Are You Familiar With the Most Common Process?
Mattias Strand, Benkt Wangler, Carl-Fredrik Lauren
Department of Computer Science, University of Skövde, Box 408, Sweden
Keywords: Data Warehouse, Data In
tegration, Data Acquisition
Abstract: Data warehouses (DWs) has beco
me one of the major IT-investments during the last decades and in order to
fully exploit the potential of data warehouses, more and more organizations are acquiring and integrating
external data into their star-schemas. However, the literature covering external data acquisition and
integration is limited. Therefore, in this paper the results of an interview study conducted among banking
organizations are presented. The study aimed at identifying different approaches for acquiring and
integrating external data into DWs. The results show that there are many different approaches for the
acquisition and integration, depending on the purpose and structure of the data being acquired. In addition,
the most common external data acquisition and integration process is presented and discussed.
The concept of data warehouse (DW) has evolved
out of two needs: the business requirement of a
company-wide view of information and the need
from IT departments to be able to manage company
data in a better way. Current database technologies
make it possible to effectively store large amounts of
internal data in a well-organised way (Connolly and
Begg, 2002).
However, to be able to better plan for future
ccess of the corporation, more than just the
internal data is needed (Devlin, 1997). Furthermore,
Inmon (1999) argues for the importance of
integrating internal and external data, as it creates an
enhanced foundation for decision-support, i.e. it
allows the decision-maker to contrast and verify
internal information from an external perspective.
On the contrary, Inmon (1999) also claims that the
integration of external data with the internal data is
the most difficult problem of external data
Still, the literature covering this issue is limited
and fra
gmented. Therefore, in this paper, we present
the results of an explorative interview study partly
aimed at outlining and describing different issues on
external data acquisition and integration. In addition,
a major purpose of the paper is to outline specific
problems that make the integration so problematic.
This will be done by concrete examples and
explanations as to their relation to the integration
The rest of the paper is outlined as follows.
Firstly, related
work is presented in Section 2. In that
description we also define external data and give a
résumé of existing literature on external data
acquisition and integration. Section 3 describes the
interview study conducted. In Section 4, analysis
and results are given. The paper is concluded
(Section 5) with a discussion on the future for
external data incorporation and ideas for future
In this section external data will be defined and
introduced. In addition, although the literature
coverage of external data acquisition and integration
is limited some ideas from related literature will be
presented and discussed.
According to Singh (1998), one of the main
s for a DW is to set free the information that is
locked up in the internal operational databases and
Strand M., Wangler B. and Lauren C. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 508-513
DOI: 10.5220/0002601905080513
to mix it with information from other external
sources. Singh (1998) further advocates that
organizations should increase their acquisition of
data originating from outside their own systems
boundaries. Inmon (1996) is even more outspoken
concerning the contribution of external data in a
DW. He claims that even though external data do
not say anything directly about particular companies,
they may still give a lot of valuable information
about the environment that the company must work
and compete in.
Defining external data is not trivial, since the
externality may be considered in different ways.
From a DW perspective, several notions are to be
found related to the acquiring external data from
outside the organization (e.g. Kimball, 1996; Kelly,
1996; Damato, 1999; Oglesby, 1999) However, for
this work, the following definition was adopted
(Devlin, 1997, p. 135):
“Business data (and its associated metadata)
originating from one business that may be used as
part of either the operational or the informational
processes of another business.”
The generality of the definition was considered
as important, since the aim of the work was to
outline, from a broad, explorative perspective,
current approaches for acquiring and integrating
external data.
External data has, in a comparison with internal
data, some different key characteristics, especially
from an acquisition and integration perspective. First
and foremost, the acquiring organization has less of
the structure of the data. Even worse, the conceptual
meaning of the data may also be difficult to
interpret. Inmon et al. (2001) also emphasize the
transformation problems of external data, as
important metadata may be missing, making
transformations almost impossible. Still,
organizations tend to reduce the impact of these
potential problems, by acquiring external data from
specialized data suppliers (Strand et al., 2003).
Kimball (1996) refers to these as syndicate data
Data for the study were primarily collected through
interviews. The following steps were used to guide
the preparation and accomplishment of the
1) Selecting the respondents. For this study, it
was considered as important to interview
organizations that were long-gone in there DW
initiatives. Therefore, the financial sector was
considered suitable, with a specific focus on banks.
The respondents were selected by contacting all
companies labelled bank on the yellow-pages. A
total amount of 24 companies were contacted.
However, since the scope of the study was rather
narrow (the companies should have a DW and
incorporate external data into it), only 10 banks
remained. 8 out of these 10 companies agree on
participating, making the final “interview rate” 80%.
