Heloise Manica
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil
Murilo S. de Camargo
Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Brasil.
Keywords: Mobile Computing, Mobile Da
tabases, Data Management, Cache replacement, Cache consistency.
Abstract: Caching remote data in local storage of a mobile client has been considered an effective solution to improve
ystem performance for data management in mobile computing applications. In this paper, we propose a
taxonomy for cache management in mobile database systems. The aim is to provide a unifying framework
for the problem of caching in mobile computing, then a comparative review of the work done in this area up
to now. Such a framework, with the associated analysis of the existing approaches, provides a basis for
identifying strengths and weaknesses of individual methodologies, as well as general guidelines for future
improvements and extensions.
In a mobile computing environment, the clients are
mobile units (MUs) that communicate with data
servers through a wireless link, accessing
information at anytime and anywhere. Several new
applications such as traveler information systems,
sales in shopping center and train station (Hara,
2002) have been motivating researches on query
processing in mobile databases systems (MDB).
The data request is made through equipments as
ersonal digital assistants (PDA), notebooks, etc.
that have limited local resources. Moreover, the
wireless network is vulnerable to frequent
disconnections, low-quality communication and
scarce bandwidth.
An effective solution to deal with these problems
is the data caching techni
que that stores data copies
frequently used in the clients. The cache
management considers two dimensions: consistency
and replacement policies. Cache invalidation aims to
keep data consistency between the client’s cache and
the server. The cache replacement policy determines
which data should be removed from the cache when
there is no more space to accommodate a new item.
In a mobile computing environment the solutions
roposed for traditional distributed systems cannot
be applied because they generate high network
traffic and too much power consumption.
In this paper we present and classify different
for database cache management in
mobile computing. A contribution of this paper is
the taxonomy proposed for the problem and a
comparative review of the work done in this area.
The remaining of this paper is organized as
lows. In sections 2, 3 and 4 we propose and
describe a taxonomy for cache management in
mobile computing. Finally, in section 5 we discuss
critical issues related to cache management in
mobile databases.
Figure 1 illustrates the taxonomy for the cache
management problem in mobile database proposed
in this paper. We begin our classification
considering the client’s cache content. This way,
three main categories can be identified: physical data
storage, logical data storage and other storage forms.
Manica H. and S. de Camargo M. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 545-551
DOI: 10.5220/0002616205450551
Figure 1: Taxonomy for cache management problem in mobile databases
In the physical data storage model the MU cache
contents are copies (tuple or page) of data items
from the server. Otherwise, in the logical data
storage, arbitrary query answers are stored in the
client’s cache.
Different from the physical model, the data is
retrieved from the server using queries. This requires
more processing capability at the server, but only the
required data is transmitted over the wireless link.
The remaining of this section describes the cache
invalidation and replacement in the physical data
storage model. Next two sections will describe the
logical data storage model and other storage forms.
2.1 Cache invalidation
Another classification for cache invalidation is
found in (Tan et al., 2001). Our taxonomy considers
that the cached data can become invalid either
because of data updates in the server (temporal
invalidation) or due to the client movement to
another location area (spatial invalidation).
2.1.1 Temporal invalidation
In (Barbara & Imielinsk, 1994) the authors
presented the first models introducing cache
inconsistency techniques for mobile computing.
They proposed some interesting strategies based
on invalidation reports (IR) that encouraged the
appearing of new ones [(Hu & Lee, 1998), (Yen et
al., 2000), (Kahol et al., 2001), (Cao, 2002)].
Next, we introduce the temporal invalidation
parameters considered in our taxonomy proposal.
Architecture. Cellular networks are composed of a
fixed component (where servers are located), by
several cells covered by mobile support stations -
(MSS) and by mobile units (MUs). The
communication channel is divided into downlink
(server to client) and uplink (clients to server).
Another architecture is the ad-hoc network where
computing devices are able to change information
directly, without MSS help.
Server type. The server can be either statefull or
stateless. A statefull server knows what MUs reside
in its cell as well as their caches states. A stateless
server has no information about MUs.
