Pedro Almeida, Joaquim Arnaldo Martins, Joaquim Sousa Pinto, Helder Troca Zagalo
IEETA – Instituto Engenharia Electrónica e Telemática de Aveiro, Departamento de Electrónica e Telecomunicações,
Universidade de Aveiro – Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3800-193 Aveiro
Keywords: MPEG-7, XML, NXDB, Audiovisual Arch
ive, Multimedia, Digital Libraries
Abstract: This article presents the development of an audiovis
ual archive that uses the MPEG-7 standard to describe
video content and a XML database to store the video descriptions. It presents the model adopted to describe
the video content, the framework of the audiovisual archive information system, a video indexing tool
developed to allow the creation and manipulation of XML documents with the video descriptions and an
interface to visualize the videos over the Web.
This article describes the work developed in the
creation of an audiovisual archive that allows to
index and store the content of the parliamentary
video records of the Portuguese Parliament. This
project appears as part of the digital library for the
Portuguese Parliament, mainly associated with the
system Electronic Diaries of the Portuguese
Parliament (Pinto, 2001). The main objective of this
project is to allow the visualization of a video of a
complete session of the parliamentary debates or a
small video segment of one session that corresponds
to the intervention of a specific orator.
In more detail, the intention is to characterize a
ovie of a parliamentary session from the
Portuguese Parliament, split the video in several
segments and characterize them in a temporary and
descriptive level. This way it is later possible to
visualize segments that correspond to parliamentary
interventions that contain specific characteristics.
Primarily are described the base technologies over
ich lays the information system, namely XML,
XML Schemas, XML databases and Web Services.
It is presented the model, built with MPEG-7
ments, that allows a detailed characterization of
an audiovisual content of a video from a
parliamentary session of the Portuguese Parliament.
After the model it is presented the framework of the
nformation system that has been developed, as well
as its characteristics, with a special note to a video
indexing tool that allows several users to index
different videos from different parliamentary
sessions and to the Web Viewer that makes it
possible to view the videos over the web.
2.1 XM
XML, eXtensible Markup Language, is a World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C, 2002)
recommendation and comes as an evolution of
SGML, Standard Generalized Markup Language
(ISO, 2001), a markup language. Initially, its
objective was to overcome some limitations of
HTML, HyperText Markup Language (W3C, 1999).
XML comes as a markup language that allows
relating text content with the marks by which it is
The main difference between XML and HTML is
at while in HTML all the marks that appear in a
document are defined by the HTML standard in
XML its possible to create marks whose syntax and
semantic are specific, bringing great extensibility to
this markup language.
2.2 XML Schemas
Despite the fact that an XML document presents its
data delimitated by marks, nothing stops that a user
interpretation is different from the one intended, not
taking in regard the semantic of the marks. This
Almeida P., Arnaldo Martins J., Sousa Pinto J. and Troca Zagalo H. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 536-540
DOI: 10.5220/0002614605360540
brings the need for a language that permits
describing the structure of a XML document.
Initially came the DTD’s (Document Type
Definition) (W3C, 2000) proposed by the W3C as a
way of defining a structure to the XML documents.
Later, due to some limitations of the DTD’s came
the XML Schemas (W3C, 2001) as a W3C
The goal of a XML Schema is to define a way to
build a XML document according to a defined
structure. XML Schemas permit defining the
elements and attributes of a XML document, the
positions where they appear, the order of the child
elements, the number of child elements, if a element
may be empty or not, data types to the elements and
attributes, default values to elements and attributes,
2.3 XML Databases
The video descriptions are stored in a XML
document with a structure as the one defined in
section 3.2 and it is used a XML database to store
these documents.
The DBMS (Database Management System) used is
a NXDB (Native XML Database). It is called
XIndice (Apache, 2003) and is based on an open-
source platform developed by the Apache
Foundation Software.
The use of an XML database was justified by the
fact that the video descriptions were stored in XML
documents, taking advantage of the functionalities
associated to native NXBD’s in storing and
searching XML data.
2.4 Web Services
In a conceptual level Web Services (W3C, 2002) are
services offered via the Web (Armstrong, 2003).
