Secure Authentication and Document Signature with
Cryptogram Smart Card in an Insecure Environment
Peter Sweeney
, Xiyu Shi
, David Burgess
, Alain Rhelimi
Centre for Communication Systems Research, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK
Axalto, 50 Avenue Jean Jaures, 92120 Montrouge Cedex, France
Keywords. authentication, security, digital signature, smart card, concept
Abstract. This
paper describes a mechanism for secure online user
authentication and document signature with a cryptogram Java card in an
insecure environment. The mechanism requires possession of both the card and
some secrets, known as Concepts, to authenticate the user. The concepts are
represented in image form. A method of secure document signing with the
concept-based images is also outlined. Possible security weakness and attack
methods are analysed in the paper. An implementation of the mechanism is also
described in brief. It is anticipated that the mechanism would provide security
and non-repudiation for e-Commerce customers in an insecure operating
1 Introduction
Authentication is the process of one entity to verify another entity as being the
claimed one. It is essential for such applications as online payment systems and
security access control systems to be assured that the user is a legitimate user as
claimed. Authentication can be usually carried out based on user knowing something
(e.g. a password), possession of something (e.g. a certificate or card), or something
unique (e.g. fingerprint, signature). It is generally used with any two combinations of
these three factors. The most common method in use is the user password in
conjunction with a conventional card (e.g. a magnetic strip card). It is, however, not
safe enough to count numerous online frauds, forgeries and counterfeiting.
The secure user authentication mechanism descri
bed in the following sections takes
advantage of the latest smart card technology with cryptogram functionality. The
objective of this mechanism is to provide two-factor authentication so that possession
of both the smart card and some secrets, known as Concepts, are required to
authenticate the user. This would provide security, for example, for card payments
Sweeney P., Shi X., Burgess D. and Rhelimi A. (2004).
Secure Authentication and Document Signature with Cryptogram Smart Card in an Insecure Environment.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Electronic Government and Commerce: Design, Modeling, Analysis and Security, pages 82-90
DOI: 10.5220/0001401900820090
made over the Internet. The mechanism is also to enable a contract to be drawn up
and to be signed with adequate provision to guard against repudiation, despite the fact
that the cardholder will be operating in an insecure environment, namely a networked
The mechanism approach is first discussed in following section. The concept, image
and their relations are explained in Section 3, followed with the description of
document signature in Section 4 and an implementation of the mechanism in Section
5. A security analysis and possible attacks are also given in Section 6.
2 Approach
It is important for commercial reasons that the approach avoids the need for any
special equipment. Approaches using biometrics, for instances iris, fingerprint and
voice, have therefore been rejected in favour of an approach in which the user proves
identity by possession of a piece of knowledge, similar to the way in which a Personal
Identification Number (PIN) is used in conjunction with a conventional card.
However the conventional card is vulnerable both to skim and counterfeit attacks. By
contrast, a smart card is considered to be more secure than a conventional card, hence
it is chosen for the secure authentication mechanism described here. The first step of
security is that the smart cards are resistant to cloning and so someone obtaining the
secret cannot make use of it without physical possession of the card. Even so, in
present applications secure PIN pads are used, so it is obviously still required that the
secret should be protected. Of course on a networked PC, it is possible for a process
to be installed that could eavesdrop on the secret and take possession of the card.
Therefore the system must provide a reasonable degree of security for the secret and
protect against processes that could operate the smart card remotely. This latter point
is addressed through provision of a contact on the card that can be connected only by
external physical means - the pressing of a button on a card connector. It is therefore
possible to ensure the physical presence of the cardholder while the authentication is
being carried out. The way that the secret is protected is one subject of this paper.
The difficulties with a conventional PIN are that it is easy to forget and also easy to
acquire through some attacking process. It has therefore been decided that, in addition
to the simple PIN used to unlock the card, an additional level of security should be
provided using a secret represented and identified through a sequence of images, in a
manner to be described. It is hoped that it will be possible to provide something that is
memorable but difficult for an outsider to recognize. The method should guard against
automatic acquisition of the secret, although any attack requiring human intervention
to succeed is judged to be an acceptable risk.
3 Representing Secret With Concept Based Images
There are several ways to represent a secret by a sequence of images. A basic scheme
would be for a user's secret to consist of a set of fixed images. Alternatively the
images representing the secret might vary. Either of the representations requires a
direct relation linking the image to the secret. Using concept-based image to represent
a secret is more complex and secure.