Invalidation method. The invalidation method
refers to the way in which the server is going to keep
the client up-to-date. Two types are commonly used:
broadcast or on-demand. In the broadcast, the server
sends IRs to clients by the downlink channel. The
clients “hear” this channel and filter the needed data,
without using the uplink channel. In the on-demand
method, the client asks the server to check their
caches validity using the uplink channel. The IRs
can be sent through broadcast synchronously or
asynchronously. In the asynchronous method, the
IRs are sent immediately after changes on data items
have occurred. In the synchronous method IRs are
broadcasted periodically.
Kind of information. The information sent in the IR
can be values of the data that were changed since the
last report (state based) or just information about the
modified items, e.g. their identifiers (history based).
Handoff. Handoff is a process that occurs when a
MU crosses the boundary from a cell to another. In a
handoff, the data cache can be kept or completely
Some strategies may be more specific and
consider characteristics such as the connection time,
the cache consistency or the granularity level.
Next we briefly describe some relevant temporal
invalidation strategies proposed in the literature.
Table1 describes the invalidation parameters of each
Barbara and Imielinsk (1994) proposed diferent
techniques named Broadcasting Timestamps (TS),
Adaptive Invalidation Reports (AIR), Amnestic
Terminals (AT), Signatures (SIG) and Quasi-copies.
In the TS strategy the server broadcasts IRs with
the timestamps of the data items that have changed
in the last w seconds. If the cache item has a
timestamp smaller than the one in the IR, then it
must be updated.
The method AIR proposes to extend the window
size w for items requested frequently by MU that
remains disconnected for a long time. They also
mention that TS should have the window size w
variable depending on the data item.
In AT strategy the server informs the data items
identifiers that have changed since the last IR. The
MU compares the items in its cache with those in the
IR. If the item is in the report, then the MU drops it
from its cache, else it considers the cache as valid.
Signatures are checksums computed over the data
items values. This technique compares data files and
checks their differences. The MUs subscribe to the
items of their interests. The items that are not in the
subscribed sets are considered equal to the ones in
the IR that are being broadcasted.
The quasi-copies technique allows different
values from the server in a controlled mode. For
instance, a MU stores product prices, it is acceptable
to use values that are not updated since they differ
less than 0.5 % of the value stored in the server.
Some data can have their values often changed,
such as the weather forecast. Others can have their
values sporadically updated as a client phone.
Considering this fact, the proposal in (Yen et al.,
2000) associates an absolute validity interval (AVI)
for each cached item. The cached item is invalidated
if the access time is greater than the last update time
by its AVI.
In the lazy pull-based model (Chan et al., 1998)
each client is responsible for invalidating its own
cache items. The update reports are sent to clients on
demand and the cached items are only validated
when they are accessed. First, the query is sent to the
server that verifies the validity of the client’s cache.
If necessary, the server sends back updated data
items or those that are not in the client's cache.
Different from TS and AT, the strategy
Asynchronous and Statefull (AS) is based on
asynchronous IR and statefull servers (Kahol et al.,
2001). Each MU maintains its own Home Location
Cache (HLC) to deal with disconnections.
Invalidation messages from servers are stored in the
HLC while the MU is disconnected. When the MU
is reconnected, the invalidation messages stored are
delivered to it.
The Bit-Sequence (BS) invalidation strategy
(Jing et al., 1997) uses a bit-sequence (or bit-vector)
to refer to data items in the report. That is, each bit
represents a data item in the database. The value 1
(one) means that the given item was updated in the
server, and 0 (zero) means that it did not have any
update. This strategy can use grouping methods to
decrease the report size.
In the Local Optimal Strategy (LOP), (Hara,
2002), a MU is able to access data items from other
MU cache. When a MU requests a data item, it
verifies if the data is in its local cache. If it is not the
case, the MU obtains the data item from the
broadcast channel or from other MU cache.
Global Optimal Strategy (GOP). The bases of
GOP (Hara, 2002) strategy are the same as the
previous LOP. The main difference is that GOP
strategy replaces its cache considering the share of
cached items among all connected MU.
