Stefan Scheer, Remi Allanou
Institute of Health and Consumer Protection, European Commission – Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italy
Keywords: database management; chem
ical database system; IUCLID
Abstract: A database management tool (IUCLID) has been created in order to provide with administering chemical
and toxicological data sent in structured form due to existing EU legislation. This tool also offers – beyond
the normal dataset administration functionality – mechanisms for data fusion, data reproduction and data
deployment. Thus IUCLID is used not only by who has to receive submissions of that kind but also who has
to produce such submissions. Hence this product is used by whoever is involved as stakeholder in the
current legislative process, and even beyond that it has been recognized successfully. Consequently it was
the worldwide acceptance that helped in promoting this software product ahead of its original purpose and
to establish a network of exchange.
Since 1993 the European Commission is operating a
database on chemicals, called IUCLID (International
Uniform Chemical Information Database). Due to
EU legislation this database gets input from
chemical industry in electronic form containing
general chemical information, toxicological
information and company-confidential information
on production and uses of certain chemicals (see
Heidorn et al.).
Major aim of collecting was to get an overview
those substances of concern being on the market
(see Allanou et al.). Within further steps, like the EU
Risk Assessment Programme, this collection
database served as basic data delivery.
The management of the collection process
uired the development of a specific database
management software which is also called IUCLID.
This software is managing those submission sent by
industry thus building up a local database. However,
IUCLID has also been designed to modify its input
and to create further or new data.
As all kinds of submissions have to be sent in
ectronic format, it was obvious to use IUCLID in a
similar way at all the premises from which such
submissions should come from. Consequently and
over the years a network of collaboration has been
created in which chemical data are exchanged by
“speaking in the same language”.
2.1 The Submission Concept
Basic concept concerning input to IUCLID is the
concept of submission. Technically, a submission is
a file that contains information on a certain chemical
substance according to judgements made by the
company producing a certain chemical substance.
First, a submission consists of header
formation which uniquely identifies the
submission through three parameters: 1. the
submitter coordinates, 2. the submission date, and 3.
a reference to the submission object. The system will
not accept two submissions having exactly the same
identifiers. Thus through changing one of these
parameter values, two quite similarly looking
submissions could be accepted. On the other side, if
a duplicate (with exactly the same parameter values)
comes in, an overwrite procedure will start.
A submission can be a normal submission or a
led template submission; they distinguish
according to their reference object that, usually, is a
pointer to a chemical substance definition or a
template name, respectively. A template submission
is a way of neutral collection of information that, as
Scheer S. and Allanou R. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 541-544
DOI: 10.5220/0002615105410544
a whole, can subsequently be attached to any normal
Besides of the header, a submission consists of
“footer” (properties of the substance the submission
refers to) information that can be
Normal submission content (see 3.1 for that)
A reference to the contents of an existing
The three ways of referencing an existing
submission are determined as follows:
Type 1: An incoming submission has the same
parameter values as a submission that already
resides in the database. In this case the system will
detect the apparently redundant information and
launch an overwrite procedure.
Type 2.1: An incoming submission has a “footer”
that is already part of another submission residing in
the database. In this case the system checks the
existence of the other submission. Obviously, as it is
a pointer to contents written by a different submitter,
contents of that kind cannot be further edited;
however, the contents can be viewed.
Type 2.2: Optionally an incoming submission
has “footer” information pointing to a generally re-
usable submission (a “template submission”). In this
case, too, the system checks the existence of that
“template”. All information out of it will be added to
the submission; however, these parts are flagged
accordingly and cannot be further edited.
Interestingly, while the Type 2.1 case of
referencing allows for submitting complete dossiers
with a minimum of effort, the Type-1 case had been
implemented in order to let organisations update
their originally sent information themselves.
Implementation of type 2.2 references especially
intend to re-use separately collected information.
2.2 The Local Database
As IUCLID in also stands for having a local
database available, a dataset administration module
is needed to manage the submissions as datasets.
Hence this module lists up all available datasets
primarily identified by the reference object (see 2.1)
and makes them accessible. The currently selected
dataset will also display the additional two
submission identifiers – submitter coordinates and
creation date. In addition, further information on
“Type 2” references will be displayed if pertinent.