The main objective of using Web Services in the
information system of the audiovisual archive is to
create an abstraction level that allows establishing
inter-application communications in a transparent
way, ensuring that the system has the best
modularity as possible. This kind of approach
allows, in the future, the use of other DBMS’s
without the need to rebuild or recompile the code
that builds the information system.
3 MPEG-7
The MPEG-7 standard permits the description of
various types of multimedia information. One of the
objectives of this standard is to permit efficient
characterization of audiovisual material.
This standard does not cover the area of
automatic extraction of descriptors neither specifies
a search engine that can use the descriptors,
permitting that software factories build their own
tools raising this way the competition and
functionality of the available tools.
The MPEG-7 standard uses XML and XML
Schemas as a descriptive language, permitting this
way high extensibility and easiness of use. This fact
also allows a high interoperability, creating
independence of the standard from a specific
software platform or software vendor. (Martinez,
3.1 MPEG-7 Elements
The MPEG-7 standard is composed of three
elements that permit creating descriptions of
audiovisual content: (Martinez, 2002)
1. Descriptors (D) – Representations of
characteristics, define the syntax and the semantic of
each representation to each characteristic.
2. Description Schemes (DS) - Specifies the
structure and semantic of the relations between
components. These components can be either
Descriptors or Description Schemes.
3. Description Definition Language (DDL) – Permits
the creation of new Description Schemes and
Descriptors and the extension or modification of
existing Description Schemes.
MPEG-7 consists of seven parts (Martinez, 2002).
The Multimedia Description Schemes part was used
in the creation of the model presented further ahead.
3.2 MPEG-7 model
Figure 1 presents the model of description built with
MPEG-7 elements and shows the Description
Schemes that where used to describe the video
content of a parliamentary session.
Figure 1: MPEG-7 description model
The first element in the model is the MPEG-7
element. This element indicates that the content of
the XML file is a MPEG-7 description. After this
element appears the Description element followed
by a MultimediaContent element, which indicates
the type of content that is going to be described. The
fallowing element is the AudioVisual element. This
element represents the total audiovisual content, in
this particular case a complete video of a
parliamentary session of the Portuguese Parliament.
The MediaInformation element contains information
about the video codification and the location of the
audiovisual content and the MediaTime element
contains information about the duration of the
complete video. The TemporalDecomposition
element indicates that there is a temporal
decomposition of the audiovisual content. From this
element derives one or more AudioVisualSegment
elements that represent each segment of the
audiovisual content described. Each segment
contains the necessary information for its correct
characterization and identification. Associated with
the audiovisual content may exist a TextAnnotation
element that permits adding textual information that
characterizes the audiovisual content, namely textual
notes and keywords. Finally the
MediaSourceDecomposition and VideoSegment
element permit the characterization of sub-segments
of a video segment, increasing the granularity of the
audiovisual archive system.
A more detailed explanation of the model can be
obtained in a previous article (Almeida, 2003).
Figure 2 presents the audiovisual archive
information system framework. This framework is
based in the classic model of three layers: data layer,
logic layer and presentation layer.
The data layer is composed of three components
that store information. The first repository is a video
collection with the debates from the Portuguese
Parliament. The second is a relational database that
contains information about the interventions of
orators from the parliament. The third component is
a XML database that stores the video descriptions.
The logic layer is composed of a group of
technologies that have been used in order to permit
the construction of a distributed information system
for the audiovisual archive, based on the client-
server model.
Finally, the presentation layer presents the video
indexing tool and the web viewer, being this
interfaces available to interact with the audiovisual
Figure 2: Audiovisual Archive information system
4.1 Data layer
4.1.1 Videos
The parliamentary videos are stored in a video
server and organized according to a hierarchic
structure to allow the use of an automatic method of
recovery. The videos names can be obtained by the
expression S[ns]L[nl]SL[nsl]N[nsp] , where ns , nl ,
nsl and nsp correspond to the number of the series,
legislature, legislative session and parliamentary
session. For example, in the case of a video from
session number 2, 8.
legislature, 1.
session, 1.
series the name of the video will be
4.1.2 Interventions database
The interventions database is stored in a legacy
system. This database has information about the
interventions of orators in each session of the
Portuguese Parliament. From this database it is
possible to obtain information about the name of the
speaker, the summary and the pages where the
intervention is written in the paper Diaries of the
Portuguese Parliament.