3.1 Fixed Image Secrets
With the secret being represented by fixed images, the identifiers of images
constituting the secret are stored on the card and transmitted to an authentication
server during authentication. The user requiring authentication is presented with a
page of images, of which one corresponds to the secret. This is selected and further
pages are presented in succession, each containing one of the secret images. The
pages could consist always of the same set of images in different positions, with the
user required to select the secret images in a fixed order. This would be very similar
to a PIN scheme except that the numbers are represented by images and change their
position on the screen. Alternatively, with a larger number of images on the page, it
might be possible for the user to select all the secret images on a single page.
However this would require, for example, 24 images on a page for a selection of 4 to
give the same degree of security as a 4-digit PIN (assuming the order of selection is
not considered). Requiring more images to be selected does enhance the security, but
to provide equivalent to a 5-digit PIN, five images out of 29 are needed.
If the same set of images is displayed every time, there are only a very limited
number of possible secrets. It is interesting to consider what would happen if the
images not corresponding to the secret were to be generated randomly so as to
increase the range of possible secrets. This is actually less secure than a fixed set of
images because after a small number of observations of the pages being presented it
would be possible to deduce the secret without observing the user's responses. In this
case the images being sent to the user would certainly need to be in encrypted format,
for decryption by the card.
Ultimately, however, any scheme on these lines fails the criteria because it is
certainly possible for an automatic process to recognize images and collect the key-
strokes or mouse inputs identifying the secret.
3.2 Variable Image Secrets
In this scheme, the images representing the secret might vary. For example, if one of
the secrets is a woman, there are lots of pictures of women that could be used, or even
other representations such as the
symbol representing female.
Now of course the recognition task for any attacking process becomes more severe
because it has to recognize the underlying secret for any user selected image and be
able to identify the corresponding images on any page, despite the fact that there
might be a large number of images in the database for any secret and various
geometric manipulations could be applied to any image for display without affecting
the underlying secret. Moreover the problem with randomly generated dummy images
is less severe because the secret images will vary from one occasion to the next. On
the other hand, care needs to be taken in setting up the image database to ensure that
there is no ambiguity in any of the images, i.e. that each image conveys only one out
of the possible set of secrets.
3.3 Concept-Based Images
Based on the schemes above, we can go further to use a sequence of concepts rather
than fixed images and objects to represent the secret. A concept is an attribute of an
image or object in the image. It is conveyed in the image and may be extracted from
the image. The user's secret - the set of Concepts - is stored on the smart card. An user
is authenticated by recognizing the secret concepts from a series of displayed images.
For a single concept to be satisfactorily represented by an image, the concept will
almost certainly be an animate object. Other possible concepts reflecting abstract
ideas, emotions, relative position or movement will require multiple objects in the
image. It is possible, therefore, for a single image with multiple objects to convey
several concepts, some of them not directly implied by any one of the objects on its
Fig. 1. Example of Authentication Image
For example, a very simple description of the image in Figure 1 is that "a woman
walking her dog". However we might easily use this image where the secret includes
the concept of humour, because the image has the appearance of a cartoon and the
woman strikes a comical pose. The semantic analysis needed to extract automatically
such concepts from images is beyond current computational techniques. On the other
hand it could certainly be done by humans and it may be possible for a human
observer to identify the underlying similarities between chosen images. However, as
stated previously, it is considered that this type of threat can be accepted.
For a feasible use of the concept-based image scheme, a large number of images and
their corresponding concepts are required and a relational database can be used to
hold these data. Technically we can index images by their underlying concepts and
access the appropriate concept combinations through the database. However when it
comes to putting images into the database, a human analysis is needed of each image
to extract the concepts. Moreover different people may see different concepts in a
single image, so some grading is needed to identify whether a particular concept is
strongly or weakly in a given image or perhaps whether the image conveys an
opposing concept. For example a dangerous situation would be definitely not be
confused with a secret containing the concept of safety and so could be presented as
one of the dummy images. However once primary concepts have been extracted, a
dictionary could be used to extract secondary and related concepts.
There is also the matter of deciding what are good and bad secrets. This is not
unique to this type of secret - a PIN of 1234 or 9999 would not be considered a good
value. In the context of our concepts, it is certainly not a good idea to choose two
concepts where one is an attribute of another. For example if an animal is part of the
secret, it is a bad idea to also have a specific animal as another secret because the
more general concept is effectively wasted. Having concepts that are too specific is a
bad idea, but this can perhaps be recognized by the scarceness of database entries with
that concept.