Stable Group Optimal (SOP). The application
framework of SOP strategy (Hara, 2002) is the same
as in LOP and GOP. Additionally, SOP proposes
that data items are cooperatively cached in stable
groups of MUs. The invalidation is done considering
the data cache of all MUs connected to the group.
The Counter-based (CB) model (Cao, 2002)
maintains a counter to every data item. Using
counters, the server is able to know which data items
are more frequently accessed (hot data items). The
server keeps the identification of each client
(statefull server). When a handoff takes place, the
client should notify its old position to the new MSS,
so that it can recover information about the client.
The model Scalable Asynchronous Cache
Consistency Scheme (SACCS), (Wang et al., 2003),
requires that MSS identify its database objects that
are valid in the MU caches, instead of recognize all
the objects of all the MUs. It introduces three main
characteristics: the use of a flag at server and MU’s
cache; use of an identifier for each entry in the MU’s
cache after its invalidation; and all valid entries of
MU’s cache are configured with an uncertain state
when the MU is reconnected to the system.
Table1: Characteristics of temporal cache invalidation strategies
Time And
Consistency Granularity
cellular stateless
invalid the
yes n.v. n.v.
as future
SIG cellular stateless
invalid the
as future
as future
Quasi-Copies cellular stateless
invalid the
n.v. n.v.
relax the
IAVI cellular stateless
n.v. n.v. yes
considers a
Lazy Pull-
n.v. on-demand
n.v. n.v. yes n.v.
tree data
AS cellular statefull
keeps the
yes n.v. n.v. n.v.
BS cellular stateless
n.v. n.v. n.v. n.v.
considers a
rough bit
ad-hoc stateless
n.v. n.v. yes n.v. n.v.
CB cellular statefull broadcast
keeps the
n.v. n.v. n.v. n.v.
SACCS cellular
mark the data
items with a
unstable state
n.v. n.v. n.v. n.v.
n.v. = no verified
2.1.2 Spatial Invalidation
Spatial invalidation occurs when data values stored
in cache become invalid because of the client
movement to a new location area.
The maintenance of a valid cache when the
clients move is called location-dependent cache
invalidation and a data item can have different value
depending on its location (Zheng et al., 2002).
The main factor considered in the spatial
invalidation is the valid scope (or valid area). The
valid scope of an item value is defined as the set of
cells in which the item value is valid. There are
different forms to relate the data value with its valid
The system can store points that represent the
geographical region in which the data is valid. It can
store either all the points or in an approximate form,
only a part of the geographical region. Other form is
to use vectors to save information about the region
that data is valid. In another form, the system divides
the database in logic sections according to the region
in which the data is valid.
Next, we present some important spatial
invalidation strategies proposed in the literature.
The strategy Polygonal Endpoints - PE (Zheng et
al., 2002) stores all endpoints of the polygon
representing the valid scope of a data item stored.
When the number of endpoints is large, this
technique will consume a large portion of the
wireless bandwidth and space for caching the valid
scope in the client. The advantage is the complete
knowledge of the valid scopes.
=valid area circle
Figure 2: Possible valid areas. From (Zheng et al. 2002)
Zheng et al. (2002) proposed the utilization of an
approximate circle (AC) inserted inside the original
polygon (v’ in figure 2). Thus, the valid area will be
the approximate area defined by the center and
radius of the circle. A problem occurs when the
polygon shape is thin and long. In this case, the
approximating error will be high and the cache can
consider valid data as invalid if the query is outside
the circle. Caching-Efficiency-Based (CEB) also
proposed in (Zheng et al., 2002), is a generic method
for balancing the overhead and the precision of the
valid scopes to be attached.
The method Bit Vector with Compression BVC
(Xu et al., 1999) considers that each cell has an
identification (ID) and it uses a bit vector to record
scope information. The bit vector length is equal to
the number of cells in the system and all data in
cache is associated to a bit in the vector. This way,
the value 1 (one) means that the data item is valid in
the cell and 0 (zero) that it is invalid.
