Paavo Kotinurmi, Hannu Laesvuori, Katrine Jokinen, Timo Soininen
Software Business and Engineering Institute, Helsinki University of Technology, POB 9210, FIN-02015 HUT, FINLAND
Keywords: B2B Applications, Document Management Systems Integration, RosettaNet
Abstract: E-business frameworks providin
g standards and specifications that aim at enabling integrating the enterprise
applications of business partners with relative ease have been recently proposed. This paper reports on
experiences gained from developing a prototype system for integrating design document management
systems based on the RosettaNet e-business framework. We present the requirements for the prototype,
extracted from a case study of a product development network, and the design and implementation of the
system. We then discuss the experiences gained in the light of the feasibility of applying such frameworks
and their supporting technologies as foundations for e-business. The RosettaNet e-business framework was
found to be relatively easy to implement and use. However, the RosettaNet specifications for product
development processes and the related business document definitions, e.g. for design document delivery, are
not sufficient in all respects. As a consequence, two implementations of the same RosettaNet standard
process may be incompatible, and thus the aim of providing easy integration may fail. Furthermore, the
effort required to build the system and fill in the missing parts in RosettaNet to integrate the product design
activities may risk the goal of easy integration.
It is expected that the volume and scope of e-
business grows fast and the needed systems
integration among the e-business partners extended
to new areas (Lee and Whang, 2001). One way of
facilitating inter-company application integration,
offering potential cost and extensibility benefits, is
to develop and apply e-business frameworks that
provide standards and specifications enabling
businesses to communicate efficiently over the
Internet (Shim et al., 2000). The aim of such
frameworks is to facilitate integration with less
implementation effort for each e-business partner.
One potential area where such frameworks could
be be
neficial is product development (PD) projects
conducted in company networks in a concurrent and
collaborative manner (Borgman and Sulonen, 2003).
Supporting design information sharing is an
important issue for successful PD (Clark, 1991).
This information is usually stored in different kinds
of documents, such as CAD models within each
company’s Document Management System (DMS),
which is typically a part of a Product Data
Management (PDM) system. Such systems facilitate
the PD process in one company by providing up-to-
date information to all the product designers who
need it (Liu and Xu, 2001). The same type of
support needs to be extended to cover the whole PD
network (Kotinurmi et al., 2003). Thus, there is a
need to integrate DMS systems. With DMS
integration using an e-business framework,
information delivery could become faster, less error-
prone and more transparent than in manual processes
of using e.g. e-mail. End-users in companies could
use their own systems, which they know, and still be
able to collaborate with other companies.
As the research results on implementations
ying e-business frameworks, particularly to PD,
are few (Sayal et al., 2002) (Nurmilaakso, 2003),
this paper contributes by presenting an actual case of
building a prototype implementation and critically
discussing the lessons learned.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
efines the requirements for DMS integration
extracted from a case study and introduces the
RosettaNet e-business framework. In Section 3, we
describe an architecture and design of a prototype
system for DMS integration supporting RosettaNet.
Section 4 discusses the experiences and lessons
Kotinurmi P., Laesvuori H., Jokinen K. and Soininen T. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 502-509
DOI: 10.5220/0002622405020509
learned from building the prototype system and
presents related work. Finally, in Section 5 we
present conclusions and topics for future work.
This section presents the requirements and
motivation for DMS integration and introduces the
RosettaNet e-business framework.
2.1 Requirements
The requirements for a system supporting design
document management in networked PD are based
on a case study of a PD network, which consists of a
customer and its suppliers (Borgman & Sulonen,
2003). The customer designs, manufactures, and
sells consumer electronics products and the suppliers
supply plastic parts to these products.
According to the case study, document
management should be a planned, communicated
and documented process between companies in
networked PD. The design documents drive the
supplier’s process in a very straightforward way
(Figure 1): When the supplier receives a new version
of e.g. a CAD-model from the customer, it
immediately triggers some design and
manufacturing work for the supplier. Equally, when
the supplier sends a document (e.g. a measurement
log sheet) to the customer, it triggers e.g. a new
component approval process. Documents
synchronise the processes within the companies of
the network. Thus, document exchange in a network
should itself be considered and treated as a
systematic process. This process can be triggered by
a predefined schedule or an event within one
company (e.g. a new version of a document becomes
available). If any changes to the schedule should
occur, these changes should be communicated to all
relevant companies automatically. These repetitive
information delivery processes can be automated
with the help of e-business frameworks.
