José Esteves
Department of Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos , Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Jordi Girona Salgado 1-3 08034
Barcelona, Spain
Joan A. Pastor
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya,Immaculada 22
08017 Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning, critical success factors, implementation phases, ERP implementation project
Abstract: This paper analyzes the evolution of organizational and t
echnological critical success factors along the ERP
implementation phases. The identification of factors leading to success or failure of ERP systems is an issue
of increasing importance, since the number of organizations choosing the ERP path keeps growing. Our
findings suggest that while both good organizational and technological perspectives are essential for a
successful ERP implementation project, their importance shifts as the project moves through its lifecycle.
During the last years some studies have been
published in relation to the Critical Success Factors
(CSFs) topic in ERP implementations.. The
identification of factors leading to success or failure
of ERP implementations is an issue of increasing
importance, since the number of organizations
choosing the ERP path keeps growing.
In this paper we attempt to analyze how the
nizational and technological perspectives are
perceived along the ERP implementation phases.
Specifically, we have analyzed how the unified
model of CSFs for ERP implementation projects
presented by Esteves and Pastor (2000) fits into a
organizational-technological framework. In our
study, to evaluate organizational and technological
perspectives, we have used their CSFs unified
model. Understanding the CSFs that help to lead to
successful implementations of Information Systems
(IS) has been a key interest for practitioners as well
as many IS researchers (Haines and Goodhue 2000).
This paper is organized as follows. First, we
t the unified model of CSFs and the SAP
implementation methodology. Then we describe the
research framework for evaluating CSFs relevance.
Next, we discuss the relevance of each CSF taken
into account organizational and technological
perspectives. Finally we discuss the results and
further work.
The CSF approach has been applied to many aspects
and tasks of information systems, and more recently
to ERP systems implementations, (e.g. Dolmetsch et
al. 1998, Holland et al. 1999, Parr et al. 1999, Nah et
al. 2001). Based in a set of studies published by
several authors, containing commented lists of CSFs
in ERP implementations, Esteves and Pastor (2000)
unified these lists and created a CSFs unified model
Esteves J. and A. Pastor J. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 45-53
DOI: 10.5220/0002598000450053
for ERP implementation projects. The unified model
is represented in figure 1. The advantage of this
model is that it unifies a set of studies related with
lists of CSFs identified by other authors; the CSFs
are categorized in different perspectives and, each
CSF is identified and defined.
In the authors’ view, the nature of the ERP
implementation issues includes strategic, tactical,
organizational and technological perspectives.
Therefore, we propose that the CSFs model should
have these four perspectives. The organizational
perspective is related with concerns like
organizational structure and culture and, business
processes. The technological perspective focuses on
aspects related to the particular ERP product in
consideration and on other related technical aspects,
such as hardware and base software needs. The
strategic perspective is related with core
competencies accomplishing the organization's
mission and long-term goals, while the tactical
perspective affects the business activities with short-
term objectives.
2.1 CSFs Relevance
In 1988, Pinto and Prescott (1988, p. 5), claimed that
“the majority of the studies in the critical success
factor research stream have been theoretical and
have assumed a static view of the importance of
various factors over the life of a project. In other
words, a critical success factor was assumed to have
the same degree of importance throughout the life of
the project”. Therefore, Pinto and Prescott (1988)
examined changes in the criticality of project CSFs
over the life cycle of a project. They concluded that
the relevance of CSFs is subject to change at
different phases of the project life cycle. They stated
that “this finding implies that future use of critical
success factor analysis and implementation,
regardless of the area to be examined, may be
contingent on other organizational phenomena, such
as project (or organizational) life cycle” (Pinto and
Prescott, p. 17).
Strategic Tactical
Sustained management support
Effective organizational change management
Good project scope management
Adequate project team composition
Comprehensive business process
Adequate project champion role
User involvement and participation
• Trust between partners
Dedicated staff and consultants
Strong communication inwards and outwards
• Formalized project plan/schedule
• Adequate training program
Preventive trouble shooting
Appropriate usage of consultants
• Empowered decision-makers
Adequate ERP implementation strategy
• Avoid customization
Adequate ERP version
Adequate infrastructure and interfaces
• Legacy systems knowledge
Formalized testing plan
Adequate data migration process
Figure 1: The critical success factors unified model for ERP implementations
Subsequent studies on CSF approach have
addressed not solely the identification of CSFs but
also their relevance along the project life cycle.
