Amanda Quek, Hanifa Shah
Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Technology, Staffordshire University, Beaconside, Stafford, United Kingdom.
Keywords: Activity, Activity theory, Methods, Information systems, Survey
Abstract: The role of human factors and the importance of sociocultural and contextual issues in information systems
(IS) development has long been recognised. However, these ‘soft’ details remain elusive and difficult to
capture. Activity theory (AT) provides a framework with which to analyse and understand human behaviour
in context. AT-based methods for IS development may therefore be a way forward. This paper presents a
comparative survey of five AT-based methods. Each method is described, and its strengths and weaknesses
briefly identified. The methods are then compared along nine key dimensions. As part of the findings, it is
determined that most of the methods are selective in their use of AT, and are not sufficiently validated.
Several correlations have also been noted across dimensions. Observations are presented on the limitations
of existing methods, and suggestions are then made on possible ways forward.
This paper describes five activity theory (AT)-based
methods for information systems (IS) development
and makes a detailed comparison between them. The
purpose of the comparison is to review the state of
the art in AT-based methods, and to identify
potential areas for improvement.
In the initial sections of this paper, a brief
context of the problem is given, and an overview of
AT is presented. Following that, five methods based
on AT are described, identifying the general
strengths and weaknesses of each. A detailed
comparison along nine dimensions is made, and the
results of the comparison are presented. Finally,
suggestions for improvement are offered, and
conclusions are drawn on the state of AT-based
methods for IS development.
The importance of considering contextual and
social issues in IS development has been well
documented, for example Mumford and Ward
(1968), Bignell and Fortune (1984), and Constantine
(2001). However, the difficulties of capturing
contextual information (Brown and Duguid, 1994),
and the paucity of practical methods available for
contextual analysis remains an ongoing concern in
IS research. This has resulted in researchers turning
to other fields of study in efforts to discover
knowledge, appropriate skills, or develop methods
that afford the capture of contextual and social
factors that can contribute to IS development.
One example of an alternative approach to
contextual analysis is AT. AT has been
recommended for use in IS development as a
guiding framework to elicit, analyse, understand and
incorporate contextual features (Bødker, 1991,
Kaptelinin, 1992, Kuutti, 1996, Hasan, 2001), and
has been applied to various types of computer-based
systems development.
Several AT-based methods have emerged for
use in IS development. These methods are new, still
evolving, and have emerged from diverse origins;
hence as a way forward, this paper makes a detailed
comparison between them and offers suggestions for
possible areas of improvement.
We now look at a definition of ‘method’, and
the reasoning behind the choice to use ‘method’ in
this paper. Avison and Fitzgerald (1995) define
method as a “recommended series of steps and
procedures to be followed in the course of
developing an IS”. The major difference between a
method and a methodology is that a methodology
has an explicit underlying philosophy, whereas a
method does not discuss philosophical aspects (ibid).
Therefore, we choose to use the term ‘method’
throughout this paper, as the underlying philosophy
is not deemed an informative point of comparison.
This is because the ‘soft’, human-focused nature of
Quek A. and Shah H. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 221-229
DOI: 10.5220/0002621002210229
AT predisposes all AT-based work to have a similar
philosophy in mind.
The following section is a brief introduction to
AT and its body of principles and concepts.
Activity theory (AT) is a complex, abstract,
theoretical framework that provides concepts and a
vocabulary with which to analyse and understand
human activity in context. The concept of ‘activity’
is an entire field of study (Wertsch, 1979), which
cannot be detailed here. However, it can be said that
a major tenet of AT is that human activity can only
be understood within its sociocultural and historical
AT stems from the work of Russian
psychologists Vygotsky and Leont’ev, in particular
Vygotsky’s (1934, 1978) theory of mediated
activity, which argues that all purposeful human
activity is accomplished through the use of physical
and/or psychological tools. After Vygotsky,
Leont’ev (1977, 1978) pioneered the concept of the
hierarchical levels in activity, and explained that
activity is always collective, never individual. AT
was developed further by Engeström (1987), who
produced the diagram of the activity system (Fig 1).
