Karsten Boye Rasmussen
Institute of Organization and Management, SDU
University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M.
Keywords: Data Warehouse, Data Quality, Business Knowledge, Metadata, Knowledge Management
Abstract: The data warehouse is the cornerstone for the production of business knowledge in the organization. The
foundation of the quality of the business knowledge is the quality of the data in the data warehouse.
Determination of dimensions of data quality in the data warehouse has been obtained through the intuitive,
the empirical and the ontological approaches. The first point of this working paper is that data quality is not
a static measure and that awareness of the data quality dimensions is a prerequisite to improve the data
quality. The second point is that selection is the cornerstone of data quality in the data warehouse in relation
to the quality dimensions. Thirdly, that post-load improvement of the data quality is obtainable. Metadata
can be added incrementally containing information on the use of data – including the users' selections within
the data warehouse.
Improvements of data quality in the data warehouse
are well described in books and articles on the
construction of the data warehouse and the processes
of Extract, Transform, and Load. This paper will
look into the potentials of improvement of the data
quality after the load of data into the data
warehouse. The proposition is that the actual
utilization of the data warehouse delivers the vehicle
for quality improvement.
"The data warehouse provides access to
consistent organizational data that can be combined
for query, analysis, and presentation of published
data with a quality that will act as a driver of
business reengineering" (Kimball 1996). This
demonstrates the opening of a wider use of the data
warehouse; but decision support prevails (Inmon
1996). The underlying assumption is that quality
action builds upon quality decisions that stems from
quality data
This poster paper starts with a compact overview
of approaches to data quality in order to show the
dimensions of data quality. Secondly, the
dimensions will be seen from the viewpoint of the
user (the action and decision support perspective)
which will bring forth common characteristics.
Thirdly, this will open an opportunity for
improvement of data quality through the use of data.
Figure 1: Data warehouse
The paper is following a conceptual division of
approaches to data quality into: 1) the intuitive
approach2) the empirical approach, and 3) the
theoretical approach (Wang & Strong 1996c).
Boye Rasmussen K. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 634-637
DOI: 10.5220/0002600806340637
2.3 Intuitive data quality
The intuitive definition of data quality is "fitness for
use" (Bruckner & Schiefer 2000;Wang & Strong
1996a) for the "data consumer" (Strong et al. 1997).
This demonstrates relativity and subjectivity. As
what can be interpreted as a reaction to the relativity
the intuitive approach to data quality are often
primarily focused on metrics and figures: firstly,
metrics to describe the extension of the data quality
problem; secondly, metrics of a guess or estimate of
the (financial) effect of poor data quality; and lastly
the proportion of errors in the data that are causing
these problems.
The relativity of data quality is important as the
rationale for the establishment of the data warehouse
exactly is to bring the same data into many different
contexts (applications) utilized by many different
users (Tayi & Ballou 1998).
The weakness of the intuitive approach is that
there is no stated and clear definition of the concept
"data quality"; however some quality dimensions are
identified: accuracy, currentness, completeness, and
consistency (Fox et al. 1994).
2.4 Empirical data quality
The user perspective is underlying the intuitive
approach but is made explicit when Wang and
Strong (1996b) are pursuing a methodological well-
based exploratory empirical study of data quality
from a user perspective by applying marketing
methodology and viewing data as a product and the
user as a consumer. The obtained many quality
descriptors were processed by use of factor analysis
and grouped into four target categories: Intrinsic,
Contextual, Representational, and Accessability.
The concept of dimensions implies
unsubstitutability. This is demonstrated by the
conspicuous ineptness of assertions like "The data
are absolutely fitting for the task, but they are not
accessible", or "The data arrived in time, but they
are impossible to understand". All dimensions have
to be present – and can be so in varying degrees - or
the data will be "unfit for use".
2.5 Ontological data quality
The structure and categories within the area of data
quality are not guaranteed to arise from the intuitive
or the empirical approach. A theoretical approach
from a systems-design viewpoint is done by Wand
and Wang (1996) who build their argumentation on
the view that the information system (IS) delivers a
representation of the real world system (RW). From
the information system the user makes an inferred
interpretation of the real world, but is also capable of
making a direct observation of the real world. The
two views of the real world can lead to deficiencies
of data and "inconformity" between the two views.
The mapping between the information system and
the real world system leads to three categories of
defectiveness: Incomplete, Ambiguous, and
Meaningless. In its simple forms the extremes
implies that the RW has states not found in the IS
(incomplete) or the IS has states not existing in the
RW (meaningless). Ambiguity arises when a state in
the IS is covering more than one state in the RW.
Ambiguity precludes the inverse mapping from the
information system to the real world.
With the determination of both the empirical and the
theoretical developed dimensions it is fruitful to
return to the original starting point that data quality
should improve our acting. "A good decision is an
action we take that is logically consistent with the
alternatives we perceive, the information we have,
and the preferences we feel" (Howard 1988).
The dimensions of data quality are in the
ontological approach deducted to data being
incomplete, ambiguous, and meaningless while the
empirical findings isolated the groups of intrinsic,
contextual, representational, and accessible.
The data warehouse is a collection of data for
use in many applications and by many users. The
fact that most of these applications and users are
unknown when the system is designed – as well as
when data are extracted-transformed-loaded into the
data warehouse - accentuates that the development
of the data warehouse must assure extreme
flexibility to accommodate changes. The quality of
data is embedded not in the data itself, and not in the
system, but in the users use of data: "what may be
considered good data in one case (for a specific
application or user) may not be sufficient in another
case" (Wand & Wang 1996).
