Yasuo Ebara
Yukinori Goto
Toshihiko Shimokawa
Shinji Yamane
Kenji Watanabe
Yuko Murayama
Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University,
Yoshida-honcho, Sakyu-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan
Faculty of Economics, Kyushu University,
6-10-1, Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 812-8581, Japan
Faculty of Information Science,Kyushu Sangyo University,
3-1, Matsukadai 2, Higashi-ku Fukuoka, 813-8503, Japan
Faculty of Software and Information Science, Iwate Prefectural University,
152-52 Takizawa-aza-sugo, Takizawa, Iwate, 020-0173, Japan
Faculty of Sciences and Engeering, Saga University,
1, Hojo-machi, Saga, 840-8502, Japan
Informal communication, Virtual laboratory, On door communication, Dynamic VPN.
As the computer network technology has evolved, the Internet has spread out to include variety of users.
They get together and create communities on the network, so that virtual relations between people have been
emerging. Many such virtual communities use chat rooms, mailing lists and message boards making use of
the existing applications. On the other hand, informal communication such as a chat and private conversation
during a break at a conference, has been recognized important. We often come across a good idea when having
relaxing conversations. In a daily life, we have various environments for informal communications which are
necessary for keeping relations with the others even for having better formal communications. However, it is
not so easy to have an environment for informal communications in a cyber space on the Internet when only
relying on the existing applications. In this research, we try and use some new experimental informal commu-
nication tools in our virtual laboratory environment in which several universities are interconnected with Japan
Gigabit Networks (JGN) /ATM. First, We have set up a CCD camera at each laboratory and deliver streaming
live video to share the environment. Then, we constructed a meeting system using Microsoft Netmeeting and
OpenMCU. In addition, we implemented on-door communication systems using the metaphor of a door on
WWW as a media for novel types of informal communications. In this paper, We explain the summaries of
experimental environment and the supporting applications for informal communications. We also let students
to take the main role of communications so that they use tools for their informal communications in a realistic
As the computer network technology has evolved, the
Internet has spread out to include variety of users. It
is no more only for researchers and the company em-
ployees but for individuals, as well. Those individ-
ual users have access to the network from their home.
They get together and create communities on the net-
work, so that virtual relations between people have
been emerging. Many such virtual communities use
chat rooms, mailing lists and message boards making
use of the existing applications.
On the other hand, informal communication such
as a chat and private conversation during a break at
a conference, has been recognized important (Kraut
et al., 1990; Whittaker et al., 1994; Isaacs et al.,
1996). We often come across a good idea when hav-
ing relaxing conversations. It is more likely for re-
searchers to create new ideas through informal com-
munications rather than through the formal commu-
nication such as the ones at a laboratory seminar and
a conference. In a daily life, we have various en-
vironments for informal communications which are
necessary for keeping relations with the others even
Ebara Y., Goto Y., Shimokawa T., Yamane S., Watanabe K. and Murayama Y. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 176-181
DOI: 10.5220/0002607301760181
for having better formal communications. However,
it is not so easy to have an environment for informal
communications in a cyber space on the Internet when
only relying on the existing applications.
In this research, we try and use some new exper-
imental informal communication tools in our virtual
laboratory environment in which several universities
are interconnected with gigabit networks. We let stu-
dents to take the main role of communications so that
they use tools for their informal communications in a
realistic way This paper reports our experiment.
The paper organization is as follows. The next sec-
tion describes about the concept of informal commu-
nication. Section 3 reports on our gigabit network
environment in which we use our tools. Section 4
presents our informal communication tools for virtual
laboratory environment. Section 5 discuss applica-
tions of those tools in our virtual laboratory, and Sec-
tion 6 gives some conclusions.
The informal communication is generated by an en-
counter and a conversation without any deliberate
plan but by chance (Fish et al., 1990; Matsuura et al.,
1993). Generally, the nature of conversation during a
coffee break in a work place or interaction with peo-
ple after work is impromptu. Conversations are real-
time. Facial expressions are of a great help to know
what the partner has meant by his/her words.