Figure 1: The Activity System (Engeström, 1987)
The activity system diagram consists of six
interlinked components – the subject, the tools, the
object (see section 2.2 for an explanation of the
term), the community, the rules, and the division of
labour. The subject refers to the actor or group of
actors that is carrying out the activity. The subject
uses tools to achieve an object, thereby turning the
object into an outcome (fig. 1). A subject can carry
out many activities, and each of the activities will
have a different object. Activities can be
distinguished from one another according to their
different objects.
The tools refer to both the physical and
psychological tools that are used by the subject in
order to achieve the object. The rules refer to both
the written and unwritten regulations which govern
and constrain the subject’s behaviour. The
community encompasses all the actors who work
with the subject and share the same object, and the
division of labour refers to the way work is divided
up between the subject and the community
Figure 2: The Activity Network (Engeström, 1987)
The concept of ‘contradiction’ is an important
one in AT. Engeström (1987) explains
‘contradiction’ as a conflict or clash within and
between the components of the activity system, as
well as conflict within and between activity systems.
By identifying contradictions in an activity, we can
identify areas where improvements can be made to
work processes, and build these into the IS design.
Engeström (1987) also produced the activity
network diagram (Fig 2), which illustrates the wider
network of activities. In addition to the activity
system and activity network diagrams, there are six
guiding principles behind AT (Kaptelinin, 1992,
Wertsch, 1979). Each principle is described briefly
in the following sections, together with the way in
which the principle can contribute to IS
2.1 Unity of consciousness and
This principle stresses that humans learn by doing,
and that the human consciousness is formed by
interaction with the external world (Kaptelinin,
1992). External activity is constantly informing and
building the mental world, and vice versa – there is
no separating the two. The implications for IS
development are that in order to understand or
influence human thinking and behaviour, we must
look at the interaction between the person and their
activity in context.
2.2 Object-oriented activity
The term ‘object’ as used in AT refers to both the
‘objective’ of the activity as a mental construct, and
the physical or conceptual ‘thing’ that is worked on.
Both of these evolve as the activity is carried out.
Activity is described as being ‘object-oriented’ (not
Object Subject
Division of Labour
Tool -
Subject -
Culturally More
Advanced Central
Central Activity
to be confused with the software engineering term),
which means that every activity has a purpose (or
object), and is carried out in order to achieve some
outcome. Thus, it is essential to determine what the
object of each activity is in order to design systems
that support users in achieving what they need to do.
2.3 Mediation
The principle of mediation states that in every
purposeful activity there will be tools involved, both
physical (e.g. hammer and nails) and psychological
(e.g. language and mathematics). A computer is a
hybrid of the two: it is a physical tool that is used for
psychological processing. AT views an IS as a tool
for people who are carrying out some higher
activity. This viewpoint shifts the emphasis from
being technically oriented to user oriented. In order
to design systems that support the work of humans,
we need to understand what tools are currently used,
how they have evolved, and how their functions
could be supported by the system.
2.4 Hierarchical structure
This principle states that an activity can be
decomposed into actions and operations. Each
activity can be decomposed into actions, which are
conscious steps that are taken to carry out the
activity. Actions in turn can be decomposed into
operations, which are subconscious. For example,
from the point of view of an IS developer, the
activity of ‘developing an IS’ can be decomposed
into actions such as ‘attending meetings’, ‘talking
with users’, and ‘programming’. The action of
‘programming’ can be decomposed further into
subconscious operations, such as using the keyboard
and the mouse.
These levels are constantly in a state of flux.
Conscious actions, if undertaken often enough, can
become subconscious. Similarly, a subconscious
operation can revert to a conscious action if a
problem is encountered. An IS needs to support
users’ work at all three levels concurrently, to ensure
a smooth transition through the levels.