Grouped Bit Vector with Compression (GBVC),
(Xu et al., 1999), proposes to store information
about cells that are adjacent or near MU current
location. The model proposes the division of the
wide geographical area of the system into groups
and intra-groups. The cell ID consists of two parts:
group ID and subgroups ID.
Another model also proposed in (Xu et al., 1999)
is the Implicit Scope Information (ISI). This model
divides the database into multiple logic sections.
Data items with the same valid area are placed at the
same section. The data item in cache will have the
format {D
and SN
}, where D
is the value of
the data item, SDN
is the section number, and SN
the data number inside the section (scope number).
2.1.3 Spatial and temporal invalidation
In the literature, there is little work considering both
the spatial and temporal invalidation. The authors in
(Xu et al., 2003) present a performance study of the
strategies BVC, GBVC and ISI in a scenario where
temporal and spatial updates coexist.
2.2 Cache replacement policies
In location-dependent data services (LDD), the
cache replacement policy must consider other
factors besides the access probability such as:
movement, direction, speed, etc. The factors
considered in our taxonomy are valid scope, distance
and direction.
Valid Scope Area. Valid scope is the geometric area
in which the data value is valid. A common way to
perform location-dependent cache invalidation is to
attach the valid scopes to the data values returned to
the client (Xu et al., 1999).
Distance. In LDD, the server answers queries
according to the client’s location. When the valid
scope of a data value is far away from the current
client’s location, this data will have a lower chance
to become useful.
Distance in Urban Areas. The computation of the
distance between client’s location and the data valid
area can change according to the kind of application.
In a rural zone for example, we can use the
Euclidean distance
()( )
yyxx +
. However,
in an urban area this formula is not suitable because
the MU can move through the streets with buildings
or other obstacles.
Direction. The direction can be used first to
eliminate from the cache the data that are in the
opposite direction of the client’s movement.
Next, we describe some proposed policies for
cache replacement.
The Probability Area (PA), (Zheng et al., 2002)
defines the data items to be replaced according to a
cost function defined as the product of the access
probability of a data item and its attached valid
scope. The cost function of a value j of an item i is
)A(v Pi C
, where Pi is the access probability of
the item i and A(v’
) is the valid scope for a value j
of an item i. When the data replacement is carried
out, this policy selects the data with the least cost
In the Probability Area Inverse Distance (PAID)
policy (Zheng et al., 2002), the cost function of a
value j of an item i is given by C
= Pi . A(v’
) /
) where Pi and A(v’
) is defined in the same
way as above, and D(v’
) is the distance between
the current location and the valid area v’
. When
data replacement is carried out, PAID ejects the data
value (s) with the least cost (s).
To consider the movement direction, the authors
in (Zheng et al., 2002) take extensions of the model
PAID: PAID-U (Probability Area Inverse Distance -
Unidirectional) and PAID-D (Probability Area
Inverse Distance - Directional). In PAID-D, the
distance is calculated considering the client’s current
direction of movement. PAID-D keeps the data that
are in the direction of the client’s movement. On the
other hand, in PAID-U the distance is computed
regardless of the current direction of the client’s
The Manhattan Distance (MD) policy (Jung et
al., 2002) is suitable for location dependent queries
in urban area. The distances in urban zones are given
by |(x1-x2)|+|( y1-y2)|. The proposed algorithm
computes the Cache Replacement Score (CRS)
based on the MD computation. It chooses the
victims according to CRS by the current location of
the MU. Thus, the victims who are farthest from the
MU will be replaced first.
The semantic cache model (SC) is an attractive
approach for mobile computing. The idea is to
maintain in the client’s cache both the semantic
descriptions and associated answers for previous
queries. The SC utilizes the semantic information to
organize and to manage the client’s cache.
The query processing uses the semantic
descriptions to determine which data is available in
the cache and which ones will have to be requested
to the server. The semantic description is also
utilized in the definition of the cache replacement
policy, not requiring any additional attached
information to each tuple as in traditional cache
management systems.