Depending on the user’s rights a currently
selected dataset can be edited (read & write
permission) or viewed (read permission only). In
any case the system will make accessible the various
chapters where all the input is captured. The
availability of chapters for reading or writing
depends also on the current view that has been
initially chosen by the user. Limited views will not
display certain chapters. According to various
chemical awareness programmes specific views can
be chosen, though, the user can define own views as
3.1 Capturing Information
Any type of information is kept in chapters with
fields. Thus the system aims at structuring as much
as possible incoming or new information. An entry
field can be one of these types:
In comparison with a text-type entry field which
allows the user to write any ASCII text as input, a
glossary-type entry field forces the user to choose
from a pre-defined list of (glossary) values that pops
up when a double-click in such a field is made.
The capturing of any additional information is
done in two ways: 1. a glossary value of type “other:
“ which, once chosen, allows to add additional text-
type input, 2. so-called “freetexts” keep context-
dependent pieces of information.
The latest version of IUCLID offers a variety of
freetext types, such as “RM” for a remark, “RE” for
specifying a literature reference, etc. Worthwhile to
be mentioned is the possibility to attach external
documents (and their contents) to a chapter through
an “AD”-type freetext; its use allows the uploading
of an external file. In principle, as many freetexts as
applicable could be added to a record.
3.2 Multiply collected Information
The straight approach of chapter divisions in
IUCLID is further broadened by collecting
information “in parallel”. This is called the record
principle. Accordingly it is allowed to put a second,
third record etc. to a certain chapter.
This makes sense thinking of some plausible
The submission reports on more than one fact
on one and the same issue, like for example two
different tests.
The submission reports on several opinions.
The submission combines data from various
Separate data handling functions have been
implemented for that particular purpose: insertion
and deletion of a record, navigation between
chapters and records, and the display of counters
pointing at the currently displayed record.
4.1 Self-Reproduction
With any IUCLID installation one can create new
datasets (“external reproduction”) and create new
records within existing datasets (“internal
reproduction”). Both cases make the local database
grow in size thus decisively augmenting IUCLID’s
An external reproduction asks for insertion of
those three identifiers (as described in chapter 2.1),
and displays all chapters with empty input fields.
Once the user has filled in the minimum required,
such a new dataset can be saved. Likewise during
the loading of an incoming submission the system
checks whether none of the locally residing datasets
has identical identifiers.
Similarly, an existing dataset, once opened for
editing, can receive a new record for a certain
chapter (see also 3.3) when the foreseen “add”
function has been activated. This function will
provide the user with a chapter with empty fields
which, when saved, will be added to the overall
number of records for that particular chapter.
4.2 Data Fusion
IUCLID-type data fusion means to merge
information coming from different datasets (i.e.
sources). In order to avoid semantic mix-up only
information referencing the same (i.e. pointing at the
same substance) can be considered for merge. The
only exception in this context is to merge also with
“neutral” information as it is kept in template
datasets (see 2.1).
In functional terms data fusion copies parts of
one or more sources onto a destination dataset thus
augmenting the number of records if the destination
dataset is not empty at the time of merging. The
destination dataset is the only one in this context that
receives an internal reproduction.
4.3 Flagging
Users can manage datasets under different
conditions and in various contexts:
Data has been collected or is used for different
Data has been generated by a different
organisation and has to be re-used somehow
Parts of a dataset are confidential and cannot be
Work on filling in data is in an on-going status
and cannot be considered to be final.
In order to better deal with those conditions and
to give the user mechanisms to distinguish relevant
input from non-relevant, a flag and reliability
(attaching a “degree of trust”) mechanism had been
implemented. Both mechanisms work on record
level so that even for different records of a single
chapter a distinction can be made.
Both flagging mechanisms act as filters when the
user invokes one of the data exchange (import /
export) or the data publication (print) functions. In
this way, for example, records marked as
“confidential” could be excluded from publication.
The availability of functions like merging,
referencing, editing, exchanging of datasets requires
a detailed plan of distribution of rights if security
measures should be applied on all kinds of data.
Security issues relate to alteration and re-use of data
from other organisations, and are mainly driven by
business-associated concerns.