It is important to ensure that changed documents
are distributed inside the companies to the engineers
whose work depends on them. Therefore, the
delivered document files must be accompanied with
metadata, i.e. information about the document, such
as its author, version, and relationship to product
components and projects. This should be carried in
the business documents exchanged in the process
Design documents are typically highly
confidential. There must be a means to distribute the
documents securely to the intended recipients only
and to be certain that the delivery is successful. The
documents should be encrypted if the distribution
takes place over non-secure communication
channels, such as the Internet.
A proper solution supporting design document
exchange should be extendable to new collaboration
partners and processes without requiring major
modifications. The solution should be extendable to
many partner companies using different DMSs, and
therefore based on standards. There are numerous
seemingly applicable e-business frameworks such as
ebXML, RosettaNet and Standard for the Exchange
of Product Model Data (STEP) to support definitions
for processes, business documents, and secure and
reliable messaging over the Internet. Based on our
analyses and comparison of five e-business
frameworks, we chose RosettaNet as the basis for
our system (Kotinurmi et al., 2003).
2.2 RosettaNet
RosettaNet is an industry-driven consortium aiming
at creating, implementing, and promoting open
e-business process standards. The most important
components standardised in RosettaNet are Partner
Interface Processes (PIPs), dictionaries and
RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF).
New document (version)
Acknowledge: received
Measurement log sheet
Acknowledge: received
Information system
Business document delivery
Acknowledgement of delivery
PIPs define common inter-company public
processes such as “PIP 2A10 Distribute Design
Engineering Information” and the associated
business documents. Trading partners internal
processes interact with PIPs to initiate or receive
business documents. RosettaNet PIPs are divided to
eight clusters noted by numbers, and the clusters are
further divided to segments noted by letters. Cluster
2 deals with Product information. It is divided to
four segments, e.g. 2C “Product Design
Information”. Segment 2D “Collaborative Design &
Figure 1: Information delivery in networked PD
Engineering” PIPs have not been released and
cannot be utilised yet.
Each PIP contains a specification document,
Document Type Definitions (DTD) and Message
Guidelines (MG). A specification document defines
the process with Unified Modeling Language
(UML) activity diagrams and textual descriptions,
the roles of the partners, and necessary conditions to
initiate messaging. Each PIP defines one or more
business documents. The DTD and MG define the
PIP service content of one business document. The
DTD defines the valid Extensible Markup Language
(XML) document structure of a PIP service content.
The MG introduces additional constraints and
guidelines, such as what a modification date means
and how the date value should be represented.
Figure 2 represents a fragment of a service content
XML document.
RosettaNet business dictionary (RNBD) defines
common terms used in all the PIPs. In addition to
dictionaries, RosettaNet uses certain identifiers, such
as Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
codes to identify companies uniquely.
<Supplier>DUNS number</Supplier>
<Description GlobalLanguageCode="EN">
Note the red areas on the model are
Work in Progress</Description>
Figure 2: PIP 2A10 service content fragment
RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF)
specifies messaging. It defines the RosettaNet
business message that contains the service content
specified by PIP DTD and MG, and the necessary
headers and security features needed to process the
messages. RNIF also defines how attachments are
encoded in the RosettaNet business messages. These
attachments can be of arbitrary file format, such as
AutoCAD. RNIF contains exception-handling
mechanisms and makes sure that the delivery is non-
repudiated, so neither the sender nor the receiver can
later deny having sent/received the RosettaNet
business message. Many vendors, such as BEA and
Microsoft, support RNIF in their products.
To set up RosettaNet messaging using a certain
PIP, the companies involved set up a Trading
Partner Agreement (TPA) to specify both the
business and technical aspects of the collaboration
for each PIP. Example business aspects are
conditions for trading, such as how certain elements
are used, confidentiality, and when and how the PIP
must be answered. Technical aspects include e.g.
security features, such as the use of certificates for
authentication and the addresses where the
RosettaNet business messages are delivered.
In this section, we will first present the architecture,
functionality, and internal data model of a prototype
system to support DMS integration. Then we will
present the implementation and test setup briefly.
3.1 Architecture
Our prototype system consists of five architectural
components (figure 3).
PDM system is a repository for design
documents and their metadata. It notifies the PDM
adapter of changes in its contents.
PDM adapter is connected to the rule engine and
has interfaces to the PDM system and the RN
adapter. It notifies the rule engine of events in the
PDM system, retrieves design documents and
metadata from the PDM system, and sends them to
the RN adapter.
