Artem Katasonov
Information Technology Research Institute
University of Jyv
P.O.Box 35 (Agora), FIN-40014, Jyv
a, Finland
location-based services, m-commerce, mobile computing, dependability, quality.
There is obvious lack of attention to the dependability issues in literature on location-based services (LBS).
Both researchers and practitioners were so far too much concerned with the questions about what useful fea-
tures an LBS should have, while almost completely leaving out the questions about how to assure such basic
properties as reliability or response accuracy. However, LBSs are applications that require high dependability,
as we argue in this paper, so assuring those is both more critical and more difficult than usually. We discuss the
existence of this disagreement between the actual importance of LBS dependability and the level of attention
towards it among practitioners and researchers. We also identify and briefly discuss the major factors influ-
encing dependability of LBSs, namely the quality of content, software reliability, algorithms appropriateness,
interface quality, and communication quality.
Let us start with an anecdote.
In a hospital, a nurse is writing down a mail from
the dictation of the man, who is completely cov-
ered by plaster, with arms and legs broken: Dear
editor, I would like to inform you that on the
page 14 of your manual “How to handle a he-
licopter” I discovered a minor misprint...
At this point, we wanted only to tell this “horror
story”. We will return to it later, in Section 2.
According to the latest statistics published by the
GSM Association (GSM Association, 2003), in May
2003 there were 863 million GSM subscribers world-
wide and 1218 millions wireless subscribers in total.
In May 2002, the numbers were 692 and 1008 mil-
lions, correspondingly. As can be seen, the market
is already huge yet still growing at fast pace. Al-
though being saturated in some developed countries,
such as Japan and many countries belonging to the
European Union, it is still expanding rapidly in devel-
oping countries, such as China and Russia.
This presents a huge customer potential for com-
mercial activities. The rapid growth of wireless mo-
bile networks, coupled with advances in Internet and
network technology, results in a fast development of
Mobile E-Commerce, or M-Commerce, i.e. the ac-
tivity of conducting E-commerce transactions over a
wireless network using mobile terminals. The high-
end mobile terminals have already reached the com-
plexity and performance of the personal computers
of mid 1990’s, and the development continues at fast
pace. Most new mobile phones are Java-enabled and
can run, in principle, any application with reasonable
resource needs. The small and light, yet powerful,
mobile terminals are carried by their owners almost
all the time.
In addition, the location of a mobile terminal can be
determined within mobile networks, by using satellite
navigation systems, or by some other available means.
Recent developments in these areas seamlessly ex-
tend the positioning of wireless devices into all the
environments where they can be used for voice and
data communication. Thus, location-based services
(LBSs) have become possible. We view an LBS as a
special case of M-commerce, where the actual posi-
tion of the terminal is used in the service provision.
There are many obvious needs that location-based
services could fulfill. When people are in an un-
familiar place or have some unusual problem, they
may need information about their surroundings. They
might like to receive some guidance about how to
reach a specific place, find a place to park the car, eat,
spend a night and so forth. Traditionally, people solve
Katasonov A. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth Inter national Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 489-496
DOI: 10.5220/0002620604890496
these problems with the help of printed maps and vari-
ous handbooks and guides. Today, LBSs could enable
people to solve them in a more effective way. Studies
of potential location-aware applications can be found
in literature (Schilit et al., 1994; Dommety and Jain,
1996; Beadle et al., 1997), as well as recent discus-
sions of business opportunities in LBS and customer
value proposition (Rao and Minakakis, 2003; Barnes,
2003). The most basic LBS types are location-based
yellow pages (information on restaurants, hotels and
other points of interest) and route guidance (a map
with the current location of the user, route finding).
In addition to these services for personal information
and navigation, LBSs are considered to include also
such services as finding and tracking (friends, chil-
dren, property), functional services (e.g. calling a
taxi, roadside assistance) and some other. Ideas and
opinions expressed in this paper apply to all types of
LBSs to some extent; however, we have in mind those
informational and navigational services mainly when
speaking about “location-based services”. Overviews
of LBS enabling technologies and technical issues can
be found in books devoted to LBSs, e.g. (Hjelm,
2002; Jagoe, 2003), or numerous journal and con-
ference papers, e.g. (Dao et al., 2002; D’Roza and
Bilchev, 2003; Tsalgatidou et al., 2003).