2) Constructing the interview questions. The set
of interview questions was split into four main
groups, besides the usual introductory and
concluding questions. The questions were arranged
according to the four main activities of the external
data integration process, i.e. identification,
acquisition, integration, and usage (Strand, 2003). In
this paper, results related to acquisition and
integration will be accounted for.
3) Initiating the interviews. The interview
questions were sent to the respondent in advance so
as to let them read through the questions and reflect
upon them before the actual interview. A
personalized cover letter accompanied the interview
questions, the aim of which was to explain the
purpose of the study and to guarantee the
confidentiality of the collected data, and to explain
how the material was to be compiled and validated.
4) Conducting the interviews. Every interview
lasted for approximately 60 minutes. After the
interviews, the answers were transcribed and sent
back to the respondent for reviewing and
authorization. In this way, we avoided errors in the
material and misinterpretations were corrected.
In the following section, the analysis of the
interview study is presented, along with the results
of the analysis.
4.1 Issues on External Data
In this section, issues related to external data
acquisition will be described and discussed.
Integration approaches are given account for in the
next section (Section 4.2).
Firstly, there seems to be two main approaches
of the frequency of which the consuming
organizations are acquiring the external data from
syndicate data suppliers. The most common out of
these two was to use a subscriber service approach.
Subscriber service means that the consumer receives
external data on a regular basis, i.e. as any other
subscription, according to the established contract
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between the two parties. This approach was used by
five out of eight corporations (63 %). The second
most common approach for acquiring external data
is the on-demand approach. Corporations using the
on-demand approach contact their suppliers when
they need external data. This approach was used by
three out of eight corporations (37%). The most
common motivation for acquiring the data On-
demand Approach was solely base on monetary
issues. Organizations that had no need for external
data on regular basis did not want to pay in vain for
the rather expensive data.
One of the respondents claimed that they were
only randomly acquiring data from external sources
and represents thereby a third, minor approach, i.e.
randomly. This approach differs from the on-
demand approach since it is not based upon an
existing supplier-consumer relationship. Instead a
contract is established when needs arise. Moreover,
one of the respondents stated that they used both
subscription and on-demand for acquiring external
data, and that explains the fact that 8 respondents
were applying the first two approaches. The reason
given for applying both approaches was that the
supplier which the organization was subscribing
from could not supply with all external data needed.
Occasionally, the organization needed other data and
therefore they acquired it from another data supplier.
The next issue focused upon was related to how
the external data was distributed to the consuming
organization. The results of the interview study
shows that the external data could be distributed
from the suppliers in several different ways. The
corporations receive external data from the suppliers
by; 1) File Transfer Protocol (FTP) technology, 2)
have a DVD-ROM or CD-ROM sent to them, 3)
have the external data attached in an E-mail or 4) by
accessing a Web-hotel. The FTP technology was the
most common approach applied. Seven out of eight
(88%) corporations used FTP to receive the external
data. The reason for using FTP was that the
organizations already had the necessary, underlying
technology and that it gives an opportunity to
automatically integrate the data, without any manual
activities needed. The data was simply pumped into
the data transformation tools in the same manner as
the internal data. The second most used approach
was to receive external data sent on a CD-ROM.
This approach was never used stand-alone, but as a
complement to FTP transfer.
The other two approaches, i.e. the external data
attached in an e-mail or by accessing a Web-hotel
were not given too much attention. However, the e-
mail approach was considered as convenient when
only small amounts of data was needed and when it
was needed instantly. In such cases, the external data
was attached to the mail and sent to the
administrator of the DW. This approach was also
used as a complement to FTP. The final approach
mentioned in the interviews was the access a Web-
hotel. In this case, no other approaches were used.
When new external data is available, the corporation
receives a message from their supplier and may then
access the Web-hotel and download the external
The third issue concerned the tools used for
extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) the
external data into the data warehouse. In addition,
the interviews also brought some interesting
viewpoints on whether the ETL operations are
automatically performed by these tools or whether
there are operations that are performed manually.
These tools discussed in this section will for now on
be referred to as ETL-tools.
According to the results of the interviews, five
out of eight (63%) organizations applied commercial
ETL-tools when integrating the external data. The
reasons given for this by the organizations are well
aligned with the advantages mentioned by Gleason
(1997), i.e. the built-in support for metadata
generation and the avoidance of the sometimes
costly and not always successful, products of in-
house development. Especially the generation of
metadata was considered as important and this is
also emphasized by e.g. Devlin (1997), Inmon et al.
(2001), and Marco (2000).
On the contrary, the rest of the respondents were
applying in-house developed ETL-tools. Their
strongest argument for not investing in commercial
tools was the large monetary investment related to
such procurement. Another argument given was that
by developing an own, in-house solution, the
organization preserves the control over what data
enters the DW. The respondent claimed that
commercial ETL-tools were functioning in a black-
box matter, giving that raw external data was
entering the tools and resulted in external data mixed
in the DW without actually any control of the quality
of the data.