Currently the following security policy is
Create a submission and point at dataset details
created by another organisation according to
Type 2.1 (see 2.1). Consequently the details that
have been pointed at can be viewed but not
Create a submission and take over information
from a template dataset according to Type 2.2
(see 2.1). Similarly to the first case those
records which originally come from the
template dataset, are not editable and are
flagged as such.
Augment a dataset with information from another
by merging parts of the other dataset into the
destination dataset. In this particular case the merged
parts become editable; during the merging, however,
a “SO”-type (“source”) freetext is created and
attached to all those records which are from the
source dataset. These additional freetexts indicate
the coordinates of the organisation that is
responsible for the source dataset.
Basic security principles are indirectly defined by
incorporating a pin code during installation of
IUCLID; consequently write mechanisms are limited
to one’s own or to partner organisation. As an aim of
such a pin code, a system of mutual
acknowledgement is set up.
6.1 Data Exchange
IUCLID installations can mutually exchange data
sets using the export/import functionality.
Technically, the exportation of a IUCLID dataset
means to encrypt parts of its contents on an ASCII
file. The user can customise this if applicable.
The importation of a IUCLID dataset means to
launch an internal (customised) function that reads
the contents of an encrypted file and stores parts of it
as an add-on to the local database.
It can thus easily be seen that through the bi-
lateral acceptance of datasets and their re-use the
IUCLID community is continuously expanding.
Consequently the ever augmenting knowledge on
chemical substances and in particular the
conclusions drawn from toxicological properties and
results are deployed to an ever increasing
community of interested users.
6.2 Data Publication and Use
Beyond the transferring of information among
partners, IUCLID also stands for publication of its
(consolidated) internals. The merge function allows
the generation of summaries of contributions
concerning a certain substance. Such harmonized
versions are of particular use when external output is
required; this could implicitly be done by generating
a safety data sheet (which contains all relevant and
acknowledged information concerning the safe use
of a chemical substance), or explicitly by searching
the entire database.
Being a relational database, IUCLID allows to
search for every single detail of its contents. A
number of pre-fabricated searches are offered by
IUCLID; the user might add own search queries if
necessary, and might also define the layout of search
results. Searching the database is limited to
structured information within entry fields, while
freetext-type information, obviously, cannot be
Coming back to its original purpose the IUCLID
collection database is also serving as basis for doing
further risk assessment for EU legislation. As a
result a couple of risk assessment reports have
already been published (see, for example, Hansen et
al.). Such reports contain a final conclusion on a
chemical substance and determine whether there is a
“need for limiting the risk” or whether there is a
“need for further information and/or testing”.
The use of IUCLID within chemical industry has
been extended towards internal use, too; companies
can use IUCLID and its contents by integrating it
into internal business structures.
Much experience with IUCLID has been made over
the past 10 years. Although designed for a particular
purpose (see also Heidorn et al.), the software shows
some particularities and assets that made it accepted
and acknowledged by a worldwide community.
What is currently modernized is the way the data
exchange file looks like. Originally only data
exchange between IUCLID installations had been
foreseen. Modern business principles, however,
demand a much higher integration of IUCLID with
other business applications. For this purpose one has
to understand which type of information is kept in
the export file in order to re-use this information
differently. As state-of-the-art solution the use of a
XML Schema is proposed.
A XML layer as the main data exchange format
will also foster a higher degree of customisations of
the user interface. Allowing only extensions to the
existing data capturing facilities, it will become
quite easy to add user or business driven information
to the worldwide exchange of data. Purpose of this
exercise is to get IUCLID even more accepted and
better integrated and thus further contributing to the
success of IUCLID.
Heidorn, C.J.A., Hansen, B.G., Nørager, O., 1996.
IUCLID: A Database on Chemical Substances
Information as a Tool for the EU Risk Assessment
Programme, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 1996, 36m
949 – 954.
Allanou, R., Hansen, B.G., Bilt, Y.v.d., 1999. Public
Availability of Data on EU High Production Volume
Chemicals, EUR Report 18996 EN, Joint Research
Centre. Ispra.
Hansen, B.G., et al. (editors), 2001. European Union Risk
Assessment Report on Hydrogen Fluoride, EUR
Report EUR 19729, Luxembourg.
Heidorn C.J.A. et al., IUCLID: An Information
Management Tool for Existing Chemicals and
Biocides, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 2003, 43, 779 –