Therefore, location-based services seem to have all
the prerequisites to become a very successful busi-
ness the demand, the huge (and growing) market
and the good technological infrastructure, which is
still developing further. LBSs have been a hot topic
for both researchers and practitioners for a decade al-
ready, pushed forward by various players including
mobile operators expecting LBSs to form an impor-
tant revenue-generating class of mobile services, mo-
bile phone manufacturers, Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) community searching for possibilities
to sell their data, algorithms and software, and other
content providers (e.g. publishers of yellow-pages di-
rectories). According to the forecasts made in 2001,
the LBSs should have over 300 million users by the
end of the year 2004 (Singhal et al., 2001).
However, the reality we see is quite different. De-
spite all the opportunities and despite being a hot topic
for a decade, LBSs are still, in 2004, in a very early
stage. At least in Europe, location-based services are
rare, provided mainly by the mobile operators them-
selves, and rather simple. There are some barriers
delaying deployment of LBSs (Mitchell and Whit-
more, 2003): operator debt levels, waiting for UMTS,
limited LBS standards, pre-occupation with preci-
sion of available positioning solutions, privacy con-
cerns (operators are vulnerable to public criticism),
and business model paralysis (indecision by opera-
tors on whether to keep location for themselves or re-
lease to others). Nevertheless, many LBSs have been
launched in recent years so, according to (The Re-
search Room, 2003), a total of 133 location-based ser-
vices from 38 cellular networks were commercially
available within Europe’s top 15 cellular markets at
the end of 4Q 2002.
However, many of those existing services do not
seem to be well adopted and heavily used by cus-
tomers, and this creates one more key barrier hinder-
ing development of new and more advanced LBSs.
This lack of user adoption is often a surprise for mo-
bile operators, who usually think that just providing
some relevant information at the appropriate place
and time means money. The lack of user adoption
seems to be a surprise for the research community as
well. Only recently, after a decade of discussing busi-
ness opportunities and developing prototype LBSs,
researchers have begun to investigate what require-
ments an LBS must fulfill in order to be successful.
Obviously, users must have a perceived need for the
LBS provided. Many authors proclaim the huge busi-
ness potential of location-based services; however, as
summarized in (Dao et al., 2002), the market for LBS
is currently very speculative while there is no definite
answer to the questions whether consumers are really
interested in LBS and whether they are willing to pay
for them. Also, there may often be a discrepancy be-
tween what services users really want and what ser-
vices the providers imagine them to want. The exis-
tence of such a phenomenon for mobile Internet ser-
vices in general was demonstrated in the study (Chae
et al., 2000). We believe, however, that even the sim-
plest and the most prevalent of the location-based ser-
vices available at present, namely of the yellow-pages
type, have a clear demand for them.
In some cases, potential users might also be totally
ignorant about some service that could be useful to
them. This is because visibility (the degree to which
the potential adopters are aware about existence of the
innovation), trialability (the degree to which one can
experiment with the innovation), and result demon-
strability (the degree to which the results of using the
innovation are observable and communicable to oth-
ers) are important factors influencing an innovation
adoption process (Karahanna et al., 1999). LBSs,
however, are advertised well (achieving visibility),
and delivered often on pay-per-request basis (leading
to considerable trialability); they provide information
or service that immediately applies to user’s life (good
result demonstrability).
We conclude, therefore, that existing location-
based services should have been adopted by users un-
less they had some considerable defects, i.e. their per-
ceived usefulness of perceived ease of use were insuf-
ficient. As we said above, in recent few years publi-
cations started to appear supporting this conclusion.
Some researchers consider the technological im-
perfection of present LBSs to be the main factor.