In order to achieve a real-time conversation on the
network, people often use a chat system instead of e-
mail. However, the chat system is not able to give us
people’s facial expression because it is a character-
oriented communication tool. Therefore, in order
to implement informal communications via computer
network, a method that can easily tell what you think
and feel is necessary.
In order to tell your present state of mind, emoti-
cons are used in the communications using characters
such as chat and e-mail. An emoticon is a combina-
tion of characters that resembles the facial expression
of people to express sadness, happiness and anger,
etc. Indeed, it is a simple way to express our feelings,
however, multimedia data such as audio or video may
offer better opportunities to transmit them.
Supporting the informal communications using
multimedia data, has been researched in the area
of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
and Groupware (Fish et al., 1992; Nakanishi et al.,
1996; Obata and Sasaki, 1998). As the bandwidth of
networking became popular, TV conference systems
were used extensively, and the multimedia environ-
ment was created with the virtual multiple connec-
tions. However, such systems were basically used for
formal communications such as a conference and a
lecture because the systems were constructed on the
infrastructures that were not widely available and ex-
pensive to install.
Moreover, they were not built on an universal in-
frastructure that was easy for a user to operate (Isaacs
et al., 2002). That is why only a few of them are now
in practical use currently.
In this research, we verify our tools for informal
communications on the Internet in terms of usabil-
ity and operability on the network. In the experi-
mental work, firstly we interconnect the universities
in remote locations by network to construct an infor-
mal communication environment. Secondly we de-
velop several applications and perform examinations
for verification.
We have built a research network, called VL (Virtual
Laboratory) Network to connect the geographically
distant universities by gigabit networks.
VL Network makes use of ATM link of the Japan
Gigabit Network (JGN). JGN is a governmental
network designed for research and development of
very high-speed networking and high-performance
application technologies. JGN consists of nation-
wide high-speed optical-fiber networks with ATM
switches. The ATM switches are located in ten places
and are connected to each other by very high-speed
optical-fiber links. Fifty four nodes are connected to
the ATM switches presumably to let researchers have
an access to the network from anywhere in Japan. VL
Network interconnects ve universities, Iwate Prefec-
tural University, Kyoto University, Kyushu Univer-
sity, Kyushu Sangyo University, and Saga University.
Figure 1 shows the configuration of the VL Net-
work. In this figure, the connections of Kyushu
Sangyo University and Saga University are presented
by a dotted line, because they are yet to be connected.
Figure 1 shows the IP layer. The universities are in-
terconnected in full-mesh on ATM layer. Therefore,
we can change network topology easily.
The VL Network is connected to the global Internet
via the QGPOP network. QGPOP, Kyushu GigaPOP
Project, aims to build a dedicated R&D Internet in the
Kyushu region with commodity Internet, focusing on
the Internet’s end-to-end principle and new features
such as IPv6, multicasting, and Mobile IP. QGPOP is
connected to Korean Research Network at 1Gbps via
KJCN, the Korea-Japan Cable Network. In this way
VL is connected now to Korean Research Network
with very high speed. We are planning an experiment
for the international informal communication using
Figure 1: Configuration of the VL Network.
In this section, we introduce some of our tools to share
the VL environment. We had some experiments using
those tools to have a chat or making contact with users
of other universities on the VL Network.
In addition, we explain the outline of each experi-
ment conducted on the VL Network.
4.1 Environment Sharing by using
Streaming Application
We have set up a CCD camera at each laboratory
and deliver streaming live video for 24 hours using
the RealSystem (freeware version) to share the en-
vironment. When using RealPlayer, only one video
of a laboratory is available. In this experiment, how-
ever, we use SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Inte-
gration Language) file so that the videos of all lab-
oratories interconnected can be seen simultaneously.
Each live video which is delivered by using RealSys-
tem is shown in Figure 2. We set the bandwidth of
the live video to be delivered between 250 Kbps and
450 Kbps so that high quality video can be obtained
to share the environment visually.