4.1.3 Video description database
The database with the video description is a native
XML database. This database is where the indexed
video descriptions are stored. For each indexed
video there is a record in the database, represented
by a XML file that contains all the information
necessary to decompose and characterize a video of
a parliamentary session.
4.2 Logic layer
This layer guaranties independence between the data
layer and the presentation layer.
In the connection to the relational database with the
interventions information’s it is used the familiar
technology of ODBC (Microsoft, 2003).
In the case of the XML database with the video
descriptions it was created a Web Service, xmldbws,
to allow the communication with the presentation
To implement the Web Service it was used AXIS
(Apache, 2003 A) with the TOMCAT (Apache,
2003 B) HTTP server.
AXIS is a SOAP (W3C, 2003) implementation of
the W3C.
The Web Service was used to ensure that the
manipulation of the records of the XML database is
done independently of the XLM DBMS. It has a
series of methods that allow manipulating XML
documents in the XML database.
4.3 Presentation layer
The presentation layer is where the applications that
permit interaction with the audiovisual archive
system are located.
4.3.1 Video Indexing Application
With the use of this application it is possible to
create, alter and eliminate video descriptions of a
video collection being indexed.
The application is an MDI (Multiple Document
Interface) composed by four internal windows, each
one with a specific functionality.
Figure 3: Video Indexing Application Interface
Figure 3 presents the video indexing application
The application was developed in JAVA and some
JAVA packages were used to permit a quicker and
more efficient development. The JMF (Java Media
Framework) (Sun, 2003) package was used in the
creation of the internal window that presents the
Another important package used was the JAXB
(Java API for XML Binding) (Sun, 2003) package.
With this package it was possible to compile an
XML Schema with the model of the XML document
and was created a group of JAVA classes. These
classes were later used in the Video Indexing
Application to allow an easy manipulation of the
XML documents.
The information presented in the Intervenções
window is used as a guide during the indexing
process. It indicates the name of the orators, the
scenes that have been indexed and the scenes that
are not yet indexed. This helps the technician’s job
of the indexing the video.
The Anotações window is where the user adds
temporal and textual information to a video segment.
The information inserted in this window is stored in
a MPEG-7 compliant XML record in the XML
4.3.2 Web viewer
The web viewer was developed using Microsoft
.NET (Microsoft, 2003) programming environment.
The main objective of developing the web viewer in
.NET was to test the interoperability between
programs built in different platforms. Figure 4
presents the interface of this part of the system.
Figure 4: Web Viewer interface
This viewer consists of an aspx developed with C#
and basically is composed by a tree view object with
a media player object.
The information presented in the tree view is
obtained from the intervention database and the
video descriptions XML database. To create the tree
view it was implemented a Web Service Client in
the .NET platform that connects to the Web Service
Server implemented in JAVA.
Figure 8 presents the communication architecture of
the Web Viewer interface.
Figure 8: Web Viewer communication architecture
[Source: adapted from MSDN]
The Web Viewer is represented by the Web Service
Client .NET and the XML DBMS represents the
videos descriptions XML database. When Web
Services are used, normally, there is no need to
configure the firewall. This fact is represented by the
arrow that transverses the firewall.
This example shows that interoperability between
applications of different platforms can be obtained
using Web Services.
With this kind of approach the client only connects
to the XML database once to obtain the video
description. As long as the user doesn’t change to
another video, all the processing to obtain
information to other scenes in the same video is
done on the client side.
Building an information system that permits to
describe video content is not a trivial task. It’s
necessary to study carefully the characteristics
needed to describe the content or else it may become
an unpractical system.
The audiovisual archive presented in this work is a
particular example for a need of the Portuguese
Parliament, but with little modifications it can be
used to create a more generic system. The essential
part of the work presented is the framework itself
and the modularity and scalability of the system.
The MPEG-7 standard has answered completely to
the needs of the system in terms of the video
description. There are a vast number of descriptors
in the standard that permit to describe video content
in a very complete manner.
The Web Services in the logic layer permitted to
create a very important abstraction level between the
data layer and the presentation layer. This kind of
approach permits having a high modularity in the
information system of the audiovisual archive,
allowing to have different technologies to support
different components of the information system.
In the near future it is needed to study the behaviour
of the XML DBMS in terms of search performance.
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