2.5 Internalisation/externalisation
Internalisation is the process by which mental
representations are formed by carrying out external
actions. Externalisation is the opposite: where
mental representations are manifested in external
actions. Internalisation and externalisation are
closely related to the way learning takes place. The
implication of this principle is the need for the IS
itself to support users in learning to use the system,
to support the internalisation of system functionality,
and to support users who are at different levels of
2.6 Development
This principle explains that activity can only be
understood through analysis of its developmental
transformations. All human activity is a result of
historical development, and is constantly changing
and re-forming. We need to analyse and understand
how work has developed over time in order to fully
grasp how work is done today. At the same time, the
concept of development tells us that change and
development are certain to occur whenever humans
are involved. Therefore, as far as possible, we
should ensure that the systems we design are
equipped to handle change and development in work
Within the field of IS development, AT has been
widely used in computer supported collaborative
work (Kuutti and Arvonen, 1992), computer
supported collaborative learning (Gifford and
Enyedy, 1999), and human-computer interaction
(Bødker, 1991), and has been a major contributor to
the Scandinavian tradition of systems design.
The following section describes AT-based
methods in detail.
Following a review of the literature, five AT-based
methods emerged that aim to operationalise the
theoretical concepts of AT to produce practical
methods for IS development. These methods are the
ActAD method, the Activity Checklist, the AODM
method, the Jonassen & Rohrer-Murphy framework,
and the Martins & Daltrini framework. A
comparison of these methods will be made from
different dimensions, and conclusions are then
3.1 The ActAD method
The Activity Analysis and Development (ActAD)
method was first developed by Korpela (1997). It is
recommended for several purposes, namely for IS
users (to improve their own work processes), IS
developers (to analyse the IS users’ work in order to
design improved IS facilities for them), and IS
researchers (to design improved IS methods and
techniques for the developers). Korpela et al. (2000)
focus in particular on the use of ActAD as a method
for IS development.
ActAD provides a framework for IS developers
to examine sociocultural features that can inform
development of an IS. The first step guides
developers to analyse the components of the activity
that is to be supported by the system, and provides
checklists of guiding questions with which to elicit
these components. The surrounding activities are
analysed in the second step. The activity system and
the activity network diagrams are derived from those
of Engeström (1987), and have been modified to
become more graphical.
Step 3 in the method focuses on analysing the
development of the central activity, which is broken
down into ‘History’, ‘Problems, and ‘Potential’. A
brief checklist of questions is provided with which
to elicit each factor.
In the fourth step, the required new tools are to
be developed, and processes are to be improved,
based on the information elicited previously. The
final step in ActAD involves disseminating the
results, evaluating the process, and starting again,
looping back to the problem analysis in Step 3.
A limitation of ActAD is the lack of a notation
with which to document the third, fourth and fifth
steps in the method. The sparseness of guidelines
provided in these steps also calls for future
3.2 The Activity Checklist
The Activity Checklist was developed by Kaptelinin
et al. (1999), and aims to enable researchers and
designers to identify the contextual factors that can
influence the use of computer technology in a real
life setting, and to spot potential trouble areas that
designers can address.
The checklist has two foci – design and
evaluation, and subsequently there are two slightly
different versions. Both versions of the checklist
consist of four columns, based on four of the
principles of AT. The column headings are:
Means/ends (which relates to the hierarchical
structure), Environment (related to object
orientedness), Learning / cognition / articulation
(related to internalisation / externalisation), and
Development (named after the corresponding AT
principle). The principle of mediation is said to
permeate all four columns. Within each column,
between 5 and 13 items are listed to guide the
analysis. The developer is advised to generate their
own questions based on the items listed, and a table
of sample questions is provided.
The main weakness perceived with the checklist
is the repeated usage of activity theoretical jargon.
The checklist is also purely textual, and described at
a high level of abstraction.
3.3 The AODM Method
The Activity-Oriented Design Method (AODM) was
first detailed in Mwanza (2001) and is based on the
models of Engeström (1987). AODM was developed
further in Mwanza (2002), and is intended to
contribute to the early phases of systems
development, with an aim to support requirements
capture, analysis, and design, focusing on human-
computer interaction. The method consists of 6
stages, and 4 tools.
Stage 1 analyses the situation involved. For this
stage, the first tool is provided - the ‘eight-step-
model’. This is a list of 8 questions that guide the
analysis of the activity and its components. Stage 2
involves modelling the situation, using the
information obtained in Stage 1 with the activity
system model (Engeström, 1987). Following that,
stage 3 decomposes the activity to reduce
complexity. The ‘activity notation’ tool is provided
to assist in this stage. This tool details 6 ‘sub-
triangles’ that can be analysed in order to
decompose the activity.
