André Luís Andrade Menolli, Maria Madalena Dias
Department of Computer Science, University of St. Maringá ,579 Colombo Av., 87020-900, Maringá, Brazil
Keywords: Data Warehouse, Data Integration, Science & Techolog
Abstract: Science and technology in Brazil are areas that have few available resources and many times these scarce
resources are badly used. The data warehouse is a tool that can make possible a better distribution of these
resources. In this article are considered some issues in the development of a data warehouse for Science &
Technology management. The paper describes the necessity of a supporting system to the decision taking
regarding the distribution of the resources destined to Science & Technology in Brazil, and also shows a
data warehouse architecture that is being developed to support this system. data modeling characteristics
defined for the proposed data warehouse architecture are presented too.
The data warehouse (DW) technology has been
widely used in companies with the aim of offering
organization, management and database integration.
In the data knowledge discovering process, the first
step is the data preparation, where the data must be
organized and stored in the DW.
The research in DW area had a big increase in
e nineties, mainly after 1996. This can be verified
in the study made by Vassiliadis (2000).
Despite this increase in DW area research, it is
very difficult to have support in developing a
DW , because the research are still turned to the
academic area. The gap between a practical DW and
a research one became obvious (Vassiliadis, 2000).
Another important point is the lack of project
d structure in the DW development. According to
Demarest (1997), the DW project has some failure
factors, such as:
lematic data engineering.
Unrealistic sche
ma design.
No desi
gn method is used.
Due to these reasons it is of extreme importance
to ha
ve an architecture project with well defined
steps assisting the DW designer in the conclusion of
the project successfully and in the expected time.
The main objectives of the work presented in this
paper are the definition of an architecture and the
construction of a DW for the Brazilian Science &
Technology system.
The construction of this DW brings as benefit a
etter acquaintance of the brazilian research reality,
making easy the investments exploitation in this
Therefore, the DW is used as a knowledge
tracting tool, with the objective of reducing cost
and optimize the quality of its products and services
(Dias et al., 1998), thus obtaining more and better
results with less resources.
The remainder of this paper is organized as it
follows: Section 2 presents a brief vision of Science
& Technology in Brazil, as a motivation for the
development of this work. Section 3 presents the
developing proposed DW architecture for the
project. Section 4 presents the data modeling that
was used in the staging area and in the DW. Section
5 concludes this paper.
In Brazil or any other developing country, a key-
point is to optmize scarce resources destined to
Science & Technology, minimizing wastefulnesses
and making the expenses follow a previous
planning. An alternative to obtain this, according to
Romão (2002), is to increase the investments in
Research and in Development, getting to know in
details the infrastructure and potential reality of
Luís Andrade Menolli A. and Madalena Dias M. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 522-525
DOI: 10.5220/0002604305220525
research in the country, as well as researchers and
research profile. To obtain more and better results
from little resources is a great challenge for
developing nations as Brazil.
The brazilian Science & Technology
environment possesses important databases that are
consolidated and trustworthy, from which is possible
to trace a Science & Technology panorama in any
region of the country.
The Science & Technology evaluation is a
process tied to the promotion, that is to say, it is
necessary an analysis that produces subsidies for the
decision taking, determining the levels of resources
distribution. To carry through any type of
information analysis, it is necessary to use complete
information that represents on a concise form the
reality that is intended to analyze.
That being so, the DW projected has as its
objective to serve as a support for knowledge
discovery on Science & Technology that can be used
to analyse the researchers, research groups, courses
and institutions performance, by identifying which
are the areas that are bringing investments back and
which need new investments.
The architecture strategy of this project is mainly to
replace data sources of diverse formats for new
standardized analytical databases, facilitating then,
the data integration. The architecture is constituted
of several layers, as it's shown in Figure 1. The thick
arrows represent the data shipment while the fine
arrows represent the data access. The architecture is
constituted of five layers, so that the layer 2 can be
subdivided into two other layers, depending on the
data source type existing in layer 1.
Data Sources ETL Staging Area Data Warehouse Analysis Area
3.1 Data Sources
This layer stores the original data sources, which
could be in two formats:
Standard Format.
Distinct Formats.
A standard database was chosen, that in this
project is a relational normalized data model and
data in this format are in the standard format. Data
that are in another type of database, or in other
formats (files, text, etc), are migrated to the
normalized model in the chosen standard format.
