Rodney J. Clarke, Philip C. Windridge, Dali Dong
Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Technology, Staffordshire University, Beaconside, Stafford, United Kingdom
Keywords: XML, Spoken Language, CHAT, Transcription, Organisations
Abstract: Spoken Language can be used to provide insights into organisational processes, unfortunately transcription
and coding stages are very time consuming and expensive. The concept of partial transcription and coding is
proposed in which spoken language is indexed prior to any subsequent processing. The functional linguistic
theory of texture is used to describe the effects of partial transcription on observational records. The
standard used to encode transcript context and metadata is called CHAT, but a previous XML schema
developed to implement it contains design assumptions that make it difficult to support partial transcription
for example. This paper describes a more effective XML schema that overcomes many of these problems
and is intended for use in applications that support the rapid development of spoken language deliverables.
Spoken Language is a central but nonetheless often
overlooked organisational resource. Its complexity
signals its enormous potential for a variety of
organisational applications including but not limited
to the analysis of decision-making processes;
negotiations occurring during the introduction of
new work practices into work places; training and
deployment of methods; and systems analysis,
design, development, installation, operation and
decommissioning. The complexity of spoken
language can be studied using a variety of research
approaches including various kinds of qualitative
analysis, contextual analysis, ethnography,
semiotics, and linguistics. As spoken language is
used to represent different kinds of meanings than
written language, this will necessitate special
technologies for its potential to be fully appreciated
and used.
A major operational difficulty that affects the
acceptance and uptake of approaches that utilise
spoken language resources to study organisations
and their associated technologies is the performance
bottleneck associated with the transcription and
coding processes. In part this is a consequence of
some basic assumptions about what constitutes
adequate spoken language data from a research
perspective. The belief that transcripts can only be of
use when they completely cover the entire
observational record and are exhaustive in terms of
coding is referred to here as a monolithic view of
transcription and its deliverables. As transcripts can
be re-analysed or reused for different purposes, the
notion that coding in particular can ever be complete
is questionable. Furthermore, due consideration must
be given to issues of security, privacy,
confidentiality and intellectual property related to
spoken language in organisational settings. It must
also be acknowledged that organisations constitute
‘unsafe environments’ for participants (Cameron et
al, 1992) involving issues of access, control, power
and representation. Therefore, the assumptions that
inform a monolithic view of transcription and coding
deliverables may need to be revised. In the following
section we propose moving from a monolithic to a
‘partial’ view of transcription and coding, and
suggest theory and methods that can assist us in
understanding the consequences of doing so.
One obvious strategy for dealing with the
bottlenecks and problems associated with
transcription and coding processes in organisational
settings is to omit chunks of the observational record
based on the occurrence of an explicit indexing
J. Clarke R., C. Windridge P. and Dong D. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enter prise Information Systems, pages 486-491
DOI: 10.5220/0002601604860491
phase prior to transcription and coding itself. In
contrast to a monolithic approach to transcription,
previously described, the production of intentionally
incomplete transcription and coding deliverables is
referred to here as partial transcription. The
advantages of partial transcription include amongst
other things the ability to encourage empowerment
research (see Cameron et al, 1992) by enabling the
participants themselves to determine what gets
recorded. This facilitates trust and improves the
research relationship between analysts and members
of organisations. An obvious difficulty with partial
transcription is that, depending on the kind of
analysis being undertaken, omitting sections of a
transcript will disrupt a number of spoken language
resources- some of these may be crucial to the
analysis being conducted. Fortunately, functional
linguistic theories exist which can give considerable
insight into which specific language resources will
be affected. We use Systemic Functional Linguistics
(SFL) a semiotic model of language (Halliday,
1985) because it has a concept referred to as texture
that encompasses and defines all the text-forming
resources that may be used in a transcript or any
other text. For example, texture has also been
applied to hypertext development and modeling
(Clarke, 1997). Any texts including all transcripts
must possess texture in order to function as a
semantic unit, as well as being relevant or
appropriate to a given social setting or occasion.
