Kareem S. Aggour, Barbara J. Vivier, Janet A. Barnett
GE Global Research, One Research Circle, Niskayuna, NY, 12309, USA
Keywords: distributed administration, delegate authority
, LDAP, information management, community management,
identity management, Single Sign On
Abstract: The need to manage large information repositories in a secure, distributed environment increases with the
growth of the Internet. To address this need, a system capable of managing the contents of an LDAP
directory over the Web has been designed and developed. This system allows for the directory’s data to be
divided into communities and supports the delegation of administrative authority over those communities to
a distributed set of administrators. The communities may be subdivided recursively into subgroups, and
rights over those subgroups also may be restricted. Thus, system administrators can dynamically delegate
subsets of their permissions over a subset of their managed data, allowing for the flexible and effective
control of permissions over the data within distributed organizations. The system solves the delegated
administration problem for managing the contents of an LDAP directory in a distributed environment.
Today, it supports the administration of over 20 production directories by well over 2000 distributed
The objective of this research was to design and
develop a distributed information management
system capable of remotely managing the
information in a Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) database, utilizing a flexible model
of delegation and permission control. LDAP is a
hierarchical database optimized to execute fast data
reads, even across extremely large volumes of data
(Weltman & Dahbura, 2000). One of the key
capabilities of the system is that it facilitates the
division of the LDAP data into logical groups
The system also allows for the delegation of
ministrative authority over those communities to
the experts most capable of managing each portion
of the data, regardless of their location. The solution
is responsible not only for giving users access to the
data they need to administer, but also for preventing
users from viewing or modifying information they
are not authorized to view or edit.
Another key capability is that the system operates
ndependently of the underlying LDAP schema (data
structure) and, therefore, is capable of managing any
LDAP directory. Similarly, the system functions
without having to modify the data structure of the
managed directory in any way. Finally, as it
operates in a distributed environment, it operates
over the Internet utilizing only standard Internet
protocols such as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Today, the system allows for millions of records
istributed across multiple disparate directories to be
administered by thousands of globally distributed
This paper describes the design and
plementation of the Community Management
Tool (COMET), a distributed information
management system. Section 2 provides a
background explaining the need for COMET and
describes prior art. Section 3 describes the COMET
approach for creating communities and for
delegating authority to users. Section 4 provides
some implementation details. Section 5 gives some
results of this effort; Section 6 presents future
opportunities; conclusions are given in Section 7.
S. Aggour K., J. Vivier B. and A. Barnett J. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 155-162
DOI: 10.5220/0002602801550162
Many businesses have adopted the Web as a vehicle
for delivering both information and services to
customers, suppliers, and employees. By moving
internal business processes and external service
offerings to the Web, businesses can achieve
operating efficiencies and cost reductions.
Businesses that efficiently provide applications to
customers or suppliers via the Web can increase the
number of customers they serve without appreciable
increases in operating costs.
As the number of such applications grows, it is
desirable to both the business and to its application
users to provide a single login to each user. For the
user, access to multiple applications is simplified.
For the business, access to applications can be
controlled and monitored more readily.
General Electric (GE) has digitized many of its
internal processes for its hundreds of thousands of
employees worldwide. Most of GE’s businesses
also provide Web-based products and services to
their global customers and suppliers. Because of the
size of its user community and the large number of
applications, GE established a Single Sign On (SSO)
initiative across the company (Loshin, 2001).
The goal of SSO is to have all Web-based
applications share the same data repository for user
IDs, passwords, and other common information.
SSO benefits GE in that application programmers no
longer have to worry about collecting and managing
the common information. The cost and time to
develop Web applications is reduced, as is the cost
of maintenance and help desk support. GE’s SSO
solution, while achieving the intended benefits, had
its drawbacks, however. Millions of global
employee and customer records are located in a
single repository. Therefore, shared administration
is necessary to manage the information effectively.
Compounding the problem, the administrators who
are most capable of managing the data are as
distributed as the end users. Thus, a distributed
information management system is required to
distribute authority to a global community of
administrators responsible for managing this huge
volume of information.