4 Document Signature
It is a simple enough task for the smart card to sign a document using its RSA private
key. The issues are how to be sure that the user has seen the document and that the
document displayed is the same as that received by the card. The issue of ensuring
that the user has seen the document is addressed by overlaying the images for
authentication on the document itself. Ensuring that the document has not been
modified between the card and the display is more difficult. With the help of a card-
enabled stand-alone device it would be possible for the user to draw up the contract,
or some part of it, and include a signature that would verify the important details.
Unfortunately, human beings have low computational capability and cannot check
RSA signatures. We are therefore left with a difficult problem, namely how can we
put something into a document that will be checked by the card, such that an attacking
process will find it difficult to amend properly but errors in the amendment will be
easily spotted by the user. As stated above, formatting the document as an image with
sensitive information in words and figures will help.
The scheme is designed such that the document to be signed is passed to the
cardholder system prior to the authentication and is passed to the card for integrity
checking. The authentication test (i.e. images) is applied as an overlay on the
document to be signed, thus ensuring that the cardholder has seen the document. If the
user makes the correct authentication response, the card recognizes this as described
in Authentication Decision of Section 5.3 and is able to sign the document using a
hashing function (SHA-1) encrypted using the card's private key. The signed
document can then be sent to other partner, e.g. to a merchant in a message
corresponding to the purchase request.
5 The Implementation of the Scheme
5.1 Requirements
The described user authentication and document signature mechanism involve three
entities: a cryptogram smart card, a cardholder's system and an authentication server.
The smart card should be able to complete RSA public key encryption and
decryption, digital signature and SHA-1 hash function. A card reader connects the
smart card with the cardholder system. The cardholder system communicates with the
authentication server via the general Internet. A connection between the
authentication server and a concept-based image database also requires to be
The smart card that stores a cardholder's secret concepts must be presented
whenever the user authentication and signature are requested. The cardholder is
challenged with a series of test questions - the concept-based images - and there
should be no direct relation linking the questions with the secrets the cardholder
possessed. A decision of whether or not the cardholder is authenticated must be solely
made by the card and on the card. All messages transferred in the session of
authentication must be authenticated in order to protect for data
integrity. Responses to the questions must be enciphered in order to protect for data
5.2 Concept Challenge and Response
User authentication is performed by a verification test which involves a challenge and
a corresponding correct response. The test is passed if the correct response, after
decryption, is the same as the cardholder's response.
The challenge data comprises four (or possibly more) ordered sets of ten images,
Si = {Ii,1, Ii,2, ., Ii,j, ., Ii,10} (1)
Where i = 1, 2, 3, 4
i: the i
set of ten images
i,,j: the j
image in Set i
Each of the sets must contain exactly one image Ii,f(i) (i = 1, 2, 3, 4)which conveys
the cardholder's concept(s). The correct response is simply the sequence of numbers
f(1), f(2), f(3),.f(4), encrypted. To avoid susceptibility to a simple frequency count,
the image database needs to be large enough. For further security, the positions of all
of the individual images within the ten are chosen randomly for each session of
The scheme is developed such that the secret is not simply the sets of images Ii,f(i)
(i = 1, 2, 3, 4), but a set of concepts which are contained only in these images out of
forty presented. In this case, as each of the images Ii,f(i) (i = 1, 2, 3, 4)varies from
authentication to authentication, so will the other images in its set.
5.3 Message Flow
The message flow between the main components of the scheme is illustrated in Figure
Fig. 2. Diagram of Message Flow Between Components
Card Insertion - The cardholder inserts the smart card into the card reader that is
connected to the Cardholder System. The insertion therefore invokes the
authentication procedure.
Mutual Component Authentication between the smart card and the Cardholder
System - The card only sends meaningful data to a verified Cardholder System and
the Cardholder System only receives data from a verified card. The card and the
Cardholder System use RSA digital signature to verify each other. This step involves
exchange of public keys, random numbers and signatures. If the mutual authentication
is successful, the card and the Cardholder System satisfy each other and can transfer
sensitive data from now on. Notice that similar mutual component authentication is
also required for the cardholder system and the authentication server.
MAC Session Key Generation - The Cardholder System and the Authentication
Server compute a secret key for encryption of the MAC (Message Authentication
Code) of transmitted messages in this session of user authentication. The session key
is a shared secret without explicit exchange of the secret.