Whether knowingly or not, speakers and writers use
their experience of texture resources when
constructing texts, while listeners and readers use
their experience of these resources when interpreting
texts. Texts are generally read from start to finish
and so many of these resources flow through a text
in chains. This is an attribute of language referred to
as sequential implicativeness (Schegloff and Sachs,
1973). For example a text might start with the
sentence “Rod is in the Red Theatre” and if the next
sentence was “He is giving a seminar” we might
reasonably conclude that the ‘He’ is Rod. This is an
effect of sequential implicativeness in the so-called
Reference System (see below).
There are several models of texture within SFL.
The texture model we use (Martins’ 1992, 381
adaptation of Halliday and Hasan’s 1976 model)
recognises three major groups of text-forming
resources- Intrasentential Resources, Intersentential
Resources, and Coherence. Within each major
group, there are a number of sub-categories of text-
forming resources each having an associated
analysis method and some also have graphical
intra-sentential resources (Martin 1992, 381) or
structural resources (Halliday, 1985)- involve
systems of THEME and INFORMATION and
spoken language specific systems involved in
Conversation Structure. All texts consist of sets
of clauses each of which can be divided into a
theme and a rheme. Listeners or readers rely
upon thematic progression, the specific pattern
of themes, to predict how the text should unfold.
Texts must also provide and ‘manage’
information. Listeners or readers come to rely
upon patterns of information units to build and
accumulate new meanings from those that have
already been given. Conversation Structure
involves speech functions the characteristic set
of moves enacted by participants involving
initiations (offers, commands, statements,
questions) or responses, as well as sequences of
speech functions that form jointly negotiated
patterns called exchange structure.
intersentential text-forming resources of
Cohesion- describe how clauses within any text
are interrelated giving the appearance of a unity
thereby assisting listeners and readers in
understanding the meanings being negotiated.
There are a number of types of cohesion,
including lexical cohesion which describes how
lexical items (words) and sequences of events
are used to consistently relate a text to a topic,
reference which describes how participants are
introduced and subsequently managed, ellipsis
which establishes reference relationships through
the omission of otherwise repetitive lexical
items, substitution which employs alternate lexis
for original lexical items, and conjunction which
refers to the logical relations between parts of a
text forming resources of Coherence- which
describes how clauses in texts relate to the
contexts in which they occur. All texts must be
relevant to the immediate situational context,
referred to as situational coherence, while also
conforming to an appropriate genre, referred to
as generic coherence.
It is relatively easy to understand in principle
what happens when we partially transcribe.
Effectively we run the risk of disrupting sequential
implicativeness of many of these text-forming
resources. Partial transcripts may loose coherence,
and will most certainly have disrupted thematic and
informational intra-sentential resources. Perhaps the
group of text forming resources most disrupted will
be cohesion as omitting clauses make it more
difficult for readers to understand the transcript as a
unity. We could easily produce an unintelligible
partial transcript if we removed too much of it.
While texture theory can tell us which language
resources will be affected when we adopt partial
transcription, it can only provide part of the picture.
The theory of texture cannot tell us how significant
the disruption will be for the type of research
methodology being undertaken. NLP analyses may
find partial transcription useful because redundancy
within and interdependency between text-forming
resources can offset the fact that the transcript is not
complete. We might expect qualitative analyses to
be adversely affected by partial transcription
although this may be almost completely offset by
carefully designing the indexing phase. The indexing
phase may function to provide Code Tables for those
qualitative methodologies that use descriptive,
interpretative or pattern codes based on relatively
pre-established analytical categories (see Miles and
Huberman 1994, 57-72). However, grounded theory
and ethnographic methodologies are more likely to
be adversely effected by adopting partial
transcription. Of course, it is impossible here to
consider all the ways in which a text may have its
texture forming resources affected by partial
transcription, but knowledge of these resources can
help us greatly. Having established partial
transcription as a potentially useful approach to
dealing with the bottlenecks associated with
transcription and coding processes in organisation it
became a mandatory requirement in our studies. We
now turn our attention to ways in which we
represent the transcript content and metadata.
