Oracle is an object relational database man-
agement system (Oracle, 2000). This means that, in
addition to its traditional role in the safe and efficient
management of relational data, it provides support for
the definition of object types, including the data asso-
ciated with objects and the operations (methods) that
can be performed on them. This mechanism is estab-
lished in the object-oriented paradigm, thus enabling
complex objects, such as digitized audio, image, and
video to the databases.
Within Oracle, multimedia data is handled by the
ORD* data types (ORDAudio, ORDImage, and OR-
DVideo), which are provided by the technology called
interMedia. All three data types derived from the
abstract object type called ORDSource. This hier-
archy is shown in Fig. 3. Interested readers may
refer to (Sert and Baykal, 2003) and (Oracle, 2000)
for content-based retrieval capability of the database.
However, this feature is a lack for auditory data.
Therefore, Oracle provides some methods to extend
this feature for ORD* data types. ORD* data types
make possible the following features:
Manipulating multimedia data sources
Extracting attributes from multimedia data (par-
Content-based retrieval of image and video
These data types can be extended to support audio
and video data processing, as well as content-based
retrieval of auditory data. In order to achieve these
goals, we apply the following procedures:
Design of the new/extended data source (model)
Implementation of the new/extended data source
Installation of the new module as a plug-in by using
the ORDPLUGINS schema
Adjustment of the privileges of new plug-in
Considerable research has been conducted on video
and audio data modeling in recent years. However,
to the best of our knowledge, most of them were ap-
plication of specific approaches. With this motiva-
tion, in this paper, we described the audio modeling
constructs and presented how an audio information
can be modeled in the context of MPEG-7 descriptors
and description schemes, in order to provide interop-
erability in world-wide scale. Finally, we have ex-
plored the integration issues of the model in commer-
cial database management systems. Since proposed
model exposes the structure of a generic audio de-
scription scheme, as a result, it can be used in vari-
ous audio applications as an underlying data model to
handle the audio characteristics and their semantics.
Our future work lies on two directions: (a) encap-
sulation of the proposed data model to constitute a
composite audio data type, (b)implementation of a
symbolic query language to query it.
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