At the same time as the SSO initiative, some of
GE’s businesses began to offer Web-based services
to communities of customers. For example, a GE
business may contract with a customer to provide a
suite of Web services for the customer’s staff. The
management of a user community requires
capabilities in addition to those for Single Sign On.
A community-based service compounds the
challenge of managing the user directory because the
knowledge of the users in the community resides
within the community, rather than at the GE
business. Therefore, GE must provide a mechanism
to allow communities of users to be established
within GE’s repository but maintained externally.
2.1 Prior Art
While the use of LDAP is growing, the number and
sophistication of LDAP administration tools have
not grown at the same rate. Two commercial tools
were found in an attempt to address this need;
however, each provided only a partial solution to the
Oblix’s Secure User Management Solution (now
a part of Oblix’s NetPoint product) (Oblix NetPoint,
2003) is capable of delegating the administration of
subsets of data and also supports specifying
attribute-level permissions on the data for
administrators. (An LDAP entry is comprised of a
set of ‘object classes’ that have corresponding
‘attributes.’ An entry has any number of these
associated attributes, which may be single or multi-
valued (Weltman & Dahbura, 2000).) However,
Oblix does not support arbitrary levels of delegation,
i.e., administrators cannot subdivide their world and
give other users part of their administrative
authority. Oblix also does not support dynamic
assignment of users to groups. Oblix’s group model
assumes that the organization is using LDAP groups
to arrange its user communities, an assumption that
restricts the structure of the customer’s directory.
LDAP groups are objects comprised of a list of
At the time, Netegrity’s Delegated Management
Services (DMS) system was in the early phases of
being released as version 1.0. Offering less
capability than the Oblix solution, it did not support
a sophisticated model of attribute-based
authorization, supported only one level of
delegation, and enforced restrictions on the LDAP
group structure. Companies with an existing LDAP
infrastructure would have difficulty using
Netegrity’s DMS system. Netegrity has since
released the product IdentityMinder to replace DMS
(Netegrity IdentityMinder, 2003). IdentityMinder
supports role-based access control, although it still
lacks the flexibility GE requires.
While there are now more vendors in the
emerging area of identity management, these
vendors focus on access control and Single Sign On
to enterprise applications rather than on the
challenge of distributing administration of a large
directory (Senf, 2003). Identity management does
not provide a flexible delegation model to support
multiple overlapping or nested or isolated
communities of users. Identity management across a
large set of applications also requires, but does not
typically provide, administrative access control at
the attribute level. To date, no commercial product
satisfies all of the requirements for distributed
directory administration met by COMET.
COMET is a Web-based delegated administration
information management system used to maintain
the data within an LDAP directory in a distributed
environment. Two concepts are key: Domains and
Authority. COMET allows LDAP data to be divided
into groups and subgroups. Specific administrative
permissions over those groups may then be defined
and limited. This combination of a logical subset of
data combined with permissions over that data is
referred to as a domain.
User accounts within the LDAP directory may be
assigned administrative authority over the domains.
Administrative authorities come in two flavors:
Delegate and Edit. An administrator with delegate
authority may divide an existing domain into sub-
domains and may assign (delegate) authority over
those sub-domains to other users. An administrator
with edit authority may edit user information within
a given domain, subject to the domain’s permissions.
COMET also allows users to edit their own account
information (within configurable limits). A
complete delegated administration information
management system, COMET enables the creation
and management of groups (communities) of LDAP
COMET was designed to function with any
LDAP directory schema. Everything that COMET
knows about a directory is discovered
programmatically. COMET can determine what
object classes are defined in a directory, what
attributes are defined for those object classes, and
whether each attribute is single or multi-valued.
This flexibility allows users to specify the directory
information to be managed. The user can select the
object classes and the attributes of interest. If the
attribute is multi-valued, the user can also opt to
make the attribute appear single-valued to COMET.