So, (Grajski and Kirk, 2003) discuss that in Japan
location-based services seem to be more successful
than in Europe, and associate this with the fact that
in Japan 3G networks and precise Assisted-GPS posi-
tioning are already deployed. Other researchers con-
centrate on requirements for LBSs themselves. (Bis-
dikian et al., 2001) list the concern of privacy, the
need to consider context beyond location, the need
for service personalization, and usability of user in-
terfaces as the main success factors. (Unni and Har-
mon, 2003) concentrate on the requirement that the
price users pay for using the LBS must correspond
well to the perceived value of the service, and also
on the privacy concern. (Kaasinen, 2003) made an
evaluation of a few LBSs by interviewing their users,
and among users’ concerns she listed appropriate and
comprehensive contents, effective interaction with the
service, possibility of more detailed search options
than currently available, seamlessness, privacy, and
personalization. (K
ohne et al., 2003), based on dis-
cussion in student focus groups, list service price
and content quality as the main (even knock-out) at-
tributes of LBS, followed by technical aspects (device
properties, positioning accuracy, convenience of use,
configuration possibilities), privacy concerns, level of
consumer activity (e.g. push vs. pull), and uniqueness
of features as compared to competitors.
Surprisingly, content quality is rarely discussed.
While agreeing with the importance of all the other re-
quirements; we share the view of (K
ohne et al., 2003)
that content quality is a knock-out criteria. One aspect
of this problem was noticed in the above-mentioned
study (Kaasinen, 2003): the author reported that the
limited content of the services (missing information)
was one of the main reasons why users considered the
services not useful. We “played” recently with a few
currently available yellow-pages LBSs. Reporting on
these experiments is outside the scope of this paper.
However, we also discovered that data provided by
these services is often outdated and incomplete. We
believe that it should be obvious that with a low con-
tent quality an LBS would not be adopted by users no
matter how well it is technologically advanced (e.g.,
with very precise positioning), how usable the inter-
face is, how well it is personalized, and how well the
privacy is protected. Content is what the users pay for.
Actually, a low content quality LBS would hardly be
adopted even if it cost no money to use it (for argu-
ments see Sections 2 and 3).
In this paper, we extend this view and hypothesize
that one of the major factors hindering user adoption
of existing LBSs is their low dependability. Depend-
ability is the trustworthiness of a computing system
which allows reliance to be justifiably placed on the
service it delivers (the definition by IFIP WG10.4). In
other words, low dependability implies that the users
just do not feel that they can rely on those services.
Content quality is obviously one of the constituents,
LBS dependability is affected by other factors as well
(we will discuss them in Section 4).
We cannot provide sufficient empirical evidence
(besides mentioned above) supporting this hypothe-
sis, neither indicating that dependability of existing
services is low, nor that this is a major factor leading
to a lack of user adoption. The hypothesis is based
on our interpretation of the experience of about four
years of doing research in LBS and following devel-
opment of the field. It is supported also by the ob-
vious lack of attention to the dependability issues in
literature, including both practically oriented and sci-
entific sources. The talk is always about opportuni-
ties, enabling technologies, at best also about privacy
and interface usability concerns, but never about the
dependability. Even books devoted to location-based
services, such as (Hjelm, 2002), trying to discuss all
the possible related topics do not spend a single page
on content quality or dependability requirements. As
we said above, so far we seen only two papers (Kaasi-
nen, 2003; K
ohne et al., 2003) that (very briefly) men-
tion even the most obvious concern of content qual-
ity. (There were, however, also a few publications
which tried to apply theory from the information qual-
ity research field in the context of general mobile ser-
vices (Chae and Kim, 2001; Landor, 2003) - therefore
showing recognition of the problem.)
For us, it is quite obvious that both LBS researchers
and practitioners were so far too much concerned
with the questions about what useful features an LBS
should have (i.e. utility), while almost completely
leaving out the questions about how to assure a suf-
ficient level of such basic properties as reliability or
response accuracy (i.e. dependability). It seems that
it is just not recognized that the dependability require-
ments for LBSs are quite high, higher than for most
of conventional end-user applications, web or mobile
services (the reasons for this we will discuss in Sec-
tion 2), and that it may be insufficient to rely on com-
mon practices and methods of assuring it. Moreover,
LBSs are usually developed as prototypes or pilots,
and thus receive even less quality control than con-
ventional software systems do.