However, the number of these types of studies is still
very limited with most studies only focusing on CSF
identification. The assumption that CSFs relevance
varying along the implementation phases is slightly
different from some studies that try to define CSFs
for each phase of the project life cycle. Pinto and
Prescott (1988) use the same set of CSFs and
examined their relevance along the project phases
while some studies define different sets of CSFs for
each project phase. These approaches are different
although some researchers are empirically using the
same assumption stated by Pinto and Prescott (1988)
since they are providing what they call “the most
critical” or “most relevant” or “the top” CSFs which
means they are only defining the most relevant CSF
but probably they are always using as a reference the
same set of CSFs.
With regarding to the research approach, to
study CSFs relevance researchers have used surveys
and case studies using interviews. The typical
procedure is to ask participants to rank the most
relevant CSFs in each project phase and then create
a list of the most relevant CSFs in each project phase
or, they ask participants to evaluate CSFs relevance
using a Likert scale. Some authors have studied
CSFS along different IS project types: information
centers (Magal et al. 1988), IS implementation
projects (Pinto and Slevin 1988), Cooper and Zmud
(1990), ERP lifecycle (Somers and Nelson 2001,
Nah et al. 2001).
In 1996, SAP introduced the Accelerated SAP
(ASAP) implementation methodology with the goal
of speeding up SAP implementation projects. ASAP
was advocated to enable new customers to utilize the
experience and expertise gleaned from thousands of
implementations worldwide. This is specifically
targeted for small and medium enterprises adopting
SAP. The key phases of the ASAP methodology,
also known as the ASAP roadmap, are:
Project preparation – the purpose of this phase
is to provide initial planning and preparation of
SAP project. The steps of this phase help
identify and plan the primary focus areas to be
considered such as: objectives, scope, plan and
definition of project team.
Business blueprint - the purpose of this phase is
to create the business blueprint, which is a
detailed documentation of the results gathered
during requirements workshops/meetings. It will
allow the implementation project team to clearly
define their scope, and only focus on the SAP
processes needed to run the organization
Realization - the purpose of this phase is to
implement business and processes requirements
on the business blueprint. The objectives are
final implementation in the system, an overall
test, and the release of the system for production
(live) operation.
Final preparation – the purpose of this phase is
to complete the final preparation, including
testing, end user training, system management
and cut over activities, to finalize the readiness
to go live. The final preparation phase also
serves to resolve all open issues.
Go live & support - the purpose of this phase is
to move from a pre-production environment to
live production operation. A support
organization must be set up for end users to
provide long-term support. This phase is also
used to monitor system transactions and to
improve overall system performance. Finally the
completed project is closed.