The drawback of such solution was that it is
difficult to develop such commercial look-alike tools
and therefore, for being able to achieve the overall
same functionality, the organization had to invest in
additional programs. Occasionally, this also resulted
in manual activities, where it was difficult to
integrate the different components.
4.2 Characterizing External Data
Integration Approaches
After the data has been acquired and transformed
according to given rules, it will, in some way or
another, be integrated into the DW environment. The
integration approach chosen depend on the purpose
of the external data. Therefore, in this section,
different integration approaches will be described
and exemplified.
As a result of the interview study and related
literature, the following four integration approaches
has been identified (Figure 1):
Star-schema dimension integration
Dimension attribute integration
Attribute value integration
Spread-sheet integration
The first approach is to integrate the external
data into a separate dimension in the DW. By
integrating external data into separate dimensions
the external data is not mixed with the internal data.
This may be contributory as external data is
sometimes of poor quality. For example, an
organization may want to add a business partner’s
customer data to a star-schema designated towards
sales (Figure 1A). However, if the organizations do
not want to mix its internal customer data with the
business partner’s data, that data is then stored in a
separate dimension. This approach was applied by
two out of eight corporations.
The second approach relates to separate
attributes containing the external data, presented and
store in dimension which is mostly based on internal
data. As an example, one of the respondents
mentioned customer ratings. The respondent
explained that his organization bought customer
ratings from a syndicate data supplier and used that
data to segment customers in different types of
marketing campaigns. An example of attribute
integration is presented in Figure 1B. This approach
was used by three out of eight corporations.
The third approach was to consider the external
data integrated on a attribute value level, i.e. mixing
the data store under one attribute, from both internal
and external sources. In this way, the external data is
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strongly integrated with the external data, making it
transparent to the user whether the data is
originating from the internal systems or if it is
integrated directly from an external source. The
most common example given in the interviews was
customer address refreshments, in which customer
addresses acquired from the internal systems are
refreshed with external data. In this sense, the DW
becomes the washing machine, the internal data is
the dirty laundry, and the external data becomes the
soap (Figure 1C). When the customer address data
are to be updated, fresh addresses is purchased from
a data supplier and the old value is updated and
replaced with the new one as the DW is refreshed.
An example of this is shown in Figure 1C. This
approach was used by four out of eight corporations.
The fourth and last approach was to store the
external data in a reference table (Figure 1D). In this
sense, the external data is not integrated into the
DW. Instead, it is integrated in a spread-sheet
manner (concept adopted from Devlin, 1997), where
the querying tool uses external data, collected from a
reference table outside the DW, to plot the external
data into a referential line, allowing for comparison
with the internal data result. This approach was only
vaguely expressed during the interviews. Still, it was
considered as relevant, since Devlin (1997) mentions
reference tables as a possible way to handle external
data that is somewhat “integration-awkward”.
To conclude this section, it was clearly shown
that external data may be acquired and integrated in
many different ways. Probably, if this study was
conducted in a few years time, there would probably
be more than one organization that applied more
than one integration approach. However, currently
one may claim that the most common process of
acquiring and integrating external data would be
outline as follows; the data is acquired via a
subscription service and distributed to the
organization by FTP technology. Thereafter, it is
scrubbed and cleaned in a commercial ETL-tool and
integrated with the internal data as attribute values.
4.3 Common problems
The interviews gave the following problems as most
common for hindering organization to integrate
external data:
Data structure problems
Poor data quality
Expensive ETL-tools
The most common problem regarding integration
of external data into DWs is the difference in the
data structure of external data compared to the
structure of the internal data already stored in the
DWs. This problem is also described in the literature
by Devlin (1998) and Inmon et al. (2001). The data
must be transformed to fit the data structure of the
DW and this is a very time consuming and costly
process. This problem could be solved if the data
suppliers adjust the external data in the way that the
corporations request. However, this requires that the
data actually is integrated from external data
suppliers. This is the most common approach, but
far from the only (Strand et al., 2003).
The problem with poor data quality is a well
known problem and mentioned in literature by e.g.
Adelman (1997), Inmon et al. (2001), and Strand
and Olsson (2003). The information gathered from
the interviews presents three main problems
regarding data quality. 1) The age/staleness of
external data. Data acquired from external sources
could be old and when old external data is integrated
and then used in a DW, the result is not accurate.
Internal data is according to Inmon et al. (2001),
time-stamped before it is integrated into a DW.
External data must also be time-stamped, but as the
source of the external data sometimes is unknown, it
may only be time-stamped from an integration
perspective and not from a factual age perspective.
