Marie-Therese Christiansson
Division for Information Technology, Information Analysis,
651 88 Karlstad, Sweden
Benneth Christiansson
Division for Information Technology, Information Analysis,
651 88 Karlstad, Sweden
Keywords: Software Component Specification, Business Process Modelling, Acquisition
Abstract: Organisations, business processes and co-workers are in a ”never-ending change-mode”. It is therefore
unrealistic to expect any definitive requirements for computer based information systems. In this paper we
argue for the need of bridging the gap between business process modelling and software component
specification. By using a core business process model that integrates both essential knowledge concerning
business processes and their possible improvements and also integrates software component requirements in
the form of software component specifications; IS professionals should be able to judge the potential,
development and management of component-based information systems. This implies the need of an
“informal” software component specification that is grounded in business processes and created for the
people who are best suited to model requirements, i.e. people who run and perform business. This “close to
business” specification can be expressed on a high-level and in an informal manner due to the fact that the
specification does not have to serve as software development requirements because the software component
already exists, the difficulty is acquisition. With an integrated core business process model we have the
possibility to perform modelling more effective and achieve more benefits and use it as a foundation for
software component acquisition. We can focus on business actions and their constant changes and at the
same time identify the corresponding changes in software requirements.
Langefors (1995, p. 142) describes the development
of software systems as finding the solutions to:
”Two fundamental problems with information
systems were pinpointed at the outset: (1) The
"infological” problem of how to define the
information to be made available to the information
system user, and how to design data that may
represent the information to the user; and (2) The
”datalogical” problem of how to organize the set of
data and the hardware so as to implement the
information system.”. We believe that emphasis
during software development needs to be on both
these problem areas. In today’s software engineering
community the focus is on the “datalogical” side.
We believe that component-based systems
development delivers an opportunity to focus more
on the “infological” part of software systems
development. This is due to the fact that the software
already is developed. Software components already
exist, we do not need to express requirement in such
details that we can construct the software based on
them, we only need enough details to enable
acquisition. This situation is more similar to
acquisition of application packages rather than
traditional software development. We argue for a
software component specification in the ‘infological’
side. This specification should be grounded in
business processes that captures the “what, why and
for whom” the system is developed. We also believe
this approach to be an informal strategy that captures
requirements based on business practice and
Christiansson M. and Christiansson B. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 647-650
DOI: 10.5220/0002615906470650
describe them in such a way that people, who are
best suited to model requirements, find them usable.
Our approach for specifying software components is
based on the integration of results from two research
fields; 1) Component Based Software Engineering
and 2) Business Process Modelling.
A study of 20 approaches in software component
specifications shows that the main focus in software
component specification is towards the ‘datalogical’
side mainly concerned with construction and
somewhat regarding assembly (Christiansson &
Christiansson, 2003). This does not imply any
“integration” effort. We argue for the need of
specification strategies that takes advantage of the
new possibilities and handles some of the challenges
such as enabling acquisition of software
Component-based software development should
mean that software systems are created through the
assembly of more or less standardized software
components into unique software solutions.
”Although each bought component is a standardized
product, with all the attached advantages, the
process of component assembly allows the
opportunity for significant customization.
(Szyperski, 2002, p. 6). A key reason for the interest
in component-based software development is the
possibility to reuse. In many approaches, reusability
is not inherent in the development process. One
problem is time and effort required for development
of components. Reusability requires generality this
requires increased time and effort to develop. This
also implies that to be widely reusable, a component
must be sufficiently general, scalable, and adaptable;
it will therefore be more complex (and thus more
complicated to use) (Steel, 1996). Another problem
is unclear and ambiguous requirements (Beck, 2000;
Heineman & Councill, 2001). In general,
requirements management is an important and
complex phase in the development process, its main
objective being to define consistent and complete
component requirements. Yet another problem is
component maintenance costs. Although application
maintenance costs can be lowered, component
maintenance costs can be very high since the
component must be able to respond to the different
requirements of different applications running in
different environment (Steel, 1996). How do we
express requirements? Where do we find
requirements? How do we know if a software
component fulfils requirements? These are all
problems that occur when acquisition is at hand. By
using an integrated core business process model we
enable the possibility to have a source of knowledge
to be used when:
Software systems need to be integrated or at
least connected with each other to enable
structural changes within business practices.
Software systems overlap with in-house systems
and create a problem regarding from which
system the functionality should be used.
We need accurate, correct and usable
documentation other than the source-code in
Predicting the feasibility of the final
Information systems and information technology can
be viewed as the backbone of the modern enterprise
and as such crucial to its supporting and providing
new possibilities of running business operations.
Information technology should, like Hammer (1990)
states, be used as an enabler to perform innovations
which makes a difference to business
customers/clients. Business modelling is the work
of reconstructing and describing how business
operations have been run, are being run, may or
should be run to achieve a basis for observing and
comprehending business operations (Tolis &
Nilsson, 1996).
We need an approach to specify requirements on
software components to identify actual needs.