Even in the research literature, transcription is often
ad hoc and idiosyncratic; formal standards are not
necessarily well known. One of the best-defined
transcription standards is CHAT- Codes for the
Human Analysis of Transcripts developed by Brian
MacWhinney and Jane Walter at the CHILDES-
Child Language Data Exchange Research Centre,
Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon
University (CHILDES, 2003). CHAT is a scalable,
elaborate and expressive standard that supports
transcription and coding even under the most
adverse of conditions (participants with speech
impediments, unclear or noisy recordings, breaks in
the observational record). The standard is extensible,
providing a consistent way of adding new headers if
necessary (MacWhinney, 2003). As illustrated in
Figure 1, CHAT transcripts have a common basic
structure. A block of so-called Constant Headers at
the top of the transcript starting with an @Begin
provides persistent information, which is applicable
throughout the transcript. Some headers can occur
more than once in a transcript signalling for
example, changes in situation, space and time, and
are referred to as Changeable Headers. The body of
the transcript consists of speaker utterances called
Mainlines, signalled with an asterix and a three-
letter participant code. Each mainline may be
followed by zero or more Dependent Tiers, used for
coding information about the utterances. These start
with a percent sign and three-letter code that
@Participants: CAR Caroline Adult, DAL Dali Adult, PHI Phil Adult
@Age of CAR: 40;
@Sex of CAR: female
@SES of CAR: working
@Age of DAL: 29;
@Sex of DAL: male
@SES of DAL: working
@Age of PHI: 34;
@Sex of PHI: male
@SES of PHI: working
@Coder: Phil Windridge
@Transcriber: Phil Windridge
@Date: 20-FEB-2003
@Filename: SL6
@Time Duration: 10:00-10:46
@Room Layout: K316; several tables pushed together in the centre of the room leaving little room to squeeze
around the outside; whiteboard, OHP and a bookcase full of PhD and Masters dissertations
@Situation: Caroline, Dali and Phil conduct an informal technical meeting for SemLab
*DAL: yeah that's nice, ok.
%act: adjusts the mini disk equipment
*CAR: [=! chuckles] okay # right.
*DAL: <<so that's> [//] er actually <that's what I'm trying> [//] still trying working on it>[>].
*CAR: <mmhm>[<].
*DAL: probably, <I was> [/] I was searching the internet <for this information> [//] whether they got the information.
Dependent Tier
Figure 1: Structure of a simple CHAT Transcript. The special symbols in the mainlines indicate group
structure. The excerpt is from ‘SL6’, SemLab Corpora (after Clarke et al 2003).
indicates the type of coding information provided.
The single command @End is used to mark the end
of the transcript.
One of the reasons that CHAT is of interest for
researchers of spoken language in organisational
settings is that it was developed with subsequent
computer processing in mind. A suite of programs
called CLAN can be used to parse CHAT compliant
transcripts. Development work has proceeded in
several directions under the aegis of a National
Science Foundation funded joint project between
Carnegie Mellon and Pennsylvania Universities
called TalkBank. The first direction involves
expanding the range of media used in the study of
communication. The second direction involves
leveraging the advantages afforded by XML and
related technologies. Within TalkBank, the spoken
language resources are represented using CHAT.
The design of the current TalkBank (2003) schema
appears to be based on creating an XML version of
the CHAT standard and for the most part appears to
reproduce the structure of a CHAT file itself. A
design assumption that informs the TalkBank
schema is that transcripts are monolithic entities, as
previously defined, and this reflects the kind of
applications that CHAT was developed to address.
As described in section 2, transcription in
organisational settings and for organisational
purposes necessitates a different design approach,
which we believe makes the adoption of the current
TalkBank CHAT schema problematic for the
following reasons:
Monolithic View of Transcripts: Above the level
of the utterance, TalkBank views transcripts as
monolithic and non-hierarchical entities.