The structure of each phase is the following:
each phase is composed of a group of work
packages. These work packages are structured in
activities, and each activity is composed of a group
of tasks. An example of two work packages of
ASAP, project kickoff and quality check, is
described in table 1. For each task, a definition, a set
of procedures, results and roles are provided in the
ASAP roadmap documentation. According to a
survey of Input company (Input 1999), organizations
have been more satisfied with SAP tools and
methodologies than with those of implementation
partners. Implementations where ASAP or Powered
by SAP methodologies were used averaged only 8
months, compared to 15 months for standard
CSFs can either be ongoing, or they can be temporal
(Khandewal and Ferguson 1999). Khandewal and
Ferguson (1999) assert notwithstanding the earlier
Phase 5Phase 4Phase 3Phase 2Phase 1
Phase 5Phase 4Phase 3Phase 2Phase 1
CSFs in ERP Projects
CSFs in ERP Projects
CSFs Re l ev an ce
Proces s Quali ty Management
Coding Procedure
CSFs in ERP Projects
CSFs in ERP Projects
CSFs Relevance
Process Quality Management
Coding Procedure
CSFs in ERP Proj ects
CSFs in ERP Proj ects
CSFs Re l ev an ce
Process Quality Management
Coding Proce dure
CSFs in ERP Proj ects
CSFs in ERP Proj ects
CSFs Re l ev an ce
Process Quality Management
Coding Procedure
CSFs in ERP Projects
CSFs in ERP Projects
CSF s Re l ev a nc e
Process Quality Management
Coding Procedure
CSFs in ERP Projects
CSFs in ERP Projects
CSFs Re l ev an ce
Proces s Quali ty Management
Coding Procedure
Figure 2: Research framework followed
statement that the CSFs can either be ongoing, or
temporal that all CSFs can be defined in a way that
they are temporal. For example, formal plan and
schedule for the ERP implementation project can be
defined as a temporal CSF. This CSF will then be
considered having been achieved as soon as a
project plan is developed. The assumption is that
once the project plan is developed the ongoing
updating of this plan would be an integral part of the
project plan. All CSFs would thus belong to a point
in time, although they may differ in their degree of
temporality. Therefore, it is important to know these
points in time were CSFs are more relevant. Next,
we describe our research framework for evaluating
CSFs relevance along SAP implementation phases
and the relevance scheme obtained.
4.1 Research Framework for
Evaluating CSFs Relevance
We have used the Process Quality Management
(PQM) method (Ward 1990) to relate the CSFs with
the ASAP processes. The PQM method developed
by IBM is "designed to assist the management team
reach consensus on the most critical business
activities, i.e. those whose performance will have the
biggest impact on the success or failure of the
enterprise" (Ward 1990). PQM uses the concept of
CSFs (Rockart 1979) to encourage management
teams to focus their attention on the critical issues of
the business, and then to base the IT strategy on
these. Next, we describe the following steps of the
PQM method, as we have applied them in our
research case (see figure 2):
First step: define the mission. We define the
following mission: "To implement the ERP
system, according to the organization's business
and organizational needs" and then "to show that
the ERP implementation will add value through
the satisfaction of the organization requirements
previously defined". This mission reflects the
intention of the whole group of people involved
in an ERP implementation project;
Second step: define CSFs. We will use the CSFs
unified model proposed by Esteves and Pastor
Third step: define the processes. In our case, the
processes are those defined in the ASAP
Fourth step: establish the relationship of CSFs
versus ASAP processes. This is done through the
creation of the matrix presented in figure 2 and
table 1. For each one of the five SAP
implementation phases a matrix was created.
Next, we describe how the matrix of CSFs
versus ASAP processes was created.
According to Hardaker and Ward (1987), "the
object is to single out the processes that have a
primary impact on this particular CSF". What we are
looking for are those essential activities and not all
of them. The matrix in table 1 has been built in the
following way. We focused on each CSF and asked
this question: Which ASAP processes must be
performed especially well for us to be confident of
achieving this CSF? Then, we looked at all the
processes and decided which ones were important
for that CSF. Each time we established a relationship
between a CSF and a process, we marked a ‘1’ in the
corresponding cell of the matrix (see table 1). A
second process was used to validate and to get more
reliability in the research. We used a coding
procedure to analyze the ASAP documentation. The
coding procedure consisted in coding line-by-line all
the ASAP processes using a predefined list of codes,
in this case the list of CSFs. Next, we present part
of the full matrix of CSFs versus ASAP processes
built for the first phase of ASAP, the project
preparation phase.