3.1 Incrementing quality by use
On the other hand the proposition in this paper is
that data quality is balanced. It is neither objective
nor solely a subjective undertaking. Enhancements
are obtained by the users in their use of the data, but
the value of the enhancement lies in the distribution
of this knowledge in the organization. This is not a
change in the data, but a change in the perception of
data, and this is made explicit when stored as
A more detailed journey would look at all the
data quality dimensions and at data at three levels:
On one level the object is a data file, typically
visualized as a relational table with rows and
attributes. On the next level the object is the attribute
as found in the theoretical potential of the attribute,
the domain. The third level is the specific datum of a
specific row of a specific attribute buried in the data
Examples can be given on how these levels
affect the quality dimensions. For the sake of brevity
only a few dimensions will be touched in this
3.2 Incompleteness
Incompleteness of data implies that we know about
the real world states and that we are in vain
searching for corresponding states in the system. A
user with a singular system view will not have the
capacity to judge the data as incomplete. The more
knowledgeable user must pass on his knowledge by
a description of incompleteness. Incompleteness on
the file level is demonstrated when the number of
rows does not mach the number obtained from the
real world. However, we have to take into account
that a distribution can be purposefully wrong (as in a
stratified sample). Incompleteness is related to the
file level description of data and demands metadata
on the selection procedures and description of
procedures (e.g. weighting for stratification).
Incompleteness on the domain is demonstrated
when the distribution of an attribute does not match
the distribution of the real world. The non-match to
the real world is also remarkably demonstrated when
certain known states of the attribute are not found in
the system at all. This can point in two directions.
Firstly, the data file can be incomplete because rows
are missing or secondly, if rows are complete the
reason is that a state in the system does not
distinguish between two or more states in the real
world. (This is also Ambiguity at the domain level).
Ambiguity is also sometimes found to be created
on purpose. The design involves decisions on which
distinctions (attributes) are relevant. If the color of a
product is disregarded in the design of the data
warehouse, we have chosen not to use this as a
variable in the system view. This implies to users
that color is of no importance. A reconstruction will
demand great persuasive efforts from the users
toward the designers of the data warehouse. Parallel
to the selection of rows the quality of the data
warehouse also depends upon a selection of
3.3 Meaning
When states in the system cannot be related to any
states in the real world the system is without
meaning. Meaninglessness cannot be envisioned to
be created on purpose. Meaning is contextual and
the lack of meaning is typically the lack of context
i.e. the lack of metadata describing the attribute. At
the file level we move from the row to the column
dimension. The attribute can be without meaning
(like an unintelligible description: "Anno Nutrical
Excerpt Range 5 Years Hourly Measured"). Without
further information we must discard the use of this
At the domain level meaning can easily vanish
from the attribute. If an attribute is supposed to store
the age of the customer and one customer is coded
"Bright Blue" this implies that the data is not
verified against the legitimate values for the
attribute. The datum is meaningless, but the attribute
itself is loosing credibility. Metadata describing the
procedures to validate the data will imply that
meaninglessness is less inclined to occur.
3.4 Contextual
The empirical contextual dimensions include value-
added, relevancy, timeliness, and appropriate
amount of data - apart from completeness that has
already been discussed above. The correct context
for these dimensions is the actual use and the
judgment by the user. Although the judgments must
inherently be subjective they can be lifted to
generality as the subject's judgment is made within
the frames of the company. Other employees within
the same company are expected to make the same
judgment or at least have interest in the judgments
made by colleagues. This consensus can ease the
operational measurement because the use of the data
then signifies a contextual fit. It is expected that
logging of the specific use of the data warehouse
tables (views), rows, and columns can construct a
valid index for the contextual value of the data. The
data warehouse is a machine powered by usage.
Without users the data warehouse is of "no use".
Data without users become obsolete. In popular
terms: "Use it or loose it" (Orr 1998) because data
systems can suffer of "atrophy". The concrete
logging as a foundation for "knowledge of use" is an
example of the data warehouse "taking its own
medicine" of obtaining knowledge of their
customers though the analysis of behavior.
The dynamic user addendum to the data warehouse
is regarded as an incremental change because each
user is only adding small portions. However, the
many users are aggregated to be delivering a
significant change of the data warehouse.
It is unthinkable that a user of a data warehouse
would be permitted to change the data of the data
warehouse. However, it is totally acceptable that a
user will be allowed to add information to the
metadata of the data warehouse. This will address
the problem of lost knowledge: "Users working with
a particular data set come to know and internalize its
deficiencies and idiosyncrasies. This knowledge is
lost when data are made available to other parties"
(Ballou & Tayi 1999). The challenge of the data
warehouse is to make this knowledge persistent and
develop a facility for transforming this knowledge
and the "knowledge of use" into metadata and thus
implement "use of knowledge". The loaded data and
metadata are normally viewed as consolidated and
never to be changed. However, the rationality of this
view only relates to the data itself not to the
The result of this paper is: Firstly, the nature of data
quality has been exemplified in data quality
dimensions. Secondly, attention has been drawn to
the fact that the quality of data in the data warehouse
is closely related to the selection procedures.
Thirdly, data quality is not static but can be
dynamically improved through the use of the data.
In the constant iterative development it is
important technically to secure that information on
data use is collected, stored, and disseminated.
Organizationally the knowledge of the users must be
received, processed, and added to the metadata.
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