Dovetailing E-Learning and Decision Support with a Data Mining Tutor
Klaus P. Jantke, Steffen Lange
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Saarbrücken, Germany
Gunter Grieser, Peter Grigoriev
Technical University of Darmstadt, Dept. Informatics, Darmstadt, Germany
Bernhard Thalheim
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Dept. Informatics, Kiel, Germany
Bernd Tschiedel
Technical University of Cottbus, Dept. Informatics, Cottbus, Germany
Keywords: E-Learning, Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, Decision Support, Learning on Demand
Abstract: In this paper, e-learning meets decision support in enterprises’ business practice. This presentation is based
on an on-line e-learning system named DaMiT for the domain of knowledge discovery and data mining (see
http://damit.dfki.de). The DaMiT system has primarily been developed for technology enhanced learning in
German academia. It is now on the cusp of entering training on demand in enterprises. Simple stand-alone
e-learning seems quite unrealistic and does not meet the needs of industry. It is very unlikely that employees
take a detour to study theory of whatever sort. More likely, they are willing to engage in studies whenever
the need derives directly from their practical work. In those cases, they might even be willing to dive into
theory. How to dovetail e-learning and enterprise business applications, such that both sides benefit from it?
There is no doubt at all that technology enhanced
learning is going to change education on all levels
ranging from schools over universities to profession-
nal training and lifelong learning. The process is
boosted by the Internet in pervading the world.
The recently observable progress in the area
named e-learning is enormous and ranges from a
flood of content (For illustration, the German Fed-
eral Ministry for Education and Research, BMBF,
has put about 200 Mio. Euro into 100 joint projects
to develop content for academic e-learning. Another
200 Mio. Euro went into schools and professional
education, all this within only 3 years.) to technolo-
gical innovations. We are all on the cusp of
inventing truly adaptive e-learning systems, based
on deep learner modelling, expressive XML-based
content representation and flexible, attractive and
appealing generation and presentation technologies.
There are still a number of open problems also in
technology, but the R&D community is very active.
In industry, however, one observes an obvious
reluctance. Employees tend to restrain from getting
involved in extra activities. Moreover, the
management frequently has understandable reser-
vations about introducing another software system
and further diversifying the IT infrastructure.
This situation bears abundant evidence for the
need of truly integrating e-learning into business
processes and IT infrastructures of enterprises.
Last but not least, the questions under discussion
are relevant to universities and other academic insti-
tutions when pondering about marketing potentials.
P. Jantke K., Lange S., Grieser G., Grigoriev P., Thalheim B. and Tschiedel B. (2004).
LEARNING BY DOING AND LEARNING WHEN DOING - Dovetailing E-Learning and Decision Support with a Data Mining Tutor.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 238-241
DOI: 10.5220/0002623602380241
Due to the necessity to reduce the submission from 8
down to 4 pages, the authors refrain from any deeper
discussion of what data mining and decision support
are about. However, DaMiT is an e-learning system
facing the subject of data mining. Studies in this area
do require intensive learning by doing, and when
decision support in enterprises is ongoing, the
DaMiT system is offering a framework of integrated
learning on demand called learning when doing.
This chapter contains a detailed discussion of
learning by doing in the DaMiT system. Chapter 4
is showing how to exploit the doing-oriented
features of the system for learning when doing,
e.g., in industrial settings, in governmental working
environments or in research institutes. To bridge this
gap is the aim of the present paper.
3.1 Observational Learning
Data mining may be considered both a science and
an art. When practicing the art of data mining, a
quite substantial amount of the underlying knowl-
edge is implicit. But how to transmit implicit
knowledge by means of e-learning? This is a parti-
cularly tough question if the teachers are not always
aware of the knowledge they are propagating when
being engaged in teaching. Sometimes, one says you
just need to get some feeling about it.
The problem of implicit knowledge is even more
important when the domain is a rather young one
and results are not matured, established publications
do not yet exist and teachers are not experienced, as
it usually applies to data mining.
The DaMiT system is equipped with several
“playgrounds” where learners can experience those
phenomena which are rather difficult to deal with
explicitly. Learners experience different phenomena
like, e.g., how very small changes in the input data
result in enormous changes of the classifier induced
or, alternatively, when substantial changes to the
data do not change the hypothesized classifier at all.
It is surely one of the highlights in education
when learners are able to pose interesting problems
to their teachers. Figure 1 displays an applet where a
learner can generate decision problems to be solved
by the DaMiT system in generating decision trees
over regular patterns. The learners provide the input
data, i.e. positive and negative examples, and the
system generates a certain decision tree with regular
patterns serving as tests in the nodes of the tree. The
learners can inspect the generated tree and, then, can
modify the posed learning problem according to
their ideas of how to make the learning task more
easy or more difficult to the system.
Figure 1: An Applet for Posing Tasks to the System
Observational learning of this type can not easily
be substituted by other learning forms. Data mining
always contains a phase of exploration.
3.2 Experiencing True Data Mining
There is not much hope for learning to swim or to
ride a bicycle when sitting on a sofa, only. Quite
analogously, there is not much hope for learning
data mining by reading text books or texts of some
web-based e-learning system like DaMiT, only. You
need to do it, and you need to do it properly.