Table 1: Example of the matrix CSFs versus ASAP processes for project preparation phase
CSFs in
ERP implementations
Sustained management support
Effective organizational change management
Good project scope management
Adequate project team composition
Comprehensive business process redesign
User involvement and participation
Adequate project sponsor role
Adequate project manager role
Trust between partners
Dedicated staff and consultants
Strong communication
Formalize project plan/schedule
Adequate training program
Preventive trouble shooting
Usage of appropriate consultants
Empower decision makers
Adequate ERP implementation strategy
Avoid customization
Adequate ERP version
Adequate infrastructure and interfaces
Adequate legacy systems knowledge
Project Kickoff
Kickoff Meeting
Prepare for kickoff meeting
Conduct kickoff meeting
1 1 1
Company wide project introduction
1 1
Project team standards meeting
Prepare for standard meeting
Conduct standard meeting
1 1
Quality Check
Perform quality check and approval
Conduct quality check
Signoff project preparation phase
1 1
Number of CSFs occurrences 2 17
4.2 CSFs Relevance
Table 2 represents the CSFs relevance for each CSF
in each implementation phase. The values were
calculated in the following way. We have built a
matrix of CSFs versus ASAP processes such as the
one in table 1 for each implementation phase, and
for each CSF we sum the number of occurrences of
that CSF. For instance, the sum of 2 in the CSF
Sustained Management Support means that we
defined 2 relationships between this CSF and 2
ASAP tasks. Then, we converted the number of
occurrences (raw scores) into a normative scale of
ten scores. In a scale of this kind, results from 1-3
are considered irrelevant, from 4-7 normal
relevance, and 8-10 they are considered of high
relevance. In our case, we see that almost all the
factors are higher than 4. Thus, their relevance is
normal or high in most cases. We do not pretend to
say that a CSF with a low summation it is not
important; what we say is that it is less relevant in
that period of the project. CSFs have all the same
importance. Therefore, all of them should be
carefully respected and analyzed.
One of the main results from table 2 is that
organizational CSFs have more relevance along the
ERP implementation phases than technological ones.
Once again, there is the need to focus more on
people and process than on technology itself. This is
not new, and other studies have proved the same
aspect in other types of IS implementation projects.
This aspect is very important since as Felix and
Harrison (1984) quoted, “technical problems can
usually be detected and repaired before the system is
put in jeopardy. The cost may be high in terms of
either budget or schedule, but the repair can be
made. Organizational and personnel problems often
cannot be redressed, and continue to jeopardize the
success of the system itself”.
SAP Implementation phases
Perspectives Critical Success Factors
1 2 3 4 5
Sustained management support 8 6 5 5 8
Effective organizational change management 6 9 5 5 6
Good project scope management 5 3 4 4 4
Adequate project team composition 4 4 4 4 4
Comprehensive business process redesign 4 7 4 3 4
User involvement and participation 5 9 10 8 6
Adequate project sponsor role 7 6 4 5 7
Adequate project manager role 10 9 9 10 10
Trust between partners 6 4 4 4 6
Dedicated staff and consultants 5 5 4 4 6
Strong communication inwards and outwards 7 7 6 8 9
Formalized project plan/schedule 8 7 7 7 7
Adequate training program 5 5 5 7 4
Preventive trouble shooting 4 4 8 8 7
Usage of appropriate consultants 6 9 9 6 4
Empowered decision makers 4 5 4 5 4
Adequate ERP implementation strategy 5 4 4 4 6
Avoid customization 4 4 5 3 4
Adequate ERP version 4 3 3 3 4
Adequate infrastructure and interfaces 6 6 7 7 4
Adequate legacy systems knowledge 4 4 4 4 4
Formalized testing plan 4 4 8 6 4
Adequate data migration process 4 4 5 6 4
Table 2: CSFs relevance alon
the SAP im
Next, we describe each CSF relevance along the
SAP phases, classified by organizational and
technological perspectives.
4.2.1 Organizational Perspective
Sustained management support is more relevant at
the beginning and at the end of the implementation.
The reason is that at the beginning senior
management should help in the rollout of the project,
analyze the business benefits, define the mission and
scope of the project and provide the resources
needed for the project. At the end, there is the need
to encourage the system usage and help in the
commitment of user involvement.
Effective organizational change management
and business process redesign are more relevant in
the second phase. In this phase the business
blueprint is defined, and the business processes are
analyzed, redesigned (some) and documented. There
is the need to understand how the organization
intends to run its business within the SAP system
and the changes in the organization.
Adequate project team composition has the same
relevance along all the phases since they play an
important part in the whole project. ASAP
methodology does not focus too much on this CSF
since it assumes that the right people were chosen.
Good project scope management is relevant at
the beginning when managers define the scope and
in the last phase because the scope is usually revised
and changed according to the results of the go live
system tests.