However in organisational settings, transcripts
may more usefully be considered otherwise and
this should be reflected in the XML used to
represent them. An appropriate XML schema for
these purposes would, for example, place
episodes at a higher level than utterances in the
XML hierarchy.
Overloading of the Schema: A consequence of
modeling the design of the XML schema on the
CHAT file structure itself is that the resulting
single file becomes huge. If all analyses must be
contained within the one file then any schema
will become overloaded.
Over-specification of CHAT semantics: The
TalkBank XML schema over-specifies certain
aspects of the CHAT syntax. For example the
use of an explicit pause element complicates the
schema by replacing one character with an entire
line while not contributing anything to the
CHAT semantics.
Coupling between Schema and Standard: The
over-specification of the CHAT semantics,
described above, induces a very tight coupling
between the CHAT standard and its current
XML representation. This means that any
changes to the standard also require reworking of
the XML schema itself. This may create a
version control problem, likely to require
modification of the existing XML schema, XML
documents using this schema and associated
Poor Group Support: There are several kinds of
scoped symbols used in CHAT to show ranges
within utterances (MacWhinney, 2003). Of
particular interest in our applications are
paralinguistic scoping, the provision of
explanations or alternative realisations for what
was spoken, retracing by or overlapping between
speakers, or to signal the existence of errors.
Limitations in the TalkBank (2003a) schema
preclude the representation of overlapping group
structures, which are extremely important for
NLP applications. Figure 2 shows an XML
representation of an excerpt from SL6, part of the
SemLab Corpora (Clarke et al, 2003). The group
structure in the excerpt can be interpreted in two
entirely different ways. The region of ambiguity
can only be resolved with reference to the
original source material.
Lack of Version Control: As with conventional
CHAT, the TalkBank schema does not enable
the content of a transcript to be version
controlled. In effect the only version of a
transcript is the current one. A lack of version
control is a significant problem for
organisational applications, which assume that
spoken language resources are not monolithic.
In order to support transcription and coding in
organisational settings, the current TalkBank schema
was abandoned and we developed an XML schema
called the Spoken Language Architecture. In order
to use this new schema we developed tools which
enable us to prepare, index, transcribe and code
<w>th a t's > </w >
<w>[//]</w >
<w>actually</w >
<w>I'm </w >
<w>trying></w >
<w>[//]</w >
<w>s till</w >
<w>try in g </w >
<w>on</w >
<w>it> </w >
<w>[> ]</w >
<w>. </w >
Am biguous
<<so that's> [//] er actually <that's w hat I'm
try in g > [//] s till try in g w o rk in g o n it> [> ].
Figure 2: XML Representation of the excerpt from
‘SL6’, SemLab Corpora (after Clarke et al 2003). Two
entirely different interpretations of a group structure are
shown (the right hand side shows an embedded group). The
ambiguity between these interpretations affects the text
between the dashed lines.
transcripts. The following section describes our
XML representation for the Spoken Language
In order to develop the Spoken Language
Architecture for use in organisational settings, we
abandoned the design option of using a single XML
file to represent a transcript, in favour of a multi-file
XML schema. The resulting Spoken Language
Architecture consists of a Descriptor file comprising
most of the coding and indexing information that
may be supplied by other applications, and a Root
file that consists of utterances and the codes that are
immediately related to them, see Figure 3.
The SLA schema has the following attributes:
Incremental Production of Transcripts: The
concept of partial transcription was described in
section 2. The multi-file XML schema is the
basis of the Spoken Language Architecture and
supports the incremental development of
transcripts- akin to developing ‘transcripts in
Extensibility and Processing: The XML schemas
used in the Spoken Language Architecture are
designed to be as open as possible- as new
applications emerge for spoken language
resources, the XML schema can be expanded to
accommodate them by associating purpose
specific Descriptor files with the SLA Root file.