Rule engine has a user interface for defining
document delivery rules for the design documents,
e.g. a rule saying that updates to a specified design
document must be sent to a specified trading partner.
The rule engine also evaluates these rules each time
there are changes in the PDM system.
RN adapter is connected to the RosettaNet
messaging server and has an interface to the PDM
adapter. Based on the design documents it receives
from the PDM adapter, it adds RosettaNet specific
delivery information to them.
RosettaNet messaging server constructs
RosettaNet business messages from the documents
received by the RN adapter. It controls the exchange
of business messages with trading partners based on
the RNIF specification.
3.2 Functionality
Our prototype system implements the following two
use cases, which illustrate its functionality.
RN Adapter
PDM Adapter
PDM System
& files
data &
Data flow
Figure 3: System Architecture
The first use case is automated delivery of a
design document update in the PDM system to a
trading partner using RosettaNet. This guarantees
that the trading partners always have the latest
version of the design document in their PDM
system. A prerequisite for this is that the prototype
system has been configured with information about
trading partners, design documents in the PDM
system, and document sending rules.
Information about changes in the design
documents in the PDM system is notified through
the PDM adapter to the rule engine, which evaluates
the event against the defined rules. If design
document update must be sent to a trading partner,
the PDM adapter takes control. It retrieves the
design document and its metadata from the PDM
system, constructs the PIP service content from the
metadata, and sends them and the name of the
trading partner to the RN adapter.
The RN adapter instructs the RosettaNet
messaging server to initiate a new PIP with the
trading partner. The design document is added as an
attachment to the business message and the metadata
is added to the PIP service content.
The second use case is receiving design
document updates from trading partners, which is
essentially the reverse of the first use case. Upon
receiving a business message that contains the
design document the prototype system adds this new
document version as such to the PDM system.
3.3 Data model of design documents
The prototype system uses an internal data model for
the exchanged design documents. The data model
defines how the design documents should be stored
in the partner’s PDM system. As the current PIPs do
not include sufficient design document metadata to
accomplish this, we had to define our own internal
data model for the integration.
The internal data model describes the structure of
the document, its life cycle status, its relations to
other documents, projects and products, and other
relevant information, such as its creator and creation
time. The data model is based on an analysis of three
companies’ internal data models for design
documents in their PDM systems (Jokinen, 2003).
3.4 Implementation
3.4.1 PDM System
The PDM system manages the design documents
and their metadata within a company. It notifies the
PDM adapter of changes in its contents, e.g. creation
of a new document version.
Our PDM system is called EDMS (Engineering
Data Management System). It was built in our
research group in a project with KONE Elevators,
where it is in production use. (Peltonen, 2000)
EDMS includes commit procedures that are
executed each time an object is modified, e.g. new
documents are created. These procedures have been
configured to send an event notification to the PDM
adapter. The notification includes an identifier of the
object concerned. We have defined partner specific
access rights to EDMS and a way to define the
capabilities to define what PIPs they can receive.
3.4.2 PDM Adapter
The PDM adapter connects three other components:
the rule engine, the PDM system, and the RN
adapter. It forwards event notifications from the
PDM system to the rule engine, retrieves design
document files and metadata from the PDM system,
and sends them as PIP service content and
attachment to the RN adapter.
The PIP service content is formed in the PDM
adapter. If the evaluation of the delivery rules results
in sending a document to partners, the PDM adapter
retrieves the document file from the PDM system
and sends it to the RN adapter. It also retrieves the
document metadata defined in the internal data
model and forms an XML representation of it. The
PDM adapter decides which PIP should be used,
depending on the event, the type of document, and
the receiver. The rules for deciding the PIP have
been hardcoded, as there are only four of them in the
prototype. The PDM adapter then transforms the
metadata with Extensible Stylesheet Language
Transformation (XSLT) to the service content of the
corresponding PIP.
The same procedure is conducted in reverse
order when receiving a design document from a
trading partner. The service content is transformed
to the data model format using the XSLT file
corresponding to the PIP used. The information is
then stored in the PDM system.
The PDM adapter is implemented using Java
programming language and it runs under Apache
Tomcat application server on Linux platform.
3.4.3 Rule engine
The rule engine has a user interface for defining
document delivery rules, e.g. a rule saying that
updates to specified design documents must be sent
to a specified trading partner. The rule engine
evaluates the rules each time there are changes in the
PDM system, such as new documents created.
