Miquel Montaner, Beatriz L
opez and Josep Llu
ıs de la Rosa
Institut d’Inform
atica i Aplicacions - Universitat de Girona
Campus Montilivi, 17071 Girona, Spain
recommender systems, evaluation procedure, user simulation, profile discovering
Recommender systems have proved really useful in order to handle with the information overload on the Inter-
net. However, it is very difficult to evaluate such a personalised systems since this involves purely subjective
assessments. Actually, only very few recommender systems developed over the Internet evaluate and discuss
their results scientifically. The contribution of this paper is a methodology for evaluating recommender sys-
tems: the ”profile discovering procedure”. Based on a list of item evaluations previously provided by a real
user, this methodology simulates the recommendation process of a recommender system over time. Besides,
an extension of this methodology has been designed in order to simulate the collaboration among users. At
the end of the simulations, the desired evaluation measures (precision and recall among others) are presented.
This methodology and its extensions have been successfully used in the evaluation of different parameters and
algorithms of a restaurant recommender system.
Recommender systems help users to locate items, in-
formation sources and people related to their interest
and preferences (Sanguesa et al., 2000). This involves
the construction of user models and the ability to an-
ticipate and predict user preferences. Many recom-
mender systems have been developed from several
years ago applied to very different domains (Mon-
taner et al., 2003). Unfortunately, only a few of them
evaluate and discuss their results scientifically. This
situation is caused by the difficulty of acquiring re-
sults that can be used to compute evaluation measures.
As a consequence, to date, it is very difficult to de-
termine how well recommender systems work, since
this involves purely subjective assessments. However,
advances on recommender systems require the devel-
opment of a comparative framework. Our work is in
this line.
The contribution of this paper is a new method-
ology to evaluate recommender systems that we call
“profile discovering”. The aim of this method is to
provide the different steps to design the simulation of
the execution of a recommender system with several
users over time. The most interesting characteristic
of our methodology is that the tastes, interests and
preferences of the users are not invented in the sim-
ulation process. The “profile discovering procedure”
bases the results of the simulations on real informa-
tion about users. In particular, each user to be simu-
lated has to provide a list of evaluated items. Then,
the method simulates the recommendation process of
each user and when information about them is re-
quired, it is obtained from the lists. Therefore, the
simulation can be seen as a progressive discovery of
the lists of evaluated items (user profiles). After the
simulations, the methodology provides a set of results
from the point of view of different measures.
The main properties of this methodology are:
The simulation process does not invent the user
evaluations, they are extracted from real user pro-
The recommendation process considers the devel-
opment of the user profile over time.
Large-scale experiments are carried out quickly.
Experiments are repeatable and perfectly con-
This paper also proposes an extensions for the “pro-
file discovering procedure” that incorporates the col-
laboration among users into the recommendation pro-
Montaner M., López B. and Lluís de la Rosa J. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 303-308
DOI: 10.5220/0002622703030308
The “profile discovering procedure” and its exten-
sion allow us to test the performance of the param-
eters of the recommendation process in order to tune
functions and algorithms. Moreover, it is a suitable in-
strument to compare different recommender systems,
an inconceivable experiment so far.
The outline of this paper is as follows: the next
section describes some evaluation techniques for rec-
ommender systems that have been used in the cur-
rent state-of-the-art. Then, our proposal for evalu-
ating recommender systems, namely what we have
called “profile discovering” is presented in section 3.
Following, its extension for performing multi-agent
collaboration is detailed in section 4. Then, some ex-
perimental results are shown in section 5 and, finally,
section 6 concludes this paper.
In the current state-of-the-art, recommender systems
use one of the following approaches in order to ac-
quire the results for evaluating the performance of
their systems: a real environment, an evaluation en-
vironment, the logs of the system or a user simulator.
First, results obtained in a real environment with
real users is the best way to evaluate a recommender
system. Unfortunately, only a few commercial sys-
tems like Amazon.com (Amazon, 2003) can show
real results based on their economic effect thanks to
their information on real users.
Second, evaluation environments are an alternative
for some systems to be evaluated in the laboratory by
letting a set of users interact with the system over a
period of time. Usually, the results are not reliable
enough because the users know the system or the pur-
pose of the evaluation. An original approach was ac-
complished by NewT (Sheth, 1994); in addition to the
numerical data collected in the evaluation sessions, a
questionnaire was also distributed to the users to get
feedback on the subjective aspects of the system. The
main problem of the real and the evaluation environ-
ments is that repetition of the experiments, in order to
evaluate different algorithms and parameters, is im-
Third, the analysis or validation of the logs ob-
tained in a real or evaluation environment with real
users is a common technique used to evaluate rec-
ommender systems. A frequently used technique is
the “10-fold cross-validation technique” (Mladenic,
1996). It consists of predicting the relevance (e.g.,
ratings) of examples recorded in the logs and, then,
comparing them with the real evaluations. These ex-
periments are perfectly repeatable, provided that the
tested parameters do not affect the evolution of the
user profile and the recommendation process. For ex-
ample, the log being validated would be very different
if another recommendation algorithm had been tested.