This ability to discover the underlying schema of an
LDAP directory is critical to COMET’s functioning;
it allows COMET to manage arbitrary LDAP
COMET was also designed with the ability to
manage multiple disparate directories with a single
software installation. This functionality allows
customers to have a common graphical user
interface and a single point of executable code to
manage very different directories. For example,
companies can manage their internal employee
information, external customer data, and product
catalog information all with one COMET
installation. The term configuration refers to that
subset of a particular LDAP directory managed by
COMET. A COMET configuration contains all of
the users in a managed directory and identifies an
end-user’s view, edit, and delete permissions over
his or her own data; whereas a COMET domain
defines an administrator’s view, edit, and delete
permissions over the data for users that fall within
the domain.
3.1 Domains
Domains are used to divide the directory into
manageable groups and subgroups. The properties
of a domain are described in Table 1.
Table 1: Domain Attributes
Required Attributes
DomainID Unique ID of the domain
DomainName Display name of the domain
QueryRule Defines the domain user
ParentDomainDN DN of the parent domain
Optional Attributes
AttrDeleteable List of deleteable attributes
AttrEditable List of editable attributes
AttrViewable List of viewable attributes
DomainDescription Text description of the domain
In the domain hierarchy, there is a single root
domain for each configuration called the Super
Admin Domain. All subsequent domains are
descendants of this domain. The Super Admin
Domain contains all users in the configuration. This
domain can be divided into sub-domains that have
fewer (or the same number of) users and fewer (or
equal) administrative permissions. No domain can
contain a user or administrative permission not
found within its parent domain. However, two
separate domains can have overlapping groups of
users associated with them, as well as overlapping
permissions. Figure 1 shows two example Venn
diagrams of possible user group structures; each oval
represents a community.
Since domains are hierarchical, deleting a domain
first results in the recursive deletion of all of its child
domains and the removal of all administrative
permissions over the domain. Any administrator
records that reference the domain are removed.
3.1.1 Community Definition
An LDAP search pattern identifies the users within a
domain; the pattern returns all users who satisfy the
search criteria. In COMET this pattern is referred to
as a Query Rule. The example shown in Figure 2
can be read as: “Select all users whose Company
Name is ‘GE’ or ‘General Electric’.”
COMET query rules are in prefix notation,
consistent with standard LDAP notation (Weltman
& Dahbura, 2000). Also in keeping with LDAP
notation, query rules utilize the character ‘|’ to
represent an OR conjunction and the character ‘&’ to
represent an AND conjunction.
By using query rules to establish domain
membership as opposed to listing individual users
(as is the case with standard LDAP groups),
COMET allows domain memberships to change
dynamically as the data in the directory change. As
employees join and leave the General Electric
Company, their Company Name will change and
they will automatically be added to or removed from
the ‘GE Employee Domain’ defined by the query
rule in Figure 2. This group definition model
requires the least effort for administrators to describe
and control the membership of a user community.
( | (companyname=GE)
(companyname=General Electric) )
Figure 2: Example COMET Query Rule
for a ‘GE Employee Domain’
When an administrator executes a search for
users within a domain, it is important to ensure that
the users returned from the query are constrained by
the hierarchy of domains. Therefore, the
administrator’s search rule is concatenated with a
query rule formed by recursively concatenating the
query rule of the current domain with that of each of
its ancestor domains, up to the Super Admin
Domain. This recursive concatenation, using an
AND operator, guarantees that no user will be found
in a sub-domain without being in the parent domain.
Figure 1: Sample Domain Venn Diagrams
Query rules can be created in two ways in
COMET. A Query Rule Wizard tool supports the
definition of a query consisting of no more than six
rules joined using the conjunctions AND and OR.
The query rule wizard concatenates the individual
rules such that the final query is of the form
(x(x(x12)3)4) where ‘1’ through ‘4’ are the rules and
‘x’ are the conjunctions. Each rule is defined in the
form: ‘(attribute operator value)’. The ‘operator’ is
a comparison operator such as ’=’ (equals), ‘!=’ (not
equals), etc. The 'value' supports pattern matching
and may include ‘*’ for wildcard matching. A
screen capture of the Query Rule Wizard user
interface is shown in Figure 3.