We believe that in order to make LBSs a success,
the situation has to be changed. More attention should
be paid by LBS developers to the dependability is-
sues. Also, some specific LBS dependability oriented
research should probably be conducted in the scien-
tific community.
In Section 1, we made a claim that location-based
services are more sensitive to dependability problems
than most conventional end-user applications (includ-
ing web and mobile services). Let us explain why we
think so.
LBSs evolved from desktop applications. This
evolution proceeds mainly by adding new technolo-
gies. Adding Internet support to desktop applications
gave birth to web services. Adding wireless networks
turned web services into mobile services. Adding
location support turned mobile services into LBSs.
Thinking this way hides the problem there seems
to be nothing really different about LBSs.
However, this is a case where quantitative changes
lead to qualitative ones. LBSs are in fact philosoph-
ically very different from any of their predecessors.
Any location-based service is an augmented reality
application. Any information or functionality an LBS
provides does not have much value per se, but as-
sists in performing a primary user task, i.e. navigation
through a city, making some immediate decisions, etc.
If the user relies on the service, a failure of the service
very likely leads to a failure of the user.
Recall that anecdote from the prologue to this pa-
per. Small misprint in the manual leads to the heli-
copter crash. This is a joke, of course no manual
is assumed to be used like that, during the flight, but
must be studied beforehand. Responsibility lies with
that pilot completely. However, this is a nice example
of that a “small” error in data may turn out to be very
big if this data is used real-time, for making immedi-
ate decisions. Imagine also that instead of that printed
manual, the helicopter had a software adviser system
that depending on the situation gave tips to the pilot.
Similar “small” error in it may lead to similar con-
sequences however, responsibility would lie now
with software vendor, because this system is assumed
to be used real-time, and it is assumed that the user
may rely on it.
Providing relevant data at right place and time is
a great business opportunity; however, it comes
with a great responsibility as well.
Any location-based service is assumed to be used in
the course of the activity it supports, not before start-
ing it. This significantly raises the dependability re-
quirements for LBSs, as compared to similar purpose
but offline applications and data sources.
Consider the most common LBSs at present, of the
yellow-pages type. They are often developed as just
offering a location-based real-time access to data sets
collected for the purpose of printing phone books.
However, the quality requirements for such an LBS
are higher than for a printed phone book. LBS is in-
tended mainly for traveling people as a tool provid-
ing support in making decisions about where to go.
Therefore, wrong information may mean wrong de-
cisions, lost time and, as a result, anger of the client
(and losing him) in the best case and a lawsuit in a
worse case. We can imagine, for example, an emer-
gency situation where an LBS gives a wrong address
for a pharmacy and the user therefore does not get the
required medicine in time. But even if we do not con-
sider such worst-case scenarios, it must be obvious
that if a service provider plans to collect any revenues
from his LBSs he should consider the dependability
aspect very seriously. Clients are lost very quickly if
they feel that they cannot trust the service.
A few more reasons for raised dependability re-
quirements in LBSs are the following. First, once you
have a printed phone book, using it is free. In contrast,
the payment for using a commercial LBS is usually
based on how much you actually use it. For many
services, the client pays a fixed fee for every query
made. Already a few erroneous answers may thus eas-
ily lead to losing the client. Second, phone books are
published usually once in a year; the customers are
therefore prepared to encounter some outdated infor-
mation. A user requesting information from a “new
technology” source and paying for this information
expects it to be always up-to-date. Third, an LBS usu-
ally presents only a few short records to the client as
the result of a query. This makes flaws in data notice-
able easier even if they do not lead to critical failures.
One more reason for why location-based services
require better dependability than most of other mo-
bile applications is the following. Compare LBS, for
example, to an application providing mobile access to
e-mail. Mobile e-mail service offers a new informa-
tion channel to the user. If a user does not have this
service, he just cannot read his mails while traveling.