Communications patterns need to be clarified
assessed and developed, to achieve efficient business
operations, internally and in co-operation with
others. Business actions and their conditions and
requirements of co-workers, knowledge, machinery;
flows of information, materials and payments; must
be distributed and coordinated. Part of this work is
to establish the roles and responsibilities needed to
perform business operations (Christiansson M-T.,
2001). Another part is to determine if business
actions should be supported or run by a software
system, to efficiently provide people with
information that is to be used in performance of
operational actions (Langefors, 1973). Business
models are founded on two basic needs, namely “…
trying to understand and trying to change” business
operations in organizations (Tolis & Nilsson, 1996,
p. 10). Understanding and changing organizations
signifies that the starting point should be what is
actually carried out in these. Taylor (1993, p. 112)
underlines this as follows:”… communication (and
therefore organization) is grounded in action, not in
information transmission, nor even in the transfer of
knowledge.” In other words, the focus in system
development should be on the way we carry out
tasks and on the communication pursued as
prerequisites for, and results of, these activities. A
“software component specification – close to
business” needs a process framework to indicate
which essential matters of business operations and
software components to describe in an integrated
core model (Christiansson & Christiansson, 2004 b).
Be able to capture requirements based on the
desired business processes expressed by people
who run and perform business operations.
With an established motive with modelling namely
software component acquisition, you don’t want to
or need to describe all possible variants of business
processes at present (“is-processes”). Focus can be
on desired business processes with the software
components as enablers (“should-processes”). Like
Hammer (1990, p.104) states; “use computers to
redesign - not just automate existing processes...
companies tend to use technology to mechanize old
ways of doing business. They leave the existing
processes intact and use computers simply to speed
them up.” The purpose is not to explain all kinds of
performance in a business process, rather to describe
desired business processes in more focused terms of
“to what result and for whom”. If we can use the
same business process model to capture the business
situation at the present time (the “Is”-process) and at
the same time use the model to capture requirements
for the desired business situation (the “Should”-
process) we can get to the systems development
faster and produce fewer documents along the way,
This will in the end lead to an increased possibility
to reach the “should”-process description at all,
which in today’s business modelling is far from
always the situation.
Our approach does not rest on the notion that it
is possible to define and describe all system require-
ments and software features beforehand, or at least
very early in the development process.
(Christiansson & Christiansson, 2003). We believe
that software requirements should be defined in the
description of the actual business actions it is
intended to support. Thereby we enable the
possibility to cope with the problems of missing
and/or inaccurate requirements as well as coping
with constant business change. By using one core
integrated model changes can be updated and tested
in one type of model without the time consuming job
of updating several related documents. Beck (2000,
p. 3) illustrates this problem as “Business
misunderstood – the software is put into production,
but it doesn’t solve the business problem that was
originally posed. Business changes – the software is
put into production, but the business problem it was
designed to solve was replaced six months ago by
another, more pressing, business problem.”
By using an integrated core business process
model we enable the possibility to:
Handle that people like doing things the same
“old” ways by visualizing and comparing the
“Is-processes” with the “Should-processes”, i.e.
improve business processes supported by
software system.
Be able to gather knowledge of business
operations and their supports of software
components to enable changes, tests and
Handle the rapid changes in business practices
that results in new and changed requirements on
software, as well as further reorganizations of
business processes.
Enable an ongoing business process
improvement which handles new or changed
software requirements.
Our opinion is that we need to delimit the
information amount in a software requirement
specification to bare essentials with a pragmatically
language in an integrated core model which different
stakeholders can relate to. The various stakeholders
ought to be allowed to specify desires or require-
ments in a language that they could understand
this language ought to be efficient for their talking
about their own reality.” (Langefors, 1995, p. 71).
We do agree on the fact that it is important to let the
people who know the business state their
requirements in their own business language. This
may though lead to communication problems as
Nellborn (1999, p. 201) states it; “…business
development and information systems development
are seen as separate issues performed by different
people and not as two components of the same
solution to a problem.” A rewarding strategy is to
be able to capture requirements based on the desired
business processes expressed by people who run and
perform business practice in an integrated model. A
more focused modelling might give more value in
fewer models. This assumption is based on the
nature of development processes. A system
development is dependent on knowledge from diffe-
rent stakeholders who want to spend as little time as
possible in a useful manner. Christiansson &
Christiansson, 2004 a)
By using an integrated core business process
model we enable the possibility to:
Ease the difficulty to state and to communicate
requirements by found those in daily practice.
Handle the natural uncertainty and lack of
understanding regarding software requirements
by found those in daily practice.
In the increasingly competitive software industry the
need for new innovative techniques to deliver
satisfying software systems is greater than ever. This
may in some sense explain the great belief and
adaptation of new techniques, strategies and/or tools
that are made out to be the great solution to the
different problems that the software industry is
facing. We believe that by combining business
process modelling with software component
specifications, we have a solution that addresses and
handle many fundamental problems with software
development. This core model can be used as an
enabler of acquisition. The barriers between business
analysis and systems development can be mended by
embedding focus on software components within the
business process model. By using a business model
that integrates essential knowledge concerning
actions in business processes and software
components ability to support, gives new innovative
ways to perform business actions, and new ways to
handle management of component-based
information systems. With our approach we avoid
treating business development and information
systems development as separate issues, and instead
regard them as one integrated task. We believe that
using an integrated core model we can capture
essential knowledge concerning software component
requirements based on the desired business
processes expressed by people who run and perform
business practice. We can also facilitate the fact that
software requirements change at the same time as
the business change and a core business process
model can be used without the time consuming job
to update a lot of related documents. A core business
process model may serve as a basis to enter deeply
in related models to capture knowledge but with
different motives, perspectives and purposes than
software component acquisition.
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