Stage 4 is aided by a third tool, consisting of 6
general questions, which can be used to generate a
wide range of research questions to analyse the
interaction and relationships within and between the
components of each subtriangle. This tool also
elicits the presence of conflict within and between
the components. In Stage 5, the research questions
generated are used in data gathering, e.g. in
interviews, questionnaires, or observation. Finally,
Stage 6 involves interpreting and communicating the
findings. For this a fourth tool is provided - the
diagram for mapping operational processes. This
tool presents the results of Stage 4 in illustration
form, with clear visual indications of the research
questions generated, as well as the areas of conflict
that have become apparent, facilitating
understanding of the process as well as the results.
A unique contribution of AODM is its
development of subtriangles as further units of
analysis. However, the application of AT in AODM
appears to be in differing degrees, for example, the
principle of mediation seems to be given more
prominence than development.
3.4 The Jonassen & Rohrer-Murphy
The framework of Jonassen & Rohrer-Murphy
(1999) is a method for the design of constructive
learning environments (CLE). There are six steps in
the framework, each divided into a number of
substeps. Each substep provides sample questions to
be asked and actions to be taken.
The first step is primarily based on the principle
of object-orientedness, and guides the developer in
examining the subject’s (learner’s) goals to
determine the purpose of the activity that the CLE is
to support. In the second step, each component of
the activity system is examined. The third step is
chiefly based on the principle of hierarchical
structure, and leads to the decomposition of the
learner’s activities into actions and operations. The
fourth step involves elicitation of the tools and other
mediatory means that have been and could be used
in the CLE.
Step 5 of the framework analyses the context,
and the substeps within guide the analysis of the
community, rules, and division of labour present in
the activity. Finally, step 6 analyses the interaction
and rules for the relationships that exist within and
between the components of the activity system.
Each step of the framework is clearly based on
individual principles and components from AT, but
some principles influence all the sections. For
example, the principle of development permeates the
entire framework. The framework provides a large
set of questions to be answered that cover diverse
combinations of AT principles and components.
However, the level of granularity to which each
question refers is not always clear. There is also
repetition across the steps of the framework, as some
questions are closely related.
3.5 The Martins & Daltrini
The framework of Martins & Daltrini (1999) is an
approach for requirements elicitation. There are
three steps in the framework. The first step is to
identify the activities to be supported by the target
system. The second step is to identify the
components of the activity system belonging to each
activity, based on Engeström’s activity system
model (fig 1). The third step is to decompose each
activity into actions and operations, based on the
principle of the hierarchical structure of activity.
This is done with the aid of a table with three
columns: activity, action and operation. The list of
actions and operations obtained can be used to
derive requirements for the target system.
This framework focuses mainly on the principle
of the hierarchical structure of activity. It provides
little support for identifying activities, and there is
little guidance provided for identifying the activity
system components.
3.6 Summary of general strengths
and weaknesses
Table 1 shows a summary of the general strengths
and weaknesses observed in each of the methods.
Table 1: Strengths and Weaknesses of AT-based Methods
Strengths Weaknesses
Activity system model
made more graphically
Lack of a notation and
sparse guidelines, in steps 3,
4, and 5
Activity Checklist
Strong application of AT
theoretical principles
Purely textual, abstract,
high usage of AT jargon
Unique contribution in
using subtriangles as further
units of analysis
Some principles given
prominence over others e.g.
Jonassen and Rohrer-Murphy
Full application of AT
principles, extensive list of
analysis questions
Lengthy and sometimes
Martins and Daltrini
Provides a notation for the
decomposition of actions
and operations
Does not provide guidance
for identifying activities or
The strengths of each method indicate the
contributions that are made, which future work
could build upon. The weaknesses could indicate
areas that need improvement. These have been
discussed in detail in the previous sections.
This section details the results of the comparison of
the methods. There are many dimensions of
comparison that could be taken, but due to space
constraints, this paper looks at 9 key dimensions.