Authentication Request - The Cardholder System requests test questions by
sending an authentication request to the Authentication Server.
Authentication Response - The Authentication Server uses the concepts in the
authentication request message to generate an appropriate authentication response
message and returns to the Cardholder System. The response includes a group of test
questions and correct test responses. To do this, the Authentication Server needs to
first decrypt the concepts part of the authentication request message and generate the
suitable images as the test questions. The images should be arranged in such a way
that the sequence appeared in the question series is randomly decided, the images
stands for only a group of concepts not related to any specific numbers.
Present Test Question - The Cardholder System presents the cardholder with the
test questions and waits for responses from the cardholder. Usually the test questions
are produced on the screen of the Cardholder System.
Test Question Response - The cardholder responses the test questions by selecting
images which convey the cardholder's secret concepts. The steps of present test
questions and the test question response may be repeated several times depending on
the way the questions are presented and the complexity of the concepts.
Authentication Command - The Cardholder System sends the Test Question
Response and the encrypted Correct Test Response coming from the
authentication response to the smart card for a matching verification.
Authentication Decision - The smart card compares the cardholder's response with
the Correct Test Response. If no difference is found, the cardholder is authenticated
and the authentication decision is true. Any other comparison results will result in a
failed user authentication and the authentication decision is false. If the decision is
false, the smart card must destroy any data received for this session of user
authentication and must block any further data leaving the card. Whether or not the
card lets the Cardholder System and the Authentication Server know the
authentication decision is an optional step accomplished by an individual
implementation of this scheme according to the requirements. In our implementation,
the decision is transmitted to the Cardholder System and the Authentication Server. It
is a compulsory requirement to encipher the decision with a proper recipient's public
6 Possible Effective Security Attacks
The implemented scheme is based on EMV [1] functions and the SET [2]
specification, thereby protecting against most attacks. A Substitution attack is only
really successful against a very limited range of authentication methods and
encryptions and Exhaustive Search is not really appropriate to most Internet
transactions. The only effective weakness of the scheme lies in the fact that no part of
the PC can be considered a tamper evident device and so information cannot be
reliably encrypted thereon. In particular, information transferred from the keyboard or
mouse of the PC to the smart card interface device is not secure. This is not an issue if
the question and answer involved in authentication reveal no information to enable
future correct response to some question. If however they do, the Man in the Middle
attack, in conjunction with obtaining a copy of the smart card could be successful for
attaining the ability to make fraudulent authentication if the following procedure is
The Cardholder's response to the question can be accessed via the channel
connecting keyboard or mouse of the PC to its processor or that connecting the latter
to the card interface device. This can be compared with the question, accessed via the
general Internet channel connecting the Authentication Server to the Cardholder
System, after timing differences are allowed for. Repeated observations
for the cardholder over a number of authentication sessions can compromise the
secret to enable false authentication provided a copy of the smart card is available to
the attacker. Note, however, that the proximity of the user to the smart card can be
verified by the use of a physical contact on the card connector. As a result remote
access to the card during the user authentication procedure can be prevented.
Note that the success of this attack necessitates each of five components:
1) Access to a copy of the smart card;
2) Ability to undetectably read and interpret at the correct time the information on
the channel connecting keyboard or mouse via PC processor to smart card
interface device;
3) Ability to undetectably read and interpret at the correct time the information on
the channel connecting the Authentication Server to the Cardholder System;
4) Ability to confirm that the information from 2) and 3) correspond to each other;
sufficient number of observations to deduce the secret defining the connection;
5) Between answers and questions, an ability to make the appropriate deduction
and a connection which is susceptible to being discovered by this means.
7 Summary
Concept-based image user authentication is a secure scheme designed for online
authentication and signature in conjunction with a cryptogram smart card. Concepts
are contained in visual images and only the legitimate cardholder can link the images
to the secret concepts so that there is effective protection against the common
shoulder-surfing attack on a traditional PIN (or the electronic equivalent). It is
possible that no two presentations of the same group of concepts are the same, which
is a great advantage over traditional PIN authentication. The scheme can be used in
many applications such as online banking, security access control where user
authentication is required.
This work is supported by the European Commission as part of the 5` Framework IST
1. EMV (2000) Integrated Circuit Card Specification for Payment Systems, Version 4.0.
December, 2000 [WWW]
2. SET (1997) MasterCard, PISA Secure Electronic Transaction Specification, Version 1.0. 31
May 1997