You may never know for how long the data has been
stored at its source, before it was acquired. From the
authors’ point of view, this problem is usually
related to data received from other sources than data
suppliers, as data suppliers generally deliver data
that is time-stamped. 2) The origin of the external
data may be unknown, making it difficult to rely on.
Also in this case, it was shown that organizations
tend to trust well-known data suppliers and thereby
make the origin of the data known. 3) The most
obvious problem related to data quality is incorrect
data, which may result in important decisions made
on incorrect numbers or facts. This is an issue that is
difficult to solve, since it depends on how suspicious
you are as a decision-maker and on how many
sources you base your decisions on. If you solely use
the DW data as a baseline for decision-making, you
may become very sensitive. However, if you
complement the warehouse facts with data and
information from other sources, the sensitivity is
dramatically decreased.
Finally, advantages and disadvantages of
expensive, commercial ETL-tools have already been
discussed in detail in Section 4.1 and will not be
given more attention.
Based on the experiences and results of the
interview study, it is interesting to discuss the
duality of the future of external data integration. In
alignment with the results of the interview study
presented in Strand and Olsson (2003), indicating
that the integration of external data will drastically
increase in the future, the result of this study shows
that the increased usage of external data may take
two different faces. The respondents of this study
became divided into two equally big groups, in
which one group claimed that the integration of new
external data will increase, whereas the other group
claimed that it is no necessity that new data will be
integrated. Instead, organizations must become
much better on fully exploiting the external data that
they already integrate. Mostly, economical reasons
underlined the second viewpoint, since most
organizations claimed that external data (acquired
from syndicate data suppliers) is very expensive and
therefore, to be able to achieve return on
investments, it must be much more exploited.
However, other reasons were also presented and
security issues and regulating laws were indicated as
barriers for increased external data incorporation.
Obviously, when acquiring and distributing data
from external sources, holes are opened up in the
system and these holes must be kept to a minimum.
The respondents aiming for an increased
integration of new external data, advocated as their
strongest reason that the DW becomes more and
more integrated with other systems and this
generates new needs for different types of data.
Nowadays, it is common that business intelligence
initiatives are focused around a technical solution,
with a DW in its core. This idea is well supported in
literature related to DWs solutions, e.g. Tiwana
(2000) and Salmeron (2001).
Adleman, S., 1997. Data Quality, Data Warehouse:
practical advice from the experts, (Bischoff, Joyce and
Ted Alexander, eds.), New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 122-
Connolly, T. and Begg, C., 2002. Database Systems: a
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Damato, G. M., 1999. Strategic information from external
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Devlin, B., 1997. Data warehouse: from architecture to
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Gleason, D., 1997. Data transformation, Data warehouse:
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Ted Alexander, eds.) (p.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall,
Inmon, W. H., 1996. Buliding the data warehouse, New
York: John Wiley and sons, 2
Inmon, W. H., 1999. Integrating internal and external
data, The Bill library LLC, acquired from,
printed 2003.02.23.
Inmon, W. H., Imhoff, C. and Sousa, R., 2001.
Information corporation factory, New York: John
Wiley & sons, 2
Kelly, S., 1996. Data Warehousing the route to
customization – updated and expanded, New York:
John Wiley & Sons.
Kimball, R., 1998. The data warehouse lifecycle toolkit:
expert methods for designing, developing, and
deploying data warehouses, New York: John Wiley &
Marco, D., 2000. Building and managing the meat data
repository: a full lifecycle guide, New York: Johan
Wiley & sons.
Oglesby, W. E., 1999. Using external data sources and
warehouses to enhance your direct marketing effort,
acquired from, printed
Salmeron, J. L., 2001. EIS data: findings from an
evolutionary study. Journal of systems and software,
Vol.64, Issue 2, 87-172.
Singh, H., 1998. Data Warehousing: Concepts,
Technologies, Implementations, and Management,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Strand, M., 2003. Incorporating external data into data
data warehouses. In proceedings of the knowledge in
organization (KIO) doctorial consortium, part 2, 5-6
February, Västerås, Sweden.
Strand, M. and Olsson, M. (2003) “The Hamlet dilemma
on external data in data warehouses” in Proceedings
of the 5th International Conference on Enterprise
Information Systems (ICEIS) - Part 1, Olivier Camp,
Joaquim Filipe, Slimane Hammoudi and Mario
Piattini. (Ed.), April 23-26, Angers, France, pp.570-
Strand, M. Wangler, B. and Olsson, M.,
2003. Incorporating External Data into Data
Warehouses: Characterizing and Categorizing
Suppliers and Types of External Data". In AMCIS’03,
Americas Conference on Information Systems. 2460-
2468, (CD-ROM).
Tiwana, A., 2000. The Knowledge Management Toolkit:
practical techniques for building a knowledge
management system, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
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