Although the above method is effective for sharing
a visual environment, we found that interactive com-
munication did not go so well because of the large
delay in the delivery of the live video information.
4.2 Informal Netmeeting by using
As interactive communications using RealSystem did
not go so well that we constructed a meeting system
Figure 2: Environment sharing by using RealSytem.
using Microsoft Netmeeting and OpenMCU (Open
Multi Control Unit). OpenMCU is a freeware applica-
tion which is equipped with ITU H.323 teleconferenc-
ing protocol. In the meeting system with OpenMCU,
4 users can be displayed at the same time.
The experimental result shows that both video and
audio could be transmitted and received all right when
the number of users were less than five. However,
noise was generated in the video and audio because
some hardware systems at laboratories were not com-
patible with one another.
Even in the case of five users or more, only four of
them appear on the display in the order of receiving
audio information; the system shows only four parties
at most on a display. If the fifth user who is not cur-
rently on the display, starts to speak, he/she will ap-
pear on the display taking a place for one of the four
users. This way the conversation is suddenly inter-
rupted. To solve this problem, we need some control
on who speaks next so that all users can join the con-
versation smoothly. However, such a control does not
fit with the nature of informal communication which
should be impromptu and unplanned.
We conclude that the conversation using Open-
MCU allows only less than ve users to join. Re-
garding the conversation including five or more users,
we need to develop a new application. However, the
communication system which can deal with an un-
limited number of users may cost much. It is impor-
tant to determine up to how many users can join the
conversation when designing a system for interactive
communication using video and audio. The result of
evaluation is shown in Table 1.
In the communication using Netmeeting, users
Table 1: Evaluation results.
Number of users Evaluation
4 or less Transmission/reception
of video and audio was
completed all right.
Noise was generated due to
the incompatibility of hard-
5 or more The conversation was in-
terrupted because the dis-
play switched quickly upon
speech of the user.
Someone had to control the
conversation, so that the re-
quest of the informal com-
munication was not satisfied.
sometimes could not hear each other well because
of the low quality of audio. In addition, we found
that it was more useful that users would be able to
input character information including URL and file
names. To comply with this situation, we added a
chat system so that the communication would go on
smoothly. The chat system also contributed to en-
hance smooth informal communication; it enabled all
users to share specific information such as network
addresses which would be understood better by writ-
ing. Figure 3 shows an actual informal communica-
tion using Netmeeting and a chat system.
4.3 On Door Communication
We try and implement communication systems using
the metaphor of a door on WWW as a media for novel
types of informal communications. We call those
communications through a door ”on-door communi-
cations”, and presume two types of systems. The first
one is a system for a chat at a net door, and the second
one is an on-door message board.
Figure 3: Informal communication by using Netmeeting
and chat system.
4.3.1 The On-Door Chat System
To realize informal communications, we apply chat
system as a method for supporting communication
with video and audio. In addition to the conventional
chat system which uses only characters, we add the
metaphor of a door so that the on-door chat system
is implemented to realize a chat in front of the door
virtually (Suzumura et al., 2002).
Our on-door chat system provides two awareness
tools, viz. knock and shadow. A knock on the door is
used to let the others notice the arrival of a visitor at
the door with an auditory signal.
A shadow indicates the existence of visitors as well
as that of the door owner. When the owner is in the
room, the light can be seen through the door window
as well as the owner’s shadow. A visitor gives a knock
on the door and starts chat with the door owner. If the
owner is not available but any other visitors are out
there, their figures can be seen outside the door, so
that the new visitor can join the others in chat. If no
one is around, the visitor can leave a message on the
chat board. When a visitor comes across at the door,
his/her shadow is generated outside the door so that
the owner and the other visitors would notice the new
A door is implemented as a web page. A server
system for generating a door web page functions as a
door dealer. A user (i.e. an owner) gets a door page
from the door dealer. A chat system is presented on
each door page so that the visitors can have a chat. A
knock on the door is used to let the others notice the
arrival of a new visitor at the door with an auditory
signal. When an owner has connected with a door,
his/her shadow appears on the door window, whereas
the shadow of visitors appears in the foreground of a
door. We added a feature so that we could have some
more sounds, which show users’ emotion as well as
their associated texts (i.e. emoticons) than merely a
knock sound. For example, clicking ”LAUGH” but-
ton gives an icon, ”:-)”. A knock produces a text
”Knock!” on a chat line. Figure 4 shows an example
of our chat board.