Therefore, since the majority of the parameters condi-
tion the recommendation process over time, generally,
experiments cannot be repeated.
Finally, a few systems are evaluated through simu-
lated users. Important issues such as learning rates
and variability in learning behaviour across hetero-
geneous populations can be investigated using large
collections of simulated users whose design was tai-
lored to explore those issues. This enables large-scale
experiments to be carried out quickly and also guar-
antees that experiments are repeatable and perfectly
controlled. It also allows researchers to focus on and
study the behaviour of each sub-component of the
system, which would otherwise be impossible in an
unconstrained environment. For instance, Holte and
Yan conducted experiments using an automated user
called Rover rather than human users (Holte and Yan,
1996). NewT (Sheth, 1994) and Casmir (Berney and
Ferneley, 1999) also used a user simulator to evaluate
the performance of systems. The main shortcoming
of this technique is that, at present, it is impossible
to simulate the real behaviour of a user. Users are
far too complicated to predict, at every moment, their
feelings, their emotions, their moods, their anxieties
and, therefore, their actions.
In order to solve all the shortcomings of the current
techniques while benefitting from their advantages,
we propose a method of results acquisition called “the
profile discovering procedure” (see Figure 1). This
technique can be seen as an hybrid approach between
real or laboratory evaluation, log analysis and user
First of all, it is necessary to obtain as many item
evaluations from real users as possible. It is desir-
able to obtain these user evaluations through a real or
laboratory evaluation although it implies a relatively
long period of time. However, it is also possible and
faster to get the user evaluations through a question-
naire containing all the items which the users have to
evaluate. We call the list of real item evaluations of a
given user A, the As real user profile (RU P ).
Once the real user profiles are available, the simula-
tion process; that is the profile discovering procedure
starts. It consists on the following steps:
1. Generation of an initial user profile (U P ) from the
real user profile (RU P , U P RU P ).
2. Emulation of the real recommendation process: a
new item (r) is recommended from the U P .
3. Validation of the recommendation:
Figure 1: “Profile Discovering” Evaluation Procedure.
If r RU P , then r is considered as a discovered
item and is added to U P (U P = U P {r}).
Otherwise, r is rejected
4. Repeat 2 and 3 until the end of the simulation.
When the simulation process starts, it is desirable to
initially know as much as possible from the user in or-
der to provide satisfactory recommendations from the
very beginning. Analysing the different initial profile
generation techniques (see (Montaner et al., 2003)),
namely: manual generation, empty approach, stereo-
typing and training set, we found different advantages
and drawbacks. The training set approach depends to-
tally on the profile learning technique: the user just
gives a list of evaluated items and the learning tech-
nique generates the profile. There is nothing to annoy
the users and the users easily define their preferences.
Therefore, in our approach, the training set seems to
be the best choice, although the others can also be
used in our framework. Thus, the first step of the sim-
ulation consists in the extraction of an initial item set
from the RU P in order to generate the initial U P .
Then, the simulator emulates the recommendation
of new items over time. In particular, it executes a
recommendation process cycle by cycle, where a cy-
cle is a day in the real world and corresponds to steps
2 and 3 of the profile discovering procedure. During
the simulated day, the recommendation algorithm rec-
ommends a group of items based on the information
contained in the U P . All the functions, constraints
and constants involved in the recommendation pro-
cess are parameters of the simulator (for example, the
time of the simulation, the recommendation algorithm
or the learning parameters).
After each recommendation the simulator checks
its success. In order to do that, the user’s assessments
are needed. Instead of inventing them like other sim-
ulators do, the profile discovering simulator looks up
the real user profile containing the real evaluations of
the user. Thus, if the item is contained in the RUP ,
the simulator can check the user’s opinion and clas-
sify the recommendation as a success or a failure ac-
cordingly. This discovered item is learned in the U P
and a new item is recommended.
Once the simulation has finished, the initial U P
will have evolved in a more complete profile that is
called the discovered user profile (DU P ). More-
over, the method provides results on how many rec-
ommendations have been made or how many suc-
cessful/unsuccessful items have been recommended.
Thus, based on the DU P and the final simulation re-
sults, different metrics are evaluated such as preci-
sion, recall and diversity (see (Montaner, 2003) for
more details about some measures analysed).
An extended version of the profile discovering evalua-
tion procedure has been designed in order to simulate
the collaboration among users in a recommender sys-
tem. User collaboration is a frequent technique used
in open environments since it has been proved to im-
prove recommendation results (Good et al., 1999).