Adequate project sponsor role is more relevant at
the beginning when people need to be motivated to
start the project and to obtain the necessary
resources and in the last phase when project sponsor
needs to encourage the use of the system.
Adequate project manager role is relevant in all
phases. It is less relevant in the second and third
phases than in with the others because these phases
are dedicated to business modelling and
configuration tasks and here the role of the project
manager is to guarantee that everything goes
according to the plan.
Trust between partners is relevant at the
beginning when all the stakeholders involved in the
project should share their goals and knowledge and
at the end when they have to analyze and again share
their knowledge to finish the project with success.
User involvement and participation is relevant in
the phases where their know-how is important to
achieve a good customization of the system to
organizational needs. They participate in the
definition of business requirements, help in the
analysis of the ERP configuration and in conversion
of data and the testing of the system.
Dedicated staff and consultants is more relevant
in the last phase where there is the need to dedicated
more effort in order to the system go live and also be
available to help users answering their questions and
reduce their doubts about the new system.
Appropriate usage of consultants is relevant
especially in the second and third phases. On the
second phase the knowledge of consultants is
important to improve the business processes, and on
the third phase consultants product knowledge on
the ERP system parameterization.
Empowered decision makers is more relevant in
the second and fourth phases because there is the
need to take quickly decisions related with the
business processes redesign (second phase) and the
adequate customization of ERP system (fourth
phase) in order to accomplish project plan/schedule
on time.
Adequate training program is more relevant in
phase 4 because it is when the training program of
end users starts, but in the previous phases there are
also training concerns related with project team
training and to prepare end user training.
Strong communication inwards and outwards is
more relevant at the first two phases where there is
strong need of communication between senior
management and the project team in the definition of
project plan and scope, and in the last phase where
there is the need of a strong communication with the
whole organization to start the go & live of the SAP
Formalized plan and schedule relevance
decreases during the implementation project. The
reason is that at beginning it is important starting
planning as early as possible. However, along the
project, modifications to accomplish the results
Preventive troubleshooting is more relevant in
the last three phases, especially in the fourth phase
during which issues arise when the production
system is being tested and old data converted to the
new system.
4.2.2 Technological Perspective
Avoid customization is more relevant in phase 3,
when the SAP system is configured and more than
8.000 tables must be parameterized. The software
configuration should follow the business
requirements defined in the previous phase.
Adequate ERP implementation strategy is more
relevant at the first phase because is in this phase
that the SAP implementation strategy should be
Adequate ERP version has the same relevance
along all the phases. From the beginning until the
end of the project implementation, SAP recommends
that the project team follows the upgrade of SAP
releases and should consider the adoption of new
Adequate infrastructure and interfaces is more
relevant in phases 3 and 4, when there is the need to
configure the infrastructure for the production
operation (go live). In these phases are also
configured the interfaces with other systems, and the
creation of reports and forms.
Adequate legacy systems knowledge is less
relevant at the first phase because this phase is
related with the preparation of project
implementation. In phase 3 the need of knowledge
of legacy systems is more relevant in order to
minimize the effort of configuration, to help in
conversion of data and the creation of interfaces.
Formalized testing plan is more relevant in phase
3 and 4 because in these phases the system needs to
be tested after the parameterization process. The test
should include not only functional testing but also
the user’s acceptance testing.
Adequate data migration process is more
relevant in phase 4 because it is in this phase that
data is migrated to the ERP system. The data
migration process may be done using automatic
procedures, or manually, or a mix of both. Finally,
users must certify that they accept the data migration
Based upon the schema presented in table 2, we
analyzed the evolution of organizational and
technological CSFs along the ERP implementation
phases (see table 3). Our findings suggest that while
both organizational and technological perspectives
are essential for a successful ERP implementation
project, their relevance shifts as the project moves
through its lifecycle. Organizational issues are most
important at the beginning, while technological
issues gain in importance towards the middle as
figure 3 shows. The organizational perspective has a
high or normal relevance along the ERP
implementation phases while the technological
perspective starts by low and normal relevance and
gradually increases to normal and high relevance.