We propose that a comparison of AT based methods
requires several different dimensions to those used
in studies that compare IS methods. Traditional
factors for comparison between IS methods are such
as life cycle coverage, underlying philosophy
(‘systems’ or ‘science’), ‘structuredness’, user role,
and techniques used (data flow diagrams, dialogue
design, entity modelling, etc) e.g. Tudor and Tudor
(1997). Some of these dimensions (e.g. the
development phases supported) are suitable for our
purpose. However, the main focus in comparing AT-
based methods is on the way that AT is applied and
made practical by the method. To reflect this, in
addition to traditional dimensions for comparison,
we have chosen to compare the extent to which the
method uses AT visual models, the AT principles
that informed the method, the elicitation of
‘contradiction’ and historical background, and the
provision of analysis questions. Because these
methods are new, we also compare the way the
method was developed and validated.
Development phases supported
Area or type of system supported
AT visual models used
AT principles that informed the method
Elicitation of ‘contradictions’ in the activity
Elicitation of the historical background
How the method was developed
Provision of analysis questions
Validation of the method
There are other factors that could be used for
comparison, but due to space constraints, only 9 key
dimensions are described here.
4.1 Development phases supported
Table 2 shows that each method supports different
phases of development. No method covers all phases
of development. The phases that are strongly
supported by methods are domain analysis,
requirements elicitation and design. There is less
support for the phases of evaluation and interface
design. However, this does not mean that AT is less
suitable for use in these phases, or in phases that are
as yet unsupported by methods (such as the
implementation phase). Rather, this testifies to the
need for further research into producing and testing
AT-based methods that can be used throughout the
IS development process.
Table 2: Development phases supported
s &
4.2 Area or type of system supported
AT-based approaches have been proposed for use in
different areas of computing, and for several types of
systems design. Table 3 details the area of study and
the type of system supported by each method. Two
of the methods were designed for specific areas of
application, namely, the AODM method, which is
aimed specifically towards human computer
interaction, and the Jonassen & Rohrer-Murphy
framework, which is oriented towards designing
computer supported collaborative learning. The
other three methods are for general systems
Table 3: Area or type of system supported
Area or type of system
ActAD General
Activity Checklist General
AODM Human Computer Interaction
Jonassen Computer Supported
Collaborative Learning
Martins & Daltrini General
4.3 AT visual models used
Two of the visual models provided by AT are the
activity system and activity network (Engeström,
1987). Table 4 shows that three of the methods use
the activity system model, and one of these three
also uses the activity network.
Table 4: AT visual models used
Table of
actions, and
ActAD Yes Yes No No
No No No No
AODM Yes No Yes No
Jonassen No No No No
Yes No No Yes
Two methods provide their own visual models–
the AODM method provides a graphical
representation of the subtriangles within the activity
system, and the Martins & Daltrini method provides
a table to record the breakdown of activities, actions
and operations. Two methods, namely the Activity
Checklist and the Jonassen & Rohrer-Murphy
framework, do not use any visual models.
4.4 AT principles applied
Table 5 shows the AT principles that are explicitly
applied by each method. Upon comparison, the
Activity Checklist and the Jonassen & Rohrer-
Murphy methods produce the broadest application of
the AT principles, that is 5 for the Checklist and 6
for the Jonassen & Rohrer-Murphy framework. The
Martins and Daltrini framework only applies one
principle- the ‘hierarchical structure’. The only
method that explicitly applies the principle of the
‘unity of consciousness and activity’ is the Jonassen
and Rohrer-Murphy framework. The choice of
which principles to apply seems to depend on the
author of the method, and for the most part it is
unclear how those choices were made.
Table 5: AT principles applied
Unity of
C. and A.
O-O Med. Hier.
I / E Dev
9 9 9 9 9
9 9
9 9 9 9 9 9
Key to AT Principles:
Unity of C. and A. – Unity of Consciousness and Activity
– Object-Orientedness
– Mediation
Hier. Str.
– Hierarchical Structure
I / E
– Internalisation/Externalisation
Dev. Development
4.5 The elicitation of ‘contradictions’
Identifying contradictions produces a significant
contribution towards designing systems that improve
the way work is done. Table 6 shows that more than
half of the methods carry out some form of analysis
of the contradictions existing within the work
Table 6: Elicitation of ‘contradictions’
Elicitation of ‘contradictions’
ActAD Yes
Activity Checklist No
Jonassen Yes
Martins & Daltrini No
4.6 The elicitation of the historical
background of the activity
Understanding the historical background is
important if we are to understand how the activity
has developed over time. Table 7 shows that only
one method includes the analysis of the historical
aspect of activity: the ActAD method.