If the current techniques proposed in the state-of-
the-art do not allow the proper evaluation of single
user, neither are they valid for evaluating a commu-
nity of collaborating users. Thus, we propose the
”profile discovering evaluation procedure with col-
laboration”. The main idea of this new technique
is essentially the same as the profile discovering but
it takes into account the opinions and recommenda-
tions of other users in the system. The simulation is
also performed cycle by cycle. At every cycle new
users enter into the simulation process and the recom-
mender system recommends new items to each user
based on the simulated user profile with the collabo-
ration from the other users. Thus, the profile discov-
ering evaluation procedure with collaboration consists
of the following steps:
1. Initial Profile Generation: as in the profile discov-
ering procedure, an initial U P is generated as from
the RU P contained in the logs.
2. Contact List Generation: each user has a list of
users with which to collaborate. We refer to these
lists as contact list and the users contained in them
as friends. There are several techniques to fill
up such list: direct comparison among user pro-
files (the collaborative filtering approach), ”playing
agents procedure” (Montaner et al., 2002),... Thus,
the simulator emulates the process where each user
looks for friends with a technique that is a parame-
ter of the simulator.
3. Recommendation Process: the simulator recom-
mends new items to each user based on their U P
and with the collaboration of their friends (see Fig-
ure 2). Furthermore, users can also receive collab-
orative recommendations by directly asking for in-
teresting items to their friends. Finally, after each
recommendation, the simulator checks its success
based on the user’s assessments contained in the
RU P .
4. Profile Adaptation: besides classifying the recom-
mendation as a success or a failure, the simulator
has to adjudge on the collaboration of the other
users. Such information is used in order to adapt
the contact list of the recommender systems to the
most recent outcomes. The parameters controlling
the modification of the contact list are parameters
of the system.
5. Repeat 2-4 (a cycle) until the end of the simulation.
Finally, when the simulation duration is exhausted,
several metrics are analysed and the results are pre-
The proposed methodology was implemented in order
to evaluate GenialChef
, a restaurants recommender
GenialChef was awarded the prize for the best univer-
sity project at the E-TECH 2003.
system developed within the IRES Project
The contributions of GenialChef are a CBR rec-
ommendation algorithm with a forgetting mecha-
nism and a mechanism of collaboration based on
trust (Montaner, 2003). All these contributions were
deeply tested with the methodologies proposed in this
paper. In particular, the CBR recommendation algo-
rithm, the initial profile generation technique and the
different parameters regarding the forgetting mech-
anism were evaluated by means of the “profile dis-
covering procedure” and several ”cross-validations
through profile discovering”. Then, the method to
generate the contact lists, the different parameters
concerning how and when to collaborate and the func-
tions and parameters to adapt the contact lists to the
outcomes were evaluated with the “profile discover-
ing with collaboration”. A snapshot of simulator in-
terface with the different parameters used in the sim-
ulations are shown in Figure 3.
One of the most interesting experiments that we
performed with this user simulator is the compari-
son of the information filtering methods used in the
recommendation process of GenialChef (Montaner,
2003) with the ones provided in the state-of-the-art.
In particular, the opinion-based filtering method and
the collaborative filtering method through trust are
compared to the typical information filtering meth-
ods: content-based filtering and collaborative filter-
ing. Thanks to the simulator, the same set of user pro-
files where submitted to the different methods, get-
ting comparable results. Figure 4 shows the precision
of the recommender system when different combina-
tions of information filtering methods are applied. Y-
axis represents the precision of the system and x-axis
represents how much tolerant users are when adding
new friends to their contact lists, ranging from 0.4 (al-
most all the other users in the system are considered as
friends) to 1.0 (nobody is considered as friend). Ex-
ecuting all the filtering methods upon the same user
simulator, we can guarantee that the results are com-
parable and assure that the information filtering meth-
ods proposed (Simulation5) improve the performance
of the typical ones.
This paper is focussed on the evaluation of recom-
mender systems. Due to the lack of evaluation proce-
dures for such a personalised systems, we have car-
ried out an important work on how these systems
can be evaluated scientifically. The main purpose is
that this evaluation procedure be as similar as possi-
ble to an evaluation performed with real users. Our
The IRES Project was awarded the special prize at the
AgentCities Agent Technology Competition (2003).
Figure 2: Recommendation Process in Profile Discovering with Collaboration.
proposal, the “profile discovering procedure”, is a
methodology that simulates users based on a list of
item evaluations provided by real users. Therefore,
the evaluation is only based on real information and
does not invent what users think about items.
Besides, a extension have been designed as a com-
plement to this methodology in order to simulate the
collaboration among users.
Therefore, the methodology proposed and its ex-
tension allow researchers to carry out large-scale and
perfectly controlled experiments quickly in order to
test their recommender systems and, what is also very
important, compare their whole systems with others.
The next step in our work is to improve our
methodology in order to incorporate information
about the context of the users and their emotional fac-
tors like in (Mart
ınez, 2003). We believe that such
information can provide simulated users with a be-
haviour more similar to the users of the real world.
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Figure 3: Interface of the Simulator.
Figure 4: Precision of the system with different IF methods.
Simulation1 - CBF
Simulation2 - CBF+OBF
Simulation3 - CBF+OBF+CF
Simulation4 - CBF+OBF+CF’
Simulation5 - CBF+OBF+CFT