Therefore, he is probably ready to use the service even
if it has some flaws. In contrast, an LBS aims for re-
placing an information channel. If a user does not
have an LBS helping him in finding a nearest hotel,
he will solve this problem anyway using a travel guide
or just asking people. Having an LBS might be bet-
ter; however, getting an erroneous answer even once
the user can easily give up on the service and return to
a traditional way of solving this kind of problems. In
other words, an LBS usually needs to compete with
other sources of information; dependability is there-
fore very important.
Let us briefly discuss why there is a lack of attention
to dependability of LBSs.
Imagine walking on an airplane for your next flight
and you notice the following product warranty next
to the entry (we borrow this joke from (Carpenter,
The software programs on this aircraft are sold
“as is” without warranty of any kind, either ex-
pressed or implied. The entire risk as to the qual-
ity and performance of the software is with you.
The developer does not warrant that the func-
tions contained in the programs will meet your
requirements or that the operation of the soft-
ware will be uninterrupted or error free.
That is really a joke. Nobody will be willing to get
on an airplane like this. Everybody knows that air-
planes software is safety-critical and must be subject
to a rigorous quality control.
In contrast, LBSs seem to be sold to users ex-
actly under this kind of product warranty. They are
therefore assumed to be something that should make
users happy just because it exists, even if it has flaws
“something is better than nothing”. Actually, it
is quite common when introducing an innovation to
concentrate first on demonstrating its utility and then
gradually improve its dependability. This is often ap-
proapriate; however, based on arguments presented
in Section 2 we should conclude that LBSs are not
a case they should be dependable from the very
beginning. (Discussing LBS content incompleteness
problem, (Kaasinen, 2003) makes a similar conclu-
sion: that it should be considered carefully how much
content a pilot service should include to be at all worth
releasing.) Lack of recognition of this is probably the
main reason for low attention to the dependability as-
pect in LBSs.
As we mentioned in Section 2, it is common to
consider location-based services to be a subset of mo-
bile services that are in turn a subset of web services.
So, in addition to traditional concerns about web ser-
vices and mobility only the obvious question of user’s
privacy is treated as a rule. Most of mobile services
provide some additional value to their users; they are
useful in the best case and useless in the worst case
they cannot be harmful. But LBSs can. How-
ever, location-awareness is commonly considered as
a way to personalize mobile applications in this way
improving their usability and therefore value (LBSs
are presented in this way, e.g. in (Kaasinen, 2003)
and (Unni and Harmon, 2003)). An LBS therefore in-
herits the appearance of a service that always has a
positive value, and in the worst case is just a waste
of money with zero value. That fact is forgotten that
an LBSs, as any decision support system, may have
a negative impact if it is of a bad quality, i.e. there
is not only some value but also some risks associated
with use of the service. In other words, the responsi-
bility that comes along with the business opportunity
of providing relevant information at right place and
time is usually not recognized.
In addition, software systems quality assurance has
never been a popular topic, especially among prac-
titioners. Quality is not taught much in universities,
many of developers had no quality and testing edu-
cation in their formal studies or even training pro-
vided by the employer, quality assurance is seen as
a tedious and non-creative activity, see e.g. (Ahonen
et al., 2003). This attitude leads to the phenomenon
that a creative developer and a developer caring about
the quality are always two different persons, see e.g.
(Yamaura, 1998). As any innovation, LBSs are de-
veloped inside research labs, i.e. by creative people.
Therefore, this intensifies the problem.
In this section, we identify and briefly discuss the
main factors influencing dependability of location-
based services. They are content quality, software re-
liability, algorithms appropriateness, interface qual-
ity, and communication quality.
Content quality
Since LBSs are all about providing relevant infor-
mation at appropriate place and time, most services
are built around a dataset that is of interest for users.
Therefore, the first dependability concern is about this
dataset quality.
The problem comes from the fact that this dataset is
usually repurposed for the LBS, i.e. it was created for
another reason. However, the quality requirements on
it in the LBS may be higher than in the original use. In
Section 2, we argued that the quality requirements on
data provided through a yellow-pages LBS are higher
than on information on the yellow pages of a phone
book. This means that a dataset that is good enough
as the source for a phone book may turn out to be of
insufficient quality for using in the LBS.