3.2 Extraction, Transformation And
Loading (ETL)
The first step in this layer is the verification of the
data source format. If the data are not in a standard
format, the data source will go through a process of
data migration, where the data source will be
integrated and transformed into the standard format.
This process will facilitate the data manipulation,
data consistency and data integration.
3.3 Staging Area
According to Dumoulin (2003), a fundamental
concept that greatly simplifies DW projects and
ongoing maintenance is the use of data staging areas.
From the staging area logical project, data
modellers have a good idea of the necessity of
attributes and sources to populate the DW. The data
staging area serves as a dividing line between the
systems sources and the DW, containing only
information necessary to populate warehouse. The
staging area defined in this work uses a normalized
data model, to allow a high data consistency, and to
facilitate the integration process among distinct
3.4 Data Warehouse
The DW is the storage area and follows the model
approach proposed by Kimbal et al (1998), using the
BUS implementation, which needs standardized
dimensions and facts. This project uses de
Figure 1: The project DW architecture
Metadata Repository
Data extraction, transformation and
Migration for Standard Database
DB 1
OLAP and Data Mining Tools
New Data Source
Standard Data
Data Mart 1
Source in other
DB 2
Common Data Data Mart 2
Research Groups
dimensional modeling, because according to Song et
al (2001) there are two main advantages in the use of
dimensional models in DW environments. Firstly, a
dimensional model provides a multidimensional
analysis space in relational database environments;
we are analyzing factual data using dimensions.
Secondly, a typical denormalized dimensional model
has a simple schema structure, which simplifies the
final user query processing and improves
3.5 Analysis Area
In this layer, consult and mining tools can be
utilized, although they are not in the scope of the
present project. These tools will access the data
marts or materialized views, based in metadata
The modeling process used in our project is based on
the classical database modeling process that
distinguishes the conceptual, logical and physical
models extended by the implementation model
approach proposed by Kimball et al (1998).
From the data sources until the data in the
formats that appear in the model, showed in the
Figure3, the following steps are executed:
1. Separating the data by granularity.
2. Cleaning values of attributes.
3. Transforming the data.
4. Changing the operational keys by
substitute keys.
5. Guaranteeing the quality of the data.
The use of these steps give the follows benefits
to the data: quality, standardization and consistency.
Thus facilitating the data integration and the data
load in the DW.
The DW was projected according to the star
schema. This modeling has been chosen for the
already presented advantages in this paper and
because dimensional modeling is widely accepted as
the viable technique for delivering data to end users
in a DW (Kimball et al, 1998), (Meyere & Cannon,
1998), (Axel & Song, 1997), (Dinter et al., 1997).
However, the star schema does not accept many-
to-many relationships, and this type of relationship
presented in the staging area of our project, will be
transformed into many-to-many relationships
between facts and dimensions in the DW. According
to Song et al (2001), those relationships in a
dimensional model causes several difficult issues,
such as losing the star schema structure, increasing
complexity in forming queries, and degrading query
performance by adding more joins. Therefore, it is
desirable that we handle the many-to-many
relationships while still keeping the structure of the
star schema. There are some works to resolve this
problem, as (Krippendorf & Song, 1997),
(Theodoratos & Sellis, 1998) (
Lehner, Albrecht, &
1998), (Pedersen & Jensen, 1999),
(Kimball et al, 1998). Among these solutions, the
chosen one was presented by Kimball, because it is
ideal for dimensions with no upper limit in many
side and it is a clean solution (Song et al., 2001), that
is adjusted to this project.
These many-to-many relationships between facts
and dimensions and the relationships between
dimensions and mini-dimensions presented
previously, can be seen in Figure 3. In this figure is
also possible to verify that more than one fact uses
Figure 3: Partial modeling of DW.
the same dimension, according to what was
proposed with the use of the DW Bus architecture
The use of the star schema altogether with many-
to-many techniques of modeling between facts and
dimensions and among multivalued dimensions, it is
expected to obtain a simplified and denormalized
dimensional model, improving the inquiry
processing of final users and raising the
In this project it was defined a DW architecture
giving support to the decision taking in Science &
Technology in Brazil. This architecture is divided
into diverse independent layers, facilitating the
resolution of problems in each one of the DW
development stages. In this architecture, diverse DW
technologies and classical relational database
technologies are used. The DW data modeling was
defined considering that the knowledge to be
obtained is related, mainly, to the Brazilian
researchers scientific production .
It is expected that with the proposed DW in the
project, it is possible to minimize existing problems
in the resources distribution destined to the Science
& Technology in Brazil.
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