COMET also provides an interface for entering
custom query rules that must be standard LDAP
queries but can be of arbitrary form.
3.1.2 Permission Definition
A domain contains sets of permissions describing an
administrator’s rights to view, edit and delete user
attribute values. Attributes that are available to be
assigned to a domain are only those available to that
domain’s parent domain. This prevents assigning
rights to a child domain that are not available to the
parent. The Super Admin Domain has no ‘parent
domain’ so the list of editable attributes is obtained
from the list of all managed attributes in the
configuration. All view, edit, and delete attribute
permissions are available to the Super Admin
Domain by default.
3.2 Administrators
The administrator attributes are shown in Table 2.
An administrator record in COMET contains the DN
of the user who is an administrator, the DN(s) of the
domain(s) over which they have edit authority and,
separately, the DN(s) of the domain(s) over which
they have delegate authority.
There are several types of administrative
capabilities within COMET. The Master Domain
Administrator (MD Admin) is the UNIX-style ‘root’
user of COMET. The MD Admin has complete
authority over COMET across all configurations and
is the only administrative account with the right to
create and delete configurations (i.e., add and
remove references to managed LDAPs). It is a
separate account defined during installation, whereas
all other administrative permissions are delegated to
users within the managed LDAPs. A Configuration
Administrator has the same root-like power as the
MD Admin but limited to a single configuration.
Only the MD Admin and Configuration Admin can
adjust the LDAP fields that can be managed within
an entire configuration.
The Super Administrator has authority to manage
the Super Admin Domain and any sub-domains
within the configuration. For this reason, the Super
Admin is distinguished from a regular administrator.
An administrator with Delegate Authority has the
ability to divide an existing domain into sub-
domains, as well as the ability to delegate
administrative authority over those sub-domains to
other users.
Edit Authority permits an administrator to edit
user information in a given domain, within the
bounds defined by the domain constraints. Edit
authority may be granted by an administrator with
delegate authority over the domain.
End users have no assigned authority but may
view and edit their own account information, within
limits set in the configuration. It is possible to
define a configuration such that end users may be
denied the ability to view or edit any of their own
information. Users can view their most direct
administrators, i.e., the administrators with edit
authority over the lowest-level domains within
which the user belongs. This allows users to contact
their administrators and request changes to their
Figure 3: Query Rule Wizard User Interface
Table 2: Administrator Attributes
Required Attributes
AdminID Unique ID of the administrator entry
UserDN DN of the administrator
Optional Attributes
EditAuthority List of domain DNs with expiration
DelegateAuthority List of domain DNs with expiration
3.3 Delegation of Authority
Delegating administrative authority is the
mechanism for establishing which administrators
can manage which communities of users. Every
delegated administrator has authority over at least
one domain. An administrator can be granted
delegate authority, edit authority, or both. A user
can be an administrator for several different
domains, and also can have different authorities in
those different domains.
A typical delegate administrator can grant
authority only over the sub-domains of the domain
over which they have delegate authority.
Alternatively, an MD Admin, Configuration Admin,
or Super Admin is able to delegate authority over
any domain in the configuration. The MD Admin
and Configuration Admin can also delegate
Configuration Admin capabilities to users. When a
user’s existing authorities are displayed, as seen in
Figure 4, the delegate administrator can view only
those authorities he or she has the ability to grant or
As seen in Figure 4, four columns are displayed
on the COMET delegate authority user interface.
The first column indicates that the row is active.
Switching a ‘Yes’ to a ‘No’ and submitting the form
will revoke the user’s authority over the specified
domain. The next column is a drop-down of the
domains that can be delegated, only one of which
may be selected in each row. The third column
contains the type of authority to be delegated. Three
options are available: ‘Edit’, ‘Delegate’, and ‘Both’.
The ‘Both’ option simply grants both authorities at
once. The final column allows the administrator to
specify whether or not the authority being granted is
permanent or temporary (‘Never Expires’ or
‘Expires at Midnight On:’). If the expires option is
selected, then a month, day, and year must be
selected from the corresponding drop-downs. A
user may have multiple authorities, but each has its
own expiration date (and some may not expire).