The document delivery rules are defined with a
web user interface. They have inputs, conditions and
consequences. The rules take PDM objects (e.g.
documents, users, projects) as inputs. The conditions
can be related to, e.g., document version state or
document type. The consequence defines the action
to be taken if the rule applies: normally the
consequence is to send the document to one or more
trading partners. The rule engine evaluates the rules
after receiving event notifications from the PDM
The user interface also includes functions for
sending documents manually and simulating events
from the PDM system to see which documents
would be sent to trading partners, and according to
which rules. The rules can be project specific and
have time constraints. There is also a delivery
manager, which shows the delivery information of
all the documents sent.
The rule engine is implemented with the same
technologies as the PDM adapter. The user interface
is implemented using Java servlets and HTML
templates. The evaluation is based on an algorithmic
engine, Drools, for implementing custom object-
related business rules.
3.4.4 RN Adapter
The RN adapter facilitates communication between
the PDM adapter and the RosettaNet messaging
server. The design documents and their metadata
that the RN adapter receives from and sends to the
PDM adapter are information used by PDM systems.
The RosettaNet messaging server, however, sees
everything as RosettaNet business messages
belonging to a PIP. The RN adapter has the logic to
do transformations, such as replacing organization
names used as identifiers in the PDM system with
DUNS codes required by RosettaNet.
We have implemented most of the RN adapter
using Microsoft .NET architecture and C#
programming language. The interface to the PDM
adapter is implemented using the Web Service (WS)
technologies Web Services Description Language
(WSDL) and Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP). The integration with the RosettaNet
messaging server is implemented using native
methods of the RosettaNet messaging server.
3.4.5 RosettaNet messaging server
The RosettaNet messaging server provides the
means to extend the PDM integration to trading
partners. It implements the functionality specified in
RNIF, e.g. it creates RosettaNet business messages
and provides their secure exchange over the Internet
with trading partners. The RosettaNet messaging
server cannot initiate new PIPs or respond to PIPs on
its own. The RN adapter does this.
Our RosettaNet messaging server is Microsoft
BizTalk server 2002 extended with Microsoft
Accelerator for RosettaNet 2.0. For our prototype
system to work, it needs to be configured with
necessary partner information such as the used PIP,
DUNS numbers of the trading partners, IP addresses
etc. The configuration requires manual insertion of
data to a database. Typically, the configuration work
for a new trading partner takes a few minutes.
3.4.6 Test set-up
The end-to-end solution has been tested in an
environment that simulates two partner companies.
We had two instances of EDMS servers with
different database schemas to represent two different
companies. A design document update in one EDMS
server led to the construction of a complete
RosettaNet business messages according to the four
PIPs used. The business message was sent to the
other EDMS server, where the design document was
saved correctly.
Integrating design document management systems
using the RosettaNet e-business framework seems to
be feasible. However, the integration took a
significant effort although tools specifically
designed for this purpose were used. Furthermore,
RosettaNet did not support all the aspects of the
integration needs adequately, which may lead to
problems in wide-scale e-business use of
RosettaNet. In this section, we motivate these
findings through discussing the system architecture
and implementation and by evaluating the support
RosettaNet offered. We also discuss our solution
with respect to the relatively scarce earlier research
reporting on the practical aspects of integration in
PD and the usage of e-business frameworks.
4.1 Architecture and design
The architecture of the prototype system allowed
successful implementation of the requirements posed
by the case. The goal of our prototype system was a
minimalist yet functional implementation. Our
design choices were to leverage code reuse by using
commercially available applications when possible
and to aim for modularity to accommodate possible
future extensions. The choices for Microsoft
RosettaNet Accelerator and EDMS over competing
products were made primarily because of their
availability to us, but also because of the relative
ease of modifying them.
Based on the requirements and the chosen
applications, we identified three separate units of
logic in our prototype that we needed to implement
ourselves: the PDM adapter, the RN adapter and the
rule engine. The integration of the PDM system with
the RosettaNet messaging server needs functionality
that is specific to both of them. As the PDM adapter
and the RN adapter are implemented in two separate
units, either the PDM system or the RN messaging
server can be replaced with some other product
while still retaining the implementation for the other
adapter. We also needed to implement the rule
engine, as we were unable to find any existing
product suitable for the task. In addition, we had to
define the internal data model to provide flexibility
to adopting new PIPs, while the available PIPs as
such were not adequate.
Overall, we consider our architecture modular.