The DaMiT system contains case studies as well
as what we call competitive exercises. Those
exercises are of the quality of practical data mining
problems. There is a continuous competition among
all learners in finding better and better solutions to
these problems.
Figure 2: A Competitive Exercise in DaMiT
When in practice problems do arise which may be
explained or interpreted over large and usually
distributed data, the essence is rarely sufficiently
understood in the very beginning. Symptoms are
recognized, but a useful diagnosis may take some
time and may be laborious.
For illustration, an enterprise’s management may
recognize a growing number of customers cancelling
their business relations with that enterprise. A first
self-evident management decision might be to ask
somebody to look into the individual data and find
out the reasons. If this fails, what to do next?
Even if no pressing problems urge the manage-
ment to inspect larger data bases, certain desires for
cost reduction may lead to the wish of understanding
relations not properly understood so far. For in-
stance, if a mailing action in direct marketing shall
be more focussed than it used to be before, one
should find out which customers are very likely to
respond and which are not. Again, a self-evident
management decision might be to ask somebody to
look into the data and tell which customers are to be
addressed. If this fails, what to do next?
To have an appropriate e-learning system at the
management’s fingertips may help a lot. You can get
consulting about the general problem you are facing,
you can get knowledge about approaches and tech-
nologies, you can get tools for attacking your pro-
blem, and, finally, you can get support in evaluating
your own solution to the problem you have.
In a system like DaMiT, as seen above, you can
find problems similar to the one you are facing. And
you can get all this for free, because a large amount
of the e-learning content is open to the public.
Figure 3: A Case in Direct Marketing Optimization
More generally speaking, with a system like
DaMiT one can get consulting about the characteri-
stics of a problem, about basic variants and crucial
details to be considered, and about ways of how to
go forward towards a solution. This means already
learning when doing.
Assume that a problem like that of finding those
customers which are likely to respond to a mailing
activity is understood as a classification problem.
Let us further assume that the general principles of
decision tree induction are understood and believed
to be helpful. (If not, consult the system and learn
more about this area.) Then it is a management deci-
sion to go for generating a decision tree classifier
over the own data base.
In that case, data understanding and data prepa-
ration are inevitable steps. There is no hope at all to
take your data as they are and start learning any use-
ful classifier. In practice, this problem is generally
awkwardly underestimated. In enterprises, one may
study the lessons and try the tools for data under-
standing. Doing so means learning when doing.
If the tool has been chosen – we take QuDA, a
tool developed at TU Darmstadt, in the sequel, for
illustration – and the data are prepared, one can get
involved in the laborious process of interactively
generating a classifier.
Normally, one comes up with a first classifier,
inspects it and returns to the generation process.
Figure 4: QuDA in doing Decision Tree Induction
This figure is displaying the generation and in-
spection of a decision tree by means of QuDA over
the data of a realistic direct marketing case study.
There is a node of the decision tree highlighted and
all customers classified by this node are listed in the
window below.
A user should check whether he agrees with an
approximate classification like this. If not, he has to
return to the tree generation process.
Data mining tools offer different ways to take a
subtree of the classifier generated so far and con-
tinue model generation at the point picked up.
Following the exemplified procedure in an enter-
prise when dealing with the own problem on the
own data is not only the right way to solve a pro-
blem, it is also an instance of learning when doing.
Recall that data mining is both an art and a
science, and whatever we generate by means of data
mining technologies and tools, we only do arrive at
hypotheses. There can not be any guarantee at all
that models (like, e.g., decision trees) generated over
given data behave as successful as expected over
other data in the future.
There is a need to verify generated models. How
to do that appropriately, which alternatives do exist,
and what the results mean and how they are backed
up by statistics, can be studied in DaMiT – another
case of learning when doing.
Figure 5: Verifying a Generated Decision Tree
The present Figure 5 shows a verification result
for the decision tree of Figure 4 generated by means
of the C4.5 implementation of QuDA.
Once a model has been established, as shown in
Figure 6, it can be exported from the generation tool
and saved for use in the future.
Figure 6: A Solution to the Application Problem
XML standards like PMML allow for an integra-
tion into an enterprise’s IT infrastructure.
There is no closing sentence about learning when
doing, because in areas like knowledge discovery
and data mining, learning never ends. Systems like
DaMiT are further developed to support this type of
lifelong learning.
On the one hand, the Internet in pervading the world
has changed our daily life, and it is currently
changing human learning at all stages ranging from
schools through higher education to training in
enterprises, research labs and governmental institu-
tions and to lifelong learning. Technology enhanced
learning is providing quite new opportunities.
On the other hand, there is the obviously eternal
gap between academia and practice which appears as
a certain reluctance to e-learning in practice.
Despite these obvious difficulties, we are at the
cusp of closing the gap. As exemplified in the data
mining domain, even academic e-learning has the
urgent need of doing, i.e. learning by doing. In
practice, for sure, there is the need of knowledgeable
doing which leads to learning when doing. Enter-
prise application integration will allow for a proper
dovetailing of learning and doing. Data mining may
be an area worth for doing it now.
The present paper is based on work of colleagues
and friends from 11 academic institutions and draws
benefit from many other partners using the DaMiT
system in their educational practice.
Note that as a courtesy to interested readers,
there is an extended version of this paper available
(see http://www.dfki.de/~jantke).
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