Figure 4: Delegate Authority User Interface
A three-tiered, component-based architecture using
object-oriented design paradigms was used to
manage a large volume of administrators and
directories in COMET. COMET is written entirely
in Java 1.2. JavaServer Pages (JSPs) handle the
presentation layer. Servlets and Java classes
comprise the application/business logic layer.
Finally, Java classes, LDAP directories, properties
files, and text logs act as the data layer.
4.1 Data Storage
All COMET information is stored separately from
the LDAP data being managed. For example,
assigning a user an administrative authority will not
modify that user's account information. Figure 5
shows a clear separation between the “COMET
LDAP Directory” and the “Managed Directories.”
COMET stores most of its information in a
COMET-specific branch of an LDAP directory.
Therefore, the COMET data can be stored within the
same physical directory as the data being managed
or it may be stored in a completely separate LDAP
instance; either way, COMET information will not
intermingle with the managed information. This
allows for the easy installation and removal of
COMET. By not requiring any COMET
information to be stored with the managed data, the
managed data structure does not have to be modified
in order to be managed by COMET.
Figure 5: Three-Tiered Architecture
There are also a number of properties files in the
data layer. The critical property file contains the
information that allows COMET to connect to the
COMET LDAP directory, including the host name,
port, user ID, and password. This file also contains
the user ID and password of the MD Admin account
stored as a one-way hash so they cannot be
recovered. All other security-related information,
such as user IDs and passwords used to connect to
the managed LDAP directories are encrypted and
stored directly in the COMET directory.
LDAP is a hierarchical data structure, so all
objects are placed at specific locations in the
directory ‘tree’ (Weltman & Dahbura, 2000).
Almost all system information is stored in the
COMET LDAP directory beneath the special
COMET branch. There is a branch for each
configuration within the hierarchy as seen in Figure
6. The root of each configuration branch contains
the configuration information. Beneath each
configuration branch are two branches, one each for
domains and administrators. Additional branches
support functionality not described in this paper.
4.2 Additional Functionality
COMET is a complete, secure, distributed
information management system; it provides a
whole host of functionality. Additional functionality
includes a security mechanism responsible for user
authentication and authorization, session
management, LDAP group management, and
Figure 6: LDAP Tree Structure for Configurations
For authentication, COMET features a login page
to which unauthenticated users will be automatically
redirected when they attempt to access any secure
COMET page. A session class maintains data
including what configurations the user may access
and if the user is an administrator in the current
configuration. A temporary browser cookie maps
each user to his or her COMET session. Static
LDAP group management is also supported.
COMET enables the addition and removal of users
to and from LDAP groups, including a sophisticated
method to identify and select which users to add or
remove from a particular group.
COMET logs messages (from inconsequential
‘debug’ to system ‘critical’ messages) in a text log
file, and also logs all changes to each LDAP
directory. The LDAP change logging stores the
previous and new values whenever an object is
changed through COMET. This enables system
administrators to track who makes what changes.
This is just a small taste of the additional
functionality available in COMET, existing in order
to ensure COMET’s practical applicability to the
distributed information management problem.
COMET has been running in production for over
two years and is used extensively across GE for
managing LDAP directories containing both internal
employee and external customer records. The
ability to manage directories of arbitrary structure by
dynamically learning about the underlying schema
has been critical to its broad acceptance within GE.
Another key component is its ability to manage a
directory without having to modify the directory’s
data structure. These features allow each GE
business to maintain a unique schema while using
the same COMET installation.
The GE businesses’ Help Desk organizations are
the principal users of COMET as they field support
calls. COMET is the first tool used by the staff
when they answer an internal support call, and has
thus become central to their work. COMET’s ability
to assign administrator permissions at the attribute
level within a domain enabled the creation of Help
Desk Domains with limited access to view and edit
Several GE businesses are also using COMET to
manage communities of their customers. The ability
to define communities of users and to separate edit
authority and delegate authority over those
communities is critical to these GE businesses, as
they delegate and distribute limited authority to
different internal and external organizations.