Therefore, the quality of a repurposed dataset
should be verified. This is not a trivial task in most
cases, since the work of checking the entire dataset
may be equal to creating a new one. Consequently,
a statistical evaluation procedure should be applied.
The goal is to guarantee that the quality of the dataset
is not worse than required in the LBS (i.e. not worse
than the estimated level of clients’ tolerance). One
such procedure for evaluating the data quality in a
yellow-pages LBS was developed by us and presented
in (Katasonov and Sakkinen, 2003).
In many cases, the LBS developer, even while be-
ing able to verify the quality of the dataset used, can
hardly improve it. Then, a strategy for reducing data
quality requirements may be considered. For exam-
ple, changing the business model to one where user
pays a monthly fee for using the service should lead to
higher tolerance to service failures compared to a case
when the user pays for every individual query made.
Also, providing more data in response to a query (say,
data on 4 nearest restaurants instead of 2) should also
reduce the criticality of individual flaws. Another way
is to reformulate the utility of the service there is a
big difference between claims “the service reports on
the two nearest restaurants” and “the service reports
on two restaurants in close vicinity of the user”.
Software reliability
Quality of software, both on the server and on the
client side (if any), is another major concern. We
are not ready no say much beyond the triviality that
software, of course, should be reliable and therefore
should be rigorously tested. A good testing approach
is “horror-based testing” (Beizer, 1990). The worst-
case scenarios are identified, i.e. the worst things that
may happen because of software failures, and testing
then aims for guaranteeing that those situations will
not occur in practice.
The basic techniques for software testing and qual-
ity assurance apply to any kind of software-based sys-
tems including LBSs, of course. However, already
web and mobile technologies require new testing and
bug analysis methods (Nguyen et al., 2003), making it
worth writing special books on testing internet-based
and mobile systems. Probably, the LBS context will
also require development of new or adaptation of ex-
isting methods.
Algorithms appropriateness
Similar to repurposing existing datasets, LBS devel-
opers tend to build their services around already im-
plemented (or easily implementable) algorithms and
technological solutions. Therefore, LBSs are often
do “what is possible” instead of “what is required”.
However, the task in hand should be analyzed first,
the requirements elicited, and appropriate algorithms
selected. A few examples follow.
Positioning precision. For a yellow-pages LBS,
cell-based positioning would probably (but not al-
ways) be enough. However, for a route-finding
LBS this will obviously be insufficient.
Calculation of distances. For some tasks, straight-
line distance is appropriate measure. For some
other tasks, the road network must be taken into
account (e.g. the user may be frustrated when get-
ting a response that the nearest restaurant is only
one hundred meters away while it actually across
the river).
Taking user’s movement into account. For some
tasks, it may be insufficient to provide data related
to the location from which the user has sent the
query, but rather needed to provide data related to
the location where s(he) will receive the service re-
In some situations, a cheaper alternative might be
sufficient given just that the service provider keeps it
fair. So in the case of a simple yellow-pages LBS,
cell-based positioning and straight-line distance cal-
culation would be enough if it is claimed that the ser-
vice reports on two facilities in close vicinity of the
user. However, it is common to claim that the ser-
vice reports on the nearest facilities. This is hardly
required by a user from such a service; however, if
the claim is not met, this obviously creates a neg-
ative impression. In other words, claiming such an
unachievable utility, the service provider deliberately
reduces the dependability of the service. Existence of
the phenomenon of such claims about location-based
services provides additional support for the point that
very little attention is actually paid to the LBS de-
Interface quality
This and the following factor are rather well known
since they are relevant for all the types of mobile ser-
vices and applications.
Mobile terminals have small and low-resolution
displays and limited input capabilities. This makes
it more difficult to interact with a mobile terminal as
compared to interaction with a PC. In addition, the
practical conditions, when and where the mobile de-
vices are used, cannot be expected to be constant, as
it is usually in the case of a “desktop” application.
The mobile users are typically in very unstable en-
vironment in varying conditions, where their cogni-
tive capacity is demanded for other tasks as well. The
mobile users have less “mental bandwidth” - capacity
for absorbing and processing content - than a station-
ary user in front of a PC since the interaction with
the mobile phone often is reduced to a secondary task
that must not interfere with their primary task (e.g.,
driving or walking) (Chincholle et al., 2002).