Table 7: Elicitation of historical background
Elicitation of historical
ActAD Yes
Activity Checklist No
Jonassen No
Martins & Daltrini No
4.7 Analysis questions provided
AT can be seen as a framework for analysis of
activity. In order to carry out an AT analysis,
information has to be elicited from the practitioners
of the activity. Therefore, specific leads or questions
for analysis are required.
Table 8: Analysis questions provided
Analysis questions provided
ActAD Partial
Activity Checklist Partial/Yes
Jonassen Yes
Martins & Daltrini No
Table 8 shows that two of the methods provide
clear sets of analysis questions; in fact, the Jonassen
& Rohrer-Murphy framework consists entirely of
sets of questions. The AODM method also provides
questions, and has a dedicated step for generating
research questions. The Activity Checklist provides
sample questions, but encourages the analyst to
create their own. The ActAD method provides
questions for its initial three steps, but the questions
for the third step are at a general level, and are of
limited use. Finally, the Martins & Daltrini method
does not provide any questions.
4.8 Development of the method
The way the method was developed can provide us
with information on the orientation of the method
whether it is developed theoretically or empirically.
Table 9: Development of the method
Development of the method
ActAD At desk
Activity Checklist At desk
AODM Empirical
Jonassen At desk
Martins & Daltrini At desk
Table 9 shows that four of the methods were
developed ‘at desk’, in other words, based solely on
the theory. Only the AODM method was developed
empirically, in a real world commercial
4.9 Validation of the method
The importance of method validation cannot be
underestimated, particularly for AT-based methods,
which are new. Rigorous testing is required to
ensure that AT based methods are able to provide
quality of output.
Table 10: Validation of the method
Validation of the method
ActAD Two small experiments, neither real
Activity Checklist Self validation by the authors
AODM Two industrial organisations over
two years
Jonassen None
Martins &
One interview
Table 10 shows that only the AODM method
was tested in a real life setting, in two industrial
organisations. The ActAD method, the Checklist and
the Martins & Daltrini method were validated in
small experiments, and the Jonassen & Rohrer-
Murphy framework does not provide any
information that it has been validated.
4.10 Findings from the Comparison
The findings of the comparison include a number of
correlations across the dimensions that were used.
One finding is that a broad use of AT principles
seems to correlate with less use of AT visual
models, and vice versa (Sections 4.3 and 4.4). For
example, both the Activity Checklist and the
Jonassen & Rohrer-Murphy methods indicate high
usage of the principles of AT, and non-usage of
visual models, while the ActAD, AODM and
Martins & Daltrini methods indicate low usage of
the principles and the use of two out of four visual
Several methods are also selective in their
application of AT principles, and it is often unclear
how these choices were made. To avoid the arbitrary
application of AT, it is important that justification be
provided in future by methods that selectively apply
AT concepts.
It is also found that methods developed ‘at desk’
were not subjected to as much validation as the
empirically developed method (Sections 4.8 and
4.9). Further empirical research is necessary in order
to validate the methods. More research is needed to
produce methods that support wider coverage of
development phases.
This paper has described five AT-based methods for
IS development, and has made a comparison
between them along nine dimensions. The general
strengths and weaknesses of each method were also
described, which indicate areas of strong
contribution as well as potential for improvement for
each method. As part of the findings, several
correlations have emerged between the dimensions
of comparison. It is found that within the AT-based
methods that have emerged from the survey, there is
a lack of comprehensive treatment, regarding
coverage of development phases as well as coverage
of AT concepts. It is also found that only one of the
methods has been validated in a real life systems
In the light of the findings, we suggest that
existing methods need to be thoroughly tested and
documented through empirical studies in practice.
Further work is also needed, both to improve
existing methods, as well as to produce new methods
for making AT concepts applicable in practical
development scenarios.
This research is funded by the Tracker project at
Staffordshire University (EPSRC Grant No.
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