4.3.2 The On-door Message Board
We discuss the message board for supporting the sys-
tem of informal communication. The message board
system which is used on VL Network is called ”on-
door message board” (Segawa et al., 1999; Murayama
et al., 2001; Segawa et al., 2002).
The idea of our on-door message board is to bring
a message board on the door of a room in a student
hall of residence into the WWW environment. We
have developed a message board system on WWW for
asynchronous communication, which provides users
with simple tools for drawing (Murayama et al., 2001;
Figure 4: On-door chat system.
Figure 5: On-door message board.
Segawa et al., 2002). Letters are coded as a collection
of lines. On this board, any message can be written by
hand making use of a mouse and a tablet. We add the
time visualization function so that messages in past
will be fading out gradually.
We find the system useful specifically when we are
having a discussion using Netmeeting within the vir-
tual laboratory, one can express his/her idea in an im-
age in a cooperative manner; that is one can add image
objects such as lines and letters onto the figure image
drawn by some others. Figure 5 shows the message
We have not tried the extensive use of the time visu-
alization function yet, and shall try and use this func-
tion in fugue experiments to figure out in what occa-
sion the function is most useful.
4.4 Access from External Network
by VPN
We have an access control on applications on the VL
Network so that they are permitted to use only by
the authorized users inside the VL Network. Those
outside the VL Network are not allowed to access
the experimental environment of VL Network. How-
ever, we consider it very important that authorized
users can join the community from anywhere with-
out restrictions to implement informal communica-
tions. For this reason, we use a Virtual Private Net-
work (VPN) so that those authorized ones outside the
VL network can also access VL Network and join the
community. For example, in Kyushu University, the
Faculty of Economics, which is outside VL network,
is connected to VL network of a graduate school of
Information Science Electrical Engineering by using
VPN technique. (See Figure 6.)
As an extension of the VPN technique, we im-
plemented Dynamic VPN (DVPN) (Kashima et al.,
2003). DVPN allows a connection to VL Network
from a user’s home which is connected to a commer-
cial provider where the IP address changes dynami-
cally. As a result, all the authorized users who are reg-
istered with VL Network can access the VL Network
from anywhere to join informal communications on
the Internet (Figure 6).
Figure 6: VL Network with DVPN system.
We have performed several experiments. We con-
structed a virtual community on the Internet in order
to promote communications among students. Thor-
ough our experiments, we found that the academic
knowledge exchange of students in remote places
was promoted by means of virtual laboratory environ-
ment. In future, we shall look into how the education
based on informal communications would work by
organizing voluntary seminars so that students have
more opportunities to learn from each other.
In the future, we will also consider how to enjoy
the Internet when making evaluations of the commu-
nication system. As the first step, for discussing the
environment sharing, we have already conducted ex-
periments of an e-party in which users could join from
remote places via network. The experiments were
performed by broadcasting a party at a laboratory in
real time. After several e-party experiments, we found
that the followings, with which a new system should
be realized, were necessary for supporting informal
a method to transmit video and audio smoothly (for
a place connected to low-bandwidth network)
sharing the display by multiple users
the development of easy-to-use user interface
In this paper, in order to clarify the problems for re-
alizing informal communications on the Internet, we
reported our VL project to construct a virtual labora-
tory environment in which several universities were
interconnected with gigabit networks. We then ex-
plained the summaries of experimental environment
and the supporting applications for informal commu-
In the future, we will evaluate these applications
in detail and look into the problems. We will then
develop new applications and systems. Moreover, we
will perform network construction and experimental
operation with the next generation protocol, IPv6 on
the VL Network. Finally, we would like to let those
applications work with IPv6.
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