Because of these benefits, there are now well over
2,000 administrators managing hundreds of
thousands of user records for both internal
employees and external customers and suppliers.
These administrators use COMET extensively.
COMET averages about 600 logins per day and can
reach over 900 logins per day.
COMET has been installed in production at
several locations within GE. Together, these
installations are currently managing over 20
different LDAP directories, demonstrating
COMET’s ability to manage multiple, disparate
directories with a single installation.
One of the primary benefits of COMET is its
flexible approach to the LDAP schema. Since
COMET makes no assumption about the schema,
any LDAP data structure can be managed.
However, this flexibility requires that the user have a
fairly solid understanding of LDAP in order to
configure the system most efficiently. The
configuration manager must be knowledgeable about
the underlying information repository.
Unlike many identity management packages,
COMET cannot assign administrators based on their
attributes, i.e., groups of users cannot be assigned
authorities. In COMET, authorities are delegated to
specific individuals. While maintaining strong
control over authority, this approach is less flexible
than other role-based approaches.
COMET is most beneficial when the community
of administrators is highly distributed and when
flexibility is needed regarding who can view and/or
edit what attributes. If there is a single administrator
or a small set of administrators who know LDAP,
who are centrally located, and who have the same
privileges over the data, then COMET may not be
necessary. COMET would still provide an effective
graphical user interface to view the data, but it may
not provide a measurable benefit.
COMET could be extended in several directions,
most especially for: manipulating LDAP schema,
incorporating LDAP static groups, and addressing
non-LDAP data. COMET currently manages the
data within a directory. COMET could be expanded
to be an LDAP data definition tool to manipulate
object classes and attributes within the underlying
directory schema. Current methods for Sun ONE
Directory Server (Sun ONE Directory Server, 2003)
schema manipulation involve either modifying the
LDAP properties files by hand or using Sun ONE’s
LDAP Management Console graphical user
interface, which we have found to be cumbersome.
COMET currently identifies user groups through
the use of query rules. LDAP supports the notion of
static groups to which users are individually added.
This enables groups of users to be formed that have
no common attribute values. It would be useful if
COMET could also use LDAP groups to identify the
user community within a domain. COMET already
supports managing LDAP groups, so this would be a
natural next step.
COMET’s architecture is independent of the
underlying directory structure. COMET has been
developed as an LDAP information management
system; however, it could be expanded to manage
databases other than LDAP directories. If COMET
could also manage relational databases, it could
become a general delegated administration
information management system capable of
managing many types of repositories.
COMET enables GE’s businesses to manage
customer and employee data globally and effectively
by allowing the delegation of authority to local
administrators at customer sites, thereby enabling
those customers to manage a subset of their own
A growing number of GE businesses are using
COMET for GE’s Single Sign On initiative. Despite
the many disparate directories being managed, no
business has required any customizations to
COMET. COMET is simultaneously delegating the
management of multiple, disparate directories in a
distributed environment.
COMET has enabled GE Help Desk personnel to
better handle support calls, increasing their
efficiency while reducing maintenance costs.
Similarly, GE businesses are able to improve their
customer’s online experiences by offering
functionality to communities of users without
burdening GE to manage all of the records in each
community. Through COMET, the most capable
administrators are able to manage portions of the
data regardless of their location.
We appreciate the support of our management,
especially Andy Deitsch, and the technical
collaboration of Mark Kornfein, David Mehring,
Osman Öksoy, and Wayne Uejio.
Loshin, P. (2001). Single Sign-on. Retrieved January 19,
2004, from,
Netegrity IdentityMinder: Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved
October 9, 2003, from,
Oblix NetPoint. (n.d.). Retrieved October 9, 2003, from,
Senf, D. (2003). Identity Management: Securing Your
E-Business Future
. Retrieved January 19, 2004,
from, analyst/report940.html
Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2. (n.d.). Retrieved October
9, 2003, from,
Weltman, R. & Dahbura, T. (2000). LDAP Programming
with Java, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA