Gavin Finnie, Jeff Barker
School of Information Technology, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia
Keywords: Agents, Case-Based Reasoning
, Supply Chain Management
Abstract: Dynamic information flow in esupply networks require
s that buyers and suppliers have the ability to react
rapidly when needed. Using intelligent agents to automate the process of buyer/seller interaction has been
proposed by a number of researchers. One problem in providing intelligent automated collaboration is
incorporating learning capability i.e. an agent should be capable of adapting it’s behaviour as conditions
change. This paper proposes a scalable multi-agent system which uses case-based reasoning as a framework
for at least part of its intelligence. Tests with a simulated system show that such an agent is capable of
learning the best supplier and also capable of adapting if supply conditions change.
Supply chain and supply networks can be of
arbitrary size and complexity. In an electronic
business environment, information flows at high
speed and organisations must be capable of rapid
reaction and reorganisation in response to dynamic
information relating to any changes in constraints or
conditions (McClellan 2003).
This paper will describe an agent-based approach
for in
telligent automation of inter-organisational
interaction in the supply chain. Any organisation
will have some history of dealing with problems
relating to orders and perturbations in the supply
chain and the solutions applied, as well as some
formal processes for dealing with these. In order to
automate the response to any stochastic event,
software must be capable of reacting as one would
expect a human agent to do. In many cases, a human
agent responds by working from and possibly
adapting solutions to previously encountered
situations similar to the present problem i.e. a
process of reasoning from prior cases or Case-Based
Reasoning (CBR). A model is proposed in which the
interface between an organisation and the outside
world is controlled by a number of agents, each of
which acquires at least part of its intelligence by
applying CBR.
Case based reasoning (CBR) solves new problems
by adapting previously successful solutions to
similar problems. The appeal of CBR as a problem
solving approach lies in its familiarity - in many
problem solving situations a solution will be based
on a similar problem solved by us in the past. As an
example, doctors would not usually start all
diagnoses from first principles. They would in most
cases recall similar cases of patients with the same
symptoms and also recall what treatments have
worked in the past. Treatments may be modified for
the specific circumstances of this patient eg
difference in ages, sex, weight, medical history, etc.
might all suggest some need for adaptation of a past
A new problem (the target case) is matched
against cases
in the case-base. The importance
attached by the user to various features (indexes) of
the case may be used to guide the matching process.
One or more similar cases are retrieved from the
case base. A solution suggested by these cases is
reused and tested for success. If necessary, the
retrieved case(s) will probably be revised to produce
a new case which can then be retained in the case
Finnie G. and Barker J. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 480-483
DOI: 10.5220/0002611104800483
CBR has been primarily used in scheduling as an aid
to creating and adapting specific schedules, usually
within the organisation. This paper proposes the use
of CBR for intelligence at each stage of a schedule
within a specific supply chain. The interface
between an organisation and its suppliers will be
controlled by a number of buyer agents, each of
which will have access to CBR to provide intelligent
processing of supply needs on the basis of prior
experience. Coordinating and controlling the
activation and operation of the buyer agents is a
buyer interface control agent which again utilises
CBR to select a suitable strategy for finding all
components required for a particular product i.e. it
will review the bill of materials, decide on suitable
suppliers and set up agents to control the interaction
with each supplier. There is one buyer interface
agent for each organisation. The buyer (and the
supplier) interface agents are “middle agents” which
act as brokers between buyers and seller (Wong and
Sycara, 2000). It will also have responsibility for
ensuring that all components are suitably sourced i.e.
a failure procedure must be in place to backtrack if a
specific supplier fails to ensure supply.
At the supplier interface, there will be one seller
agent per transaction. These are relatively short-
lived agents responsible for monitoring the progress
of a specific request for materials. A request to
purchase from an organisation may itself trigger
adaptations in the internal schedule for that
organisation and in turn cause its buyer agents to
negotiate with its suppliers. To coordinate the
actions of supplier agents there is a supplier
interface control agent for each supplier. This has
responsibility for checking, also using CBR, whether
the product can be supplied. The supplier interface
agents will check on the impact of an order i.e. can it
be realistically scheduled and processed. This may
in turn generate a procurement need, causing a
spreading activation of agents.
The supplier agent will also retain a base of prior
cases i.e. what did we do last time. Agents will also
need to have fall back positions i.e. if there is no
suitable information in the case base, there must still
be a response – either by appealing for human
intervention or going to other forms of reasoning
e.g. rule-based.
The Buyer Agent Cycle
Cases relate to specific products and suppliers and
the basic cases will be indexed by product (or
product class). There may need to be some form of
generic or template cases which provide basic
The Buyer interface Agent cycle will be:
1. An order is received
2. The case base is checked for previous
suppliers of the product
3. An agent is initiated to control the buyer
4. A message is broadcast to the “web”
looking for prospective suppliers. This
assumes a standardised structure to define
5. Prospective suppliers are ordered in terms
of some priority scheme and either:
(a) the order is sent to the supplier
(b) there is a call for quotes
3.2 The Supplier Interface Agent Cycle
A supplier agent will receive a request for an order
or a quote and will need to initiate a process to
determine if and when the order could be filled. This
may require rescheduling of production and ordering
of new inputs. Each supplier interface agent will also
maintain a case history of prior dealings with buyers.