Abstraction of CHAT Semantics: The Spoken
Language Architecture abstracts the CHAT
semantics in such a way as to reduce the need to
change the design of the XML when the syntax
of the CHAT standard changes. An example of
this is information related to participants in the
transcripts. Alterations to CHAT standard syntax
have resulted in the addition of an obligatory
@ID header to present information in a different
format. The abstraction of this information in the
SLA architecture would allow reformatting to
whatever syntax was applicable in a given
Partially or Completely Overlapping Regions:
Correctly identifying groups adds semantic
information to the transcript. However group
boundaries are not easily defined because the
group structures used in CHAT can remain
ambiguous without reference back to the original
source material. In XML it is only possible to
represent groups of words in the transcript where
they are embedded in, or isolated from, other
groups. To overcome this constraint it is
necessary to separate group structure from group
content. Consequently, groups can be
represented as isolated, embedded or
overlapping. Embedded and overlapping groups
are especially important in natural language
processing applications.
Version Control for Transcripts: A requirement
necessitated by the use of partial transcription is
the need to modify embellish, update improve)
the transcript over time. Not only is it necessary
to keep track of these modifications it is also
useful too have the ability to reverse the effect of
these changes. In SLA, the version control of
transcripts is handled by the addition of Changes
files to record updates and inserts on both the
SLA Root and Descriptor files.
A fully CHAT compliant transcript could be
rendered either by using an XSLT in conjunction
with a helper application or by using purpose-built
applications that would process the SLA XML
schema directly. The latter approach is more
interesting as different bespoke and third party
applications could in principle contribute to the
creation and management of data streams that would
be registered and consolidated together to form
various transcription and coding deliverables.
Spoken language is a valuable yet often
underutilised resource in organisational settings. The
major bottlenecks involved in utilising these
resources in the study of organisations are the
crucial stages of transcription and coding. These
stages are time-consuming and the assumption that
Figure 3: Relating the SLA Descriptor file to word
group ranges in the Root file.
spoken language records need to be completely
transcribed and coded reduces the likelihood that
these resources will be utilised. If we first index the
observational record then we can drastically reduce
the amount of effort and cost of pre-processing
spoken language resources by identifying only those
parts of the record that need to be transcribed and
coded. We applied the concept of texture from
Systemic Functional Linguistics to describe and
account for the effect of partial transcription on the
observational record. In general, it is the text-
forming resources of cohesion that are particularly
sensitive to the omission of clauses and
consequently this makes the resulting transcript
more difficult for readers to understand as a unity.
We could easily produce an unintelligible partial
transcript if we did not transcribe and code enough,
so knowledge of these resources provides an
important theoretical underpinning to partial
One of the best transcription and coding
standards is the CHAT transcription system. A
critical evaluation of the TalkBank XML schema for
CHAT revealed that it could not satisfy the design
requirements for the spoken language architecture in
organisational settings. We therefore developed a
new multi-file XML schema called Spoken
Language Architecture (SLA) to support CHAT
while allowing transcripts to be incrementally
developed, enabling us to move away from treating
transcripts as monolithic units. Extensibility of the
SLA schema and abstraction of the CHAT semantics
address the issues of schema overloading, over-
specification of the CHAT semantics and coupling
between the schema and standard evident in
previous approaches. Having argued the need for
version control in organisational applications, the
relative ease with which version control was
incorporated into SLA demonstrates the
appropriateness of an extensible multi-file XML
schema for spoken language resources.
Future work will be involved in applying the
theory of texture to account for the effects that text-
forming resources will have on transcripts at various
stages of completion. It is hoped that visualization
tools can be developed that will enable the mutual
interaction between these text-forming resources to
become easier to understand and estimate. Tools that
support the production of ‘transcripts in pieces’ are
currently under development .
The research presented here was partially funded
through two United Kingdom Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
grants, Semiotic Enterprise Design for IT
Applications (SEDITA) jointly conducted by
Staffordshire and Reading Universities, Grant
Reference: GR/S04833/01, and Reducing Rework
Through Decision Management (TRACKER) jointly
conducted by Lancaster and Staffordshire
Universities, Grant Reference: GR/R12176/01.
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