In a basic version of this approach, the semantic
segment is represented by the set (S
, S
, S
, and
), where S
and S
define the relation and the
involved attributes. S
denotes the selection
condition and S
represents the result (pointer for
the result pages).
A segment S contains all or part of the result of a
query Q. Thus, Q is divided into two parts (query
trimming). The first one is part of the query result
that is in S, called probe query. The second one is
the part that could not be found in S, called reminder
After the query splitting by the first segment, the
next candidate segment will divide again the
remaining query. This process continues until there
are no more candidate segments or the reminder
query finishes. At the end, if the reminder query is
not empty it is sent to the database server to be
computed. When the server returns the answer, the
whole result is composed by all probe and reminder
The affinity refers to the kind of relationship
between the data items in the cache. This
relationship can be temporal (temporal locality) or
semantic (semantic locality). Temporal locality is
the property that items that have been referenced
recently are likely to be referenced again in the near
future. Semantic Locality is the property that if an
item has been referenced, other items with the same
semantic function (for instance, the nearest) are also
likely to be referenced.
In the following, we introduce some models for
replacement in semantic cache for mobile
Dynamic Least Recent Used (D-LRU), (Ren &
Dunham, 1998), is an adaptation of the traditional
LRU approach. Considering that the segments can
be shrunk or enlarged, the algorithm D-LRU only
updates the value of the timestamp when a new
segment is created or when a new element is added.
If it is shrunk, an old timestamp is kept.
The two-level LRU model (Ren & Dunham,
1999) uses an additional structure called clusters that
are groups of semantically related segments. The
first level LRU policy is carried out at a cluster
level. The cluster with the oldest timestamp is
selected as candidate to be further examined. Next,
for all the segments in this cluster, a second level
LRU is run and replaces the items that are least
recently accessed until the cache space is enough to
hold the new query.
Furthest Away Replacement (FAR), (Ren &
Dunham, 2000), is a solution for SC replacement in
LDD. This policy classifies the segments in two sets:
the first one with segments that are in the direction
of the movement, and the second with segments that
are out of the direction. The victims are always
selected from out-direction set. When the out-
direction set is empty, the most distant segments of
the in-direction set are replaced.
An example of other ways of storage data is the
summary database. The main goal of the summary
database model (Madria & Roddick, 1998) is to
increase the data availability through the
construction of a summary of the main database
(complete in the MSS) that will be stored in the
client’s cache.
Thus, the mobile client can process a query using
summarized data in cache returning approximate
results while MSS returns an exact result. To
compute the database summary, it uses the hierarchy
concept, generally defined by database
This model is able to provide several
approximated levels of answers for queries carried
out by the MU, using data stored locally in the client
or remotely in the server. The MU can stay
disconnected using a portion of the local database. In
long time connections, the local data can be updated,
avoiding a high degree of outdated data.
In this paper, we have discussed cache invalidation
and replacement issues in the context of mobile
computing. In summary, we have presented several
solutions proposed in the literature and we have also
proposed a taxonomy for this problem.
Regarding physical storage, we have presented
the main areas in cache management: query
invalidation caused by both temporal- and location-
dependent updates, and cache replacement
considering the valid scope for the data items. For
the logical storage, we have presented the semantic
cache model and finally, as other storages formats,
we have presented the summary database model.
This paper provides a basis for identifying
strengths and weaknesses of individual
methodologies, as well as general guidelines for
future improvements and extensions. The semantic
cache model for LDD opens up a new dimension of
research in mobile computing. Some improvement
can still be made on the proposed cache replacement
Since mobile clients may have different
movement patterns, adaptive techniques can be
developed. Considering that clients can move, but
also stay temporarily fixed, we will continue our
research work looking for a good proposal on
semantic cache replacement policy that considers
user’s behavior to decide the best way to replace the
data in the client’s cache.
Furthermore, an important and challenging area
that is in need of good solutions is the data
management in independent or ad-hoc network. In
(Chiasserini et al., 2003) is treated the cache
placement problem, but with static topology. There
are few proposals for cache management for this
kind of mobile architecture (Tassiulas & Su, 1997).
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