Changing the PDM system or the RosettaNet
messaging server would only require modifying the
associated adapter, and it is also possible to replace
the rule engine. The use of interoperable
communication protocols and an internal data model
throughout the prototype system should increase the
number of potential candidates for a new PDM
system or RosettaNet messaging server. The internal
data model enables easy transition to new PIPs, as it
can be transformed to a specific PIP with XSLT.
Otherwise, the addition of a new PIP or modifying
an existing one would require a lot more effort.
4.2 Implementation
The resources used for implementation were
significant. The prototype system allows design
documents to be transferred to the partner’s PDM
system without human intervention. However,
transferring large files may introduce a problem.
The prototype implementation took a lot of
resources although existing tools were used. Two
student groups used 700 hours implementing the
PDM adapter and the rule engine. The EDMS
configuration took 100 hours. The RN adapter was
implemented in 80 hours, and the RosettaNet
messaging server configuration took 40 hours.
Integration of the different components, testing, and
other additional work took about 80 hours, so
altogether the implementation of the prototype
system was done in about 1000 hours. This only
includes the actual implementation time, excluding
e.g. getting to know the systems used. An industrial
implementation would naturally require more time,
as our system is only a prototype. As this
implementation is for only design document
delivery, it is a considerable effort.
In order for the system to be flexible, adding new
PIPs or trading partners should be easy. To add
support for a new PIP in the prototype system takes
less than two days. Building a new XSLT takes
about a day. The modification needed for the system
components takes altogether less than one day. To
add a new partner or PIP to the prototype system
requires minor modifications to the PDM system,
the PDM adapter, the RN adapter and the RosettaNet
messaging server.
The test set-up was only a laboratory simulation
using two different PDM database schemas and
system instances of the same PDM systems
representing two companies. It showed that the
system basically works, but further testing in more
realistic settings is obviously needed.
One issue that the tests revealed was that transfer
of large files as attachments is a potential problem,
because RNIF recommends BASE-64 encoding.
This increases their size by one third, which is
significant, as design documents can be larger than
100 MB. PIPs allow typically only two hours to
acknowledge the RosettaNet business messages,
which is challenging, as the network delivery and
server encodings may take a lot of time.
4.3 The use of RosettaNet
There were several problems with the use of
RosettaNet. The existing PIPs are not defined with
PD in mind. As a result, the definitions available in
current PIPs service contents did not provide
sufficient support for most of the document metadata
we wished to exchange in business documents. To
carry the document metadata identified in the
internal data model, we had to misuse certain PIPs in
order not to lose information. Misusing the standard
obviously affects the interoperability of our
prototype system. The RNIF seems well thought out
although those big attachments can cause problems.
So far, we have used PIP2C5 “Notify of
Engineering Change Order” with change request
documents, initially PIP2A1 “Product Information
Notification”, and later the newer versions of PIP
2A1 “Distribute Product Catalog Information” for
new document delivery. Later the 2A1 PIPs were
replaced by 2A10 “Distribute Design Engineering
Information”, which was released after we had
implemented the solution using PIP 2A1. The first
PIPs enabled meaningful carrying of only roughly
30% of the internal data model information. PIP
2A10 increased this to 85%, but for some of the
attributes of our internal data model this meant only
a close but not precise match to the term. For
example with the PIP service content fragment in
figure 2, we did not follow strictly the MGs for the
contents of “objectName” and “Supplier”. We used
them to carry the name of the exchanged document
and the document creator information. In the
remaining 15%, there were few trivial attributes for
which we did not find a close match in the PIP MG.
In addition, some of the information in the PIP
service contents needs to be better defined to avoid
misinterpretations. An example of needed extensions
to RNBD and from there to MGs is life cycle
statuses for documents. As companies define the life
cycle statuses, e.g. “pending, ready, approved,
obsolete” in different ways, RosettaNet should
provide clear definitions for these kinds of
enumerated lists to avoid misinterpretations, e.g.
whether a document should be ready before it can be
approved or vice versa. In addition, it is currently
not possible to specify that document A has
subdocuments A1 and A2. In the future, these issues
might be rectified by the forthcoming standards for
collaborative design and engineering (PIP 2D).
Technically the use of both the DTDs and MGs
for business document validation is problematic. If
the MGs are ignored and just DTDs used, the trading
partners need to agree each time on how to use
certain elements in the TPA. In future, at least some
of these issues are rectified as RosettaNet plans to
introduce W3C XML Schema for business
document validation, as it can carry the information
currently defined by DTDs and MGs.