On the basis of history (if it exists) and any other
intelligence provided, the agent will decide to:
(a) Decline the order or quote
(b) Agree to fill the order/quote without
adjusting existing schedules
(c) Revise schedules on a priority basis to
meet an order or estimate impact if a
quote is required. In this case a
supplier watch agent is initiated to
monitor the progress.
If (c) is selected, there may be a need to initiate a
purchase cycle for input materials. This will require
the company buyer agents to initiate PO’s or RFQ’s
and any response by the supplier agent will be
delayed until the necessary information is available.
Once an order is shipped and payment received
and processed, the case base for the supplier agent
will be updated.
Figure 1: Average Unit Cost over time
In order to test the case based approach, a simple
scenario was set up and a buyer agent modelled. The
buyer agent has its own case base which was
implemented using a relational database and a
simple nearest-neighbour search strategy. Cases
simply record information on order size, order time
(in days), previous delays and a price for the order
Three suppliers of a particular product exist i.e.
S1, S2 and S3. S1 is a low cost supplier ($10) but
has a number of problems with delivery delays and
inability to meet order requests. S2 has a better
record but charges a higher price ($15) while S3 can
meet all deadlines but has a high price ($22). The
delays were modelled as follows:
S1 and S2 can meet a new request for
an order 80% of the time while S3 can
always meet an order.
If there is a delay in meeting an order,
S1 has a 60% chance of a one day delay,
20% chance of two days and 20% chance of
three. S2 has a 50% chance of a one day
delay and a 50% chance of a two day delay.
On order delivery, S1 has a 40%
chance of delivery on schedule, 40%
chance of a one day delay and 20% chance
of a two day delay. S2 has an 80% chance
of no delay and a 20% chance of a one day
Delays are assumed to cost a fixed
amount per day (modelled as $4 per unit)
Calculating the expected values for these
distributions give an expected cost per unit for S1 of
$14.10, for S2 of $17.00 and $22.00 for S3.
The simulation was run for 500 random cases. If
a case was judged to be sufficiently different from a
case in the case base, it was added to the set of
cases. If it was reasonably similar to an existing
case, the existing case had its price for the order
adjusted as the average of the new price and two
times the existing price (this has the effect of giving
significant weight to the most recent case). 59 new
cases were added overall.
Figure 1 shows the average cost per unit as each
case is dealt with (line Scenario 1) for the first 400
cases. Figure 2 shows the frequency of use of the
supplier data for each case i.e. S1 showS the number
of times a case for supplier one is used as the basis
for the new order. S2 shows the number of times a
case for S2 is used as the basis. Under this scenario,
the average price per unit rapidly converges to close
to the expected price of $14.10. From Figure 2, it is
apparent that S1 is by far the preferred supplier. S3
does not enter the reasoning as its price is too high.
To determine whether the CBR system is capable
of learning to change, the scenario was altered by
assuming that after 100 cases had been processed,
S1 (probably due to its low prices and consequent
high demand) has shown a decline in being able to
meet orders from 80% to 50%. S1’s unit price has
also increased from $10.00 to $12.00. S2 on the
other hand has been able to improve its ability to
meet orders to 90% and has managed to cut its price
to $14.00. This gives a new expected price per unit
for S1 of $17.36 and for S2 of $15.40. S3 is
unaffected by the change.
Figure 2: Use of Suppliers over time
Figure 1 shows the effect on average cost per
unit with line Scenario 2 showing the impact after
case 100 has been processed. The average cost per
unit is recalculated from case 101 and rapidly
stabilises around the new minimum expected price
of $15.40. Figure 2 shows the relative use of S1 and
S2 as the basis for new ordering decisions (S1 New
and S2 New). It is apparent that S2 replaces S1 as
the preferred supplier to accommodate the new
pricing realities.
As a further comparison, the average price per
unit of a random supplier selection policy (including
S3) was simulated over 500 cases and stabilised at
$23.50 i.e. the CBR approach can find the most cost
efficient alternative.
To use dynamic information effectively in inter-
enterprise supply chain management, decisions will
need to be made automatically and effectively. The
multi-agent system approach proposed in this paper
provides a suitable architecture for rapid and agile
response to any event. An agent is this environment
must be capable of intelligent reasoning and
learning. The CBR approach provides a suitable
framework for at least part of the intelligence, and is
capable of learning dynamically i.e. as a new case is
encountered it will be added to the case base for that
specific product in a specific company. As shown
above, the CBR system adapts if the conditions
The framework proposed here requires further
development and testing both in simulated and real
environments. The initial results are encouraging
and suggest that an MAS approach with CBR could
be a powerful tool to further automating supply
chain management.
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