ERP implementation phase Relevance Value
Organizational Technological
Low 5 5
Normal 7 2
Project planning
High 4 0
Low 4 6
Normal 8 1
Business blueprint
High 4 0
Low 7 3
Normal 5 3
High 4 1
Low 5 4
Normal 7 3
Final preparation
High 4 0
Low 6 6
Normal 7 1
Go Live
High 3 0
Table 3 – CSFs relevance along the SAP implementation phases
Next, we analyze our findings phase by phase:
Project preparation – In this phase,
organizational factors have more relevance than
technological factors. Adequate project manager
role, sustained management support and
formalized plan/schedule are the most relevant
strategic factors while adequate infrastructure
and interfaces is the most relevant technological
factor. The main reason for these CSFs relevance
is due to the fact that this phase is dedicated
mostly to define and organize the project.
Business blueprint – Organizational factors are
still the most relevant factors on this phase.
However, organizational factor types change.
Adequate project manager role is the most
relevant in all phases, but sustained management
support relevance decreases, organizational
change, user involvement and participation, and
usage of appropriate consultants arise as the
most relevant organizational factors. Regarding
technological factors, adequate infrastructure and
interfaces is the most relevant one. This phase is
mainly dedicated to the business analysis and
Realization – In general we evidenced that
organizational factors relevance decreases and
technological factors gain relevance. Adequate
project manager role, user involvement and
participation, and usage of appropriate
consultants are still the most relevant
organizational factors, while formalized testing
plan and adequate infrastructure and interfaces
are the most relevant technological factors. This
relevance is according to the fact that in this
phase the ERP system is parameterized.
Therefore most of the technological tasks are
done in this phase.
Final preparation – Organizational factors
increase a little their relevance while
technological factors decrease their relevance.
Adequate project manager and user involvement
and participation remain the most relevant
organizational factors. Strong communication
inwards and outwards gains relevance in this
phase. Adequate infrastructure and interfaces
stills the highest relevant technological factor.
This phase is dedicated to the system testing and
users training. The final adjustments to the
system are done in this phase.
Go live & support – Again, organizational
factors still have more relevance on this phase,
while technological factors loose significantly
their relevance. Adequate project manager role
and strong communication inwards and outwards
are the most relevant organizational factors.
Regarding technological factors all have a
normal relevance in this phase. This phase is
dedicated to the system go live. Therefore is
important to communicate and involve everyone
in this process to achieve success.
These findings have implications in the way
organizations should manage their ERP
implementation projects. Some of these implications
Organizations should consider organizational
factors early in the project lifecycle, during
project preparation and business blueprint and at
the end.
The transition from organizational to
technological issues must be carefully managed
since it means changing the relevance of CSFs.
Therefore, it should exist a careful monitoring of
these new CSFs.
ERP project monitoring and controlling involves
a dynamic multi-success-factor management
since the most relevant CSFs may change along
the project.
The adequate project manager role is the most
relevant CSF along all the ERP implementation
phases. Therefore, organizations must put special
attention on the selection, motivation and
retention of this person and try to select the most
adequate person for this role.
Project managers must have adequate skills for
both dealing with organizational and
technological issues, or at least he/she counts on
other people that support he/she in this shift
along the project.
In this study we used all the CSFs proposed in
the CSFs unified model for ERP implementations
and the ASAP methodology. However, we have
developed a general criticality indicator that can be
applied to any ERP implementation methodology
(see Esteves and Pastor 2001). We are aware that
CSFs vary from implementation to implementation.
However, this does not mean that organizations
should forget the less critical CSFs; Instead,
organizations must still control and monitor them to
minimize projects risks. In fact, the CSFs from the
unified model should all be treated as perceived
project risks. We are now trying to validate these
preliminary findings using the case study method
and interviews with people of various roles that have
been involved in ERP implementation projects. We
also want to analyze the implications of studying
vertical implementation cases such as higher
education ERP implementation projects. Finally, we
also will compare our findings with other studies of
ERP implementation projects in general in order to
identify similarities and discrepancies that may help
improve our work.
This work has been supported by Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.
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