We have noted that the more recent PIP
specifications tend to be a lot better than the older
ones, such as PIPs 2C5 and the 2A1 used in the
beginning. The resource usage for implementation
could have been also a lot less with implementation
guidelines, such as the ones available in RosettaNet
for collaborative forecasting.
4.4 Related work
There are few experience papers on e-business
integration implementations (Nurmilaakso, 2003).
We do not know of any other research on applying
e-business frameworks for PD collaboration.
Liu and Xu (2001) state similar requirements for
web-based PDM systems supporting collaboration.
They propose web browser PDM interface as a
solution, instead of the unique interfaces that were
typical at the time. The modern PDM systems have
web interfaces, but they still differ in usage logic.
Domazet et al. (2000) present an infrastructure
for collaboration based on an event-driven software
component framework using the Common Object
Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and STEP.
The modelling capabilities distributed over the
Internet using CORBA facilitate collaboration
between product designers, and STEP provides the
common terminology. This infrastructure is partially
based on standards that are not used in our case
network and would be hard to introduce into it.
Sundaram and Shim (2001) present an
infrastructure for B2B exchanges with RosettaNet.
They have a three-tier client-server prototype that
allows customers to send RosettaNet PIPs using a
browser. Their prototype constructs RosettaNet PIP
service contents.
Sayal et al. (2002) present a tool, HP Process
Manager, that supports RosettaNet PIPs and allows
generating complete processes from PIPs by taking
also internal integration needs into account. The
functionality of this tool is similar to what our RN
adapter and RosettaNet messaging server does by
providing support for RNIF and the common
elements used in all RosettaNet PIPs.
Both experience articles with RosettaNet contrast
with our solution, as they do not present integration
to any enterprise information systems (IS). To
integrate the IS with the RosettaNet PIPs was the
most time demanding part according to our
experiences as there were the conflicts between the
terms used in IS and the ones specified in the PIP
service contents. Similar difficulties may well exist
with also with other e-business processes.
We have presented a design and implementation of a
prototype system for supporting design data
management in product development (PD) networks.
The prototype system integrates design document
management systems (DMS) using the RosettaNet e-
business framework. It can automatically deliver and
receive e.g. the latest version of design documents.
Our experiences with the implementation and use
indicate that using RosettaNet e-business framework
for this purpose seems basically feasible. However,
there are also major potential problems regarding the
effort to implement the integration and the level of
support offered by RosettaNet. The resources used
for implementation were significant as this relatively
simple implementation took about 1000 hours,
including only the actual implementation time. The
secure delivery of documents according to
RosettaNet Implementation Framework was easy to
implement, but attachments handling is ineffective.
The RosettaNet specifications for the common
processes and the related business document
definitions should support design document
information exchange better, e.g. by ensuring
common understanding of important terms and
providing better guidelines for the usage. As
business document definitions currently enable
misusing the standard, two implementations of the
same RosettaNet process are not necessarily
compatible. Hence, the aim of industry-wide cost-
effective B2B integration through the use of the e-
business frameworks may be compromised,
particularly in the case of PD. This lack of support
by the e-business framework may also affect other
business processes besides PD.
Future work includes further testing of our
prototype system and integrating it with different
DMS and messaging servers. In addition, the utility
of the prototype system and the effect of this type of
DMS integration on the whole PD process
effectiveness should be evaluated. As the existing
RosettaNet specifications lacked the support for
design document information exchange, the relevant
future specifications should be tried. Furthermore,
more empirical data on integration efforts is needed
to better understand what is the impact of e-business
frameworks in practical systems integration efforts.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support
from the National Technology Agency of Finland
(Tekes). We thank Jukka Borgman and Simo Jokela
for their advice on the requirements, Hannu Peltonen
for support in the implementation, and the students
who participated in the implementation.
Borgman, J. and Sulonen, R. 2003. A Case Study of the
Impacts of Preliminary Design Data Exchange on
Networked Product Development Project
Controllability, in Proc. of 14
Int. Conf on
Engineering Design.
Clark, K. and Fujimoto, T. 1991. Product Development
Performance: Strategy, Organisation, and
Management in the World Auto Industry, Harvard
Business School Press.
Domazet, D.R., Miao Chun Yan, Chee Fook Yew, Kong,
H.P.H. and Goh, A. 2000. An Infrastructure for Inter-
Organizational Collaborative Product Development”,
in Proc. of the 33rd Hawaii Int. Conf. on System
Sciences, pp. 2176 –2185.
Jokinen, K. 2003. A Standard Data Model for Product
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