All these peculiarities have to be taken very care-
fully into account when designing a new mobile ser-
vice. The basic implied requirement is that the user
interface should be very simple and user friendly and
the amount of presented information content limited
and well specified. The mobile users tend to use ser-
vices that allow both quick manipulations of the inter-
face and reduction in number of steps to access infor-
mation (Chincholle et al., 2002).
Usability issues of mobile interfaces are actively
studied by researchers from the Human-Computer In-
teraction (HCI) field. An example of investigated area
is use of audio feedback in order to reduce the re-
quired visual attention, see e.g. (Brewster, 2002; Hol-
land et al., 2002).
Communication quality
The properties of mobile networks are: (relatively)
low bandwidth, high latency and unpredictable dis-
connections. These properties impose restrictions on
mobile services and must therefore be addressed in
the design of a new service. Some of the implied re-
quirements are: not very intensive use of the mobile
network and minimal volume of transmitted data, and
possibility of offline operation.
Most of the major mobile phone operators in Europe
already provide at least one location-based service to
their subscribers. However, on the background of a
decade of being a hot topic and very promising fore-
casts, LBSs are still in a surprisingly embryonic stage
of development. While there are obvious barriers de-
laying deployment of new LBSs, such as operator
debts and lack of standards, another problem is that
those existing services seem to experience a lack of
user acceptance. This should be surprising as well
if one shares common beliefs about high utility of
LBSs (as we do).
One of the possible reasons for low adoption of
LBSs that is often mentioned is a lack of trust to the
service provider caused by user’s privacy concerns.
In this paper, we expressed our opinion that there is
another reason also low dependability of existing
There is obvious lack of attention to the depend-
ability issues in LBS literature. Both researchers and
practitioners were so far too much concerned with the
questions about what useful features an LBS should
have, while almost completely leaving out the ques-
tions about how to assure a sufficient level of such
basic properties as reliability or response accuracy.
However, because of the LBS specifics, assuring it
is both more critical and more difficult than for most
of conventional end-user applications, web or mo-
bile services, requiring therefore increased attention
in practice and probably even some research work
LBSs are applications requiring high dependabil-
ity. Under some worst-case scenarios, a failure of
even the simplest yellow-pages LBS may lead to se-
rious consequences. But even if we do not consider
these worst-case scenarios, it must be obvious that if
a service provider plans to collect any revenues from
his LBSs he should consider the dependability ques-
tion very seriously. Because of the specifics of LBSs,
clients are lost very quickly if they feel that they can-
not trust the service. And dislike many other innova-
tions, LBSs must be dependable enough already upon
releasing. However, until this is recognized, LBSs are
mainly developed under mottoes like “let’s do what
is possible today” and “something is better than noth-
As we mentioned in Section 1, the paper (Grajski
and Kirk, 2003) discusses that in Japan location-based
services seem to be more successful than in Europe.
The authors associate this with the fact that in Japan
more advanced technologies than in Europe are in
use. However, it must be obvious that an LBS with
a low dependability will not be accepted by users no
matter how well it is technologically advanced. On
the other hand, it is generally believed that Japanese
companies in general and Japanese software engi-
neers in particular care much more about quality than
Europeans or Americans, see e.g. (Yamaura, 1998).
Therefore, we could expect that their LBSs are of bet-
ter quality that those available in Europe. This is very
probably one of their main success factors.
In this paper, we also identified a few major fac-
tors influencing dependability of LBSs, namely con-
tent quality, software reliability, algorithms appropri-
ateness, interface quality, and communication quality.
A defect in the service with respect to any of these
factors may lead to the service failure. Data flaw, soft-
ware failure or inappropriate algorithm may lead to an
incorrect (or of insufficient precision) answer. Bad in-
terface may lead to user’s inability to comprehend the
answer in time-critical circumstances. Not taking into
account the latency and bandwidth of the mobile net-
work may lead to the situation when the answer fails
to arrive to the user in time.
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